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Please follow the directions carefully. Fill in the circle that corresponds to your answer for each question.

1. They have a wide variety of subjects, animals,
everyday life, still life, mythological subjects,
SECTION portraits, and landscapes. They use the
technique of mosaic.
a. Byzantine Paintings
b. Roman Paintings
c. Greek Paintings
d. Egyptian Paintings
2. Their paintings are from medieval period, only
depicting religious sentiments were enormous
in size and covered entire church walls.
a. Gothic Paintings
b. Byzantine Paintings
c. Roman Paintings
d. Romanesque Paintings
3. The purpose of their painting is to make the
deceased afterlife place pleasant. Most
paintings were highly stylize and symbolic, and
show profile view of an animals or people.
a. Pre-Historic Paintings
b. Greek Paintings
c. Egyptian Paintings

d. Roman Paintings
4. They are used to lead the viewer’s eyes throughout the artwork. It can lead your eyes into, around, and out of the visual
images within the artistic frame.
a. Color b. Lines c. Space d. Shapes and Forms
5. _____________ is an element of art that results from the light waves reflected from objects to your eyes.
a. Space b. Shapes and Forms c. Color d. Lines
6. _____________ is used to make the artwork seem active.
a. Variety b. Harmony c. Repetition d. Emphasis
7. It is concerned with equalizing visual elements in an artwork.
a. Rhythm b. Harmony c. Balance d. Proportion
8. The direction that the audience’s eye goes through the artwork, often to focal areas.
a. Pattern b. Emphasis c. Movement d. Proportion
9. It is a fragmentary ivory figurine from upper Paleolithic era that realistically represents the human face and hairstyle.
a. Venus of Willendorf
b. Queen Nefertiti
c. Venus of Brassempouy
d. Myron;TheDiscobulus
10. Sepulchres are one of the new locations for Gothic sculpture wherein a death person depicted on the bed, laying or
praying. Which of the options is an example of Gothic sculpture?
a. Last judgement
b. Resurrection of the Virgin
c. The Barberini Diptych
d. The Pharoah Menkaure and his Queen
11. What best describe the Byzantine sculpture, “The Barberini Diptych”?
a. It is a box-like funeral receptacle for a dead body.
b. Originally sculpted in bronze figuring a youthful ancient Greek athlete throwing a discus.
c. An example of portraits presented in rigid postures .
d. An early example of Ivory works, and it represents the emperor as triumphant victor.
12. One of the famous artwork from the Romanesque Era is the “Last Judgement".What characteristics best describe the
a. Christ is the center and largest figure by far further illustrating the artists wish to show His power and glory.
b. It is sculpted entirely in bronze figuring a youthful ancient Greek athlete throwing a discus.
c. Realistic with heavy lided eyes, sender neck, determined chin and pure profile under her heavy crown.
d. It is a fragmentary ivory figurine from upper Paleolithic era that realistically represents the human face and
13. This sculpture was carved in marble that depicts battle scenes between Romans and Germans.
a. The Barberini Diptych
b. Resurrection of the Virgin
c. Sarcophagus from Cervetiri
d. The Portonacio Sarcophagus
14. The structure, in Egyptian Architecture, has thick sloping walls with few openings to obtain
a. stability b. Changeability optical illusion d. light from high windows
15. Which of the following options below is used as an altar?
a. Dolems b. Myron; The Discobulus c. Sarcophagus d. Venus of Willendorf
16. Which of the following options below is a characteristic of the Rose Window of Notre Dame?
a. It has stained glass windows
b. It has sturdy stone structures
c. It has flat-roofed, rectangular structure
d. it is carved from limestone with excessively heavy breast and abdomen
17. Which statement describes the Colloseum?
a. It has sturdy stone structures with huge halls and arenas used for public games, baths, and procession.
b. It has flat-roofed, rectangular structure with outward sloping sides made of mud-bricks or stones; used as
c. This structure is in a form of table consisting of two huge standing stones supporting a horizontal giant stone
that serves as an altar.
d. It has stained glass windows created to transform the vast stone interiors with warm and glowing color and at
the same time to instruct Christians in their faith.
18. This structure is used for public games, baths, and procession.
a. Colloseum b. Mastaba c. Sarcophagus d. Stonehenge
19. Pre-historic drawings of animals were usually correct in proportion. Which of these options is an example of this painting?
a. Tomb of the Diver
b. The Shepherd David
c. Head of Alexander
d. Cave of Lascaux, 1
20. One of the famous artwork from the Gothic Era is the “Rose Window from the North Transept".What is the element and
principle of art that can be derived from the artwork?
a. Stained glass windows were created to transform the vast stone
interiors with warm and glowing color.
b. Patterns like mille fleur or thousand flowers show influence which
may have been due to the crusades.
c. It used a technique called polycromy, a combination of different colors.
d. The dominant colors used were red, black, blue, gold, and green derived
from mineral pigments that can withstand strong sunlight without fading.
A. Create a Work in Western and Classical Art
1. . Choose an art period (Pre-historic Era; Egyptian Era; Greek Era; Roman Era; Byzantine Era; Romanesque
Era; Gothic Era)
2. Select art materials that are readily available, such as one whole sheet
of cartolina; acrylic paints, poster paints, or any available paints;
markers, crayons, pastels, or colored pencils; #8brush; scissors; glue or
paste; and pictures from magazines, newspapers, or calendars.
3. Plan how to use these materials to draw or paint your work about your chosen art period.
4. Your artwork will be graded using the criteria below:
Criteria Excellent Above Average Average Below Average
100 points 90 points 80 points 70 points
Creativity Work exceptionally Work generally Work somewhat Work occasionally
unique, detailed and unique, detailed and unique, detailed or unique, detailed or
interesting. Explores interesting. Explores interesting. Shows interesting. Shows no
several different some different some developing original ideas or risks
options and takes options and takes ideas but without a taken.
many creative risks. some creative risks. true sense of
Use of Exceptional Good understanding Basic understanding Minimal
Elements and understanding and and application of the and application of the understanding or
principles application of the elements of art and elements of art and application of the
elements of art and principles of design. principles of design. elements of arts and
principles of design. principles of design.
Craftsmanship Work done with Work done with good Work done with basic Work done with
and Skills exceptional care and care and attention to care and attention to minimal care and
Development attention to detail and detail and neatness. detail and neatness. attention to detail and
neatness. Shows Shows good growth Shows some growth neatness. Shows
exceptional growth in in skills and in skills and minimal growth in
skills and techniques. techniques. techniques. skills and techniques.
Understanding, Exceptional Good understanding Basic understanding Minimal
Achievement, understanding of work of work of work requirements. understanding of work
& Completion requirements. Task requirements. Task Task followed and requirements. Task
followed and work is followed and work is work is somewhat followed but work is
complete and mostly complete and complete and incomplete and
consistent. consistent. consistent. inconsistent.

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