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Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

R12.x Oracle General Ledger

Management Fundamentals -
Supplemental Practices
Student Activity Guide

Edition 1.0
January 2010
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Stacey Tucker-Blosch

Contributing Author

Brent Bosin, Marilyn Crawford, Shivranjini Krishnamurthy

Technical Contributors and Reviewers

Ivy Farren, Joe Gum, Rohit Kathuria, Theresa Hickman, Bruce Ingram, Suzanne Miller, Vidya
Nagaraj, Cynthia Prier, Pam Rietz, Christine Rudd, Prescilla Sadepalli, Reema.Saravanan,
Deepak Seth, Mei Siauw, Lata Sundar, Kathy Wohnoutka, Theresa Wong, Michael Wurtzel

This book was published using: Oracle Tutor

Table of Contents

R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals - Supplemental Practices .............................1-1

R12.1 Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Supplemental Practices ....................................1-3
Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................1-4
Oracle General Ledger Process .....................................................................................................................1-5
Practice - Create a New User .....................................................................................................................1-6
Solution - Create a New User ....................................................................................................................1-8
Ledger ............................................................................................................................................................1-10
Practice - Define Value Sets ......................................................................................................................1-11
Solution - Define Value Sets .....................................................................................................................1-13
Practice - Define an Accounting Key Flexfield Structure .........................................................................1-15
Solution - Define an Accounting Key Flexfield Structure .........................................................................1-18
Practice - Enter Values ..............................................................................................................................1-23

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Solution – Enter Values .............................................................................................................................1-27
Practice - Define an Accounting Calendar.................................................................................................1-34
Solution - Define an Accounting Calendar ................................................................................................1-36
Practice - Verify Functional Currencies are Enabled.................................................................................1-39
Solution - Verify Functional Currencies are Enabled ................................................................................1-40
Practice - Define a Ledger (Required) .......................................................................................................1-41
Solution – Define a Ledger (Required) ......................................................................................................1-43
Guided Demonstration - Ledger Set Processing ........................................................................................1-46
Practice - Create a Responsibility for the Controller (Required) ...............................................................1-51
Solution - Create a Responsibility for the Controller (Required) ..............................................................1-53
Practice - View Account Combinations Created with Dynamic Insertion .................................................1-57
Solution - View Account Combinations Created with Dynamic Insertion ................................................1-58
Practice - Create a Security Rule ...............................................................................................................1-59
Solution – Create a Security Rule ..............................................................................................................1-60
Practice - Define Cross Validation Rules ..................................................................................................1-62
Solution - Define Cross Validation Rules (Required) ...............................................................................1-65
Practice - Define and Test Shorthand Aliases............................................................................................1-70
Solution - Define and Test Shorthand Aliases (Required) .........................................................................1-73
Practice - Open the First Accounting Period (Required) ...........................................................................1-77
Solution - Open the First Accounting Period (Required)...........................................................................1-79
Practice - Run General Ledger Reports .....................................................................................................1-81
Solution - Run General Ledger Reports.....................................................................................................1-82
Practice - Account Hierarchy Manager......................................................................................................1-83
Solution – Account Hierarchy Manager ....................................................................................................1-86
Using Accounting Setup Manager .................................................................................................................1-93
Practice - Define Sequencing.....................................................................................................................1-94
Solution – Define Sequencing ...................................................................................................................1-95
Basic Journal Entries .....................................................................................................................................1-99
Practice - Set up Journal Sources ...............................................................................................................1-100
Solution - Set up Journal Sources ..............................................................................................................1-101
Practice - Set up a Journal Category (Required) ........................................................................................1-102
Solution – Set up a Journal Category (Required) ......................................................................................1-103
Practice - Create a Journal Batch (Required) .............................................................................................1-104
Solution - Create a Journal Batch (Required) ............................................................................................1-106
Practice - Create a Second Journal Batch (Required) ................................................................................1-109
Solution - Create a Second Journal Batch (Required) ...............................................................................1-111
Practice - Create a Single Journal (Required) ............................................................................................1-114
Solution – Create a Single Journal (Required)...........................................................................................1-115
Practice - Post Journals (Required) ............................................................................................................1-117
Solution - Post Journals (Required) ...........................................................................................................1-118

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Supplemental Practices Table of Contents
Practice - Review Journal Entries and Account Balances (Required) .......................................................1-119
Solution - Review Journal Entries and Account Balances (Required).......................................................1-122
Practice - Reverse a Journal Entry (Required) ...........................................................................................1-129
Solution - Reverse a Journal Entry (Required) ..........................................................................................1-131
Practice - Schedule a Journal to Reverse then Generate the Reversal (Required) ....................................1-135
Solution - Schedule a Journal to Reverse then Generate the Reversal (Required) ...................................1-136
Practice - Set up Automatic Journal Reversal............................................................................................1-139
Solution - Set up Automatic Journal Reversal (Required) .........................................................................1-142
Practice - Set up Suspense Accounts (Required) .......................................................................................1-147
Solution - Set up Suspense Accounts (Required) ......................................................................................1-148
Practice - Create a STAT Journal (Required) ............................................................................................1-151
Solution - Create a STAT Journal (Required) ...........................................................................................1-152
Practice - Define Statistical Units of Measure (Optional) .........................................................................1-154
Solution - Define Statistical Units of Measure (Optional) .........................................................................1-156
Practice - Load a Basic Journal Using WEB ADI (Required) ...................................................................1-161
Solution - Load a Basic Journal Using WEB ADI (Required) ..................................................................1-164

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Summary Accounts........................................................................................................................................1-169
Practice - Define Summary Accounts (Required)......................................................................................1-170
Solution - Define Summary Accounts (Required) .....................................................................................1-172
Guided Demonstration - Maintain Summary Templates Program.............................................................1-179
Advanced Journal Entries ..............................................................................................................................1-181
Practice - Create Recurring Journals (Required) .......................................................................................1-182
Solution - Create Recurring Journals (Required) .......................................................................................1-186
Practice - Create a Mass Allocation Journal (Required) ............................................................................1-196
Solution - Create a Mass Allocation Journal (Required) ...........................................................................1-198
Practice - Journal Line Reconciliation .......................................................................................................1-203
Solution – Journal Line Reconciliation......................................................................................................1-204
Advanced Security .........................................................................................................................................1-209
Practice - Create a Ledger Set....................................................................................................................1-210
Solution - Create a Ledger Set ...................................................................................................................1-212
Practice - Create a Data Access Set ...........................................................................................................1-215
Solution - Create a Data Access Set ..........................................................................................................1-217
Create Definition Access Sets....................................................................................................................1-221
Financial Budgeting .......................................................................................................................................1-225
Practice - Create Budgets and Budget Organizations (Required) ..............................................................1-226
Solution - Create Budgets and Budget Organizations (Required) .............................................................1-229
Multi-Currency ..............................................................................................................................................1-235
Practice - Define Currencies (Required) ....................................................................................................1-236
Solution - Define Currencies (Required) ...................................................................................................1-237
Practice - Define Rate Types (Required) ...................................................................................................1-238
Solution - Define Rate Types (Required) ..................................................................................................1-239
Practice - Define Daily Conversion Rates Using the Currency Rates Manager (Required) ......................1-240
Solution - Define Daily Conversion Rates Using the Currency Rates Manager (Required) .....................1-241
Practice - Enter a Foreign Currency Journal (Required)............................................................................1-243
Solution - Enter a Foreign Currency Journal (Required) ...........................................................................1-245
Practice - Enter a Journal with Conversion Rounding Differences (Required) .........................................1-247
Solution - Enter a Journal with Conversion Rounding Differences (Required).........................................1-248
Practice - Revalue Foreign Currency Balances..........................................................................................1-250
Solution – Revalue Foreign Currency Balances ........................................................................................1-253
Consolidations ...............................................................................................................................................1-256
Practice - Set Up and Perform Consolidation ............................................................................................1-257
Solution - Set Up and Perform Consolidation ...........................................................................................1-260
Period Close...................................................................................................................................................1-266
Practice - Close Period...............................................................................................................................1-267
Solution - Close Period ..............................................................................................................................1-268
Financial Reporting .......................................................................................................................................1-269
Practice - Define a Row Set (Required) .....................................................................................................1-270

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Solution - Define a Row Set (Required) ....................................................................................................1-272
Practice - Define a Column Set (Required) ...............................................................................................1-276
Solution - Define a Column Set (Required) ...............................................................................................1-278
Practice - Define a Report (Required) .......................................................................................................1-282
Solution - Define a Report (Required) .......................................................................................................1-283
Practice - Define a Content Set (Required)................................................................................................1-285
Solution - Define a Content Set (Required) ...............................................................................................1-286
Practice - Define a Row Order (Required) ................................................................................................1-289
Solution - Define a Row Order (Required) ................................................................................................1-291
Guided Demonstration - FSG Reporting Using Ledger Sets .....................................................................1-296
Oracle Advanced Global Intercompany System ............................................................................................1-298
Practice - Intercompany and Intracompany Balancing ..............................................................................1-299
Solution – Intercompany and Intracompany Balancing .............................................................................1-301
Practice - Create Manual Intercompany Transaction .................................................................................1-304
Solution – Create Manual Intercompany Transaction ...............................................................................1-309

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Supplemental Practices Table of Contents
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• Navigating Oracle Applications

How This Course Is Organized

Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals is an instructor-led course featuring lecture

and hands-on exercises. Online demonstrations and written practice sessions reinforce the
concepts and skills introduced.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Supplemental Practices Table of Contents
Related Publications
• System release bulletins

• Installation and user’s guides

• Read-me files

• International Oracle User’s Group (IOUG) articles

• Oracle Magazine

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Supplemental Practices Table of Contents
Oracle Magazine Typographic Conventions
Typographic Conventions in Text
Convention Element Example
Bold italic Glossary term (if The algorithm inserts the new key.
there is a glossary)
Caps and Buttons, Click the Executable button.
lowercase check boxes, Select the Can’t Delete Card check box.
triggers, Assign a When-Validate-Item trigger to the ORD block.
windows Open the Master Schedule window.
Courier new, Code output, Code output: debug.set (‘I”, 300);
case sensitive directory names, Directory: bin (DOS), $FMHOME (UNIX)

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(default is filenames, Filename: Locate the init.ora file.
lowercase) passwords, Password: User tiger as your password.
pathnames, Pathname: Open c:\my_docs\projects
URLs, URL: Go to
user input,
User input: Enter 300
Username: Log on as scott
Initial cap Graphics labels Customer address (but Oracle Payables)
(unless the term is a
proper noun)
Italic Emphasized words Do not save changes to the database.
and phrases, For further information, see Oracle7 Server SQL Language
titles of books and Reference Manual.
courses, Enter, where user_id is the
variables name of the user.
Quotation Interface elements Select “Include a reusable module component” and click Finish.
marks with long names
that have only This subject is covered in Unit II, Lesson 3, “Working with
initial caps; Objects.”
lesson and chapter
titles in cross-
Uppercase SQL column Use the SELECT command to view information stored in the
names, commands, LAST_NAME
functions, schemas, column of the EMP table.
table names
Arrow Menu paths Select File > Save.
Brackets Key names Press [Enter].
Commas Key sequences Press and release keys one at a time:
[Alternate], [F], [D]
Plus signs Key combinations Press and hold these keys simultaneously: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del]

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Supplemental Practices Table of Contents
Typographic Conventions in Code
Convention Element Example
Caps and Oracle Forms When-Validate-Item
lowercase triggers
Lowercase Column names, SELECT last_name
table names FROM s_emp;

Passwords DROP USER scott

(OG_GET_LAYER (‘prod_pie_layer’))

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Lowercase Syntax variables CREATE ROLE role
Uppercase SQL commands and SELECT userid
functions FROM emp;

Typographic Conventions in Oracle Application Navigation Paths

This course uses simplified navigation paths, such as the following example, to direct you
through Oracle Applications.

(N) Invoice > Entry > Invoice Batches Summary (M) Query > Find (B) Approve

This simplified path translates to the following:

1. (N) From the Navigator window, select Invoice then Entry then Invoice Batches

2. (M) From the menu, select Query then Find.

3. (B) Click the Approve button.

(N) = Navigator

(M) = Menu

(T) = Tab

(B) = Button

(I) = Icon

(H) = Hyperlink

(ST) = Sub Tab

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Supplemental Practices Table of Contents
Typographical Conventions in Oracle Application Help System Paths
This course uses a “navigation path” convention to represent actions you perform to find
pertinent information in the Oracle Applications Help System.

The following help navigation path, for example—

(Help) General Ledger > Journals > Enter Journals

—represents the following sequence of actions:

1. In the navigation frame of the help system window, expand the General Ledger entry.

2. Under the General Ledger entry, expand Journals.

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3. Under Journals, select Enter Journals.

4. Review the Enter Journals topic that appears in the document frame of the help system

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Supplemental Practices Table of Contents
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R12.x Oracle General Ledger
Management Fundamentals -
Supplemental Practices
Chapter 1

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 2

R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals
Supplemental Practices

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 4

Oracle General Ledger Process

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 5

Practice - Create a New User
In this practice, you will define a new user with access to all necessary responsibilities.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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Sign on to the System

1. Sign on to the system.

− User Name = operations
− Password = welcome
− Responsibility = System Administrator

Add a New User

2. Add a New User.

• (N) Security: User > Define

− User Name = XXUSER, where XX is your terminal ID.
− Password = welcome (tab, re-enter to verify)
− Person = Stock, Ms. Pat (choose from the list of values)
− (B) OK to ignore the message

Assign Responsibilities to your User

3. Add responsibilities to your user according to the following table:

Responsibility Security Group

General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) Standard
System Administrator Standard
General Ledger, SSC Worldwide Standard
General Ledger, SSC US Standard
Intercompany Super User, SSC Worldwide Standard
Oracle Web ADI Standard
Report Manager SuperUser Standard

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 6

4. Save your work.

5. Exit Oracle Applications.

Login as the New User

6. Log on using the user you created.

− Login = XXUSER
− Password = welcome

7. (B) Login

System will prompt you to create a new Password:

− Old Password = welcome

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− New Password = XXUSER (Tab, re-enter to verify)

8. (B) Apply

9. (L) General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)

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Solution - Create a New User
1. Sign on to the system.
− User Name = operations
− Password = welcome
− Responsibility = System Administrator

2. Add a New User.

• (N) Security > User > Define

− User Name = XXUSER, where XX is your terminal ID.
− Password = welcome (tab, re-enter to verify)
− Person = Stock, Ms. Pat (choose from the list of values)

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− (B) OK to ignore the message

3. Add responsibilities to your user:

4. Add the additional Responsibilities:

− General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)
− System Administrator
− General Ledger, SSC Worldwide
− General Ledger, SSC US
− Oracle Web ADI

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− Report Manager SuperUser

5. Save your work.

6. Exit Oracle Applications

Login as the New User

7. Log on using the user you created.

− Login = XXUSER
− Password = welcome

8. (B) Login

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System will prompt you to create a new Password:
− Old Password = welcome
− New Password = xxuser (Tab, re-enter to verify)

9. (B) Submit

10. (L) General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 10

Practice - Define Value Sets
In this practice, you will create value sets.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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Create Value Sets

1. Responsibility = General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)

2. Navigate to the Define Value Sets window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Validation > Sets

3. Create the following value sets.

− Be sure to save after you complete each one.

Field Name Value

Value Set Name XXCompany
Description Company
List Type List of Values
Security Type Non-Hierarchical Security
Format Char
Max. Size 2
Uppercase Only Yes
Right Justify/Zero Fill Yes
Validation Type Independent

4. Save. (M) File > Save and Proceed.

Field Name Value

Value Set Name XXDepartment
Description Department

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Field Name Value
List Type List of Values
Security Type Non-Hierarchical Security
Format Char
Max. Size 3
Uppercase Only Yes
Right Justify/Zero Fill Yes
Validation Type Independent

5. Save. (M) File > Save and Proceed.

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Field Name Description
Value Set Name XXAccount
Description Account
List Type List of Values
Security Type Non-Hierarchical Security
Format Char
Max. Size 4
Uppercase Only Yes
Right Justify/Zero Fill Yes
Validation Type Independent

6. Save. (M) File > Save

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 12

Solution - Define Value Sets
Create Value Sets

1. Responsibility = General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)

2. Navigate to the Define Value Sets window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Validation > Sets

3. Create the following value sets.

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− Be sure to save after you complete each one.

4. (M) File > Save and Proceed.

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5. (M) File > Save and Proceed.

6. (M) File > Save.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 14

Practice - Define an Accounting Key Flexfield Structure
In this practice, you will create an Accounting Key flexfield structure (chart of accounts).

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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• Responsibility = General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)

1. Query the Accounting Flexfield.

2. Create a new Accounting Flexfield structure by selecting any of the existing structures and
selecting (I) New.

Field Value
Code XX_Accounting_Flexfield
Title XX_Accounting_Flexfield
Description XXChart of Accounts
Enabled Checked
Segment Separator Period (.)
Cross Validate Segments Checked
Freeze Rollup Groups Unchecked
Allow Dynamic Inserts Checked

Note: If you do not select Cross Validate Segments, you will not be able to assign cross
validation rules to your flexfield structure.

3. Define the individual segments, the order in which they appear, which value sets they will
use, and how the values will map to the GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS table, which holds
all valid combinations of valid segment values.

4. (B) Segments

5. Create the structure based on the segment information in the following table:

No Name Window Prompt Column (LOV) Value Set (LOV)

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1 Company Company SEGMENT1 XXCompany
2 Department Department SEGMENT2 XXDepartment
3 Account Account SEGMENT3 XXAccount
4 Interco Interco SEGMENT4 XXCompany

6. Save.

7. (B) Open to add additional information to the Company segment definition.

Field Value
Description Company
Required Checked

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Security Enabled Checked
List of Values Prompt CO
Concatenated Description Size 12

8. (B) Flexfield Qualifiers

− Balancing Segment Enabled = Checked

9. (B) Open to add additional information to the Department segment definition.

Field Value
Description Department
Required Checked
Security Enabled Checked
List of Values Prompt Dept
Concatenated Description Size 15

10. (B) Flexfield Qualifiers

− Cost Center Segment Enabled = Checked
− Secondary Tracking Segment Enabled = Checked
− Management Segment Enabled = Checked

11. (B) Open to add additional information to the Account segment definition.

Field Value
Description Account
Required Checked
Security Enabled Checked
List of Values Prompt ACCT

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Concatenated Description Size 25

12. (B) Flexfield Qualifiers

− Natural Account Segment Enabled = Checked

13. (B) Open to add additional information to the Interco segment definition.

Field Value
Description Interco
Default Type Constant
Default Value 00

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Required Checked
Security Enabled Unchecked
List of Values Prompt IC
Concatenated Description Size 15

14. (B) Flexfield Qualifiers

− Intercompany Segment Enabled = Checked

15. Freeze the Flexfield definition.

− Freeze Flexfield Definition = Checked

16. Compile the Flexfield.

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Solution - Define an Accounting Key Flexfield Structure
Query the Accounting Key Flexfield Structure

Responsibility = General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)

1. Open the Key Flexfield Segments window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Segments

2. In the Applications field, query General Ledger.

Note: Ensure that the Flexfield Title is Accounting Flexfield.

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Create a New Accounting Key Flexfield Structure

3. Create a new Accounting Key Flexfield structure by selecting any of the existing structures
and selecting (I) New.

• Name the new structure in the Code column XX_Accounting_Flexfield.

Note: If you do not select Cross Validate Segments, you will not be able to assign cross
validation rules to your flexfield structure.

Define the Accounting Key Flexfield Structure

Define the individual segments, the order in which they appear, which value sets they will use,
and how the values will map to the GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS table, which holds all valid
combinations of valid segment values.

4. (B) Segments

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As you define your segments, you will receive a warning message that your list of values
prompt is longer than your segment size. Simply click on OK, and proceed. This will be
discussed a little later.

5. In the Segments Summary window, create the structure based on the segment information in
the tasks.

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6. (B) Save

7. Position your cursor on line 1 (Company).

8. (B) Open to add the following additional information.

Field Value
Description Company
Required Checked
Security Enabled Checked
List of Values Prompt CO
Concatenated Description Size 12

9. (B) Flexfield Qualifiers

− Balancing Segment Enabled = Checked

10. Close the Flexfield Qualifiers window.

11. Save.

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12. Close the Segments window.

13. In the Segments Summary window, position your cursor on line 2 (Department).

14. (B) Open to add additional information to the segment definition.

Field Value
Description Department
Required Checked
Security Enabled Checked
List of Values Prompt DE
Concatenated Description Size 15

15. (B) Flexfield Qualifiers

− Cost Center Segment Enabled = Checked
− Secondary Tracking Segment Enabled = Checked
− Management Segment Enabled = Checked

16. Close the Flexfield Qualifiers window.

17. Save.

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18. Close the Segments window.

19. In the Segments Summary window, position your cursor on line 3 (Account).

20. (B) Open to add additional information to the segment definition.

Field Value
Description Account
Required Checked
Security Enabled Checked
List of Values Prompt ACCT
Concatenated Description Size 25

21. (B) Flexfield Qualifiers

− Natural Account Segment Enabled = Checked

22. Close the Flexfield Qualifiers window.

23. (B) Save.

24. Close the Segments window.

25. In the Segments Summary window, position your cursor on line 4 (Interco).

26. (B) Open to add additional information to the segment definition.

Field Value
Description Interco
Default Type Constant

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Field Value
Default Value 00
Required Checked
Security Enabled Unchecked
List of Values Prompt IC
Concatenated Description Size 15

27. (B) Flexfield Qualifiers

− Intercompany Segment Enabled = Checked

28. Close the Flexfield Qualifiers window.

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29. Save.

