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Chair of Software Engineering

Software Engineering
Prof. Dr. Bertrand Meyer
March 2007 – June 2007

Lecturer: Hermann Lehner (

Slides: Based on KSE06 – With kind permission of Peter Müller

Lecture 6: Estimation Techniques

Why estimations?

Project Price Change

selection (bids) requests


Based on estimations
Schedule Resources Hiring

Estimations in software projects

ƒ Mostly
personnel cost
Costs (effort)
ƒ Travel, training
ƒ Hardware,
Duration is Effort
essentially effort /

Schedule Resources

Estimation Techniques
Empirical Estimations
Algorithmical Estimations
Estimation Process
Estimation Exercise

ƒ How many passenger planes does Lufthansa have?

¾ Not counting regional subsidiaries

ƒ How can we approach this problem systematically?


Estimation Techniques
Empirical Estimations
Algorithmical Estimations
Estimation Process
Empirical estimation: Expert judgment

ƒ Estimate is based on experience and historical data

ƒ Involve experts in
¾ Development techniques
¾ Application domain

ƒ Most common technique in practice

Top-down estimation

ƒ Estimation by analogy
¾ Comparison with similar projects
¾ Analysis of differences
¾ Typical example: SAP introduction

Pros Cons
ƒ Quicker and less ƒ Underestimation of
expensive than other difficult technical
methods problems likely
ƒ Can be done early in the ƒ No detailed justification
project of estimate
ƒ Be aware of scalability
Top-down estimation: Delphi method

Step 1: Each expert submits

ƒ Estimate
ƒ Justification

Step 3: Each expert

ƒ New estimate
ƒ Justification of
deviation from average
of previous estimates

ƒ More accurate than ordinary expert judgment

¾ Eliminates outliers
ƒ More expensive to produce
Top-down estimation: Typical figures

ƒ Typical figures for software development

¾ Analysis 20%
¾ Design 40% Test
¾ Implementation 15%
¾ Test 25% Design

ƒ Very helpful to validate estimations

Bottom-up estimation

ƒ Estimation by decomposition
¾ Estimating the effort for individual work packages
¾ Cost and accuracy depend on size of the work
Pros Cons
ƒ See “cons” of top-down ƒ Underestimation because
estimation effort does not grow
linearly (due to
complexity, etc.)
ƒ Underestimation of
integration effort
ƒ Requires initial system
Program evaluation and review technique

ƒ Goal: Manage probabilities with simple statistics

ƒ Approach: Ask several experts for three estimates
¾ Optimistic, Likely (mode), and Pessimistic
ƒ Important formulas
¾ Mean M=(O+4×L+P)/6
¾ Deviation V = ( P – O ) / 6
ƒ Assumptions
¾ Project effort is normally distributed
(more than 20 work packages)
¾ Work package efforts are statistically independent
(ignores single underlying cause of delay)

Estimation Techniques
Empirical Estimations
Algorithmical Estimations
Estimation Process
Algorithmic estimation of software

ƒ Basic cost model

Effort = A × SizeB × m(X)

Size: Some measurement of the software size

A: Constant factor that depends on
Organizational practices
Type of software
B: Usually lies between 1 and 1.5
X: Vector of cost factors
m: Adjustment multiplier
Cost models

Effort = A × SizeB × m(X)

ƒ Cost models
¾ Define a way to determine the size
¾ Define cost factors X
¾ Provide defaults for parameters A, B, m
(based on hundreds of projects)

ƒ Important examples
¾ Function point analysis
¾ Constructive cost model (COCOMO)
Measuring size: Lines of code

ƒ Software size can be measured in lines of source code

¾ Most commonly used metric

ƒ Difficult in early phases of the project (before design

is known)
¾ Reuse, make-or-buy decisions

ƒ Influenced heavily by choice of programming language

ƒ Should only be used indirectly
Function point analysis

ƒ Size is estimated based on requirements

Internal files
External files

ƒ Inputs
¾ Forms, dialogs, messages, XML documents
ƒ Outputs
¾ Web pages, reports, graphs, messages, XML
ƒ Inquiries (input/output combinations)
¾ Simple web inputs, generally producing a single output
ƒ Logical internal files (controlled by the program)
¾ Tables, views or files in database
ƒ External files (controlled by other programs)
¾ Tables or files used from other systems or databases
Complexity of functions
Factor Simple Average Complex
Inputs 3 4 6
Outputs 4 5 7
Inquiries 3 4 6
Ext. files 7 10 15
Int. files 5 7 10

ƒ Determine
complexity of Input Simple Average Complex
each function Data 1-5 6-10 >10
ƒ Weight each elements
function Checking Formal Formal, Formal, logical,
according to logical requires DB access
Cost factors

