Idioma Extranjero III: Datos de Identificación

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Idioma Extranjero III

Datos de identificación

Name: V.E


Module Name: Idioma Extranjero III

Name of the unit: Virtual Class U1L1 SCORM, Virtual Class U1L2 SCORM

Assessor name: Martha E. García M

Deadline: 16 de mayo de 202

To be evaluated in this unit it a Word document has to be created
(Word/Word pad/Open Office) with at least 21 sentences, as well as a 150
word paragraph original composition (mainly in future tenses). This
assignment is divided into two parts and to work out these two, it is
necessary to revise both virtual classes from unit 1 English III course.
Part 0 (zero)
First of all, prepare a cover page with UVEG logo and all your data
(Municipality, date, career, student's full name, student's ID number, and
Part 1
Go to Virtual class (Lesson 1) then open the "future” submenu, and choose
the "Practice” slide: from each image you have to construct 3 sentences,
using future tense with the auxiliary will. 7 images times 3 sentences = 21
sentences (7 affirmative, 7 interrogative & 7 negative ones).

1. The baby will sleep up to 10 hours

2. Someday I'll see this baby walk

3. He will be a great son


1. Will I notice when the baby sleeps, they sleep

more than 10 hours?

2. Will new parents be seen having difficulties?

3. Will the baby dream?


1. The baby will not sleep more than 10 hours

2. The baby will not walk, he will only sleep

3. The baby will not distinguish colors at birth


1. I will be on a picnic
2. I will have a day in the forest this weekend
3. I will be having fun on the field


1. Will I build the country house in a short time? Yes,

it will be in a short time,
2. Will I have enough food for the picnic? Yes, I have
enough food.
3. Will I have fun on the picnic? Yes, of course
guaranteed fun.


1. I will not be able to camp for the weekend

2. I will not watch TV in the field.
3. I will not be allergic to mosquitoes in the field.

We will be getting in shape

We will be together training

We will be enjoying the training


Will you wait to get in shape? Yes yes i will


Will your body tend to muscle wasting with

training? No, I will not have a muscle wasting

Will they train at night? No, we will train in the



They will not train many hours

They will not exercise without routine

They will not be in shape for vanity if not for


It will be that day is cloudy.

It will be that the TV weather ad is cloudy.

I will be nostalgic with cloudy weather.


Will cloudy weather cause nostalgia? Yes, if it

causes nostalgic.

Will cloudy weather cause body aches? No, it

will not cause pain.

Will cloudy weather generate anxiety? No, it will

not generate anxiety.


It will not be that the weather is cloudy and

hurts happy people.

It will not be the cloudy weather that ruins the


It will not be the cloudy weather impediment for

my birthday.

They will stay awake.

They will say they sleep very little.
They will ask to go to bed very early.
They will need more attention and affection.


Will they ask for a lot of sleep? No, no they

will not ask.
Will they learn to go to bed early? Yeah, if
they learned to sleep early
Will they get tired of lying down? Sometimes
they will get tired of lying down.


No, they will not sleep early at night.

They will be grandparents, but they look like
They will be angry grandparents or happy

You will love meditating.

You will meditate to have body balance.

You will meditate in a guided way and in the

open air.


Will your meditation be good? Yes, it will be


Will your meditation require a guide? No, it will


Will your outdoor meditation be healthy? Yes, it

will be healthy.


You will not meditate today.

You will not lead the meditation on Saturday.

You will not continue meditation with her.


She will study abroad because it is better.

She will be a good student.

She will strive for her career.


Will she pay for her studies abroad? Yes, she

will pay for them.

Will she live alone abroad? Yes, if he will live


Will she study at night or during the day?

Yes, if it is healthy.


She will not fail in her studies.

She will not be awarded a scholarship in her

studies abroad.

She will not study at night, rather she studies

during the day.

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