30. Close the Segments window.

31. Verify all information is correct as shown above. Very Important.

32. Close the Segments Summary window.

Freeze the flexfield definition

33. Freeze the Flexfield definition.

− Freeze Flexfield Definition = Checked

34. Click (B) OK in the Caution window.

35. (B) Compile

36. Click (B) OK in the two Note windows.

37. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 22

Practice - Enter Values
In this practice, you will enter the valid values into your value sets. Note: You are not creating
combinations, only the lists of individual values that will appear in the LOV of each segment. As
you enter transactions or journals, the values you enter for each segment will be used to create
the account combinations.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Responsibility = General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)

Enter Values

1. Open the Values window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Flexfield > Key >Values

2. Find your XXCompany value set, enter the values and information for the segment. Note
that for each value you must tab completely through the row to see both Effective Date
information and Qualifier information.

Value Description Enabled Parent Allow Budgeting/Posting

00 Corporate Yes No Yes, Yes
01 Domestic Ops Yes No Yes, Yes
02 Europe SA Yes No Yes, Yes
03 Foreign Ops Yes No Yes, Yes
T Total All Yes Yes No, No

3. Save.

4. Find your XXDepartment value set, enter the values and information for the segment. Note
that for each value you must tab completely through the row to see both Effective Date
Information and Qualifier information.

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Value Description Enabled Parent Allow Budgeting/Posting
000 Balance Sheet Yes No Yes, Yes
100 Administration Yes No Yes, Yes
150 Finance Yes No Yes, Yes
175 Advertising Yes No Yes, Yes
1XX F&A Rollup Yes Yes No, No
210 Production Yes No Yes, Yes
310 Sales & Marketing Yes No Yes, Yes
350 European Sales Yes No Yes, Yes

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375 American Sales Yes No Yes, Yes
400 Corporate Yes No Yes, Yes
3XX Mass Allocation Yes Yes No, No

5. Save.

6. Enter the values for the XXAccount segment.

Note: For each value you must tab completely through the row to see both effective
information and qualifier information. Since an account type of Expense is the default, make
sure the account type is correct for each account as you tab through the fields. It would be an
unpleasant surprise if the cash account was misclassified as Expense and closed to retained
earnings at the end of the accounting year.

Note: We will not be using the Control Account feature or the Reconciliation Flag, leave
them both set to No for all values.

Value Description Enabled Parent Budgeting Account Type
1110 Cash Yes No Yes, Yes Asset
1210 Accounts Receivable Yes No Yes, Yes Asset
1260 Allowance for Bad Debt Yes No Yes, Yes Asset
1550 Vehicles Yes No Yes, Yes Asset
1560 Computer/Software Yes No Yes, Yes Asset
1570 Asset Clearing Yes No Yes, Yes Asset
2210 Accounts Payable Yes No Yes, Yes Liability
2225 Accrued Expenses Payable Yes No Yes, Yes Liability
2990 Suspense Yes No Yes, Yes Liability

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Value Description Enabled Parent Budgeting Account Type
Reconcile = Yes
3310 Retained Earnings Yes No Yes, Yes Ownership/Stock
3500 Translation Adjust Yes No Yes, Yes Ownership/Stock
4100 Total Revenue Yes Yes No, No Revenue
4110 Hardware Sales Yes No Yes, Yes Revenue
4120 Support Contracts Yes No Yes, Yes Revenue
4130 Training Yes No Yes, Yes Revenue
5100 Total Expense Yes Yes No, No Expense

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5105 Salaries Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
5150 Commission Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
5510 Telephone Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
5520 Postage Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
5650 Bad Debt Expense Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
5750 Health and Welfare Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
7640 Airfare Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
7690 Meals Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
7990 Rounding Difference Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
7999 Suspense - Manual Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
Reconcile = Yes
8100 Unrealized Gain/Loss Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
9110 Headcount -STAT Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
9930 Default Intercompany Yes No Yes, Yes Asset
9940 Default Intercompany Yes No Yes, Yes Liability

7. Save.

Define Parent Accounts

8. Responsibility = General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)

9. Navigate to the Values window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Flexfield > Key >Values

10. Find your Department value set and enter child range information:

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− For the F&A Rollup parent value 1XX.

From To Include
100 199 Child Values Only

− For the MassAllocation Rollup parent value.

From To Include
300 399 Child Values Only

11. Find your Account value set and enter child range information for the Total Revenue parent

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From To Include
4101 4999 Child Values Only

12. Still on the Account value, enter the child range information for the Total Expense parent

From To Include
5101 7899 Child Values Only

13. Save.

14. Close the Child Ranges Window.

15. (B)View Hierarchies. Note the account values included by the parent definition.

16. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

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Solution – Enter Values
Enter Values

1. Open the Values window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Flexfield > Key > Values

2. Find your XXCompany value set, enter the values and information for the segment. Note
that for each value you must tab completely through the row to see both Effective Date
information and Qualifier information.

Value Description Enabled Parent Allow Budgeting/Posting

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00 Corporate Yes No Yes, Yes
01 Domestic Ops Yes No Yes, Yes
02 Europe SA Yes No Yes, Yes
03 Foreign Ops Yes No Yes, Yes
T Total All Yes Yes No, No

3. Save.

4. Find your XXDepartment value set; enter the values and information for the segment. Note
that for each value you must tab completely through the row to see both Effective Date
Information and Qualifier information.

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Value Description Enabled Parent Allow Budgeting/Posting
000 Balance Sheet Yes No Yes, Yes
100 Administration Yes No Yes, Yes
150 Finance Yes No Yes, Yes
175 Advertising Yes No Yes, Yes
210 Production Yes No Yes, Yes
310 Sales & Marketing Yes No Yes, Yes
350 European Sales Yes No Yes, Yes
375 American Sales Yes No Yes, Yes
400 Corporate Yes No Yes, Yes

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1XX F&A Rollup Yes Yes No, No
3XX Mass Allocation Yes Yes No, No

5. Save.

6. Enter the values for the XXAccount segment.

Value Description Enabled Parent Budgeting Account Type
1110 Cash Yes No Yes, Yes Asset
1210 Accounts Receivable Yes No Yes, Yes Asset

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Value Description Enabled Parent Budgeting Account Type
1260 Allowance for Bad Debt Yes No Yes, Yes Asset
1550 Vehicles Yes No Yes, Yes Asset
1560 Computer/Software Yes No Yes, Yes Asset
1570 Asset Clearing Yes No Yes, Yes Asset
2210 Accounts Payable Yes No Yes, Yes Liability
2225 Accrued Expenses Payable Yes No Yes, Yes Liability
2990 Suspense Yes No Yes, Yes Liability
Reconcile = Yes

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3310 Retained Earnings Yes No Yes, Yes Ownership/Stock
3500 Translation Adjust Yes No Yes, Yes Ownership/Stock
4100 Total Revenue Yes Yes No, No Revenue
4110 Hardware Sales Yes No Yes, Yes Revenue
4120 Support Contracts Yes No Yes, Yes Revenue
4130 Training Yes No Yes, Yes Revenue
5100 Total Expense Yes Yes No, No Expense
5105 Salaries Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
5150 Commission Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
5510 Telephone Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
5520 Postage Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
5650 Bad Debt Expense Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
5750 Health and Welfare Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
7640 Airfare Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
7690 Meals Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
7990 Rounding Difference Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
7999 Suspense - Manual Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
Reconcile = Yes
8100 Unrealized Gain/Loss Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
9110 Headcount -STAT Yes No Yes, Yes Expense
9930 Default Intercompany Yes No Yes, Yes Asset
9940 Default Intercompany Yes No Yes, Yes Liability

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7. Save.

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Define Parent Accounts

8. Responsibility = General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)

9. Navigate to the Values window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Flexfield > Key >Values

10. Find your Department value set and enter child range information for the 3XX parent value.
− For the MassAllocation Rollup parent value.

• (B) Define Child Ranges, enter the following:

From To Include
300 399 Child Values Only

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11. Find your Department value set and enter child range information:
− For the F&A Rollup parent value 1XX.

• (B) Define Child Ranges, enter the following:

From To Include
100 199 Child Values Only

12. Find your Account value set and enter child range information for the Total Revenue parent

• (B) Define Child Ranges, enter the following:

From To Include
4101 4999 Child Values Only

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13. Still on the Account value, enter the child range information for the Total Expense parent

• (B) Define Child Ranges, enter the following:

From To Include
5101 7899 Child Values Only

14. Save.

15. Close the Child Ranges Window.

16. (B)View Hierarchies. Note the account values included by the parent definition.

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17. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

• Verify the hierarchy compiles.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 33

Practice - Define an Accounting Calendar
In this practice, you will create an accounting calendar.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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Define a Period Type

1. Responsibility = General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)

2. Navigate to the Types window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Calendars > Types

− Period Type = XXMonth
− Periods per Year = 13
− Year Type = Calendar
− Description = 12 Periods and 1 Adjusting

Define the Accounting Calendar

You will be converting balances into the last period of the prior year.

3. Navigate to the Calendar definition window.

• (N) Setup > Financials> Calendars > Accounting

− Name = XXAccounting
− Description = XXAccounting Calendar

4. Define periods according to the following table (Replace X with the last digit of the prior
calendar year and replace Y with the last digit of the current year. Also, make sure February
has the correct number of days):
Prefix Type Year Qtr Num From To Adj
Dec XXMonth 200X 4 12 01-Dec-200X 31-Dec-200X
Adj XXMonth 200X 4 13 31-Dec-200X 31-Dec-200X Yes
Jan XXMonth 200Y 1 1 01-Jan-200Y 31-Jan-200Y
Feb XXMonth 200Y 1 2 01-Feb-200Y 29-Feb-200Y

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Mar XXMonth 200Y 1 3 01-Mar-200Y 31-Mar-200Y
Apr XXMonth 200Y 2 4 01-Apr-200Y 30-Apr-200Y
May XXMonth 200Y 2 5 01-May-200Y 31-May-200Y
Jun XXMonth 200Y 2 6 01-Jun-200Y 30-Jun-200Y
Jul XXMonth 200Y 3 7 01-Jul-200Y 31-Jul-200Y
Aug XXMonth 200Y 3 8 01-Aug-200Y 31-Aug-200Y
Sep XXMonth 200Y 3 9 01-Sep-200Y 30-Sep-200Y
Oct XXMonth 200Y 4 10 01-Oct-200Y 31-Oct-200Y
Nov XXMonth 200Y 4 11 01-Nov-200Y 30-Nov-200Y
Dec XXMonth 200Y 4 12 01-Dec-200Y 31-Dec-200Y

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Adj XXMonth 200Y 4 13 31-Dec-200Y 31-Dec-200Y Yes

5. Save.

6. Close the Accounting Calendar window and validate the current calendar.

7. Note your concurrent request ID.

View Calendar Audit Report

8. Verify No Violations are found.

Note: Once a calendar has been opened, you cannot amend the periods. If budgets are going
to be defined for multiple years, then the calendar must exist for that number of years. All
financial programs and sub-ledgers (except Fixed Assets) use the calendar created in
General Ledger, although the opening and closing of the periods is maintained within each

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Solution - Define an Accounting Calendar
Define a Period Type

1. Responsibility = General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)

2. Navigate to the Types window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Calendars > Types

− Period Type = XXMonth
− Periods per Year = 13

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− Year Type = Calendar
− Description = 12 Periods and 1 Adjusting

3. (I) Save

4. Close the Period Types window.

Define the Accounting Calendar

You will be converting balances into the last period of the prior year.

5. Navigate to the Calendar definition window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Calendars > Accounting

− Name = XXAccounting
− Description = XXAccounting Calendar

6. Define periods according to the following table (Replace X with the last digit of the prior
calendar year and replace Y with the last digit of the current year. Also, make sure February
has the correct number of days):

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Prefix Type Year Qtr Num From To Adj
Dec XXMonth 200X 4 12 01-Dec-200X 31-Dec-200X
Adj XXMonth 200X 4 13 31-Dec-200X 31-Dec-200X Yes
Jan XXMonth 200Y 1 1 01-Jan-200Y 31-Jan-200Y
Feb XXMonth 200Y 1 2 01-Feb-200Y 29-Feb-200Y
Mar XXMonth 200Y 1 3 01-Mar-200Y 31-Mar-200Y
Apr XXMonth 200Y 2 4 01-Apr-200Y 30-Apr-200Y
May XXMonth 200Y 2 5 01-May-200Y 31-May-200Y
Jun XXMonth 200Y 2 6 01-Jun-200Y 30-Jun-200Y
Jul XXMonth 200Y 3 7 01-Jul-200Y 31-Jul-200Y

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Aug XXMonth 200Y 3 8 01-Aug-200Y 31-Aug-200Y
Sep XXMonth 200Y 3 9 01-Sep-200Y 30-Sep-200Y
Oct XXMonth 200Y 4 10 01-Oct-200Y 31-Oct-200Y
Nov XXMonth 200Y 4 11 01-Nov-200Y 30-Nov-200Y
Dec XXMonth 200Y 4 12 01-Dec-200Y 31-Dec-200Y
Adj XXMonth 200Y 4 13 31-Dec-200Y 31-Dec-200Y Yes

7. (I) Save

8. Close the Accounting Calendar window.

9. Validate the current calendar, by selecting the (B) Current in the pop-up window.

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10. Note your concurrent request ID. (B) OK.

If a Request ID is not generated when you close the Accounting Calendar window, you can
manually submit the “Other – Calendar Validation” request from the Standard Request
Submission (SRS) window.

View Calendar Audit Report

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11. (M) View > Requests

12. (B) Find

13. Click (B) Refresh Data until the request completes.

14. Select the Other – Calendar Validation request.

15. (B) View Output

16. Verify No Violations are found .

Note: Once a calendar has been opened, you cannot amend the periods. If budgets are going
to be defined for multiple years, then the calendar must exist for that number of years. All
financial programs and sub-ledgers (except Fixed Assets) use the calendar created in
General Ledger, although the opening and closing of the periods is maintained within each

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 38

Practice - Verify Functional Currencies are Enabled
In this practice, you will verify functional currencies are enabled.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

Verify Functional Currencies are Enabled

1. Responsibility = General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)

2. Navigate to the Define Currencies window.

• (N) Setup > Currencies > Define

3. [F11] to enter query mode.

− Scroll over to the far right and check the Enabled box

4. [Ctrl+F11] to execute the query.

5. Verify the USD currency is enabled.

6. Ensure the following currencies are also enabled – GBP, EUR and STAT.

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Solution - Verify Functional Currencies are Enabled
Verify Functional Currencies are Enabled

1. Responsibility = General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)

2. Navigate to the Define Currencies window.

• (N) Setup > Currencies > Define

3. [F11] to enter query mode.

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− Scroll over to the far right and check the Enabled box

4. [Ctrl+F11] to execute the query.

5. Verify the USD currency is enabled.

6. Ensure the following currencies are also enabled – GBP, EUR and STAT.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 40

Practice - Define a Ledger (Required)
In this practice, you will define a ledger.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

Define a Legal Entity

1. (N) Setup > Financials > Accounting Setup Manager > Accounting Setups.

2. (B) Create Accounting Setup

3. (B) Create Legal Entity

− Territory = You choose
− Legal Entity Name = XXVision Corporation
− Organization Name = XXVision Corporation
− Legal Entity Identifier = XXSYS1000
− EIN/TIN = XX1234567
− Registration Number = You choose
− Transaction Entity = Yes

4. Create a New Address = Selected

− You choose the address

5. (B) Apply

Assign a Legal Entity

6. (B) Add Another Row

− Legal Entity = XXVision Corporation

7. (B) Next

Define a Ledger

Name Chart of Accounts Accounting Currency Subledger

Calendar Accounting Method

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XXLedger XXAccounting XXAccounting USD Standard Accrual

8. (B) Next

Set Up Ledger Options

9. (B) Define Accounting Options

10. Locate the Ledger Options setup step and select the Pencil Icon to update.
− First Ever Opened Period = Dec-XX (where XX is last year)
− Future Periods = 2

11. (B) Next

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− Retained Earnings = 01.000.3310.00
− Suspense Account = 01.000.2990.00
− Rounding Difference Tracking Account = 01.400.7990.00
− Cumulative Translation Adjustment Account = 01.000.3500.00

12. (B) Next

13. (B) Next

14. (B) Finish

15. Ensure the status has a green checkmark indicating the setup step is complete.

Set Up Reporting Currencies

Locate the Reporting Currencies setup step and select the Pencil Icon to update.

16. (B) Complete

17. Ensure the status has a green checkmark indicating the setup step is complete.

18. (B) Complete

19. (B) Yes to acknowledge the warning message.

20. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

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Solution – Define a Ledger (Required)
Responsibility = General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)

Create a Legal Entity

1. (N) Setup > Financials > Accounting Setup Manager > Accounting Setups.

2. (Tab) Legal Entities

3. (B) Create Legal Entity

− Territory = United States
− Legal Entity Name = XXVision Corporation

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− Organization Name = XXVision Corporation
− Legal Entity Identifier = XXSYS1000
− EIN/TIN = XX1234567
− Transacting Entity = Yes

4. Create a New Address = Selected

− Location = XXLocation
− You create the address

5. (B) Apply

Create Accounting Setup

6. (Tab) Accounting Setups

7. (B) Create Accounting Setup

8. (B) Add Another Row

− Legal Entity = XXVision Corporation

9. (B) Next

Define a Primary Ledger

Accounting Subledger
Name Chart of Accounts Currency
Calendar Accounting Method
XXLedger XX_Accounting_Flexfield XXAccounting USD Standard Accrual

Assign Reporting Currency

10. (I) Add Reporting Currency

11. (B) Add Another Row.

Field Name Value

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Currency GBP
Currency Conversion Level Journal

12. (B) Apply.

13. (B) Next

14. (B) Finish

Complete Ledger Options

15. (B) Define Accounting Options

16. Locate the Ledger Options setup step and select the Pencil Icon to update.

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Field Name Value
First Ever Opened Period Dec-XX (where XX is last year)
Future Periods 2

17. (B) Next

Field Name Value

Retained Earnings 01.000.3310.00
Suspense Account 01.000.2990.00
Rounding Difference Tracking Account 01.000.7990.00
Cumulative Translation Adjustment Account 01.000.3500.00

Note: When you enter an account combination, click the Search button and then select the
combination. If no combination is found, click the Create button to create the combination
and then select it.

18. (B) Next

19. Enable Journal Reconciliation checkbox.

20. (B) Next

21. (B) Finish

22. Ensure the Status has a green checkmark indicating the setup step is complete.

Complete Reporting Currencies

23. Locate the Reporting Currencies setup step and click the Pencil icon to update your
reporting currencies.

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24. Click the Pencil icon to update your reporting currency.

25. Enter the following:

Field Name Value

Default Rate Type Corporate
Retain Transaction Rate Type Yes

Note: If Retain Transaction Rate Type is set to No, your multi-currency journal will not

26. (B) Apply

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27. (B) Complete

28. Ensure the Status has a green checkmark indicating the setup step is complete.

Complete Accounting Setup

30. (B) Complete

31. (B) Yes to acknowledge the warning message

32. (H) Home to return to the eBusiness Suite Home Page or (H) Close Window to close the
Accounting Setup Manager.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 45

Guided Demonstration - Ledger Set Processing
Logon: SSCNEWALL/Welcome

Responsibility: General Ledger, SSC Worldwide

SSC US wants to minimize the overhead of maintaining separate ledgers and would like to take
advantage of processing and reporting efficiencies afforded by ledger sets, such as being able to
open and close periods for multiple ledgers simultaneously and running reports across multiple
ledgers in a single financial statement. SSC US is also a shared service center and performs
many accounting functions across its subsidiaries and therefore wants to access multiple ledgers
from a single responsibility.

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Open Periods for a Ledger Set

1. Open the SRS window.

(N) Reports > Request > Standard

2. Submit the Open Period program for:

• Ledger Set: SSC All

• Period Name: (Current Period)

3. View your requests. You will notice that a separate Open Period programs are launched for
each ledger in the ledger set.

Open Periods for SCC French Secondary Ledger

4. Switch responsibilities to General Ledger, SSC France (2ndary local COA). This
responsibility has the SSC French Secondary Ledger assigned to it.

5. Open the current period for the SSC France SL (EUR) ledger.

Access Multiple Ledgers from a Single Responsibility for Journal Entry

6. Switch responsibilities back to General Ledger, SSC Worldwide. This responsibility has the
Ledger Set assigned to it.

7. Open the Enter Journals form to see that you can access multiple ledgers assigned to your
ledger set from a single responsibility. See the effect of assigning specific balancing
segment values to legal entities when entering journals.

8. Open the Enter Journals form (N) Journals > Enter

9. Select New Journal.

10. Enter the Journal Name "<Your Initials> Exercise 3 Rent".

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 46

11. In the Ledger field, open the list of values and notice that all 5 ledgers assigned to your
ledger set are available for selection.

12. Select the SSC France primary ledger for the selected period.

13. Enter the following journal line:

Journal <Your Initials> Exercise 3 Rent
Ledger SSC France
Category Adjustment
Period (Current Period)
Currency EUR
Line Account Debit Credit

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1 102.100.63510.0000.110.000.000

14. You should receive an error message because remember you assigned balancing segment
value 101 to SSC France. Value 102 is incorrect because that belongs to Italy.

15. Change the journal lines as follows to correctly record Rent expense:
Line Account Debit (EUR) Credit (EUR)
1 101.100.63510.0000.110.000.000 10,000
SSC France. Division 100. Office Rent. None. Building. None. None
2 101.100.21100.0000.000.000.000 10,000
SSC France.Division 100.Payable to Bank.None.Balance Sheet.None.None

16. Post this journal. Wait for the posting process to complete.

View Replicated Reporting Currency Journal

17. From the Find Journals window enter the following search criteria:

• Batch name: "%<Your Initials> Exercise 3%"

• Period: (Current Period)

You should see 2 posted journals; one for the Primary Ledger and another for the Reporting

18. Use Folder Tools to insert the "Ledger" column so you can better view the ledger name of
each journal.

19. Notice how both ledger journals are combined in the same batch.

20. Review the journal for the Reporting Currency. Notice the journal was converted to USD.

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View Replicated Secondary Ledger Journal

21. Switch responsibilities to General Ledger, SSC France(2ndary local COA). This
responsibility has the SSC French Secondary Ledger assigned to it.

