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Please follow the directions carefully. Fill in the circle that corresponds to your answer for each question.


1. Conduct the event according to the rules with the welfare
of the athlete in mind.
a. Be Accurate and
b. Be a Benefit and
Cause No Harm
c. Act with Fairness
d. Act with Integrity
2. Provide the same quality of advice or benefit of the doubt
when dealing with athletes.
a. Act with Integrity
b. Act with Fairness
c. Show respect for participants, rights and dignity
d. Model Appropriate Health Habits
3. Be conscientious and business-like in carrying out their
a. Adhere to Legal Standards
b. Exhibit Professionalism
c. Act with Integrity
d. Act with Fairness

4. Respect the dignity of athletes, other officials, and

volunteers, coaches, and spectators.
a. Exhibit Professionalism
b. Show Respect for Participants, Rights and Dignity
c. Act with Fairness
d. Act with Integrity
5. Be fully prepared to do the job assigned to them.
a. Be a benefit and Cause No Harm
b. Be Accurate and Responsible
c. Act with Integrity
d. Act with Fairness
6. This refers to the ability to deal with others at any given situation.
a. Physical Qualities
b. Emotional Qualities
c. Mental Qualities
d. Social Qualities
7. This refers to all of the qualities pertaining to one’s mental preparations in officiating a game.
a. Physical Qualities b. Emotional Qualities c. Mental Qualities d. Social Qualities
8. A kick where the referee points towards corner of the field from which kick is to be taken
a. Corner kick b. Goal Kick c. Penalty Kick d. Offside Location
9. When the referee blows whistle simultaneously forming T index finger showing
a. Substitution b. Beckoning-in c. Charged Time-out d. Visible Count
10. In what way will our knowledge and skills in sports officiating skills help our community?
a. Save money during sports competition
b. Train youth in sports related activities like as athletes and sports official
c. Reduces the case of delinquent youth in the communities
d. All of the above
11. All of these are the effects of deforestation on the environment except
a. flooding b. soil erosion c. Greenhouse effect d. suffocation of marine animals
12. All of these are effects of air pollution except
a. lung b. asthma c. hearing loss d. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease
13. Which of the following environmental problems causes global warming?
a. oil spill b. air pollution c. deforestation d. soil erosion
14. Which is not an effect of oil spill?
a. Suffocation of marine mammals b. Skin irritation c. Death of trees from oil in root d. leptospirosis
15. It requires all mining leaseholders to comply with Pollution Control Laws and regulations and provide for penalties for
a. P.D. 463 b. P.D. 1067 c. P.D 1251 d. P.D. 1219
16. This means any alteration of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of water, air and/or land resources.
a. Air pollution b. Pollution c. Soil pollution d. Water Pollution
_____2. It is any alteration of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the atmospheric air.
a. Air pollution b. Noise pollution c. Soil pollution d. Water pollution
______3. This is chiefly caused by chemicals in pesticides, such as poisons that are used to kill agricultural pests like insects and
herbicides that are to get rid of weeds.
a. Air pollution b. Noise pollution c. Soil pollution d. Water pollution

______4. This condition describes as excessive sound that causes hearing loos, stress, fatigue, irritability, tension, headaches, and
high blood pressure.
a. Air pollution b. Noise pollution c. Soil pollution d. Water pollution

______5. It is brought by any alteration of the physical, chemical, biological, or radiological properties of a body of water
resulting in the impairment of its purity or quality.
a. Air pollution b. Noise pollution c. Soil pollution d. Water pollution

Pair activity. Choose one member of your family to demonstrate how you will give first aid to a victim of strain and sprain by
following or applying the R.I.C.E method.
Here’s how:
1. Choose one member of your family.
2. Choose one (1) kind of injury.
3. Record through your phone the steps on giving first aid to the victim of injury.
4. After recording and editing, send it to your teacher through internet or Bluetooth connection.
5. The performance will be graded using the rubrics below.

Point Scale Criteria

Mastery Execution Behavior/Teamwork
4 Displays impressive level of Shows impressive level of Exhibits outstanding level
Outstanding mastery proficiency in the execution of discipline and teamwork
of steps in giving first aid in the performance
3 Displays high level of Shows high level of Exhibits very satisfactory
Very Satisfactory mastery proficiency of steps in discipline and teamwork in
giving first aid the performance
2 Displays medium level of Shows medium level of Exhibits satisfactory
Satisfactory mastery proficiency in the execution discipline and teamwork in
of steps in giving first aid the performance
1 Displays low level of Shows low level of Exhibits improving
Need Improvement mastery proficiency in the execution discipline and teamwork in
of steps in giving first aid the performance

What is the present environmental problem in your community? Make a poster about the damaged caused by it.
 Your work will be graded using the criteria below:
Relevance to the theme- 30%
Originality- 25%
Creativity- 25%
Visual Impact- 20%
Total- 100%

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