Indell Keep

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Level: Dungeon

Room 1

This is a spiral staircase leading up.

This staircase is the only way to get to and from the dungeon area. It leads up to Room 1
on level 1.

Room 2

This balcony is occupied by two man sized goblins who look at you expectanly.

This guard balcony is occupied by two Night Goblins, who have been told by their
commanders about the attempt to sway the party to their side. If no alarm has been raised
and the party does not attack first the goblins will tell them they are not authorized in this
area and to leave.
Night Goblins
Frequency: Uncommon
No. Appearing: 2-200
Armor Class: 4
Move: 6"
Hit Dice: 2+2
% In Lair: 40%
Treasure Type: C,E
Number of Attacks: 1
Damage/Attack: By Weapon
Special Attacks: See Below
Special Defense: See Below
Magic Resistance: Standard
Intelligence: Very
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Size: M (6' tall)
Psionic Ability: Nil
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
Level/X.P. Value:
III/35 + 5 per hit point

Room 3

This is obviously the jailers office and has a slightly larger night goblin with a vicious axe in it.
There is also a large ring of keys on the wall behind him. There is a small bed and chest in the
corner and a table centered in the room.
This is the jailers office and houses a Night Goblin with 3+2 hit dice and wields a +1 axe.
The chest contains furs and trinkets (nothing of value), he won the axe gambling with
Black Orcs and is extremely proud of it.

Room 4

This is a foyer

Rooms 5-17 and 19-24 are prisoner cells.

5-contains a 7th level Halfling fighter named Sergeant Burrows, he was scouting for his
king when he was captured and placed here. He has yet to be tortured for information as
the Night Goblins are considering just eating him.

6-contains three Night Goblins caught sleeping on duty, they will do their best to get the
party to free them then sound the alarm.

8- empty














This balcony is occupied by two man sized goblins who look at you expectanly.

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