22. Open the Enter Journals form and find the same journal.

23. Review the journal. Notice how different accounts are used because the SL uses a different
account segment.

24. If this journal is not posted, then post it now. (Note: The Post Journal Automatically flag
may not be set to Yes for this Secondary Ledger).

View Account Balance for Secondary Ledger and Drill Back to Primary Ledger

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Prerequisite: Posting must be complete from the previous step.

Instructions: Perform an account inquiry for the Secondary Ledger and drill back to the
Primary Ledger.

25. From the General Ledger, SSC France (2ndary local COA) responsibility, open the Account
Inquiry form.

(N) Inquiry > Account

26. Enter the following search:

• Ledger: SSC France SL (EUR)

• Accounting Periods From/To: (enter the current period)

• Account Low/High: 101.100.613200.0000.

27. Click Show Balance > Journal Details > Drilldown.

28. You are now viewing the original that was entered in the SSC France Primary Ledger.
Notice account value 63510 is shown.

Note: For balances originating from subledgers, you can drill down to the original subledger
transaction that was entered in the Primary Ledger as well.

To see how drilling down from Secondary Ledgers to subledgers works, query the following:

• Ledger: SSC France SL (EUR)

• Accounting Periods From/To: (enter 02-08)

• Account Low/High: 101.100.401009.0000.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 48

29. (B) Show Balances

30. (B) Show Journal Details

31. Select 1st line

32. (B) Drilldown

33. When you get to the Subledger Accounting page, click the View Transaction button.

View Account Balances across Ledgers in a Ledger Set

Instructions: Perform an account inquiry using Account Analysis and Drilldown to view
balances across ledgers in a ledger set.

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34. Change responsibilities, to General Ledger, SSC Worldwide.

35. Open the Account Analysis and Drilldown window.

(N) Inquiry > Account Analysis and Drilldown

36. Perform an account inquiry using the following criteria:

Field Value Field Value
Ledger/Ledger Set SSC All Period From 12-06
Ledger Currency All Currencies (defaults) Period To 12-06
Account From 001.100.11100.0000.000.000.000 Display Summary No
Account To 102.200.11100.0000.000.000.000 Display Accounts With Yes
No Activity
Balance Type Actual
Currency Total

37. (B) Go. Balances for all 5 ledgers should be returned to look something like this:

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 49

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Note: Balances for each ledger are being returned. We are not summarizing balances across
ledgers. The only way to summarize balances across ledger is via FSG reports. Any
summarization would be misleading when multiple currencies are represented.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 50

Practice - Create a Responsibility for the Controller (Required)
In this practice, you will view the system-generated data access sets that were created when you
created your primary ledger and reporting currency using Accounting Setup Manager. Then you
will create a new responsibility that will be associated with the system-generated data access set.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

View System-Generated Data Access Sets

1. Responsibility = General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)

2. Navigate to the Data Access Sets window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Data Access Sets

3. Click in Data Access Set Field and query all data access sets that start with assigned XX%.

4. Two data access sets should have been created based on ledger names:
− One should include both the primary ledger and journal level reporting currency.
This will be the one that you assign to a responsibility to use for journal entry.
− The other should only include the reporting currency.

System generated data access sets are displayed as read only and provide full read and write
access to the ledgers.

Create a Responsibility

5. Responsibility = System Administrator

6. Navigate to the Responsibilities window

− Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER
− Application = General Ledger
− Responsibility Key = XXLEDGER

Fill in Data Group Details

7. Fill in Data Group details

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 51

− Name = Standard
− Application = General Ledger

Assign a Menu

8. Assign a menu.

Fill in Request Group Details

9. Fill in request group details.

− Name = GL Concurrent Program Group
− Application = General Ledger

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10. Save.

Assign Data Access Set to Responsibility

Associate your Ledger with your newly created responsibility.

11. Navigate to the System Profile Options window.

− Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER
− Profile = GL: Data Access Set

12. Click in Responsibility field.

− XXLedger

13. Save.

Attach the Responsibility to Your User

14. Navigate to the Define Users window.

15. Query your user.

16. Add the XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER responsibility with a security group
of Standard.

17. Save.

18. Switch your responsibility.

− Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Note: When you’ve selected your responsibility, the Enter Journals screen (N) Journals >
Enter) will display the data access set in parentheses in the title bar.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 52

Solution - Create a Responsibility for the Controller (Required)
In this practice, you will view the system-generated data access sets that were created when you
created your primary ledger and reporting currency using Accounting Setup Manager. Then you
will create a new responsibility that will be associated with the system-generated data access set..

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

View System-Generated Data Access Sets

1. Responsibility = General Ledger, Vision Operations

2. Navigate to the Data Access Sets window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Data Access Sets.

3. Click in Data Access Set Field and query all data access sets that start with assigned XX%.

4. Two data access sets should have been created:

− One should include both the primary ledger and journal level reporting currency.
This will be the one that you assign to a responsibility to use for journal entry.
− The other should only include the reporting currency.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 53

System generated data access sets are displayed as read only and provide full read and write
access to the ledgers.

Create a Responsibility

5. Responsibility = System Administrator

6. Navigate to the Responsibilities window.

• (N) Security > Responsibility > Define

− Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER
− Application = General Ledger
− Responsibility Key = XXLEDGER

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Fill in Data Group Details

7. Fill in Data Group details.

− Name = Standard
− Application = General Ledger

Assign a Menu

8. Assign a menu.

Fill in Request Group Details

9. Fill in request group details.

− Name = GL Concurrent Program Group
− Application = General Ledger

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10. Save.

11. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

Assign Data Access Set to Responsibility

Associate your Ledger with your newly created responsibility.

12. Navigate to the System Profile Options window.

• (N) Profile > System

− Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER
− Profile = GL: Data Access Set

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13. (B) Find

14. (B) OK to acknowledge Note

15. Click in the Responsibility field.

− Select XXLedger

16. Save.

Attach the Responsibility to Your User

17. Navigate to the Define Users window.

• (N) Security > User > Define

18. Query your user.

19. Add the XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER responsibility with a security group
of Standard.

20. Save.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 55

21. Switch your responsibility.

• (M) File > Switch Responsibility

− Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Note: When you’ve selected your responsibility, the Enter Journals screen (N) Journals >
Enter) will display the data access set in parentheses in the title bar.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 56

Practice - View Account Combinations Created with Dynamic
• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

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1. View account combinations Created with Dynamic Insertion.

• (N) Setup > Accounts > Combinations

Note: If dynamic insertion is not enabled, you will have to define your account combinations
prior to being able to use them. One option is to temporarily turn dynamic insertion on and
load a 0 amount journal entry using Web ADI with all account combinations you plan to
use. Dynamic insertion will create the account combinations for you; you can then turn
dynamic insertion off. The journal entry can be deleted if desired.

If you work with Oracle Applications that generate a lot of new account combinations (e.g.
Oracle Assets), consider your decision to use (or not use) dynamic insertion carefully.

Also, if you will be using Oracle Projects or Grants, dynamic insertion must be turned on.
The Auto Accounting feature used in Oracle Projects and Oracle Grants checks to verify that
dynamic insertion is on. If it is not, you will not be able to create journal entries from PA.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 57

Solution - View Account Combinations Created with Dynamic
View account combinations Created with Dynamic Insertion

1. Open the Account Combinations window.

• (N) Setup > Accounts > Combinations

2. [Ctrl + F11] to query all combinations.

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Note: account combinations were dynamically created.

3. Close the GL Accounts window.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 58

Practice - Create a Security Rule
Segment Value Security rules restrict access to specific segment values based on the user’s
responsibility. Define a rule that removes the use of Department 210, and attach the rule to your
XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER responsibility. In this practice, you will create a
security rule.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

− (N) Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Security > Define

1. Find the Department Segment in your Accounting Key Flexfield Structure.

2. Define Security Rules.

− Name = XXFFS
− Description = Department 210 restriction rule
− Message = XXFFS - Dept. 210 is not valid for this responsibility

3. Define Rule Elements.

• Define rule elements

− Include = 000 - ZZZ
− Exclude = 210 - 210

4. Assign the Rule to the XX General Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER Responsibility.

• (B) Assign
− Application = General Ledger
− Responsibility = XX General Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER
− Name = XXFFS

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Solution – Create a Security Rule
Reponsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Find the Department Segment in your Accounting Key Flexfield Structure

1. Open the Security Rules definition window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Security > Define
− Find Values By = Key Flexfield
− Title = Accounting Flexfield

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− Structure = XX_Accounting_Flexfield
− Segment = Department

2. (B) Find

Define Security Rules

3. Define a security rule.

− Name = XXFFS
− Description = Department 210 restriction rule
− Message = XXFFS - Dept. 210 is not valid for this responsibility

4. (I) Save

Define Rule Elements

5. Define rule elements.

− Include = 000 - ZZZ
− Exclude = 210 - 210

6. (I) Save

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Assign the Rule to a Responsibility

7. (B) Assign
− Application = General Ledger
− Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLedger
− Name = XXFFS

8. Save.

9. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

Note: Your rule will be tested later.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 61

Practice - Define Cross Validation Rules
Cross Validation Rules determine which combinations of valid segment values are invalid,
regardless of the user's responsibility because cross validation rules are defined at the chart of
accounts level. It is a good idea to use combinations of several simple rules rather than a few "all
encompassing" rules. Keep in mind that Cross Validation rules are linked to a flexfield structure
(chart of accounts); security rules are linked to a responsibility. In this practice, you will define
cross validation rules.


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Goal: Prevent balance sheet accounts (0000-3999) from being used
with anything but the balance sheet department (000). Allow 000 to be
paired with 9930 to 9940.

00 - 000 - 0000 - 0000


Exclude 00 - 000 - 4000 - 0000

ZZ - 000 - 9929 - ZZZZ
Exclude 00 - 000 - 9941 - 0000
ZZ - 000 - ZZZZ - ZZZZ

00 - 001 - 0000 - 0000

ZZ - ZZZ - 3999 - ZZZZ

You will implement three rules as a test to the system:

Rule Purpose
Commission Rule Prevent the Administration (100) and Finance (150) departments from
receiving commission payments (Account 5150)
Balance Sheet Rule Prevent balance sheet account codes from being used with anything but
balance sheet departments (and similarly with P&L account codes and
Revenue Rule Allow only sales departments (300 to 3ZZ) to be used with revenue account
codes (4000 range)

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 62

Query Your Flexfield Structure

1. Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

2. Navigate to the Key Rules window.

3. Query your flexfield structure.

Define the Commission Rule

4. Define the commission rule.

− Rule = XXCVR01
− Description = Account 5150 is not valid with Administration (100) and Finance

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− Error Message = XXCVR01 - Account 5150 is not valid with the Administration
(100) and Finance (150) departments
− Error Segment = Account
− From = 31-JAN-2001

Include/Exclude From To
Include 00.000.0000.00 ZZ.ZZZ.ZZZZ.ZZ
Exclude 00.100.5150.00 ZZ.100.5150.ZZ
Exclude 00.150.5150.00 ZZ.150.5150.ZZ

Define the Balance Sheet Rule

5. Create Rule XXCVR02 for the Balance Sheet Rule. Remember to include a description,
error message, identify the segment name, start date, and use the following information.
− Rule = XXCVR02
− Description = Balance sheet accounts and income statement accounts must be used
with appropriate departments
− Error Message = XXCVR02 - Balance sheet and income statement accounts must be
used with appropriate departments.
− Error Segment Name = Department
− From = 31-JAN-2001

Include/Exclude From To
Include 00.000.0000.00 ZZ.ZZZ.ZZZZ.ZZ
Exclude 00.000.4000.00 ZZ.000.9929.ZZ
Exclude 00.000.9941.00 ZZ.000.ZZZZ.ZZ

Note: 9930 is not being excluded because it will be used with department 000 for the default
balancing account.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 63

Define the Revenue Rule

6. Create Rule XXCVR03 for the Revenue Rule. Remember to include a description, error
message, identify the segment name, start date, and use the following information.
− Rule = XXCVR03
− Description = Allow only sales departments (300 to 3ZZ) to be used with revenue
account codes (4000 range)
− Error Message = XXCVR03 - Only sales departments (300 to 3ZZ) may be used
with revenue account codes (4000 range)
− Error Segment Name = Department
− From = 31-JAN-2001

Include/Exclude From To

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Include 00.000.0000.00 ZZ.ZZZ.ZZZZ.ZZ
Exclude 00.000.4000.00 ZZ.299.4ZZZ.ZZ
Exclude 00.400.4000.00 ZZ.ZZZ.4ZZZ.ZZ

7. Save and close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

Note: In 11i10 and prior, it was necessary to re-choose the responsibility to activate the
cross validation rule. That is no longer necessary in R12.

Test the Cross Validation Rules

8. Navigate to the Account Combinations window.

9. To test your rule, attempt to add accounts according to the following table:

Account Description
01.150.5150.00 Domestic Ops.Finance.Commissions.Corporate
01.100.1110.00 Domestic Ops.Administration.Cash.Corporate
01.000.4110.00 Domestic Ops.Balance Sheet.Hardware Revenue. Corporate
01.150.4120.00 Domestic Ops.Finance.Support Revenue.Corporate
01.175.4130.00 Domestic Ops.Sales & Marketing.Training Revenue.Corporate

10. Optional: Disable your rules, except the Balance Sheet Rule.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 64

Solution - Define Cross Validation Rules (Required)
Cross Validation Rules determine which combinations of valid segment values are invalid,
regardless of the user's responsibility because cross validation rules are defined at the chart of
accounts level. It is a good idea to use combinations of several simple rules rather than a few "all
encompassing" rules. Keep in mind that Cross Validation rules are linked to a flexfield structure
(chart of accounts); security rules are linked to a responsibility. In this practice, you will define
cross validation rules.


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Goal: Prevent balance sheet accounts (0000-3999) from being used
with anything but the balance sheet department (000). Allow 000 to be
paired with 9930 to 9940.

00 - 000 - 0000 - 0000


Exclude 00 - 000 - 4000 - 0000

ZZ - 000 - 9929 - ZZZZ
Exclude 00 - 000 - 9941 - 0000
ZZ - 000 - ZZZZ - ZZZZ

00 - 001 - 0000 - 0000

ZZ - ZZZ - 3999 - ZZZZ

You will implement three rules as a test to the system:

Rule Purpose
Commission Rule Prevent the Administration (100) and Finance (150) departments from
receiving commission payments (Account 5150)
Balance Sheet Rule Prevent balance sheet account codes from being used with anything but
balance sheet departments (and similarly with P&L account codes and
Revenue Rule Allow only sales departments (300 to 3ZZ) to be used with revenue account
codes (4000 range)

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 65

Query Your Flexfield Structure

1. Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

2. Navigate to the Key Rules window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Rules

3. Query your flexfield structure.

− F11
− Application = Gen%
− Flexfield Title = Acc%

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− Structure = XX%
− Ctrl + F11

Define the Commission Rule

4. Define the commission rule.

− Rule = XXCVR01
− Description = Account 5150 is not valid with Administration (100) and Finance
− Error Message = XXCVR01 - Account 5150 is not valid with the Administration
(100) and Finance (150) departments
− Error Segment = Account
− From = 01-JAN-2008

Include/Exclude From To
Include 00.000.0000.00 ZZ.ZZZ.ZZZZ.ZZ
Exclude 00.100.5150.00 ZZ.100.5150.ZZ
Exclude 00.150.5150.00 ZZ.150.5150.ZZ

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5. Save.

Define the Balance Sheet Rule

6. Create Rule XXCVR02 for the Balance Sheet Rule. Remember to include a description,
error message, identify the segment name, start date, and use the following information.
− Rule = XXCVR02
− Description = Balance sheet accounts and income statement accounts must be used
with appropriate departments
− Error Message = XXCVR02 - Balance sheet and income statement accounts must be
used with appropriate departments.
− Error Segment Name = Department
− From = 01-JAN-2008

Include/Exclude From To
Include 00.000.0000.00 ZZ.ZZZ.ZZZZ.ZZ
Exclude 00.000.4000.00 ZZ.000.9929.ZZ
Exclude 00.000.9941.00 ZZ.000.ZZZZ.ZZ
Exclude 00.001.0000.00 ZZ.ZZZ.3999.ZZ

Note: 9930 through 9940 are being omitted from the exclude elements because they are
reserved for use with department 000 for balancing accounts.

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7. Save.

Define the Revenue Rule

8. Create Rule XXCVR03 for the Revenue Rule. Remember to include a description, error
message, identify the segment name, start date, and use the following information.
− Rule = XXCVR03
− Description = Allow only sales departments (300 to 3ZZ) to be used with revenue
account codes (4000 range)
− Error Message = XXCVR03 - Only sales departments (300 to 3ZZ) may be used
with revenue account codes (4000 range)
− Error Segment Name = Department
− From = 01-JAN-2008

Include/Exclude From To
Include 00.000.0000.00 ZZ.ZZZ.ZZZZ.ZZ
Exclude 00.000.4000.00 ZZ.299.4ZZZ.ZZ
Exclude 00.400.4000.00 ZZ.ZZZ.4ZZZ.ZZ

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9. Save and close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

Note: In 11i10 and prior, it was necessary to re-choose the responsibility to activate the
cross validation rule. That is no longer necessary in R12.

Test the Cross Validation Rules

10. Navigate to the Account Combinations window.

• (N) Setup > Accounts > Combinations

11. To test your rules, attempt to add accounts according to the following table:

Account Description Rule Violated?

01.150.5150.00 Domestic Ops.Finance.Commissions.Corporate XXCVR01
01.100.1110.00 Domestic Ops.Administration.Cash.Corporate XXCVR02
01.000.7640.00 Domestic Ops.Balance Sheet.Airfare.Corporate XXCVR02
01.150.7640.00 Domestic Ops.Finance.Airfare.Corporate None
01.000.2210.00 Domestic Ops.Balance Sheet.Accounts None
01.150.4120.00 Domestic Ops.Finance.Support Revenue.Corporate XXCRV03
01.350.4130.00 Domestic Ops.European Sales .Training.Corporate None

12. Optional: Disable your rules, except the Balance Sheet Rule.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 69

Practice - Define and Test Shorthand Aliases
In this practice, you will define and test shorthand aliases.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

Verify the Shorthand Aliases Profile Option

1. Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

2. Navigate to the Profiles window.

3. Query the Flexfields:Shorthand Entry profile option.

− User Value = Always

Query the Flexfield Structure

4. Navigate to the Shorthand Aliases window.

5. Query your flexfield structure.

Define Shorthand Aliases

6. Define shorthand aliases.

− Enabled = Checked
− Max Alias Size = 20
− For the prompt, type Shorthand Aliases

7. (T) Aliases, Descriptions

8. Enter full templates for the Bank account, the Accounts Payable account, and Accrued
Expenses according to the following table:

Alias Template Alias Description

Cash 01.000.1110.00 Cash
Accounts Payable 01.000.2210.00 Trade Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses 01.000.2225.00 Accrued Expenses Payable

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 70

9. Enter partial templates for Salaries, Training Revenue and Commissions according to the
following table:

Alias Template Alias Description

Salaries 01..5105.00 Salaries
Training Revenue 01..4130.00 Training Revenue
Commissions 01..5150.00 Commissions

10. Save.

11. Select OK to acknowledge message and compile the flexfield.

12. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

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Recompile the Flexfield

13. Navigate to the Key Segments window.

(N) Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Segments

14. Query your XXAccounting Flexfield structure.

15. Deselect the Freeze Flexfield definition checkbox.

16. Click (B) OK in the Caution window.

17. Save.
− Freeze Flexfield Definition = Checked

18. Click (B) OK in the Caution window.

19. (B) Compile

Test the Account Aliases

20. Navigate to the Account Combinations window.

21. Place your cursor in the Account field and activate the List of Values.

22. The prompt for the Shorthand Alias should appear.

23. Activate the List of Values in the Shorthand Alias window.

24. View the templates you created.

Disable Account Aliases for Your User

25. Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

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26. Navigate to the Profiles window.

27. Query the Flexfields: Shorthand Entry profile option.

− User Value = Not Enabled

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 72

Solution - Define and Test Shorthand Aliases (Required)
In this practice, you will define and test shorthand aliases.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

Verify the Shorthand Aliases Profile Option

1. Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

2. Navigate to the Profiles window.

• (N) Other > Profile

3. Query the Flexfields:Shorthand Entry profile option.

− User Value = Always

4. Save.

Query the Flexfield Structure

5. Navigate to the Shorthand Aliases window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Aliases

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 73

6. Query your flexfield structure.

Define Shorthand Aliases

7. Define shorthand aliases.

− Enabled = Checked
− Max Alias Size = 20
− For the prompt, type Shorthand Aliases

8. (T) Aliases, Descriptions

9. Enter full templates for the Bank account, the Accounts Payable account, and Accrued
Expenses according to the following table:

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Alias Template Alias Description
Cash 01.000.1110.00 Cash
Accounts Payable 01.000.2210.00 Trade Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses 01.000.2225.00 Accrued Expenses Payable

10. Enter partial templates for Salaries, Training Revenue and Bonuses according to the
following table:

Alias Template Alias Description

Salaries 01..5105.00 Salaries
Training Revenue 01..4130.00 Training Revenue
Commissions 01..5150.00 Commissions

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 74

11. Save.

12. (B) OK to acknowledge message to compile the flexfield.

13. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

Recompile the Flexfield

14. Navigate to the Key Segments window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Segments

15. Query your XXAccounting Flexfield structure.

16. Deselect the Freeze Flexfield definition checkbox.

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17. (B) OK in the Caution window.

