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Lie Detection and Interrogation

Polygraph - popularly referred to as lie detector. - measures
and records several psychological indices such as blood
pressure, pulse, respiration and skin conductivity while the
subject is asked ans answers a series of questions.
                    - literally means "many writings".
                    - is derived from two Greek words "Poly"-
                      which means many and "Graphos"-
                      which means writing.

  blood pressure - is the pressure exerted by

circulating blood upon the walls of blood vessels and
is one of the principal vital signs.
 pulse - represents the tactile arterial palpitation of
the heartbeat by trained fingertips. It can also be
measured by listening to the heart directly using a
 respiration - the transport of oxygen from the
outside air to the cells within tissues and the
transport of carbon dioxide in the opposite
 skin conductivity - also known as Galvanic sin
response - is a method of measuring the electrical
conductance of the skin which varies with its
moisture level.
 ohmmeter - is an electrical instrument that
measures electrical resistance, the opposition to an
electric current.
 galvanometer - an instrument for detecting and
measuring electric current.
 stimuli - is applied to sensory receptor, it influences
a reflex via stimulus transduction.

Personalities who contributed to the development of the

polygraph machine.

 Cesare Lombroso - he invented in 1895 a device to

measure changers in blood pressure for police case.
 John Augustus Larson - a medical student at the
University of California at Berkeley, invented the
polygraph in 1921.The device record both blood
pressure and galvanic skin response. Further work
on this device was done by Leonarde Keeler.
 Leonarde Keeler - was the co-inventor of the
polygraph. He developed the so called cardio-
pneumo psychogram capable of detecting deception
and worked on to produce the modern polygraph.
 William Marston - an american who used blood
pressure to examine german prisoners of war.
 John Reid - In 1948, developed a device which
recorded muscular activity accompanying changes in
blood pressure. He claimed greater accuracy could
be obtained by making the recordings
simultaneously with standard blood pressure, pulse,
and respiration recordings.

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