Data communications Rate each element from 0 – 5

Distributed processing ¾ 0: no influence
Heavy use ¾ 1: insignificant influence
Transaction rate ¾ 2: moderate influence
Online data entry ¾ 3: average influence
Complex interface
¾ 4: significant influence
Online data update
Complex processing ¾ 5: strong influence
Reusability Technical complexity factor
Installation ease
¾ TCF = 0.65 + 0.01 × sum
Operational ease
Multiple sites ¾ Varies between 0.65 and 1.35
Facilitate change
Function point computation

Adjusted function points: FP = UFP × TCF

Determining effort and size

ƒ Empirical value for effort

Effort = FP 1.4 / 150
¾ Or use a table
ƒ Empirical value for size
ƒ Huge differences in productivity
¾ Factor 10-20 between individual programmers
¾ Factor 4 between companies
Observation about software size

ƒ Consider a project that requires 10 Web pages,

15 reports, and 20 database tables
¾ 315 function points, if each item is medium complexity
ƒ How many lines of C code would it have?
¾ About 32,000 lines
ƒ What if you used Excel?
¾ About 2,000 lines

ƒ Why do you think there are so many spreadsheets out

Function point analysis: Discussion

Pros Cons
ƒ Based on requirements ƒ Estimation of overall
(instead of code size) effort (not per phase)
ƒ Can be applied in early ƒ Tailored towards
project phases functional decomposition
ƒ Can be calibrated (for (rather than OO)
company, project type) ƒ Tailored towards
ƒ Counting standards by information systems
“International Function ƒ Needs calibration to
Points User Group” produce reliable results
ƒ Technology-independent
Estimation techniques: Discussion

Empirical studies
Empirical Estimation Algorithmic Estimation
ƒ Accurate if experts
¾ Do not show are ƒ Very
that uncalibrated accurateestimation
algorithmic if model is
is, in general, more accurate calibrated
ƒ Experts can be strongly ƒ Calibration is very
¾ Show that algorithmic estimation is more accurate
biased (over-optimism) difficult and expensive
than experts who do not have important domain
knowledge ƒ Estimation is expensive
Other estimation strategies

Parkinson’s Law Pricing to win

ƒ Work expands to fill the ƒ Cost is estimated to
time available whatever the customer is
- Gold plating willing to spend
ƒ Effort is determined by ƒ Common strategy to win
available resources projects
ƒ Important for team ƒ Features are negotiated
management later, constrained by
agreed costs
ƒ Costs are fixed, not

Estimation Techniques
Empirical Estimations
Algorithmical Estimations
Estimation Process
Estimate types

Rough order of Budgetary Definitive


-25 / +75% -10 / +25% -5 / +10%

Initial estimates Decision making, Project plan,

response to proposals

ƒ Refine your estimates at each project stage

¾ Requirements document, system design, detailed
design, working code
Estimating process

Determine Select Estimators,

project strategy and type of validation,
details plan historic data

Why? Accuracy?
Audience? Generate
Duration = √Effort
Duration = 3.0 × Effort1/3
(Effort in person months, Document
team size and
Duration in months) assumptions
Effort = Duration × Team Size

Validate and
Different method, review finalize
Estimation tips

• Avoid off-the-cuff • Estimate at a low level

estimates of detail
• Allow time for the • Don’t omit common tasks
estimate, and plan it (management; use
• Use historic data checklists)
• Use developer-based • Use different
techniques and compare
• Estimate by walkthrough the results
• Estimate by categories
• Change estimation
¾ e.g. easy, medium, hard
practices as the project
From effort to costs

ƒ Direct costs: Costs incurred for the benefit

of a specific project
¾ Salaries of project staff
¾ Equipment bought specifically for the project
¾ Travel expenses
ƒ Indirect costs: Costs incurred for the joint benefit over
multiple projects (“overhead”)
¾ Accounting, quality assurance department
¾ Line management
¾ Rooms, electricity, heating
Unit costs

ƒ Projects have to budget for

¾ Direct costs
¾ A certain share of indirect costs
ƒ Budgets are usually determined by using unit costs
¾ Unit cost: Price per unit of a resource
¾ Loaded rate: Including indirect costs
¾ Unloaded rate: Without indirect costs
ƒ Examples
¾ Loaded day rate for senior IT consultant: CHF 3.500
¾ Loaded day rate for internal developer: CHF 1.200
From costs to prices

ƒ The price is often based on the costs

and a margin
ƒ Price = Costs / ( 1 - Margin )
ƒ Example
¾ Costs = CHF 1.000.000
¾ Margin = 5%
¾ Price = CHF 1.052.632
ƒ Price is influenced by
¾ Market situation
¾ Business strategy

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