18. Save.

19. Freeze Flexfield Definition = Checked

20. Click (B) OK in the Caution window.

21. (B) Compile

22. Click (B) OK in the (2) Note windows.

23. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

Test the Account Aliases

24. Navigate to the Account Combinations window.

• (N) Setup > Accounts > Combinations

25. Place your cursor in the Account field and activate the List of Values.

26. The prompt for the Shorthand Alias should appear.

27. Activate the List of Values in the Shorthand Alias window.

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28. View the templates you created.

Disable Account Aliases for Your User

29. Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

30. Navigate to the Profiles window.

• (N) Other > Profile

31. Query the Flexfields: Shorthand Entry profile option.

− User Value = Not Enabled

32. Save.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 76

Practice - Open the First Accounting Period (Required)
In this practice, you will open the first accounting period for your primary ledger and its
reporting currency.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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Open the First Accounting Period

You will convert summary balances into December of the prior accounting year and detail
balances for each period until cutover. The cutover period will be the current calendar month.
Open the appropriate periods for both the primary ledger and its reporting currency.

Note: Translation cannot be performed in the first open period.

1. Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

2. Navigate to the Open and Close Periods window

− Ledger = XX Ledger
− First Period = The earliest available period for your ledger will default.
− Ledger = XX Ledger (GBP)

Note: This is the journal level reporting currency. In order to prevent problems during
posting, you should keep the periods for both the source ledger and its reporting currency in
− First Period = The First Ever Opened Period defined for your primary ledger will

3. Close the Open/Close periods window and monitor the concurrent requests until they
complete. (Hint: Use (M) View > Requests).

4. Navigate back to the Open and Close Periods window.

5. Click (B) Find to find all periods.

− Accept the default values for the Ledger and Status fields.
− Click (B) Open Period to open a range of period(s).
− In the Target Period field, select the current period to open.

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Note: After specifying the Target Period and selecting (B) Open Period, all periods up to
and including the Target Period will be open. This is a change from prior versions of Oracle
Applications where each period had to be opened individually and consecutively.

6. Verify the process completed without error and the periods are open and future enterable.

7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 for the reporting currency.

Note: You should limit the number of periods you have open in order to improve posting
performance. This is particularly useful during implementations when you are uploading
balances from a legacy system. Instead of having a year's worth of periods open as you are
uploading and posting to each period, open a couple of periods and have a high number of
future-enterable periods defined for your ledger.

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Note: The number of future-enterable periods can be changed at any time in the Ledger
Options window in Accounting Setup Manager. After you have uploaded the balances for all
the periods, post the journals, then close older periods.

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Solution - Open the First Accounting Period (Required)
In this practice, you will open the first accounting period for your primary ledger and its
reporting currency.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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Open the First Accounting Period

You will convert summary balances into December of the prior accounting year and detail
balances for each period until cutover. The cutover period will be the current calendar month.
Open the appropriate periods for both the primary ledger and its reporting currency.

Note: Translation cannot be performed in the first open period.

1. Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

2. Navigate to the Open and Close Periods window.

• (N) Setup > Open/Close

− Ledger = XX Ledger

• (B) Find

− First Period = The earliest available period for your ledger will default.

• (B) Open

• Click (B) Yes in the Decision window.

• Click (B) OK to acknowledge concurrent request ID.

• (I) Find
− Ledger = XX Ledger (GBP)
Note: This is the journal level reporting currency. In order to prevent problems
during posting, you should keep the periods for both the source ledger and its
reporting currency in synch.

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• (B) Find
− First Period = The First Ever Opened Period defined for your primary ledger will

• (B) Open

• (B) Yes

• Click (B) OK to acknowledge your concurrent request ID.

3. Close the Open/Close Periods window and monitor the concurrent requests until they
complete. (Hint: Use (M) View > Requests).

4. Navigate back to the Open and Close Periods window.

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5. Click (B) Find to find all periods.
− Accept the default values for the Ledger and Status fields.
− Click (B) Open Period to open a range of period(s).
− In the Target Period field, select the current period to open.

Note: After specifying the Target Period and selecting (B) Open Period, all periods up to
and including the Target Period will be open. This is a change from prior versions of Oracle
Applications where each period had to be opened individually and consecutively.

6. (B) Open

7. Click (B) Yes in the Decision window.

8. (B) OK

9. Verify the process completed without error and the periods are open and future enterable.

10. Repeat steps 5 through 9 for the reporting currency.

Note: You should limit the number of periods you have open in order to improve posting
performance. This is particularly useful during implementations when you are uploading
balances from a legacy system. Instead of having a year's worth of periods open as you are
uploading and posting to each period, open a couple of periods and have a high number of
future-enterable periods defined for your ledger. After you have uploaded the balances for
all the periods, post the journals, then close older periods.

Note: The number of future-enterable periods can be changed at any time in the Ledger
Options window in Accounting Setup Manager.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 80

Practice - Run General Ledger Reports
In this practice, you will run General Ledger reports.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.


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1. Submit the Segment Values Listing Report.

2. View the output when your request completes.

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Solution - Run General Ledger Reports
Submit the Segment Values Listing Report

1. Navigate to the Standard Request Submission screen.

• (N) Reports > Request > Standard

2. Submit a single request.

− Name = Chart of Accounts - Segment Values Listing
− Segment Name = Account

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− (B) OK
− (B) Submit
− Note your Request ID
− (B) No in Decision window

3. View the output when your request completes.

Hint: (M) View > Requests.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 82

Practice - Account Hierarchy Manager
• Use Vision database.

• Login information provided by your instructor.

• Replace XX with the number provided by your instructor.

• Use General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA) responsibility.


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In this practice you will learn how to:

• View an existing hierarchy.

• Create new segment values.

• Duplicate hierarchies.

• Modify descriptions within a hierarchy.

Business Scenario
Modify the Profile Option

Set Profile Option for GL AHM: Allow Users to Modify Hierarchy for responsibility XXGeneral
Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER to Yes.

Open the Account Hierarchy Manager

Responsibility: XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

1. Navigate to (N) Setup > Accounts > Manager.

2. Select Yes in the Confirm window asking if the changes are to be saved.

• Expand the XX_Accounting_Flexfield

• Minimize the window to keep the Account Hierarchy Manager active.

3. Select Department (B) Find.

4. Select (I) New Parent.

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• The Parent Attribute window appears, enter T in the Value field and All Departments in
Description field.

5. Select (B) OK.

6. Select the T Value that now appears on the left hand side.

• Select (I) View Hierarchy

Note the T value does not display any children values on the right hand side, the system
automatically associates all children to the T value.

7. Select the 1XX value and (I) View Hierarchy.

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Note the value now appears on the right hand side with a (+) plus sign indicating children,
expand to see the children associated with this value.

Double click the 1XX value on the left hand side the Parent Attribute window appears.

Note the child ranges appear down below.

8. (B) Cancel or close the window.

9. Highlight the child value 150 (Finance).

• Right click and select Remove.

This will remove the child value from the range.

10. Select the 1XX Value and open the Parent Attribute window.

Note the change in the ranges.

11. (B) Cancel or close window.

12. Select the 150 value on the left side and drag and drop on the Parent Value 1XX on the right
hand side.

13. Verify the ranges by double clicking on the Parent Value 1XX.

14. Select the (B) Merge to include all the values between the lowest and highest ranges.

15. Click (B) Yes to save all changes, which includes the new T Parent Value.

16. Click (B) OK to Saving Complete.

17. (B) Accept Merge

18. (B) OK,

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 84

19. (B) OK

20. (I) Add New Child.

• Child Attribute window appears.

21. Enter the following:

− Value – 155
− Description- Payables

22. (B) OK

23. Refresh by selecting the Parent Value on the left side and right click and choose View

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24. View the account segment by selecting the (I) Flashlight.

25. Highlight the Account Segment

26. Click (B) Yes to Confirm.

27. (B) OK

28. (B) Find

29. Select an Account and double click to view the attributes.

Note that these attributes can be changed..

30. Exit the Account Hierarchy Manager by closing the window.

31. (B) Yes to save the changes.

32. Expand the Oracle General Ledger Account Hierarchy Manager and close the window.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 85

Solution – Account Hierarchy Manager

In this practice you will learn how to:

• View an existing hierarchy.

• Create new segment values.

• Duplicate hierarchies.

• Modify descriptions within a hierarchy.

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Modify the Profile Option

Responsibility = System Administrator

1. Navigate to the System Profile Options window.

• (N) Profile > System

− Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER
− Profile = GL AHM: Allow Users to Modify Hierarchy

2. (B) Find

• Click (B) OK to acknowledge the note.

3. Set the value to Yes in the responsibility field.

4. Save.

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Open the Account Hierarchy Manager

Responsibility: XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

5. Navigate to (N) Setup > Accounts > Manager.

6. Select Yes in the Confirm window asking if the changes are to be saved.

• Minimize the window to keep the Account Hierarchy Manager active.

• Expand the XX_Accounting_Flexfield.

7. Select Department.

• (B) Find

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8. Select (I) New Parent.

• The Parent Attribute window appears, enter T in the Value field and All Departments in
Description field.

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9. Select (B) OK.

10. Select the T Value that now appears on the left hand side.

• Select (I) View Hierarchy

Note the T value does not display any children values on the right hand side, the system
automatically associates all children with the T value.

11. Select the 1XX value and (I) View Hierarchy.

Note the value now appears on the right hand side with a (+) plus sign indicating children
are associated with the parent.

Double click the 1XX value on the left hand side the Parent Attribute window appears.

Note the child ranges appear.

(B) Cancel or close the Parent Attribute window.

12. Use the + (plus sign) to expand the list of children associated with the parent value.

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13. Highlight the child value 150 (Finance).

• Right click and select Remove, to remove the child value from the range.

14. Select the 1XX Value and open the Parent Attribute window.

Note the change in the ranges.

• Click (B) Cancel or close window.

15. Select the 150 value on the left side and drag and drop on the Parent Value 1XX on the right
hand side.

• Verify the ranges by double clicking on the Parent Value 1XX.

16. Select the (B) Merge to include all the values between the lowest and highest ranges.

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• (B) Yes to save all changes, which includes the new T Parent Value.

• Click (B) OK to Saving Complete.

• (B) Accept Merge

17. (B) OK

18. (B) OK

19. (I) Add New Child

• Child Attribute window appears

20. Enter the following:

− Value – 155
− Description- Payables

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21. (B) OK

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22. Refresh by selecting the Parent Value on the left side and right click and choose View
Hierarchy. You may need to close the existing hierarchy view.

23. View the account segment by selecting the (I) Flashlight.

24. Highlight the Account Segment.

25. Click (B) Yes to Confirm.

26. (B) OK

27. (B) Find

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28. Select an Account and double click to view the attributes.

Note that these attributes can be changed.

29. Exit the Account Hierarchy Manager by closing the window.

30. Click (B) Yes to save the changes, if asked.

31. Expand the Oracle General Ledger Account Hierarchy Manager window and then close the

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Using Accounting Setup Manager

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Practice - Define Sequencing
In this practice you will define sequencing in General Ledger.

Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLedger

Your company has just acquired a company called France Outfitters, which is based in France.
Regulations in France require that each journal has to be sequenced. You will set up sequencing
for the ledger so that all General Ledger journals are sequenced when posted.

Setup Accounting Sequencing

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1. Navigate to Accounting Setup Manager.

2. Update the accounting options for sequencing for the ledger XXLedger.

3. Setup accounting sequence for XXLedger.

4. Validate Sequence By Effective Date.

5. Assign Sequence By Effective Date.

Assign Sequences and Create New Sequence

6. Create a new sequence XXSequence.

7. Create a new sequence version XXSequenceAY (AY=last year) starting on July 1 AY –

June 30 BY (BY=current year) with the initial number 1.

8. Create a new sequence version XXSequenceBY starting on July 1 BY – June 30 CY (next

year) with the initial number 1.

9. Assign the sequence XXSequence starting on July 1 2007 to sequence journal entries for all
balance type, all journal source, and all categoriesSolution – Define Sequencing.

Note: If you need to modify the XXSequence you created, you can do so from

Setup > Financials > Sequences > Accounting > Define

Enter Journal and View Sequences

10. Enter a journal for the current period.

11. Post the journal.

12. View the sequence number generated.

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Solution – Define Sequencing
Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLedger

Setup Accounting Sequencing

1. Navigate to Accounting Setup Manager.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Accounting Setup Manager > Accounting Setups

2. Search for the ledger you created XXLedger.

3. (B) Go

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4. (I) Update Accounting Options for the XXLedger.

5. (I) Update the accounting options for sequencing for the ledger XXLedger.

6. Setup accounting sequence for XXLedger by selecting Ledger Name: XX Ledger.

• Sequence Event-Sequence Entity = Posting - GL Journal Entry

7. (B) Create

8. Validate Sequence By = Journal Effective Date.

9. Assign Sequence By = Journal Effective Date.

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Assign Sequences and Create New Sequence

10. (B) Assign Sequences

11. (B) Create Sequence

12. Create a new sequence XXSequence.

13. Create a new sequence version (AY = last year and BY = current year):
− Name = XXSequence AY
− Start Date = 01-JUL-AY
− End Date = 30-JUN-BY
− Initial Number = 1

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14. (B) Add Another Row.

15. Create a new sequence version (BY = current year and CY = next year):
− Name = XXSequenceBY
− Start Date = 01-JUL-BY
− End Date = 30-JUN-CY
− Initial Number = 1

16. (B) Apply

17. The sequence XXSequence is defaulted to the sequence assignment starting from today.
Change the start date to make the sequence assignment to sequence journal entries for All
Balance Types, All Journal Sources, and All Categories starting on the current date.

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18. (B) Apply

Note confirmation information.

• If you need to modify the XXSequence you created, you can do so from the Accounting
Setup Manager or from:

Setup > Financials > Sequences > Accounting > Define

19. Change Status from In Progress to Complete.

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20. (B) Apply

21. (L) Close Window.

Enter Journal and View Sequences

(N) Journals > Enter > (B) New Journal

22. Enter a journal with the following:

− Name = XX Sequence Verification
− Period = Accept default with the following accounts and amounts.

Line Account Debit Credit

10 01.310.5520.00 4100

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20 01.000.2210.00 4100

23. Save.

24. Post the journal.

25. (B) Post > (B) OK to acknowledge concurrent request ID note.

26. Search for the journal you created and click on the Other Information tab.

27. View the sequence number generated and the sequence name.

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Basic Journal Entries

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Practice - Set up Journal Sources
In this practice, you will set up journal sources.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

1. Set Up a Journal Source

• (N) Setup > Journal > Sources

− Source = XXPurchasing
− Source Key = XXPurchasing
− Description = External purchasing accruals
− Import Journal references = Checked
− Freeze Journals = Yes

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Solution - Set up Journal Sources
Set Up a Journal Source

Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

1. Open the Journal Sources window.

• (N) Setup > Journal > Sources

− Source = XXPurchasing
− Source Key = XXPurchasing

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− Description = External purchasing accruals
− Import Journal references = Checked
− Freeze Journals = Yes

2. (I) Save

3. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 101

Practice - Set up a Journal Category (Required)
In this practice, you will set up a journal category.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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Set Up a Journal Category

Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

1. Navigate to the Journal Category window.

• (N) Setup > Journal > Categories

− Category = XXAccrual
− Category Key = XXAccrual
− Description = XXAccrual

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Solution – Set up a Journal Category (Required)
Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

1. Open the Journal Categories window.

• (N) Setup > Journal > Categories

− Category = XXAccrual
− Category Key = XXAccrual
− Description = XXAccrual

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2. (I) Save

3. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 103

Practice - Create a Journal Batch (Required)
You've purchased computers in the current open period. The computers are valued at 85,000, of
which the office is paying 5,000 cash and the remainder will be paid over the following year. An
additional memo informs you of 135,000 of one-time sales revenues earned by selling these
computers. Record the journals for the memos in one batch using a batch control total. In this
practice, you will create a batch journal.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

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• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Record Computer Purchases

1. Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

2. Navigate to the Journals window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

Note: You may need to use the System Administrator responsibility to set the Sequential
Numbering profile option to Not Used for the XX General Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER
responsibility to prevent messages regarding sequential numbering when entering new

3. (B) New Batch

− Batch = XXComputer Purchases and Sales
− Period = Current period
− Control Total = 220000

4. (B) Journals
− Journal = XXComputer Purchases
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Category = Addition
− Currency = The ledger currency

5. Enter the following:

Line Account Debit Credit Description

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10 01.000.1560.00 85000 Computers and Software
20 01.000.1110.00 5000 Cash
30 01.000.2210.00 80000 Accounts Payable

Record Sales on Account

6. Place the cursor in the Journal field.

7. (I) New
− Name = XXComputer Sales
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Period = Current period
− Category = Revenue

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− Currency = Your ledger currency

8. Enter the following:

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.000.1210.00 135000 Accounts Receivable
20 01.310.4110.00 135000 Hardware Revenue

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Solution - Create a Journal Batch (Required)
Record Computer Purchases

1. Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

2. Navigate to the Journals window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

Note: You may need to use the System Administrator responsibility to set the Sequential

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Numbering profile option to Not Used for the XX General Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER
responsibility to prevent messages regarding sequential numbering when entering new

3. (B) New Batch

− Batch = XXComputer Purchases and Sales
− Period = Current period
− Control Total = 220000

4. (B) Journals
− Journal = XXComputer Purchases
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Category = Addition
− Currency = The ledger currency defaults

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5. Enter the following:

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.000.1560.00 85000 Computers and Software
20 01.000.1110.00 5000 Cash
30 01.000.2210.00 80000 Accounts Payable

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6. (I) Save

7. (B) Yes in the Decision window.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 107

Record Sales on Account

8. Place the cursor in the Journal field.

9. (I) New
− Name = XXComputer Sales
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Period = Current period
− Category = Revenue
− Currency = Your ledger currency defaults

10. Enter the following:

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Line Account Debit Credit Description
10 01.000.1210.00 135000 Accounts Receivable
20 01.310.4110.00 135000 Hardware Revenue

11. (I) Save

12. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 108

Practice - Create a Second Journal Batch (Required)
In this practice, you will create a journal batch with multiple journals.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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Create a Journal Batch

1. Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

2. Navigate to the Journals window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

3. (B) New Batch

− Batch = XXMeals Expense
− Control Total = 1000

4. (B) Journals
− Journal = XXMeals - Sales & Marketing
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Category = Expenditures
− Period = Current period
− Currency = Use default currency

5. Enter the following:

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.310.7690.00 500 Meals-Sales & Marketing
20 01.000.1110.00 500 Cash

6. Create New Journal entry.

− Journal = XXMeals - European Sales

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.350.7690.00 300 Meals-European Sales

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Line Account Debit Credit Description
20 01.000.1110.00 300 Cash

7. Create new journal entry.

− Journal = XXMeals - American Sales

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.375.7690.00 200 Meals-American Sales
20 01.000.1110.00 200 Cash

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Solution - Create a Second Journal Batch (Required)
Create a Journal Batch

1. Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

2. Navigate to the Journals window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

3. (B) New Batch

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− Batch = XXMeals Expense
− Control Total = 1000

4. (B) Journals
− Journal = XXMeals - Sales & Marketing
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Category = Expenditures
− Period = Current period
− Currency = Use default currency

5. Enter the following:

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.310.7690.00 500 Meals-Sales & Marketing
20 01.000.1110.00 500 Cash

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6. (I) Save

7. Click (B) Yes in the Decision window.

8. Place cursor in journal header.

9. (M) File > New

− Journal = XXMeals - European Sales
− Category = Expenditures

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.350.7690.00 300 Meals-European Sales
20 01.000.1110.00 300 Cash

10. (I) Save

11. Click (B) Yes in the Decision window.

12. Place cursor in journal header.

13. (I) New

− Journal = XXMeals - American Sales
− Category = Expenditures

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Line Account Debit Credit Description
10 01.375.7690.00 200 Meals-American Sales
20 01.000.1110.00 200 Cash

14. (I) Save

15. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 113

Practice - Create a Single Journal (Required)
In this practice, you will create a single journal that will reclass telephone charges from the
Finance department to the Administrative department.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

Create a Single Journal

1. Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

2. Navigate to the Enter Journals window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

3. (B) New Journal

− Journal Name = XXReclass
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Category = Reclass
− Period = Current period
− Currency = Use default currency

Note: We did not enter a batch name for this batch. The batch name will be created for us.

4. Enter the following journal:

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.310.5510.00 500 Telephone Charges
20 01.100.5510.00 500 Transfer to Dept. 300

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Solution – Create a Single Journal (Required)
Create a Single Journal

1. Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

2. Navigate to the Enter Journals window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

3. (B) New Journal

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− Journal Name = XXReclass
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Category = Reclass
− Period = Current period
− Currency = Use default currency

Note: We did not enter a batch name for this batch. The batch name will be created for us.

4. Enter the following journal:

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.310.5510.00 500 Telephone Charges
20 01.100.5510.00 500 Transfer to Dept. 300

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5. (I) Save.

6. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 116

Practice - Post Journals (Required)
There are several methods to Post Journals. You can use the Post button, the Post Journals
window or Autopost. In this practice, you will use the Post Journals window to post journals.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

Post Journals using the Post Journals Window

1. Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

2. Navigate to the Journals Post window.

• (N) Journals > Post

3. (B) Find

4. Select all of your batches and post them.

Two Journal entries are created by this action, one for the Primary Ledger the other for the
Reporting Currency Ledger.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 117

Solution - Post Journals (Required)
There are several methods to Post Journals. You can use the Post button, the Post Journals
window or Autopost. In this practice, you will use the Post Journals window to post journals.

Post Journals using the Post Journals Window

1. Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

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2. Navigate to the Journals Post window.

