Dragon Blade

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SWORDTEMBER DAY 01 FIRE TAK'AN DAHAMAB Weapon (Greatsword), Legendary (Requires Attunement) ‘An immense Orcish Greatsword wih the Yiasge of a great ‘wyrm embedded with rubies on the crossgaurd, and a blade tured black from the voleanis metals used to forge it ‘The handle is well wora, and uncomfortably warm to the touch. ‘You gain a-+3 bonus to Attack and Damage rolls made with this magie weapon. Blessing of the Dragon King - While weilding this Greatsword, your body is covered in obsidian dragon scales increasing your AC by 2 Purging Fire - This sword can wreathe itself in flames dealing, ‘an additional Id Fire, and 106 Radiant Damage, increasing to 246 Fire, and 246 Rediant damage when attacking fiends or undead. Any Weapon attacks made by this Weapon ignore the resistances of any fiends, Yoleanie Flame - You can tap into the heat you fee! radiating from this ‘word, unleashing pure fiery rage. This sword has 5 charges, using | charge you can cast burning hands, upeasting at level per charge. Forall 5 charges you can cast Destruetive Wave dealing Fire, instead ‘of Thurder damage. ART BY CHRISTIAN THOR LALLY HOMEBREW BY MICHAEL SZCZEPANIAK

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