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Jerard's 3rd Grade Science

Greetings Parents! Welcome to your child's 3rd Grade Science Class! My name
is Ms. Jerard and I am your young scientists science teacher! I'm excited to
share with you what your child will be learning throughout the year and this
quarter which is aligned with the Virginia Standards of Learning.
I would like to take this opportunity to express the importance of parents
involvement and support for your child in science and technology both in
school and at home. I believe that communication on your child's science and
technology education is essential, therefore I will be sending out notifications
through the ParentSquare App on what your child will be doing in Science.
The class will be going on a field trip sometime in November and I will be
needing chaperoes. Volunteering for field trips are huge for your child
science education because your involvement shows your interest in their
learning. Therefore, a letter and a notification through ParentSquare will be
sent. I highly recommend that you look at the resources I have provided for
at home science projects so that your child received the best quality
education in science and technology.
There are additional resources that will share with you for at home science
projects that are vital for your child's development, and advancement in
science and technology. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you
may have through the ParentSquare App.

Ms. Jerard's Contact Info:

Phone: 757-123-4567
Schoology: Science 3rd Grade
ParentSquare App
What is Ms. Jerard's 3rd Grade
Class Learning this Year?
Scientific and Force, Motion,
Engineering Practices and Energy
Students will be displaying Students will inquire and
comprehension of scientific comprehend the criteria of
and engineering practices force determines the
through questioning, motions condition of an
solving problems, object.
performing investigations,
and defining and
cultivating models.

Students will gain knowledge
Living Systems and Processes
through examination of how
substances interact with one Students will learn how organisms
another such as water and adapt to their environment over time.
solids, water and other Also, students will explore and
liquids, and solubles and understand about aquatic and
insolubles. terrestrial ecosystems and how the
environment maintains these
life forms.
Standards of Virginia Cont'
Earth and Space

Students will examine and

form knowledge about the
valuableness of soil to the
ecosystem. Furthermore,
students will develop an
understanding that water
and water cycles are
significant to sustain
existence on Earth.

Earth Resources

Students will be analyzing

and gaining mastery on how
natural disasters and
humans can and have
impacted the ecosystems.
What Is Your Child Currently
Learning this Quarter?

Students will start off lesson one in

an invigorating topic on matter and
mixtures. Students will learn the
concept of matter, the reaction of
matter when substances are mixed
together, and perform an
experiment to investigate changes
that occur when solids or other
liquids are mixed with water.
Students will be performing a Lava
Lamp Experiment and will predict
and explore the reaction of oil and
water when combined.

The students will be learning

about matter and mixtures
through solubility of the
mixture.The learning
outcome is for students to
observe, make predictions
and perform an experiment
to see the outcome of
physical changes that occur
when substances are mixed
with water. A soluble
experiment will be
performed by students to
see the effects of salt, sand,
sugar when mixed with
Integrating Across the Curricula:

Integrating across the curriculum is

about meeting the learning objective for
students in order for the connection to
be relevant and relate to the real world
(Morris, 2003). Therefore, there is a
focus on Language Arts, Health, and
Engineering and Technology.

Language Arts which pertains to

scientific vocabulary and writing.
Health is incorporated on the essential
health concepts on safety and injury
prevention. Finally engineering and
technology is integrated to provide
students learning and development in
examining and understanding data.
What is Inquiry-Based

Inquiry-based learning is where students actually learn by doing. Therefore,

students will have a memorable experience and retain what they have
learned by doing the experiment and exploring themselves. In Inquiry-based
learning is student-based learning where students are empowered to
investigate a topic, ask questions of their own choosing and provide answers
to those questions. Also, inquiry-based learning supports students by being
able to learn by actually performing hand-on activities. Through inquiry-
based learning students will gain understanding with the investigations they
will be doing and develop more knowledge through collaboration with their


Embellishes Learning Events

Skill Enhancement
Builds Interest
Intensifies Perceptivity
Takes Charge of their own

5E Model
Engage Explore
Students will take part in
interesting activities that will Students will start
enable the student to connect carrying out new ideas
prior information to new examining activities,
information that will enlightens hands-on participation,
new learning content (Science and inquiry questioning
Resource Center).

Evaluate Explain
Students are to share
Students receive
explanations on
feedback in regards
discoveries they
to the explanation
acquired during the
phase through
Engage and Explore
sections of the 5E
Model. Also, students
will have access to
resources, data,
alternative suggestions
from peers to edit their
Students are to extend what they
learned and dig deeper

into the
content. Elaboration is a great time
for students to seek further into
any evolving misconceptions they
might still have.
Science at Home
Make a Difference in your
Child's Scientific Knowledge!

Did you know you can grow your child's development in

science by doing at home science? Yes, you can actually
increase and advance your child's growth academically
in science by doing science at home (Colgan, 2017). You
can also provide books and online science activities for
your child to increase understandings in science. I will be
providing at home science recommendations for your
child and I strongly encourage you to take a look at the
information I will be giving you as it is essential for your
child's academic learning career in science.

Make a difference in your child's life

with At Home Science! Please click
on the links below for At Home
Science you can do with your young
Enrichment, (2018). What is inquiry based learning (and how it is effective)? Grade
Power Learning. Retrieved from:

Morris, R. C. (2003). A Guide to Curricular Integration.Lessons can become more

meaningful to students and save teachers valuable time when subjects are
integrated properly, not superficially. Kappa Delta Pi Record
NSTA Board of Directors, (2009). NSTA Position Statement. Parent involvement in
science learning. National Science Teaching Association. Retrieve from:
Science Resource Center (nd). 5E-Model of instruction. San Diego County Office of
Education. Retrieved from

Virginia Department of Education (2018). Standards for learning documents in

science.Retrieved from:

Colgan, L. (2017). Science at home boost children's academic success. The Conversation.
Retrieved from:


Edward Taylor's quote:

ParentSquare app:


Tony Fadell quote:

Integrating Across the Curriculum Image Retrieved from:


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