• (N) Journals > Post

3. (B) Find

4. Select all of your batches.

5. Click (B) Post to post selected journals.

6. Click (B) OK to acknowledge concurrent request ID.

7. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

The Post action will create an additional journal entry for the Reporting Currency Ledger.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 118

Practice - Review Journal Entries and Account Balances
In this practice, you will use inquiry windows to review journal entries and account balances for
both the primary ledger and its reporting currency. From the reporting currency, you can drill
down to the primary ledger.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Use Account Inquiry

1. Navigate to the Account Inquiry window.

• (N) Inquiry > Account

− Ledger Name = XXLedger
− From = Current period
− To = Current period
− Currency Type = Total

2. Place cursor in Accounts record.

3. Enter the following:

Segment Low High

Company 01 01
Department 000 000
Account 1210 1210
Interco 00 00

4. (B) OK

5. (B) Show Balances

− Verify PTD = 135000

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6. (B) Journal Details

7. (B) Show Full Journal

8. Close the last two windows until you are back at the Account Inquiry page.

9. Change the ledger to your reporting currency XXLedger (GBP) and keep the other query
criteria the same.

10. (B) Show Balances

− Verify PTD = 67,500

11. (B) Journal Details

12. (B) Drilldown

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13. (I) Folder > Folder Tools > Show Field

14. Show the Ledger field.

− Notice the ledger name displayed is the primary ledger, the origin of the journal.

15. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

Use Journal Inquiry

16. Navigate to the Journal Entry Inquiry window.

• (N) Inquiry > Journal

17. Locate your Meals journal.

− Tip: Use a wildcard (e.g., %Meals%)

18. (B) Find

19. Verify batch statuses is Posted.

20. Select the 1st line.

21. (B) Review Journal

22. (B) T Accounts (B) Options

23. Show in T Accounts.

− Account Description = Checked
− Balances = Unchecked
− Entered amounts = Unchecked
− Activity = Checked

24. (B) T Accounts

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25. (B) Activity Summary

26. (B) Options

− Organize By = Segments
− Choose Department and Account

27. (B) Activity Summary.

28. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

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Solution - Review Journal Entries and Account Balances
In this practice, you will use inquiry windows to review journal entries and account balances for
both the primary ledger and its reporting currency. From the reporting currency, you can drill
down to the primary ledger.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Use Account Inquiry

1. Navigate to the Account Inquiry window

• (N) Inquiry > Account

− Ledger Name = XXLedger
− From = Current period
− To = Current period
− Currency Type = Total

2. Place cursor in Accounts record.

3. Enter the following in the Find Accounts window:

Segment Low High

Company 01 01
Department 000 000
Account 1210 1210
Interco 00 00

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4. (B) OK

5. (B) Show Balances.

− Verify PTD = 135000

6. (B) Journal Details

7. (B) Show Full Journal

8. Close the last two windows until you are back at the Account Inquiry page.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 123

9. Change the ledger to the reporting currency XXLedger (GBP) and keep the other query
criteria the same.

10. (B) Show Balances

− Verify PTD = 72,090
− Note: Balance value may vary based on exchange rate in the Daily Rate Table

11. (B) Journal Details

12. (B) Drilldown

13. (I) Folder > Folder Tools > Show Field

14. Show the Ledger field.

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− Notice the ledger name displayed is the primary ledger, the origin of the journal.

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15. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

Use Journal Inquiry

16. Navigate to the Journal Entry Inquiry window.

• (N) Inquiry > Journal

17. Locate your Meals journal.

− Tip: Use a wildcard (e.g.,%Meals%)

18. (B) Find

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19. Verify batch status is Posted.

20. (B) Review Journal

21. (B) T Accounts (B) Options

22. Show in T Accounts.

− Account Description = Checked
− Balances = Unchecked
− Entered amounts = Unchecked

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− Activity = Checked

23. (B) T Accounts

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24. (B) Activity Summary

25. (B) Options

− Organize By = Segments
− Choose Department and Account

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26. (B) Activity Summary.

27. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 128

Practice - Reverse a Journal Entry (Required)
Journals may be scheduled for reversal in another period. Users may enter the period in the
Journal window or it may be set to default from the category. In this practice, you will reverse a
journal entry.

There are four ways to create a reversing journal.

− Manually
− Use the Generate > Reversals window
− Profile Option GL: Autolaunch Reversal after Period Open is set to Yes and a new
period is opened (category must support auto reverse)

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− Run the Program - Automatic Reversal concurrent process that creates a reversing

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Reverse a Journal Manually

A memo from the MIS department states, "Please correct the charge for computers for the latest
open period. The proper charge is 87000, not 85000."

1. Navigate to the Enter Journals window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

2. Find the XXComputer Purchases and Sales Batch.

3. Select the line for 85000 and review the Journal.

4. Reverse the 85000 Journal entry.

5. Select the Current period.

6. Confirm reversing request completes prior to continuing. Hint: (M) View > Requests.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 129

Post the Reversing Entry

7. Navigate to the Journals Post window.

• (N) Journals > Post

8. Find the reversed batch.

9. Select the reversing journal entry for posting.

10. Post.

Enter the Correct Journal

11. Navigate to the Enter Journals window.

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• (N) Journals > Enter

12. Create a new Batch.

− Batch = XXCorrected Computer Purchases

13. (B) Journals

− Journal = XXCorrected Purchases
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Category = Addition
− Period = Current period
− Currency = Defaults

14. Enter the following:

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.000.1560.00 87000 Computers and Software
20 01.000.1110.00 5000 Cash
30 01.000.2210.00 82000 Accounts Payable

15. (I) Save

16. (B) Post

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 130

Solution - Reverse a Journal Entry (Required)
Journals may be scheduled for reversal in another period. Users may enter the period in the
Journal window or it may be set to default from the category. In this practice, you will reverse a
journal entry.

There are four ways to create a reversing journal.

− Manually
− Use the Generate > Reversals window
− Profile Option GL: Autolaunch Reversal after Period Open is set to Yes and a new
period is opened (category must support auto reverse)

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

− Run the Program - Automatic Reversal concurrent process that creates a reversing

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Reverse a Journal Manually

A memo from the MIS department states, "Please correct the charge for computers for the latest
open period. The proper charge is 87000, not 85000."

1. Navigate to the Enter Journals window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

− Batch = XXComputer Purchases and Sales (Tip: use wildcard. Ex: XXCom%)

2. (B) Find

3. Select the primary ledger line for 85000.

4. (B) Review Journal

• (B) Reverse

• Select the Current period and click the OK button.

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5. Click (B) OK to acknowledge the concurrent request ID note.

6. (M) View > Requests and monitor your request until it completes.

7. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

Post the Reversing Entry

8. Navigate to the Journals Post window.

• (N) Journals > Post

− Batch = Rev%XX%

9. (B) Find

10. Select the reversing journal entry for posting.

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11. (B) Post

12. Click (B) OK to acknowledge the concurrent request ID note.

13. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

Enter the Correct Journal (Optional)

14. Navigate to the Enter Journals window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

15. (B) New Batch

− Batch = XXCorrected Computer Purchases

16. (B) Journals

− Journal = XXCorrected Purchases
− Ledger = XXLedger

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− Category = Addition
− Period = Current period
− Currency = Defaults

17. Enter the following:

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.000.1560.00 87000 Computers and Software
20 01.000.1110.00 5000 Cash
30 01.000.2210.00 82000 Accounts Payable

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18. (I) Save

19. (B) Post

20. Click (B) OK to acknowledge concurrent request ID note.

21. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 134

Practice - Schedule a Journal to Reverse then Generate the
Reversal (Required)
In this practice, you will schedule a journal to reverse and then generate the reversal.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Set the Reversal Period

1. Navigate to the Enter Journals window and find your XXMeals Expense Journal Entry.

• (N) Journals > Enter

2. Select the line for 200.

3. (B) Review Journal

4. Select the next, non-adjusting period for reversal.

5. Save.

Note: In R12, you can only generate reversals for posted journals. This helps to ensure data

Generate the Reversal

6. Navigate to the Reverse Journals window and find your batch.

• (N) Journals > Generate > Reversal

7. Select the batch name to be reversed.

8. (B) Reverse

Find your Reversal

9. Navigate to the Enter Journals window, find and review your reversal.

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Solution - Schedule a Journal to Reverse then Generate the
Reversal (Required)
In this practice, you will schedule a journal to reverse and then generate the reversal.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Set the Reversal Period

1. Navigate to the Enter Journals window and find your XXMeals Expense Journal Entry.

• (N) Journals > Enter

− Batch: XXMeals Expense (Tip: use wildcard. Ex: XXMeals%)

2. (B) Find

3. Select the line for 200 in the primary ledger.

4. (B) Review Journal

5. Reverse Area:
− Period = Choose the next, non-adjusting period
− Method = Switch Dr/Cr

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6. Save.

Note: In R12, you can only generate reversals for posted journals. This helps to ensure data

7. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 137

Generate the Reversal

8. Navigate to the Reverse Journals window.

• (N) Journals > Generate > Reversal

9. (B) Find

10. Click the check box next to the batch name to be reversed.

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11. (B) Reverse

12. (B) OK to acknowledge your concurrent request has been submitted.

13. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

Find your Reversal

14. Navigate to the Enter Journals window and find your reversal.

• (N) Journals > Enter

− Batch = Rev%XX%

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 138

Practice - Set up Automatic Journal Reversal
If you routinely generate and post a large number of reversing entries as part of your month-end
close or opening procedures, you can save time and reduce errors by setting up Automatic
Journal Reversal. The Journal Reversal Criteria window is used to define reversal criteria based
on journal categories. However, your reversal criteria will only apply to new journal entries that
use that category; it will not apply retroactively to existing journals using that category. In this
practice, you will set up an automatic journal reversal.


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• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Verify your Journal Category exists

1. Navigate to the Categories window and verify that your XXAccrual category exists.

• (N) Setup > Journal > Categories>

Specify Journal Reversal Criteria

2. Navigate to the Journal Reversal Criteria window.

• (N) Setup > Journal > Autoreverse

− Criteria Set = XXReversal Criteria
− Description = XXReversal Criteria
− Note that there is automatically a journal reversal criteria record for each journal
− Enter a Query (F11)
− Category = XXAccrual
− Execute your Query (Ctl-F11)
− Reversal Period = Next Non-Adjusting
− Method = Switch Dr/Cr
− AutoReverse = Checked
− AutoPost Reversal = Checked

3. Save.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 139

Note: The GL: Launch Autoreverse after Period Open profile option will determine if the
Posting process will be submitted automatically when the status of the period changes to
Open after the Open Period process is run.

4. Assign the Journal Reversal Criteria Set to your accounting setup.

• N) Setup > Financials > Accounting Setup Manager > Accounting Setups
− Search by Ledger = XXLedger
− (B) Go
− (I) Update Accounting Options
− (I) Update = Setup Step XXLedger
− (B) Next
− Journal Reversal Criteria Set = XXReversal Criteria
− (B) Finish

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− Close page

Test Journal Reversal

5. Navigate to the Enter Journals window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

6. (B) New Journal

− Journal = XXSalary Accrual
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Category = XXAccrual
− Period = Current period
− Note the Reversal Period defaults into the reverse area

7. Enter the following:

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.310.5105.00 30000 Salary Expense (310)
20 01.350.5105.00 20000 Salary Expense (350)
30 01.375.5105.00 10000 Salary Expense (375)
40 01.000.2225.00 60000 Accrued Salaries

8. Save.

9. (B) Post

10. Ensure the concurrent request completes successfully.

11. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 140

Run the Automatic Reversal Process

12. Navigate to the Standard Request Submission window.

• (N) Reports > Request > Standard

13. Click (B) OK to submit a single request.

− Name = Program - Automatic Reversal
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Period = ALL

14. Submit the request and review the output.

15. Verify your reversing journal was created.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 141

Solution - Set up Automatic Journal Reversal (Required)
If you routinely generate and post a large number of reversing entries as part of your month-end
close or opening procedures, you can save time and reduce errors by setting up Automatic
Journal Reversal. The Journal Reversal Criteria window is used to define reversal criteria based
on journal categories. However, your reversal criteria will only apply to new journal entries that
use that category; it will not apply retroactively to existing journals using that category. In this
practice, you will set up an automatic journal reversal.


Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Verify your Journal Category exists

1. Navigate to the Categories window and verify that your category exists.

• (N) Setup > Journal > Categories>

− Enter a Query [F11]
− Category = XXAccrual

2. Execute your Query [Ctrl-F11].

3. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

Specify Journal Reversal Criteria

4. Navigate to the Journal Reversal Criteria window.

• (N) Setup > Journal > Autoreverse

− Criteria Set = XXReversal Criteria
− Description = XXReversal Criteria
− (B) Yes – Save is automatically invoked when moving to the category region

Note: there is automatically a journal reversal criteria record for each journal
− Enter a Query (F11)
− Category = XXAccrual

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− Execute your Query (Ctl-F11)
− Reversal Period = Next Non-Adjusting
− Method = Switch Dr/Cr
− AutoReverse = Checked
− AutoPost Reversal = Checked

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5. Save.

6. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

Note: The “GL: Launch Autoreverse after Period Open” profile option will determine if the
Posting process will be submitted automatically when the status of the period changes to
Open after the Open Period process is run.

7. Assign the Journal Reversal Criteria Set to your accounting setup.

• N) Setup > Financials > Accounting Setup Manager > Accounting Setups
− Search by Ledger = XXLedger
− (B) Go
− (I) Update Accounting Options
− (I) Update = Setup Step XXLedger
− (B) Next
− Journal Reversal Criteria Set = XXReversal Criteria

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− (B) Finish
− (L) Close window

Test Journal Reversal

8. Navigate to the Enter Journals window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

9. (B) New Journal

− Journal = XXSalary Accrual
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Category = XXAccrual
− Period = Current period
− Note the Reversal Period defaults into the reverse area

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 144

10. Enter the following:

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.310.5105.00 30000 Salary Expense (310)
20 01.350.5105.00 20000 Salary Expense (350)
30 01.375.5105.00 10000 Salary Expense (375)
40 01.000.2225.00 60000 Accrued Salaries

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11. Save.

12. (B) Post

• (B) OK to acknowledge concurrent request ID note.

13. Ensure the concurrent request completes successfully. Hint: (M) View > Requests

14. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

Run the Automatic Reversal Process

15. Navigate to the Standard Request Submission window.

• (N) Reports > Request > Standard

16. Click (B) OK to submit a single request.

− Name = Program - Automatic Reversal

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− Ledger =XXLedger
− Period = ALL

• (OK) to acknowledge parameter selection.

• Click (B) Submit to submit the request.

• Click (B) No to close request submission window.

17. Locate your concurrent request and View Output. Hint: (M) View > Requests.

18. Verify your reversing journal was created and the period in which it was created.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 146

Practice - Set up Suspense Accounts (Required)
In this practice, you will set up suspense accounts.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

1. Define a Suspense Account.

• Enter the following:

Ledger Source Category Account

XXLedger Manual XXAccrual 01.400.7990.00

2. Enter an Unbalanced Journal.

• (B) New Journal

− Journal = XXMisc Accruals
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Category = XXAccrual
− Period = Current period

• Enter the following:

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.310.5150.00 500 Commission
20 01.000.2225.00 450 Accruals

• Click (B) Yes in Decision window.

3. Post the Journal.

4. Navigate to the Enter Journals window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 147

Solution - Set up Suspense Accounts (Required)
In this practice, you will set up suspense accounts.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Define a Suspense Account

1. Navigate to the Suspense Account window.

• (N) Setup > Accounts > Suspense

2. Enter the following:

Ledger Source Category Account

XXLedger Manual XXAccrual 01.400.7990.00

3. Save.

4. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 148

Enter an Unbalanced Journal

5. Navigate to the Enter Journals window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

6. (B) New Journal

− Journal = XXMisc Accruals
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Category = XXAccrual
− Period = Current period

7. Enter the following:

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Line Account Debit Credit Description
10 01.310.5150.00 500 Commission
20 01.000.2225.00 450 Accruals

8. Save.

9. Click (B) Yes in Decision window.

10. Click (B) Post to post the Journal.

11. (B) OK

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 149

12. Ensure the request completes successfully. Hint: (M) Requests > View

View the Journal

13. Query the XXMisc Accruals Journal.

− F11
− Journal = XXMisc%
− Ctrl+F11

14. Review the Journal.

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15. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 150

Practice - Create a STAT Journal (Required)
In this practice, you will create a STAT journal.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

1. Create a Single Journal.

• (B) New Journal

− Journal Name = XXHeadcount
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Category = Headcount
− Period = Current period
− Currency = STAT

• Enter the following journal:

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.310.9110.00 100 Dept 310 Headcount
20 01.350.9110.00 150 Dept 350 Headcount
30 01.375.9110.00 125 Dept 375 Headcount

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 151

Solution - Create a STAT Journal (Required)
In this practice, you will create a STAT journal.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Create a Single Journal

1. Navigate to the Enter Journals window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

2. (B) New Journal

− Journal Name = XXHeadcount
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Category = Headcount
− Period = Current period
− Currency = STAT

Note: We did not enter a batch name for this batch. The batch name will be created for us.

3. Enter the following journal:

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.310.9110.00 100 Dept 310 Headcount
20 01.350.9110.00 150 Dept 350 Headcount
30 01.375.9110.00 125 Dept 375 Headcount

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4. (B) Post

5. Click (B) Yes in the Decision window.

6. Click (B) OK to acknowledge concurrent request ID note.

7. Query your Journal Name but place “%” before and after your Journal Name, such as
%XXHeadcount%. Notice 2 journals have been created and posted - one for the primary
ledger and another for its reporting currency. The name of the reporting currency journal is
the same as the primary ledger except the reporting currency name is prefixed.

8. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 153

Practice - Define Statistical Units of Measure (Optional)
In this practice, you will define statistical units of measure.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

1. Define Statistical Units of Measure.

• Enter the following:

Account Unit of Measure Description

7640 XXFlights Flights

2. Verify Profile Option.

• Find the Journals: Mix Statistical and Monetary and set the User value to Yes.

3. Enter a Mixed Statistical and Monetary Journal.

• (B) New Journal

− Journal = XXAirfare Expense

• Enter the following:

Line Account Debit Credit Unit of Measure Quantity

10 01.310.7640.00 3000 XXFlights 2
20 01.350.7640.00 4000 XXFlights 5
30 01.375.7640.00 5000 XXFlights 1
40 01.000.1110.00 12000

Use Account Analysis and Drilldown

4. Navigate to the Account Analysis and Drilldown page.

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• (N) Inquiry > Account Analysis and Drilldown

5. Inquiry Type = Period Listing

6. Search
− Ledger/Ledger Set = XXLedger
− Period From = Current Period
− Period To = Current Period
− Account From = 01.310.7640.00 (B) Search (B) Select
− Account To = 01.375.7640.00 (B) Search (B) Select

7. (B) Go

8. Click on PTD balance for account 01.350.7640.00. Review journal information.

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9. (B) Create View
− View Name = XXStat View
− Number of Rows Displayed = 10 Rows
− Description = Display Stat Amount
− Columns Shown = Stat Amount (I) Move

10. (B) Apply and View Results. Review Stat Amount.

11. Close page.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 155

Solution - Define Statistical Units of Measure (Optional)
In this practice, you will define statistical units of measure.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Define Statistical Units of Measure

1. Navigate to the Units window.

• (N) Setup > Accounts > Units

2. Enter the following:

Account Unit of Measure Description

7640 XXFlights Flights

3. Save.

Verify Profile Option

4. Navigate to the Profiles window.

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• (N) Other > Profile

5. Find the Journals: Mix Statistical and Monetary and set the User value to Yes.

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6. Save.

7. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

Enter a Mixed Statistical and Monetary Journal

8. Open the Enter Journals window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

9. (B) New Journal

− Journal = XXAirfare Expense

10. Enter the following:

Line Account Debit Credit Unit of Measure Quantity

10 01.310.7640.00 3000 XXFlights 2
20 01.350.7640.00 4000 XXFlights 5
30 01.375.7640.00 5000 XXFlights 1
40 01.000.1110.00 12000

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11. Save your work.

12. (B) Post to post the journal.

13. Click (B) OK to acknowledge concurrent request ID note.

14. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

Use Account Analysis and Drilldown

15. Navigate to the Account Analysis and Drilldown page.

• (N) Inquiry > Account Analysis and Drilldown

16. Inquiry Type = Period Listing

17. Search:
− Ledger/Ledger Set = XXLedger
− Period From = Current Period
− Period To = Current Period
− Account From = 01.310.7640.00 (B) Search (B) Select
− Account To = 01.375.7640.00 (B) Search (B) Select

18. (B) Go

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19. Click on PTD balance link for account 01.350.7640.00 to review journal information.

21. (B) Create View

− View Name = XXStat View
− Number of Rows Displayed = 10 Rows
− Description = Display Stat Amount
− Columns Shown = Stat Amount (I) Move

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22. (B) Apply and View Results. Review Stat Amount.

23. (L) Close window.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 160

Practice - Load a Basic Journal Using WEB ADI (Required)
In this practice, you will load a journal using Web ADI.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice. ADI must also be

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Instructor Tasks
Responsibility: Oracle Web ADI

1. (N) Define Layout

2. Select General Ledger – Journals.

3. (B) Go

4. Select Functional Actuals – Single.

5. (B) Update

6. (B) Next

You should see the following:

− Header
− Context
− Line

7. Select the Field to be displayed either in the Header or Line section of the Journal Entry.

8. Select the following Optional fields:

− Group ID
− Journal Description

• Placement is Header 1 for both.

Line Description is already selected.

9. (B) Apply

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 161

Student Tasks
Launch the Journal Wizard

10. Responsibility: XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

11. Navigate to the Journal Wizard.

• (N) Journals > Launch Journal Wizard

12. From the Document Parameters select the following

− Layout- Functional Actual – Single
− Content- Accept Default (None)

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13. (B) Create Document

14. (B) Open

15. (B) Enable Macros

Processing Document appears as it builds the Excel spreadsheet.

