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DIRECTION. Please follow the directions carefully. Fill in the circle that corresponds to your answer for each question.
PANUTO. Mangyaring sundin nang mabuti ang mga direksyon. Punan ang bilog na tumutugma sa iyong sagot para sa bawat tanong.
1. The middle part of the sonata allegro form wherein themes are
being developed.
a. Exposition c. Recapitulation
b. Development d. Sonata
2. A multi-movement work for solo instrument
a. Sonata c. Symphony
b. Concerto d. Opera
3. Haydn is considered one of the greatest composers of the
________ era.
a. Baroque c. Classical
b. Romantic d. Modern
4. How many symphonies did Mozart write?
a. 9 c. 41
b. 27 d. 104
5. Where was Franz Joseph Haydn Born?
a. Germany c. Austria
b. Slovenia d. England
6. It has been noted as a work in which may be seen “the wrinkled
brow and the worried expression the troubled condition of his
a. “Mona Lisa” c. “Conversion of St. Paul”
b. “The Last Supper” d. “Self-Portrait”
7. The surface quality or "feel" of an object, its
smoothness, roughness, softness, etc.
a. Space b. Form c. Value d. Texture
8. One of his best known works, “Pieta”, was sculpted before he turned thirty. Who was the artist of this sculpture?
a. Leonardo di serPiero Da Vinci
b. Michelangelo di LodovicoBuonarrotiSimoni
c. RaffaelloSanzio da Urbino
d. Donato di Nicolo di BettoBardi
9. It is one of the subjects of a few portraits and considered as the second wife of Baroque painter Peter Paul Rubens.
a. “St. Peter’s Square” b. “The Last Supper” c. “Portrait of Helen Fourment” d. “Pieta”
10. The way the elements are arranged to create a feeling of stability in a work.
a. Harmony b. Proportion c. Balance d. Emphasis
11. A category of dances that have a social function and context.
a. War Dance b. Ballroom Dance c. Festival Dance d. Social Dance
12. A dance of Cuban origin. It is danced to the music of the same name introduced by Cuban composer and violinist Enrique Jorrin
in the early 1950s.
a. Tango b. Cha-cha-cha c. Swing d. Foxtrot
13. Dance Etiquette includes:
a. its own culture
b. ladies
c. a set of guidelines that help you navigate the social dimensions of dancing.
d. All of the above.
14. Dance at the level of your partner is an example of;
a. demeanor b. no-fault dancing c. personal grooming d. None of the above.
15. The following are dance etiquettes that should be considered in a social dancing activity EXCEPT ONE:
a. Wear appropriate dancing attire
b. Insist in executing difficult dance steps including aerial combinations with your
c. Ask someone promptly if you wish to dance with him or her
d. None of the above
16. All of these are the situations of a non- user of psychoactive drug except ________________.
a. Focus on his/her studies/works
b. Has a good relationship with other people.
c. Person can no longer think what is right from wrong
d. Participates in different school and community activities
17. It is the main psychoactive ingredient in tobacco products.
a. alcohol b. caffeine c. nicotine d. all of these
18. It slows down vital functions resulting in slurred speech, unsteady movement, disturbed perceptions and an inability to react
a. alcohol b. nicotine c. caffeine d. none of these
19. Which of these is psychoactive drugs that contains nicotine?
a. gin b. cigarette c. beer d. coffee
20. If you are a non – user of psychoactive drugs, which of the following can be observed on you?
a. No focus in my studies b. Always in trouble c. No interest in any activities d. Attending family gathering and other
 With the simplicity of the Classical music, listen to the first movement of Sonata no. 16 in C Major K545 (first movement)
by W.A. Mozart.
 Describe the music and your mood (how/what do you feel/imagination) while listening to the composition. Write in an essay
form on a separate sheet. Be guided by the rubrics below.

RENAISSANCE OR BAROQUE: Create your own artwork
1. Using a camera, take picture of yourself, or using any art material (pencil, crayon, watercolour, oil pastel, etc.), draw a portrait of
2. When taking a photo or drawing your portrait, add exaggerated emotions, exporessions, pose, gestures, or actions to it.
3. You also can use any apps on your phone or computer to edit the color and appearance of the photo. If drawn, applycolors on your
drawing giving emphasis on light and dark colors to your work.
4. Analyze your own artwork by identifying the elements and principles of art applied in it. Be guided by the rubrics below.

Activity: Let’s Do the Cha-Cha-Cha!
 In this activity you will be given the opportunity to learn and master the cha-cha-cha.
 Record yourself while performing proficiently the basic steps and combinations in cha-cha-cha.
 Use your module 2 in Physical Education as a guide. Be guided by the rubrics below.

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