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Sunday December 29, 2019

Supernatural Sunday : Miracle Working God

Email Received Friday Dec 27, 2019 (WoL 2019 Testimony)

Hello Pastor,
As I ponder over A Tumultuous year this 2019, I look at with gladness that Gods word
came true in an important area of my life.
As you know my interests in partnering and starting missioneering setups across India.
This year I prayed for new states/areas and God miraculously led me to meet people and
enabled me to Visit the place. what I saw moved my heart and got me to act on the
reality of the nation.
Bihar, and Bundelkhand region of UP and Bastar region of Chatisgarh were the 3 states
God showed me. Each of these visits were bold decisions that God wanted me to take
and over a 60 pastors/evangelists are partnered in reaching out Gods word as a result.
Medical mission and infrastructure in a difficult to reach place in Bihar was also
Never knew all of this will happen in one year, God led me to Advance boldly!



The message today is a simple reminder that our God is still the same. The God of the
Bible, the God during Bible times is still the God of today.

We remind ourselves of the miracles He did. Our present times and situations may be
different from the people in the Bible, but God still works similar miracles. Today we can
expect God to work miracles.

Our God does not change. He is still the same unchanging Jesus.

Malachi 3:6
For I am the LORD, I do not change;

Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

(We quickly narrate the stories of these miracles recorded in the Bible. Please feel free to
share other/additional stories) / 1 All Peoples Church & World Outreach, Bangalore, India
Financial Miracles
Widow woman, her jar of oil and supernatural debt cancellation and provision (2 Kings
Peter - a supernatural catch of fish (Luke 5:1-7)
Jesus - money to pay taxes (Matthew 17:24-27)

Workplace Miracles
Isaac and 100 fold harvest during famine (Genesis 26:1,12-13)
Jacob mistreated by his uncle Laban but God still prospered him (Genesis 30:26-30)
Joseph serving Potiphar falsely accused and sent to prison, raised up to become prime
minister (Genesis chapters 39, 40)
Daniel stood as a man of integrity and God vindicated him (Daniel 6)

Testimony Received via Email Tue Dec 12, 2019

I've been coming to APC West from November 2016. I'm a dentist and I have my clinic at
Malleshwaram. On the last week of November I sowed a seed in the offering, praying to
God for either a single billing of 50k or a total turnover of 60k that week. (...She then
shares how that same week, a customer came and had dental work done for 50K, we
won't go into the details...)...I received the exact 50k that I prayed for and I also got a
turnover of more than 60 k that week. There's been many other financial miracles I have
and keep experiencing at the clinic all bang on time!! When I tell my husband he says it's
all a miracle cos there's no way it can be coincidence. God's been increasing the faith
inside the both of us and working wonders. He's a good, good Father. Praise God and

Healing Miracles And Deliverance Miracles

Our God heals us from all diseases whatever the cause.
He delivers us from all demonic work.
During His earthly ministry the Lord Jesus healed and delivered multitudes of people
from all kinds of sicknesses, diseases, torments and oppression.
He still does the same today.

Testimony Received via Email Dec 08, 2019

During one of the healing prayer sessions in the bible college, one of the students
approached my wife and said that your husband has skin condition on his right hand and
he is healed. My wife came home and told me, which I didn't fully believe. Yes, there is
skin disease on my right hand and it is there for the past 10+ years, and I have visited
doctors who all gave a same ointment, which i will apply, it will reduce and then come
back again after a while, so I was a bit sceptical and I'm not a kind to simply believe in
things like this. But slowly some kind of a desire came upon me to start praying for it, so
whenever that part of hand itches, instead of scratching it I will put a finger on it and / 2 All Peoples Church & World Outreach, Bangalore, India
prayer for it and rebuke it in the name of Jesus. This went on for a while, nothing
happened and after sometime I completely forgot about this. Recently I realized that
the part of the hand is completely healed and there is absolute normal skin. I waited for
a while to write this testimony to see that normal skin remains and it does, I'm still in
amazement and surprised, it is a disease of 10+ years and certainly that ointment is not
the cause.
I thank God for this healing and the increase of faith this has brought to me.
Yes our God is a true healer and miracle worker.
I understood that I have to take steps to claim the promises of God in my life.

Testimony Received via Email Dec 13, 2019

On Nov last Sunday (24th), we prayed for healing and deliverance. As per my job nature,
I have to travel for project meeting. I was always tried and exhausted. My weekend
routine is to sleep and eat. But that Sunday, after the church, i went home, i felt so
energetic, my extraordinary tried is gone. I didnt go to bed till night. Nowadays, I can see
the difference that i am energetic and singing songs. Even I have lot of work to do, I am
able to relax and concentrate much better. Previously, I miss my prayer time and
personal time. Thanks to Lord, i am able to spend more time nowadays. God has healed
me such a way that i cannot explain. As promised, Almighty had given new grounds.
Once again, Thank you Christ Jesus.

Unusual Miracles
Water out of a rock
Ax head to float
People were healed by Peter's shadow (Acts 5)
Handkerchiefs taken from Paul brought healing and deliverance (Acts 19)

God will do as He pleases.

Nothing is impossible with God.

Testimony Received via Email Saturday Nov 30, 2019

A young lady who come from a non-Christian family. When she decided to follow Christ
and decided to get married to a believer she has been away from home and her mother
had not been speaking 'properly' to her since that time. "Last sunday when we prayed
for healing, I kept praying for my parents salvation and healing of our relationships. On
27th November, I called up my mother to wish her for her birthday and she spoke to me
for 17 minutes after 4yrs. As Ps.147.3 says, He heals the brokenhearted and bandages
their wounds. Our God is truly a way maker and works in hearts of people even when
we don't see anything happening evidently around us. Thank you church for the
supernatural sundays, it's definitely gearing us all to be witnesses of greater things for
God's glory." / 3 All Peoples Church & World Outreach, Bangalore, India
Have faith in God
Our faith must be in God and in His Word.
Don't let your faith put any limits on God, and God will not put any limits on your faith.
The Anointing of the Holy Spirit destroys yokes
Gift of the working of miracles will cause miracles to come to you

MINISTRY TIME | SALVATION CALL / 4 All Peoples Church & World Outreach, Bangalore, India
Sermon Notes


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