16. Upon completion of the build click (B) Close.

17. Fill in the Header Information.

18. Enter the following Line information:

Account Debit Credit

01.000.1110.00 25000
01.000.1210.00 25000

19. (M) Oracle > Upload

• Accept the default

20. (B) Upload

21. Record you Group ID Number.

22. Select the (H) Home from the Journal Wizard.

23. N > Journals > Post

24. Enter the following in the Find window:

− Current Period
− Batch- Use the %Group ID%

25. (B) Find

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 162

26. Check the box on the left side of the Journal.

27. (B) Post

28. (B) OK

29. (M) View > Request

Verify the Posting Process completed.

30. Close the window.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 163

Solution - Load a Basic Journal Using WEB ADI (Required)
In this practice, you will load a journal using Web ADI.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice. ADI must also be

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

Instructor Tasks
Responsibility: Oracle Web ADI

1. (N) Define Layout

2. Select General Ledger – Journals.

3. (B) Go

4. Select Functional Actuals – Single.

5. (B) Update

6. (B) Next

You should see the following:

− Header
− Context

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 164

− Line

7. Select the Field to be displayed either in the Header or Line section of the Journal Entry.

8. Select the following Optional fields and set Placement to Header 1:

− Group ID
− Journal Description

Note: Line Description is already selected.

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• Scroll down and select (B) Apply.

Student Tasks
Launch the Journal Wizard

9. Switch Responsibility to XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER.

10. Navigate to the Journal Wizard.

• (N) Journals > Launch Journal Wizard

11. From the Document Parameters select the following

− Layout- Functional Actual – Single
− Content- Accept Default (None)

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12. (B) Create Document

13. (B) Open

14. (B) Enable Macros

Processing Document appears as it builds the Excel spreadsheet.

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15. Upon completion of the build click (B) Close.

16. Fill in the Header Information

− Ledger = XXLedger
− Category = Addition
− Source = Spreadsheet
− Currency = USD
− Accounting Date = today’s date
− Journal Description = you decide
− Group Id = XX (your student number)

17. Enter the following Line information:

Account Debit Credit Description

01.000.1110.00 25000 you decide
01.000.1210.00 25000 you decide

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18. (M) Oracle > Upload

• Select the Validate Before Upload option.

• Accept the other defaults.

19. (B) Upload

20. Record your Group ID Number.

21. Select the (H) Home or (H) Close Window from the Journal Wizard.

22. (N) Journals > Post

23. Enter the following in the Find window:

− Current Period
− Batch- Use the %Group ID%

24. (B) Find

25. Check the box on the left side of the Journal.

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26. (B) Post

27. Click (B) OK to acknowledge concurrent request ID.

28. (M) View > Requests

Verify the Posting Process completed.

29. Close the window.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 168

Summary Accounts

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 169

Practice - Define Summary Accounts (Required)
In this practice, you will define Summary Accounts.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

1. Define Rollup Groups.
− Application = General Ledger
− Title = Accounting Flexfield
− Structure = XXAccounting Flexfield
− (B) Find

• Enter the following:

− Code = XXEXP
− Name = Total Expenses
− Description = Rollup Group for Total Expenses

• Enter the following:

− Code = XXDEPT
− Name = Department
− Description = Rollup Group for Departments 1XX and 3XX

2. Attach to Parent Values.

• Find your Chart of Accounts Structure and the Department Segment value 1XX. In the
Group field enter the Department rollup created in step 1 above. Repeat for the 3XX

• Find your Account Segment and segment Value 5100. In the group field enter the Total
Expenses rollup created in step 1 above and save your work.

3. Freeze Rollup Groups.

• Find your Chart of Accounts Structure in the Key Flexfield Segments window.

• Check the Freeze Rollup Groups checkbox and compile the flexfield.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 170

4. Define the Summary Template.

• Enter the following:

− Name = XX Summary
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Template = T-XXDEPT-XXEXP-T
− Description = Summary Account for Employee Costs
− Earliest Period = Current Period

5. Review the Summary Account in the Account Inquiry area.

− From = Current period
− To = Current period

• Place cursor in the Summary Template field.

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• Select your Summary Template from the List of Values and tab to the next field.

6. Use Account Analysis and Drilldown.

• Inquiry Type = Period Listing

• Search
− Ledger/Ledger Set = XXLedger
− Period From = Current Period
− Period To = Current Period
− Account From = T.1XX.5100.T (B) Search (B) Select
− Account To = T.3XX.5100.T (B) Search (B) Select
− Display Summary Accounts = Yes
− Summary Template = XX Summary

• Click on the PTD balance of account 01.310.5510.00 to review journal line information.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 171

Solution - Define Summary Accounts (Required)
In this practice, you will define Summary Accounts.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Define Rollup Groups

1. Navigate to the Groups window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Groups
− Application = General Ledger
− Title = Accounting Flexfield
− Structure = XX_Accounting_Flexfield
− (B) Find

2. Enter the following:

− Code = XXEXP
− Name = Total Expenses
− Description = Rollup Group for Total Expenses

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3. (I) Save

4. Place your cursor back in the Independent Segment field, use the down arrow to navigate to
the Department Segment.

5. Enter the following:

− Code = XXDEPT
− Name = Department
− Description = Rollup Group for Departments 1XX and 3XX

6. Save.

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7. Close windows back to the Navigator.

Unfreeze your Flexfield Structure

8. Navigate to the Key Flexfield Segments window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Segments

9. Find your Accounting Flexfield.

10. Uncheck the Freeze Flexfield Definition checkbox.

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11. (B) OK

12. (I) Save

13. Close windows back to the Navigator.

Attach Rollup Groups to Parent Values

14. Navigate to the Key Values Window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Values

15. Find your Chart of Accounts Structure and the Department Segment value 1XX. In the
Group field enter the Department rollup created in step 5 above. Repeat for the 3XX.

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16. (I) Save

17. Find your Account Segment and segment Value 5100. In the group field enter the Total
Expenses rollup created in step 2 above and save your work.

18. Close windows back to the Navigator.

Freeze Rollup Groups

19. Navigate to the Key Flexfield Segment window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Segments

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20. Find your Accounting Flexfield.

21. Check the Freeze Rollup Groups checkbox and the Freeze Flexfield Definition checkbox.

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22. (B) OK

23. (B) Compile

24. 21. Click (B) OK to the 2 note windows.

25. Close windows back to the Navigator.

Define the Summary Template

26. Navigate to the Summary Accounts window.

• (N) Setup > Accounts > Summary

27. Enter the following:

− Name = XX Summary
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Template = T-XXDEPT-XXEXP-T
− Description = Summary Account for Employee Costs
− Earliest Period = Current Period

28. (I) Save

29. Click (B) OK to acknowledge concurrent request submission note.

− Verify the process completes

30. Close windows back to the Navigator.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 176

Review the Summary Account

31. Navigate to the Account Inquiry window.

• (N) Inquiry > Account

− From = Current period
− To = Current period

32. Place cursor in the Summary Template field.

• Select your Summary Template from the List of Values and tab to the next field. When
there is only one template in the LOV, it will be automatically selected and the Find
Accounts window will open.

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• You can choose to restrict the range of accounts for your Summary Template. If you do
not wish to restrict the range select ‘OK’

33. Review the accounts that have been produced - (B) Show Balances.

34. Review the Detail Balances - (B) Detail Balances.

35. Review the Journal Details - (B) Journal Details.

Note: If budgets are being used, you can also view variances at a summary level through
this form.

36. Close windows back to the Navigator.

Use Account Analysis and Drilldown

37. Navigate to the Account Analysis and Drilldown page.

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• (N) Inquiry > Account Analysis and Drilldown

38. Inquiry Type = Period Listing

39. Search:
− Ledger/Ledger Set = XXLedger
− Period From = Current Period
− Period To = Current Period
− Account From = T.1XX.5100.T (B) Search (B) Select
− Account To = T.3XX.5100.T (B) Search (B) Select
− Display Summary Accounts = Yes
− Summary Template = XX Summary

The (B) Search and the (B) Select are only needed if the flashlight is used to find the

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account values. Remember that the account values in Drilldown and Analysis must exist in
the system.


41. (B) Go.

42. Click on account T.3XX.5100.T to view detail accounts balances.

43. Click on one of the PTD balance links to review journal line information.

44. (L) Close the window.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 178

Guided Demonstration - Maintain Summary Templates Program
Responsibility: General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)

(N) Other > Requests > (B) Submit a New Request

1. Open the Submit Request window.

2. Select Single Request.

3. (B) OK

4. In the Name field, enter or select the Program - Maintain Summary Templates.

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5. (B) OK to accept the default parameter of your primary ledger.

6. (B) Submit

7. Note your Request ID in the Decision window that appears.

8. (B) No.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 180

Advanced Journal Entries

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 181

Practice - Create Recurring Journals (Required)
In this practice, you will define and generate recurring journals.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

1. Create a Skeleton Recurring Journal Batch.

• (N) Journals > Define > Recurring

− Batch = XX Skeleton Recurring Journal
− Batch Type = Single Ledger
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Journal = XXSalary Expense
− Category = Payroll
− Currency = Your functional currency

• Enter lines according to the following table:

Line Account Description

10 01.100.5105.00 Salaries expense
20 01.150.5105.00 Salaries expense
30 01.175.5105.00 Salaries expense
40 01.000.2225.00 Accrued payroll

2. Generate the journal for the current period.

• Choose the current period and submit your recurring journal and click (B) Submit.

• Once the process has completed find your unposted skeleton journal.

• Navigate to the Journal Entry window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

− Batch Name = XX Skeleton Recurring Journals

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• Enter the following:

Line Account Description Debit Credit

10 01.100.5105.00 Salaries expense 200000
20 01.150.5105.00 Salaries expense 150000
30 01.175.5105.00 Salaries expense 50000
40 01.000.2225.00 Accrued payroll 400000

3. Create a Standard Recurring Journal Batch.

• (N) Journals > Define > Recurring

− Batch = XX Standard Recurring Journal

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− Batch Type = Single Ledger
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Journal = XXAnnual Support Contracts
− Category = Revenue
− Currency = Your functional currency

• Enter a journal according to the following table:

Line Account Description Step Operator Amt

10 01.310.4120.00 Contracts - S&M 1 Enter -10000
20 01.350.4120.00 Contracts - European Sales 1 Enter -20000
30 01.375.4120.00 Contracts - American Sales 1 Enter -30000
40 01.000.1210.00 A/R 1 Enter 60000

4. Verify the process completes.

5. Once the process has completed find your unposted standard journal.

• (N) Journals > Enter

− Batch Name = XX Standard Recurring Journals

6. Create a Formula Recurring Journal Batch.

The Sales teams are paid a basic salary plus a monthly commission of 5% of sales for their

• (N) Journals > Define > Recurring

− Batch = XX Formula Recurring Journal
− Batch Type = Single Ledger
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Journal = XX Salesperson Bonus Accrual
− Category = Accrual

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− Currency = Your functional currency

• Enter a journal line according to the following table:

Line Account Description

10 01.310.5150.00 Bonus – S&M Department

• Enter the following formula for the journal line:

Step Operator Amount Account Balance Amount Period

Type Type
1 Enter 01.310.4120.00 Actual PTD Current Period

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2 X -0.05 N/A N/A N/A

• Save your work and enter the second and third lines for the other 2 departments adding
an extra 1000 to the Department 350 bonus and deducting 500 from the Department 375

Line Account Description

20 01.350.5150.00 Bonus – European Sales

Step Operator Amount Account Balance Amount Period

Type Type
1 Enter 01.350.4120.00 Actual PTD Current Period
2 X -0.05 N/A N/A N/A
3 + 1000 N/A N/A N/A

Line Account Description

30 01.375.5150.00 Bonus – American Sales

Step Operator Amount Account Balance Amount Period

Type Type
1 Enter 01.375.4120.00 Actual PTD Current Period
2 X -0.05 N/A N/A N/A
3 - 500 N/A N/A N/A

• Enter a final line:

Line Account Description

9999 01.000.2225.00 Bonus – Accrual Sales Teams

7. Generate the journal for the current period.

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8. Verify the process completes.

9. Find your unposted journal.

• (N) Journals > Enter

− Batch Name = XX Formula Recurring Journals

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Solution - Create Recurring Journals (Required)
In this practice, you will define and generate recurring journals.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Create a Skeleton Recurring Journal Batch

1. Navigate to the Recurring Journals definition window.

• (N) Journals > Define > Recurring

− Batch = XX Skeleton Recurring Journal
− Batch Type = Single Ledger
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Journal = XXSalary Expense
− Category = Payroll
− Currency = Your functional currency

2. (B) Lines

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3. Enter lines according to the following table:

Line Account Description

10 01.100.5105.00 Salaries expense
20 01.150.5105.00 Salaries expense
30 01.175.5105.00 Salaries expense
40 01.000.2225.00 Accrued payroll

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4. Save

5. Close window to return to the Batch Header.

Generate the journal for the current period

6. (B) Generate

7. (B) Submit

8. Choose the current period.

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9. (B) Submit

10. Click (B) OK to acknowledge concurrent request ID note.

Verify the Process Completes

11. (M) View > Requests

• (B) Find

12. Once the process has completed find your unposted skeleton journal.

13. Navigate to the Journal Entry window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

− Batch Name = XX Skeleton Recurring Journals

14. (B) Find

15. (B) Review Journal

16. Enter the following:

Line Account Description Debit Credit

10 01.100.5105.00 Salaries expense 200000
20 01.150.5105.00 Salaries expense 150000
30 01.175.5105.00 Salaries expense 50000
40 01.000.2225.00 Accrued payroll 400000

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17. Save and post your journal.

Create a Standard Recurring Journal Batch

18. Navigate to the Recurring Journals definition window.

• (N) Journals > Define > Recurring

− Batch = XX Standard Recurring Journal
− Batch Type = Single Ledger
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Journal = XXAnnual Support Contracts
− Category = Revenue
− Currency = Your functional currency

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19. (B) Lines

20. Enter a journal according to the following table. You will need to save between each line.

Line Account Description Step Operator Amt

10 01.310.4120.00 Contracts - S&M 1 Enter -10000
20 01.350.4120.00 Contracts - European Sales 1 Enter -20000
30 01.375.4120.00 Contracts - American Sales 1 Enter -30000
40 01.000.1210.00 A/R 1 Enter 60000

21. Save.

22. Close window to return to the Batch Header.

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23. Generate the journal for the current period by clicking (B) Generate.

24. (B) Submit

25. Choose the current period and submit your recurring journal.

• (B) Submit

• (B) OK to acknowledge concurrent request ID note

Verify the Process Completes

26. (M) View > Requests

27. (B) Find

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Once the process has completed find your unposted standard journal

28. Navigate to the Journal Entry window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

− Batch Name = XX Standard Recurring Journals

29. (B) Find

30. (B) Review Journal

31. (B) Post

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Create a Formula Recurring Journal Batch

The Sales teams are paid a basic salary plus a monthly commission of 5% of sales for their

32. Navigate to the Recurring Journals definition window to define the formula journal.

• (N) Journals > Define > Recurring

− Batch = XX Formula Recurring Journal
− Batch Type = Single Ledger
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Journal = XX Salesperson Bonus Accrual
− Category = XXAccrual
− Currency = Your functional currency

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33. (B) Lines

34. Enter a journal line according to the following table:

Line Account Description

10 01.310.5150.00 Bonus – S&M Department

35. Enter the following formula for the journal line:

Step Operator Amount Account Balance Amount Period

Type Type
1 Enter 01.310.4120.00 Actual PTD Current Period
2 X -0.05 N/A N/A N/A

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36. Save your work and enter the second and third lines for the other 2 departments adding an
extra 1000 to the Department 350 bonus and deducting 500 from the Department 375 bonus.

Line Account Description

20 01.350.5150.00 Bonus – European Sales

Step Operator Amount Account Balance Amount Period

Type Type
1 Enter 01.350.4120.00 Actual PTD Current Period
2 X -.05 N/A N/A N/A
3 + 1000 N/A N/A N/A

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Line Account Description
30 01.375.5150.00 Bonus – American Sales

Step Operator Amount Account Balance Amount Period

Type Type
1 Enter 01.375.4120.00 Actual PTD Current Period
2 X -.05 N/A N/A N/A
3 - 500 N/A N/A N/A

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37. Enter a final line:

Line Account Description

9999 01.000.2225.00 Bonus – Accrual Sales Teams

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38. Save.

39. Close the window.

Generate the journal for the current period

40. Generate the journal for the current period by clicking (B) Generate.

41. (B) Submit

42. Choose the current period and submit your recurring journal by clicking (B) Submit.

Verify the Process Completes

43. (M) View > Requests

44. (B) Find

45. Monitor the process until it completes.

Find your unposted journal

46. Navigate to the Journal Entry window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

− Batch Name = XX Formula Recurring Journals

47. (B) Find

48. (B) Review Journal

49. (B) Post

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 195

Practice - Create a Mass Allocation Journal (Required)
A mass allocation cannot run against a zero balance cost pool. In this practice, you will create a
journal entry to ensure that there is a balance in the cost pool. Then, you will define a
MassAllocation to allocate the cost pool.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training

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or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Responsibility = XX General Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

1. Create a Single Journal.

• Open the Enter Journals window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

• (B) New Journal

− Journal Name = XXCost Pool
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Category = Allocation
− Period = Current period
− Currency = Your functional currency

• Enter the following journal:

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.100.5750.00 155,000 Cost Pool
20 01.000.2225.00 155,000

2. Define MassAllocation.

• Define a MassAllocation.
− Batch = XX MassAllocation
− Balance Type = Actual
− Description = XX MassAllocation
− (B) Formula

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− Name = XXAllocate Cost Pool to Sales Depts
− Description = XXAllocate Cost Pool to Sales Dept
− Category = Allocation
− Currency = Your functional currency
− Full Cost Pool Allocation needs to be checked

Line Amount Account Currency Amount Relative Balance

Type Type Period Type
A N/A (XXLedger#### Total PTD Current Actual
(USD)). Period
B N/A (XXLedger#### Total PTD Current Actual

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(USD)). Period
C N/A (XXLedger#### Total PTD Current Actual
(USD)). Period
T N/A (XXLedger#### N/A N/A N/A N/A
O N/A (XXLedger#### N/A N/A N/A N/A

3. Generate MassAllocation.
− Name = XX MassAllocation
− Ledger = XXLedger #### (USD)
− Balancing Segment Value = 01
− Period = Current Period
− Allocation Method = Full

4. Verify the process completes.

5. Once the process has completed find your unposted standard journal.

• (N) Journals > Enter

− Batch Name = %XX MassAllocation%

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Solution - Create a Mass Allocation Journal (Required)
A mass allocation cannot run against a zero balance cost pool. In this practice, you will create a
journal entry to ensure that there is a balance in the cost pool. Then, you will define a
MassAllocation to allocate the cost pool.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training

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or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Responsibility = XX General Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Create a Single Journal

1. Open the Enter Journals window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

2. (B) New Journal

− Journal Name = XXCost Pool
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Category = Allocation
− Period = Current period
− Currency = Your functional currency

Note: We did not enter a batch name for this batch. The batch name will be created for us.

3. Enter the following journal:

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.100.5750.00 155,000 Cost Pool
20 01.000.2225.00 155,000

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4. (I) Save

5. (B) Post > (B) OK to acknowledge concurrent request ID note.

6. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

Define MassAllocation

7. Navigate to the Define MassAllocations window.

• (N) Journals > Define > Allocation

8. Define a MassAllocation.
− Batch = XX MassAllocation
− Balance Type = Actual
− Description = XX MassAllocation
− (B) Formulas
− Name = XXAllocate Cost Pool to Sales Depts
− Description = XXAllocate Cost Pool to Sales Dept
− Category = Allocation
− Currency = Your functional currency
− Full Cost Pool Allocation = checked

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Line Amount Account Currency Amount Relative Balance
Type Type Period Type
A N/A (XXLedger#### (USD)). Total PTD Current Actual
01.100.5750.00 Period
B N/A (XXLedger#### (USD)). Total PTD Current Actual
01.3XX.5105.00 Period
C N/A (XXLedger#### (USD)). Total PTD Current Actual
01.3XX.5105.00 Period
T N/A (XXLedger#### (USD)). N/A N/A N/A N/A

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O N/A (XXLedger#### (USD)). N/A N/A N/A N/A

9. (B) Save.

10. Close window to return to batch header.

Generate MassAllocation

11. (B) Generate

12. (B) Submit

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13. Enter the following information:
− Name = XX MassAllocation
− Ledger = XXLedger #### (USD)
− Balancing Segment Value = 01
− Period = Current Period
− Allocation Method = Full

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14. (B) Submit

15. Click (B) OK to acknowledge concurrent request ID note.

Verify the Process Completes

16. (M) View > Requests

17. (B) Find

Once the process has completed find your unposted standard journal

18. Navigate to the Journal Entry window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

− Batch Name = %XX MassAllocation%

19. (B) Find

20. (B) Review Journal

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21. (B) Post > (B) OK to acknowledge concurrent request ID note.

22. Close all windows to return to the navigator.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 202

Practice - Journal Line Reconciliation
In this practice you will cross-reference journal entry lines for suspense account in General
Ledger to reconcile the lines and ensure that the balance in suspense accounts are cleared in a
timely manner.

Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLedger

Enable Reconciliation (Review)

1. Enable reconciliation for suspense account 2990 for your accounting flexfield.

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2. Enable reconciliation for XXGeneral Ledger Super User via Accounting Setup Manager.

3. Generate the “Program - Inherit Segment Value Attributes”.

Enter Reconciliation Reference

4. Change responsibilities to XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER.

5. You received a cash payment of $10,000, but you are unsure of the reason for the cash
payment. For the time being, you post the balance to suspense account and enter a
reconciliation reference to ensure that the balance will be cleared from the suspense account

6. Enter journals to debit $10,000 to account 01-000-1110-00 and credit $10,000 to 01-000-
2990-00 for July-07.

7. Enter reconciliation reference SUSP on journal line for 01-000-2990-00.

8. Post the journal.

9. Afterwards you did a little research and found out that the payment was a mistake So you
reverse the journal to debit the amount from suspense account and credit the cash back on
the same period.

10. Ensure that you enter the same reconciliation reference to the journal lines that debit the
suspense accounts before posting so you can reconcile them.

11. Post the reversing journal.

Manually Reconcile the Journals

12. Search for the journal lines with reconciliation reference SUSP in July-07 to be reconciled.

13. Reconcile the lines.

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Solution – Journal Line Reconciliation
Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLedger

Verify that Reconciliation is Enabled

1. Enable reconciliation for suspense account 2990 for your accounting flexfield.

• (N) Setup> Financials> Flexfields> Key> Values

• Select the Value Set radio button.

• Name field = XXAccount

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• Value = 2990

• (B) Find

• (T) Values, Hierarchy, Qualifiers

• Click into the Qualifer column.

• Reconcile = Yes

• (B) OK

• Save.

• Close the Segment Values window.

• (B) OK

2. Navigate to Accounting Setup Manager and enable reconciliation for XXLedger.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Accounting Setup Manger > Accounting Setups

• Search By = Ledger

• XXLedger (B) Go

• (I) Update Accounting Options

• (I) Update for Set Up Step XXLedger

• (B) Next

• (B) Next

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• Enable the Journal Reconciliation by checking the box.

• (B) Finish

• (L) Close Window

3. If you made any changes in the previous steps. Run the Program - Inherit Segment Value
Attributes concurrent program

• (N) Reports > Request > Standard

• Select Single Request

• (B) OK

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• Name: Program - Inherit Segment Value Attributes

• Click (B) OK to accept default creation of Create Execution Report.

• Click (B) Submit to submit concurrent program.

Enter Reconciliation Reference

4. You received a cash payment of $10,000, but you are unsure of the reason for the cash
payment. For the time being, you post the balance to suspense account and enter a
reconciliation reference to ensure that the balance will be cleared from the suspense account
appropriately. Enter journals to debit USD $10,000 to account 01-000-1110-00 and credit
USD $10,000 to 01-000-2990-00 for the current period.

5. Enter a journal:

• (N) Journals > Enter > (B) New Journal

− Journal Name = XXLine Reconciliation
− Period = Current
− Accept the defaults for the remaining fields

• Enter the following information on the Journal lines.

Line Account Debit Credit Description

1 01.000.1110.00 10000
2 01.000.2990.00 10000 SUSP

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6. (T) Other Information

• Enter XXSUSP in the Reference field.

• Save.

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7. Post the journal.

8. (B) Post > (B) OK to acknowledge concurrent request ID note

9. Reverse the journal for the same period by switching debit and credit.

• (B) Reverse

• Select the current period.

• (B) OK

• (B) OK to acknowledge concurrent request ID note

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10. Query the Journal entry just created.

• Search on Reverses%XXLine%.

This will bring up a Batch with 2 Journal Entries. One for the Primary Ledger and the
other for the Reporting Currency.

12. Verify the Reference in the Journal Entries.

13. (B) Review Journal

14. (T) Other Information

15. Post the reversing journal.

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• (B) Post

• (B) OK to acknowledge concurrent request ID note

Manually Reconcile the Journals

(N) Journals > Reconciliation > Reconcile

16. Search for the journal lines.

− Ledger = XXLEDGER
− Currency = USD
− Period = Current
− Date = Accept default
− Low Account = 2990

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− High Account = 2990

17 (B) Search

18. Select the matching lines.

19. (B) Reconcile.

20. Note the Reconciliation ID.

21. (B) OK

22. Close windows to return to the Navigator.

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Advanced Security

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 209

Practice - Create a Ledger Set
In this practice, you will create a ledger set that includes your primary ledger and reporting
currency and two other ledgers of your choosing. Then you will run a Trial Balance report and
close periods across multiple ledgers in a ledger set using a single submission.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training

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or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

1. Create a Ledger Set.

• Enter the following ledger set:

− Name = XXLedger Set
− Short Name = XX Ledger Set
− Chart of Accounts = XX_Accounting_Flexfield
− Calendar = XXAccounting
− Default Ledger = XXLedger

• Assign the ledgers to your ledger set:

2. View System-Generated Data Access Set.

• Query the data access set that was system-generated based on your ledger set name
XXLedger Set.

3. Assign Data Access Set to Responsibility.

• Switch your responsibility.

− Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER
− Profile = GL: Data Access Set

• Click in Responsibility field.

− Assign XXLedger Set.

• Switch your responsibility.

− Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

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4. Submit Reports Using Ledger Set.

• Submit a single request.

− Name = Trial Balance
− Ledger Set: XXLedger Set

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Solution - Create a Ledger Set
In this practice, you will create a ledger set that includes your primary ledger and reporting
currency and two other ledgers of your choosing. Then you will run a Trial Balance report and
close periods across multiple ledgers in a ledger set using a single submission.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training

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or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Create a Ledger Set

1. Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

2. Navigate to the Ledger Set window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Ledger Sets

3. Enter the following ledger set:

− Name = XXLedger Set
− Short Name = XX Ledger Set
− Chart of Accounts = XX_Accounting_Flexfield
− Calendar = XXAccounting
− Default Ledger = XXLedger

4. Assign the following ledgers to your ledger set:

− XXLedger
− XXLedger (GBP)
− Any other ledgers that are shown in the list of values.

Note: There will not be any other ledgers on the list, as no other ledgers are using the
same chart of accounts and calendar.

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5. (I) Save

6. Close the window and click OK to the informational window.

View System-Generated Data Access Set

7. Navigate to the Data Access Sets window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Data Access Set

− Query the data access set that was system-generated based on your ledger set name
XXLedger Set. If you cannot find your Data Access Set, verify that the process
from step 6 has completed.

Assign Data Access Set to Responsibility

8. Switch your responsibility.

• (M) File > Switch Responsibility

− Responsibility = System Administrator

9. Navigate to the System Profile Options window.

• (N) Profile > System

− Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER
− Profile = GL: Data Access Set

10. (B) Find

11. Click (B) OK to acknowledge the note, if needed.

12. Click in Responsibility field.

− Assign XXLedger Set.

13. Save.

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14. Switch your responsibility.

• (M) File > Switch Responsibility

− Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Submit Reports Using Ledger Set

15. Navigate to the Standard Request Submission screen.

• (N) Reports > Request > Standard

16. (B) OK

17. Submit a single request.

− Name = Trial Balance

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− Ledger Set = XXLedger Set
− Ledger Currency = USD
− Currency Type = Total
− Pagebreak Segment = Company
− Company Low = 01
− Company High = 99
− Period = Current Period
− Amount Type = PTD
− (B) OK
− (B) Submit
− Note your Request ID
− (B) No in Decision window

Review Report Output

18. (M) View > Requests

19. (B) Find

20. (B) View Output

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 214

Practice - Create a Data Access Set
In this practice, you will create a data access set that restricts read and write access to certain
management segment values. You want to prevent certain managers from viewing and updating
balances for departments outside of their authority. Then you will enter a journal and run a Trial
Balance report using the data access set with management segment access.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

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• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

1. Create a Data Access Set.

• Enter the following ledger set:

− Name = XXRead Only Dept 350 and 375
− Short Name = XXRead Only Access
− Chart of Accounts = XX_Accounting_Flexfield
− Calendar = XXAccounting
− Access Set Type = Management Segment Value
− Default Ledger = XXLedger

• Assign the following ledgers and privileges to your data access set:
− XXLedger
− XXLedger (GBP)

Ledger Value Privilege

XXLedger 310 Read and Write
XXLedger 350 Read Only
XXLedger 375 Read Only
XXLedger (GBP) 310 Read and Write
XXLedger (GBP) 350 Read Only
XXLedger (GBP) 375 Read Only

2. Assign Data Access Set to Responsibility.

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• Switch your responsibility.

• Responsibility = System Administrator

• (N) Profile > System

− Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER
− Profile = GL: Data Access Set

• Click in Responsibility field.

− Assign XXRead Only Dept 350 and 375

• Switch your responsibility.

− Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

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3. Query the Journal called XXSalary Accrual.

• Enter the following journal:

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.310.5105.00 30000 Salary Expense (310)
20 01.350.5105.00 20000 Salary Expense (350)
30 01.375.5105.00 10000 Salary Expense (375)
40 01.000.2225.00 60000 Accrued Salaries

• Look for the Batch XXSkeleton%.

• Why shouldn’t this responsibility be able to view the batch?

• Reset the Profile Option done in the previous steps 7-12 in this lab.

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Solution - Create a Data Access Set
In this practice, you will create a data access set that restricts read and write access to certain
management segment values. You want to prevent certain managers from viewing and updating
balances for departments outside of their authority. Then you will enter a journal and run a Trial
Balance report using the data access set with management segment access.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

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• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Create a Data Access Set

1. Navigate to the Data Access Set window.

• (N) Setup > Financials > Data Access Set

2. Enter the following ledger set:

− Name = XXRead Only Dept 350 and 375
− Description = XXRead Only Access
− Chart of Accounts = XX_Accounting_Flexfield
− Calendar = XXAccounting
− Access Set Type = Management Segment Value
− Default Ledger = XXLedger

3. Assign the following ledgers and privileges to your data access set:

Ledger Value Privilege

XXLedger 310 Read and Write
XXLedger 350 Read Only
XXLedger 375 Read Only
XXLedger (GBP) 310 Read and Write
XXLedger (GBP) 350 Read Only
XXLedger (GBP) 375 Read Only

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4. (I) Save

5. Close the window and click (B) OK to the Note window.

Assign Data Access Set to Responsibility

6. Switch your responsibility.

• (M) File > Switch Responsibility

− Responsibility = System Administrator

7. Navigate to the System Profile Options window

• (N) Profile > System

− Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER
− Profile = GL: Data Access Set

8. (B) Find

9. Click in Responsibility field.

− Assign XXRead Only Dept 350 and 375

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10. Save.

11. Switch your responsibility.

• (M) File > Switch Responsibility

− Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Query Journal

12. Navigate to the Enter Journals window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

13. Query the Journal called XXSalary Accrual.

14. (B) Review Journal.

− Notice that departments 310, 350, and 375 were used to enter the journal when
your data access set did not restrict access to those departments.

15. (I) New

16. Enter the following journal:

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.310.5105.00 30000 Salary Expense (310)
20 01.350.5105.00 20000 Salary Expense (350)
30 01.375.5105.00 10000 Salary Expense (375)
40 01.000.2225.00 60000 Accrued Salaries

17. Notice that you are unable to enter department values 350 and 375 because you do not have
write access. You can only view journals and balances for those departments. You are also
unable to enter department value 000. Did you notice in your review of the XXSalary
Accrual journal that the credit line for department 000 was missing?

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18. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator. You need not save the partial journal,
when asked.

19. Look for the Journal Batch XX Skeleton%.

• Why shouldn’t this responsibility be able to view the batch?

20. Reset the Profile Option done in the previous steps 7-12 in this lab. The Data Access Set
should be XXLedger Set.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 220

Create Definition Access Sets
In this practice, you will create a View Only Definition Access Set and assign to a new
responsibility and user. You will also assign the Superuser Definition Access Set to your own

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training

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or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Define A New View and Use GL Responsibility

Responsibility = System Administrator

1. Navigate to the Define Responsibility window:

• (N) Security> Responsibility> Define

− Responsibility = XX General Ledger View and Use
− Application = General Ledger
− Responsibility Key = XXVIEWUSE

Fill in Data Group Details

2. Fill in Data Group Details:

− Name = Standard
− Application = General Ledger

Assign A Menu

3. Assign a Menu:

Fill in Request Group Details

4. Fill in Request Group Details:

− Name = GL Concurrent Program Group
− Application = General Ledger

5. Save.

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Link your Ledger to your New Responsibility

6. Navigate to the System Profiles window:

− Responsibility = XX General Ledger View and Use
− Profile = GL: Data Access Set
− (B) Find

7. Click in the Responsibility Field:

− XXLedger

Create a New User

8. Navigate to the Define User Window:

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• (N) Security > User>Define
Password = welcome (tab, re-enter to verify)

9. Add your new responsibility to your user.

10. Save.

11. Log in as your new user and see which Recurring Journal Definitions you can see. (You
should see them all).

12. Log back in as your XX_USER and select your General Ledger Responsibility.

Create a View Only Definition Access Set

13. Navigate to the Definition Access Set window

• (N) Setup>Financials>Definition Access Set>Define:

− Definition Access Set = XX View and Use

14. Save.

15. Note: You are only defining a name for your definition access set. You are not securing
definitions yet.

Assign the Definition Access Set to your View Only Responsibility

16. Navigate to the Assign Definition Access Set window:

• (N) Setup>Financials>Definition Access Set>Assign

− Responsibility = XX General Ledger View and Use
− Definition Access Set = XX View and Use
− Automatic Privileges = View and Use

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17. Assign the Superuser Definition Access Set to your own Responsibility.

18. Save your work.

Enable Security for Recurring Journal Definitions

19. Navigate to the Recurring Journal window:

• (N) Journals>Define>Recurring
− Find your Skeleton Journal Definition
− Check the Enable Security checkbox
− (B) Assign Access
− Select the XX View and Use Definition Access Set
− Assign View privileges

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− (B) OK
− Close form.
− (B) Yes to Save Message

20. Log in as your XXVIEWUSE user.

21. Navigate to the Recurring Journal window:

• (N) Journals>Define>Recurring

22. Find your Skeleton Journal Definition – Note you can View and Generate this journal but
you can’t modify it.

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Financial Budgeting

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Practice - Create Budgets and Budget Organizations (Required)
In this practice, you will define and load budget information.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

1. Create a Budget.

• Create a budget using standard Oracle Applications – not ADI.

• (N) Budgets > Define > Budget

− Ledger = XXLedger
− Status = Open
− First = Jan-XX (Use current year)
− Last = Dec-XX (Use current year)

2. Create a Budget Organization.

• Use standard Oracle Applications – not ADI.

• (N) Budgets > Define > Organization

− Ledger = XXLedger

• Display Sequence:

Segment Seq
Company 1
Department 2
Account 3
Interco 4

• (B) Ranges

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• Enter the following information:

Line Low High Type

10 01.310.4000.00 01.375.7999.00 Entered

3. Enter Budget Amounts.

• (N) Budgets > Enter > Amounts

• Select your Organization, Budget and Accounting Periods using the LOV.

• Post your Budget amounts.

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Account Amount Budget Rule
01.310.4120.00 15000 Repeat per Period
01.350.4120.00 250000 Divide Evenly
01.375.4120.00 30000 Repeat per Period

Load a Basic Budget

4. Set parameters:
− Layout = Default
− Budget = XXBUDGET
− Account From = 01.310.5105.00 (B) Search (B) Select
− Account To = 01.375.5105.00 (B) Search (B) Select
− From Period = Jan-07
− To Period = Dec-07
− Check Include Actual
− (B) Create Document
− (B) Create Document
− (B) Open
− (B) Enable Macros
− (B) Close

5. Enter amounts for the year according to the table below:

Account Amount Budget Rule

01.310.5105.00 360000 Divide Evenly by Cells
01.350.5105.00 30000 Repeat per Cell
01.375.5105.00 120000 Use a rule of your choice

6. Set Upload Parameters:

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− Rows to Upload = Flagged Rows
− Validate Before Upload = Checked
− Duplicate Rows = Do not upload any rows
− Automatically submit import of budget amounts = Checked
− Budget Update Mode = Add

7. Go back into GL and review your budget using the Account Inquiry:
− From = Current Period
− Currency = your functional currency
− (T) Secondary Balance Type = Budget
− Budget = XXBUDGET
− Account (both low and high) = 01.375.5105.00

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Transferring Budget Data

Some employees will be transferring from department 310 to 350. To reflect this change you
must transfer their salary budget amounts.

8. Select your Budget from the LOV.

• Batch Name = XXBudget Transfer

9. Select your Organization and the Account you are transferring from and to.

• 01.310.5105.00 to 01.350.5105.00

10. (B) Transfer Amounts

11. Select the next period after the current period from the LOV.

12. Enter a transfer amount of 15000.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 228

Solution - Create Budgets and Budget Organizations (Required)
In this practice, you will define and load budget information.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Create a Budget

Create a budget using standard Oracle Applications – not ADI.

1. Navigate to the Define Budgets window.

• (N) Budgets > Define > Budget

− Ledger = XXLedger
− Status = Open
− First = Jan-XX (Use current year)
− Last = Dec-XX (Use current year)

2. Click (B) Open Next Year.

3. Click (B) Yes in the Decision window.

4. Click (B) OK to acknowledge concurrent request ID note.

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5. Use (M) View > Requests to ensure the concurrent process completes successfully.

6. Close all windows to return to the Navigator.

Create a Budget Organization

7. Navigate the Define Budget Organizations window.

• (N) Budgets > Define > Organization

− Name = XXSales Departments
− Ledger = XXLedger

8. Display Sequence:

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Segment Seq
Company 1
Department 2
Account 3
Interco 4

9. (B) Ranges

10. Enter the following information:

Line Low High Type

10 01.310.4000.00 01.375.7999.00 Entered

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11. Save.

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12. Click (B) OK to acknowledge concurrent request ID note.

13. Close all windows to return to the Navigator.

Enter Budget Amounts

14. Navigate to the Enter Budget Amounts window.

• (N) Budgets > Enter > Amounts

15. Select your Organization, Budget and Accounting Periods using the LOV.
− Budget = XXBUDGET
− Budget Organization = XXSales Departments
− Accounting Periods From = Jan-09

16. Enter amounts against the account combinations as detailed in the table below, using the
Budget Rules where appropriate.

• Click on the line.

− Account Low = 01.310.4120.00
− Account High = 01.375.4120.00

• (B) OK

• Populate ranges with amounts for each period based on the following information.

Account Amount Budget Rule

01.310.4120.00 15000 Repeat per Period
01.350.4120.00 250000 Divide Evenly
01.375.4120.00 30000 Repeat per Period

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• (B) Rules

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17. Use the Options button to put any rounding differences into the last month of the year.

18. Post your Budget amounts.

• (B) Post

• (B) Yes

• (B) Ok

• Close windows back to the Navigator.

Load a Basic Budget

19. (N) Budget > Launch Budget Wizard

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20. Set parameters:
− Layout = Default
− Budget = XXBUDGET
− Organization = XXSales Departments
− Account From = 01.310.5105.00 (B) Search (B) Select
− Account To = 01.375.5105.00 (B) Search (B) Select
− From Period = Jan-YY (current year)
− To Period = Dec-XX (current year)
− Check Include Actual
− (B) Create Document
− (B) Create Document
− (B) Open
− (B) Enable Macros

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− (B) Close

21. Enter amounts for the year according to the table below:

Note: Be careful to ensure amounts are associated with the correct account combinations.
Note “Rules “are not currently available in Web ADI, so apply the concepts as you wish.

Account Amount Budget Rule

01.310.5105.00 360000 Divide Evenly by Cells
01.350.5105.00 30000 Repeat per Cell
01.375.5105.00 120000 Use a rule of your choice

22. (M) Oracle/Upload

23. Set Upload Parameters:

− Rows to Upload = Flagged Rows
− Validate Before Upload = Checked
− Duplicate Rows = Do not upload any rows
− Automatically submit import of budget amounts = Checked
− Budget Update Mode = Add

24. Select (B) Upload.

25. Go back into GL and review your budget using the Account Inquiry.

• (N) Inquiry > Account

− From = Current Period
− Currency Type = Total
− (T) Secondary Balance Type = Budget
− Budget = XXBUDGET
− Account (both low and high) = 01.375.5105.00

26. (B) Show Variance

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Transferring Budget Data

Some employees will be transferring from department 310 to 350. To reflect this change you
must transfer their salary budget amounts.

27. Navigate to the Budget Transfer Form.

• (N) Budget > Enter > Transfer

28. Select your Budget from the LOV.

− Batch Name = XXBudget Transfer

29. Select your Organization and the Account you are transferring from and to.
− 01.310.5105.00 to 01.350.5105.00

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30. (B) Transfer Amounts

31. Select the next period after the current period from the LOV.

32. Enter a transfer amount of 15000.

33. Save your work and close the window.

34. Close the Budget Transfer screen and note your request id.

35. Find and post your journals.

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Practice - Define Currencies (Required)
In this practice, you will define currencies.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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1. Define Foreign Currencies:

• Enter the following:

Code Name Description Issuing Territory

XXCUR XXCurr Foreign Currency France

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Solution - Define Currencies (Required)
In this practice, you will define currencies.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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Define Foreign Currencies

1. Navigate to the Currencies window.

• (N) Setup > Currencies > Define

2. Enter the following:

Note: If the field isn’t list below leave it as defaulted.

Code Name Description Issuing Territory

XXCUR XXCurr Foreign Currency France

3. Verify the Effective Dates begin on the first day of the current period.

4. Save.

5. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

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Practice - Define Rate Types (Required)
In this practice, you will define rate types using the Currency Rates Manager.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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1. Define Rate Types
− Rate Type = XXPrivate
− Description = XXPrivate Rate Type
− Pivot Currency = XXCUR
− (B) Add Another Row
− Contra Currency = USD
− (B) Add Another Row
− Contra Currency = GBP

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Solution - Define Rate Types (Required)
In this practice, you will define rate types using the Currency Rates Manager.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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Define Rate Types

1. Navigate to the Conversion Rate Types window

• (N) Setup > Currencies > Currency Rates Manager > Rate Types
− (B) Create Rate Type
− Rate Type = XXPrivate
− Description = XXPrivate Rate Type
− Pivot Currency = XXCUR
− (B) Add Another Row
− Contra Currency = USD
− (B) Add Another Row
− Contra Currency = GBP

2. (B) Apply

3. Remain in this screen for the next exercise.

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Practice - Define Daily Conversion Rates Using the Currency
Rates Manager (Required)
In this practice, you will define daily conversion rates using the Currency Rates Manager.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

1. Define Conversion Rates:

• Enter the following:

From To From Date To Date Type Conv. rate

XXCUR USD First day of Last day of XXPrivate 1.45
current period current period

• Add Another Row.

• Enter the Following:

From To From Date To Date Type Conv. rate

XXCUR GBP First day of Last day of XXPrivate 2.0
current period current period

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Solution - Define Daily Conversion Rates Using the Currency
Rates Manager (Required)
In this practice, you will define daily conversion rates using the Currency Rates Manager.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training

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or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Define Conversion Rates

1. Select the Rates tab.

2. (B) Create Daily Rates

3. Enter the following:

From To From Date To Date Type Rate

XXCUR USD First day of Last day of XXPrivate 1.4
current period current period

4. (B) Add Another Row

5. (B) Yes

6. Enter the Following:

From To From Date To Date Type Rate

XXCUR GBP First day of Last day of XXPrivate 2.0
current period current period

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7. (B) Apply

Verify the Process completes successfully.

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8. (B) Return to Daily Rates Search

9. Query the rates for your XXCUR with USD and your Rate Type.

10. (B) Go

11. Note rates were created.

12. Query again for USD to GBP. Review the Cross Rates created. These rates were created by
the triangulation feature.

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Practice - Enter a Foreign Currency Journal (Required)
In this practice, you will enter and post a journal denominated in a foreign currency.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

1. Enter a Foreign Currency Journal.

• New Journal
− Journal = XXFC Journal
− Description = Foreign currency journal
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Category = XXAccrual
− Period = Current period
− Currency = XXCUR
− Date = Last day of current period
− Type = XXPrivate

• Enter the following:

Line Account Debit Credit Qty Description

10 01.150.7640.00 20000 -4 Airfare
20 01.175.7640.00 30000 -6 Airfare
30 01.100.7640.00 50000 10 Airfare

• Post your journal.

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2. Perform an Account Inquiry.

• Enter the following:

Low High
Company 01 01
Department 150 150
Account 7640 7640
Interco 00 00

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Solution - Enter a Foreign Currency Journal (Required)
In this practice, you will enter and post a journal denominated in a foreign currency.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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• Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Enter a Foreign Currency Journal

1. Navigate to the Enter Journals window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

2. (B) New Journal

− Journal = XXFC Journal
− Description = Foreign currency journal
− Ledger = XXLedger
− Category = XXAccrual
− Period = Current period
− Currency = XXCUR
− Date = Last day of current period
− Type = XXPrivate

3. Enter the following:

Line Account Debit Credit Qty Description

10 01.150.7640.00 20000 -4 Airfare
20 01.175.7640.00 30000 -6 Airfare
30 01.100.7640.00 50000 10 Airfare

4. (I) Save

5. Note the accounted currency figures.

6. Post your journal (B) Post > (B) OK to acknowledge concurrent request ID note.

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7. Monitor the Post Journals request until it completes successfully.
− Optionally, requery your journal name by prefixing “%” before and after the name,
such as %XXFC Journal%, to view the foreign currency journal that was converted
to your reporting currency.

8. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

Perform an Account Inquiry

9. Navigate to the Account Inquiry window.

• (N) Inquiry > Account

− Currency Type = Entered
− Currency Entered = XXCUR

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10. Place cursor in Accounts field.

11. Enter the following:

Low High
Company 01 01
Department 150 150
Account 7640 7640
Interco 00 00

12. (B) Show Balances

13. (B) Journal Details

Note Using Folder Tools you could add the Accounted Debit and Accounted Credit fields in
this form.

14. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 246

Practice - Enter a Journal with Conversion Rounding Differences
In this practice, you will enter a journal with conversion rounding differences.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training

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or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

1. Enter a Journal with Conversion Rounding Differences.

• New Journal
− Journal = XXRounding
− Period = Current period
− Category = Adjustment
− Description = Journal with rounding differences
− Currency = XXCUR
− Conversion Type = User
− Conversion Rate = 1.45

• Enter the following:

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.000.1560.00 17200.34
20 01.000.1110.00 9543.59
30 01.000.2210.00 7656.75

• Post your journal.

2. Query your journal and note additional lines were added to balance the converted journal.

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Solution - Enter a Journal with Conversion Rounding Differences
In this practice, you will enter a journal with conversion rounding differences.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training

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or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Enter a Journal with Conversion Rounding Differences

1. Navigate to the Enter Journals window.

• (N) Journals > Enter

2. (B) New Journal

− Journal = XXRounding
− Period = Current period
− Category = Adjustment
− Description = Journal with rounding differences
− Currency = XXCUR
− Conversion Type = User
− Conversion Rate = 1.45

3. Enter the following:

Line Account Debit Credit Description

10 01.000.1560.00 17200.34
20 01.000.1110.00 9543.59
30 01.000.2210.00 7656.75

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4. Save.

5. (B) Yes

6. Note the conversion created an unbalanced, converted journal.

7. Post your journal by clicking (B) Post.

8. (B) OK

9. Monitor the Post Journals request until it completes.

10. Query your journal and note additional lines were added to balance the converted journal.

11. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 249

Practice - Revalue Foreign Currency Balances
In this practice, you will revalue foreign currency balances using a period end rate. You can
revalue a single account or ranges of accounts, for both income statement and balance sheet
reporting. Income statement accounts are revalued on the basis of their PTD or YTD balances, in
accordance with the Income Statement Accounts Revaluation Rule profile option. Balance sheet
accounts are always revalued on the basis of their year– to– date balances.

Goal: Revalue FC balances based on a period end rate. Assume the

rate has changed from 1.45 to .5.

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Entered Converted
Accrual FC Accrual G/L

10,000 X 1.45 14,500

9,500 9,500

10,000 X .5 5,000

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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Define a Period-End Rate Type

1. Navigate to the Conversion Rate Types window.

2. Navigate to the Daily Rates window.

3. Enter a rate for Today for your Period End Rate Type and your XXCUR.
− From: XXCUR
− To: Your Ledger Currency
− Date: Today
− Rate Type: XXPeriod End

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− Your Ledger Currency to XXCUR: You Choose

Run Revaluation

4. Navigate to the Revalue Balances window.

5. Enter the following:

− Revaluation = XXRevaluation
− Currency Options, select single Currency = XXCUR
− Rate Options, select Daily Rates
− Type, select XXPeriod End
− Unrealized Gain/Loss Account = 150.8100.00

6. Enter the following in the Revaluation Ranges area:

Low High
Company 01 01
Department 000 ZZZ
Account 0000 2ZZZ
Interco 00 00

7. Run the revaluation.

8. Enter the Parameters for the Program – Revalue Balances request.

− Revalaution = XXRevaluation
− Period = current period
− Effective Date = should default today’s date
− Rate Date = should default today’s date

Note: If the GL Revaluation: AutoQuery Last Run Ranges profile option is set to Yes, the
revaluation range you use will default into the form the next time you run revaluation.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 251

View Requests

9. Monitor your request until it completes

10. Review the output

Review the Revaluation Journal

11. Navigate to the Enter Journals window

12. Review Journal.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 252

Solution – Revalue Foreign Currency Balances
Define a Period-End Rate Type

1. Navigate to the Conversion Rate Types window.

• (N) Setup > Currencies > Rates > Types

− Add a new Rate type called XXPeriod End

2. Save.

3. Close the Conversion Rate Types window.

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4. Navigate to the Daily Rates window.

• (N) Setup > Currencies > Rates > Daily

5. Enter a rate for Today for your Period End Rate Type and your XXCUR.
− From: XXCUR
− To: Your Ledger Currency
− Date: Today
− Rate Type: XXPeriod End
− Your Ledger Currency to XXCUR: You Choose

6. Save.

Run Revaluation

7. Navigate to the Revalue Balances window.

• (N) Currency > Revaluation

− Revaluation = XXRevaluation
− Currency Options, select single Currency = XXCUR
− Rate Options, select Daily Rates
− Type, select XXPeriod End
− Unrealized Gain/Loss Account = 150.8100.00

Note: When you enter a value for the Gain/Loss the company segment is not active.

8. Enter the following in the Revaluation Ranges area:

Low High
Company 01 01
Department 000 ZZZ
Account 0000 2ZZZ

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Interco 00 00

9. (B) Revalue

10. Enter the Parameters for the Program – Revalue Balances request.
− Revalaution = XXRevaluation
− Period = current period
− Effective Date = should default today’s date
− Rate Date = should default today’s date

Note: If the GL Revaluation: AutoQuery Last Run Ranges profile option is set to Yes, the
revaluation range you use will default into the form the next time you run revaluation.

11. (B) OK

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12. (B) Submit

13. (B) OK

View Requests

14. (M) View > Request

15. Monitor your request until it completes

16. Review the output

Review the Revaluation Journal

17. Navigate to the Enter Journals window

• (N) Journals > Enter

− Source = Revaluation

18. (B) Find

19. (B) Review Journal

20. (B) Post

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Practice - Set Up and Perform Consolidation
Responsibility: General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Consolidation > Workbench

1. Accept the default Vision Operations (USA) in the Parent Field in the Find Consolidation
Processes window.

The Consolidation Workbench opens with the Parent, Vision Operations (USA), and its
− Vision Project Mfg (102 (USD),
− Vision Project Mfg (103 (USD),

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− Vision Project Mfg (ANY RPT),
− Vision Project Mft (EUR).

Both the functional currency and statistical transactions displayed can be consolidated.

2. Enter the following:

Mapping XXLedger to Vision Ops

Description XXLedger to Vision Ops
Target Operations Accounting Flex
Source XXAccounting Flexfield

3. Define segment rules by entering:

Target Action Source

Company Assign Single Value 01
Department Assign Single Value 410
Account Use Rollup Rules From Account***
Sub Account Assign Single Value 0000
Product Assign Single Value 000

4. In the Rollup Rules region, enter:

Target Segment Transfer Level Using Source Segment

Detail Value Parent Value
1110 Detail Detail Ranges
2110 Detail Detail Ranges
3310 Detail Detail Ranges

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Target Segment Transfer Level Using Source Segment
Detail Value Parent Value
4110 Detail Detail Ranges
5110 Detail Detail Ranges

5. Enter Source Segment Ranges for 1110:

Low 1000
High 1ZZZ

6. Enter Source Segment Ranges 2110:

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Low 2000
High 2ZZZ

7. Enter Source Segment Ranges for 3310:

Low 3000
High 3ZZZ

8. Enter Source Segment Ranges for 4110:

Low 4000
High 4ZZZ

9. Enter Source Segment Ranges for 5110:

Low 5000
High 8ZZZ

Define Consolidation

10. Enter the following information in the Consolidation Definition window:

− Consolidation-XXLedger to Vision Ops USD
− Description- XXLedger to Vision Ops USD
− Parent-Vision Operations (USA)
− Currency-USD
− Subsidiary-XXLedger
− Mapping-XX Ledger to Vision Ops or select from the LOV
− Method-Balances (Transactions is the other choice)
− Usage-Standard

• Verify the Run Option check boxes are as follows:

− Run Journal Import Checked

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− Create Summary Journal Checked
− Audit Mode Checked

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Solution - Set Up and Perform Consolidation
Responsibility: General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) Consolidation > Workbench

1. Accept the default Vision Operations (USA) in the Parent Field in the Find Consolidation
Processes window.

2. Enter the current period in the Parent Period field, if it did not default.

3. Accept the default in the Balance Type field as Any.

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4. Select (B) Find.

The Consolidation Workbench opens with the Parent, Vision Operations (USA), and its
− Vision Project Mfg (102 (USD),
− Vision Project Mfg (103 (USD),
− Vision Project Mfg (ANY RPT),
− Vision Project Mft (EUR).

Both the functional currency and statistical transactions displayed can be consolidated.

5. If the State Controller is not visible, click (B) State Controller.

The State Controller buttons correspond to the functional steps of the consolidation process.

6. Select (B) Consolidation in the State Controller.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 260

7. Select the (B) Mapping in the Consolidation Definition window.

8. Select the (I) New to open a new record.

9. Enter the following:

Mapping XXLedger to Vision Ops

Description XXLedger to Vision Ops
Target Operations Accounting Flex
Source XX_Accounting_Flexfield

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10. Select (B) Segment Rules.

11. Define segment rules by entering the following (Leave Account for last).

Target Action Source

Company Assign Single Value 70
Department Assign Single Value 410
Account Use Rollup Rules From Account***
Sub Account Assign Single Value 0000
Product Assign Single Value 000

***After entering Account in the Source column the system automatically opens the Roll
Up Rule Region.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 261

12. In the Rollup Rules region, enter the following. You will need to save between each target
segment value. Tab to move to the Low and High segment value window.

Target Source
Segment Using Segment Low High
Detail Value Parent Value
1110 Detail Detail Ranges 1000 1ZZZ
2110 Detail Detail Ranges 2000 2ZZZ
3310 Detail Detail Ranges 3000 3ZZZ
4110 Detail Detail Ranges 4000 4ZZZ
5110 Detail Detail Ranges 5000 8ZZZ

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13. Save your work and close the Segment Rules window.

The (B) Account Rules allows a range of Source Accounts to be mapped to a specific Target
Account. Multiple Account Rules can be created. They will override the Segment Rules.

14. Close the Chart of Accounts Mapping.

Define Consolidation

15. (I) New

16. Enter the following information in the Consolidation Definition window:

− Consolidation = XXLedger to Vision Ops USD
− Description = XXLedger to Vision Ops USD
− Parent = Vision Operations (USA)
− Currency = USD

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− Subsidiary = XXLedger
− Mapping = XXLedger to Vision Ops or select from the LOV
− Method = Balances (Transactions is the other choice)
− Usage = Standard

• Verify the Run Option check boxes are as follows:

− Run Journal Import Checked
− Create Summary Journal Checked
− Audit Mode Checked

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17. Save.

18. Close window.

19. Refresh the current screen [CTRL+F11].

• Place cursor in the field that has XXLedger with the Transferred Balances column
showing Current.

• Select (B) Transfer in State Controller region.

20. Accept the default and enter the current period for both the Subsidiary Period and the Parent
Standard Period fields.

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21. Select (B) Transfer in the Transfer Consolidation Data window.

• Record the Concurrent ID

22. (B) OK

23. Close the window.

24. (M) View > Request

25. Verify the process Completes Normal.

26. View the output for the Journal Import concurrent process.

27. Return to the Consolidation Workbench.

• Verify the status shows Imported.

• (B) Review Journal in the State Controller.

• Review the Accounts created close the Journal window.

• Optionally, Post the Journal.

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Period Close

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Practice - Close Period
1. Close Periods for Multiple Ledgers in a Ledger Set.

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Solution - Close Period
Responsibility: XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

1. Close Periods for Multiple Ledgers in a Ledger Set.

2. (N) Reports > Request > Standard

3. Submit a Single Request.

− Name = Periods - Close Period
− Ledger Set: XXLedger Set
− Period Name: Previous period

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− (B) OK
− (B) Submit
− Note your Request ID
− (B) No in Decision window

4. You can verify that the previous period was closed for all ledgers in the ledger set.

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Financial Reporting

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Practice - Define a Row Set (Required)
In this practice, you will define a row set.

Scenario: A memo from your controller requests a five-month overhead summary report showing
actual balances rounded to thousands for departments 310, 350, and 375 combined. In the first
step, you will create a row set identifying the Account Assignments (ranges) for the report and a
Calculation (total).


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• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Responsibility General Ledger Vision Operations (USA)

If you use the responsibility below be aware there is no activity against these accounts and
the reports will generate no data or output. To use the below responsibilities the students
will need to create and post journal entries to the accounts using the current date and period.

• ** Optional: Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

1. Create a Row Set.
− Name = XXRow Set
− Description = Overhead Summary

• Assign the following accounts, save and proceed after entering each line:

Lines to Account Account

Line Line Item Indent Skip Range Range Display
After Low High
20 Salaries 3 --5800-- --5800-- T
30 Operating Expenses 3 --5801-- --7639-- T
40 Airfare 3 --7640-- --7640-- T
50 Meals 3 --7690-- --7690-- T
60 Other Expenses 3 --7691-- --8999-- T

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• Assign the following for the TOTAL row.

Line Line Item


• Specify the following formatting:

− Indent = 0

• Specify the following underline characters.

− Before: =
− After: =

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• Calculation

Seq Operator Low High

10 + 11 99

2. Run an Ad Hoc Report.

• Define Ad Hoc Report.

− Title = Overhead Summary
− Row Set = XXRow Set
− Column Set = PTD,QTD,YTD Actual

• (B) OK
− Period = May-05

3. Run the Row Set Detail Listing Report.

− Request Name = FSG - Row Set Detail Listing
− Row Set Name = XXRow Set

4. Run the Row Set Summary Listing Report.

− Request Name = FSG - Row Set Summary Listing

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Solution - Define a Row Set (Required)
In this practice, you will define a row set.

Scenario: A memo from your controller requests a five-month overhead summary report
showing actual balances rounded to thousands for departments 310, 350, and 375 combined. In
the first step, you will create a row set identifying the Account Assignments (ranges) for the
report and a Calculation (total).


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• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Responsibility General Ledger Vision Operations (USA)

If you use the responsibility below be aware there is no activity against these accounts and
the reports will generate no data or output. To use the below responsibilities the students
will need to create and post journal entries to the accounts using the current date and period.

• ** Optional: Responsibility = XXGeneral Ledger Super User, XXLEDGER

Create a Row Set

1. Navigate to the row set definition window.

• (N) Reports > Define > Row Set

− Name = XXRow Set
− Description = Overhead Summary

2. (B) Define Rows

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3. Assign the following accounts, save and proceed after entering each line:

Lines to Account Account

Line Line Item Indent Skip Range Range Display
After Low High
20 Salaries 3 --5800-- --5800-- T
30 Operating Expenses 3 --5801-- --7639-- T
40 Airfare 3 --7640-- --7640-- T
50 Meals 3 --7690-- --7690-- T
60 Other Expenses 3 --7691-- --8999-- T

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4. Assign the following for the TOTAL row.

Line Line Item


5. Specify the following formatting:

− Indent = 0

6. Specify the following underline characters.

− Before: - (Hyphen is to represent a single line)
− After: = (Equal sign is to represent a double line for the Total)

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7. (B) Calculation

Seq Operator Low High

10 + 11 99

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8. Save

9. Close all windows to return to the Navigator.

Run an Ad Hoc Report

10. Navigate to the request submission window.

• (N) Reports > Request > Financial

• Select Individual Reports.

11. (B) Define Ad Hoc Report.

− Title = Overhead Summary
− Row Set = XXRow Set
− Column Set = PTD,QTD,YTD Actual

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12. (B) OK
− Period = May-05

13. (B) Submit

14. (M) View > Requests to view output online

Run the Row Set Detail Listing Report

15. Navigate to the Standard Request Submission window.

• (N) Reports > Request > Standard

− Request Name = FSG - Row Set Detail Listing
− Row Set Name = XXRow Set

16. (B) OK

17. (B) Submit Request

18. (M) View > Requests to view output online

Run the Row Set Summary Listing Report

19. Navigate to the Standard Request Submission window.

• (N) Reports > Request > Standard

− Request Name = FSG - Row Set Summary Listing

20. (B) Submit Request

21. (M) View > Requests to view output online.

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Practice - Define a Column Set (Required)
In this practice, you will define a column set.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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1. Create a Column set.
− Name = XXColumn Set
− Description = 5 Month Rolling Summary

• Build Column Set.

• Enter the following:

Sequence 10 20 30 40 50 60
Type Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual
Offset -4 -3 -2 -1 0
Format 9,999,999 9,999,999 9,999,999 9,999,999 9,999,999 9,999,999,999

2. Create the heading.

− Column 60: Replace &POI0 with TOTAL

• Define Columns

Note: Position is the number of characters from the left margin where the column will
appear. Sequence is used for calculations and has no impact on positioning of the column.

• Enter the following:

Seq Operator Low High

10 + 10 59

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• Exceptions
− Flag = *
− Description = Greater Than $25,000
− Condition = Greater Than
− Constant = 25000

3. Run an Ad Hoc Report.

• Define Ad Hoc Report

− Title = 5 Month Rolling Overhead Summary
− Row Set = XXRow Set
− Column Set = XXColumn Set

• (B) OK

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− Period = May-05

4. Run the Column Set Detail Listing Report.

− Request Name = FSG - Column Set Detail Listing
− Column Set Name = XXColumn Set

5. Run the Column Set Summary Listing Report.

− Request Name = FSG - Column Set Summary Listing

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Solution - Define a Column Set (Required)
In this practice, you will define a column set.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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Create a Column set

1. Navigate to the Column Set definition window.

• (N) Reports > Define > Column Set

− Name = XXColumn Set
− Description = 5 Month Rolling Summary

2. (B) Build Column Set

3. Enter the following:

Sequence 10 20 30 40 50 60
Type Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual
Offset -4 -3 -2 -1 0
Format 9,999,999 9,999,999 9,999,999 9,999,999 9,999,999 9,999,999,999

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4. Save.

Create the heading

5. (B) Create Default Heading

− Column 60: Replace &POI0 with TOTAL

6. (B) OK to close the window

7. (B) Define Columns

Note: Position is the number of characters from the left margin where the column will
appear. Sequence is used for calculations and has no impact on positioning of the column.

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8. Scroll down to the TOTAL column (Sequence 60).

9. In the Total column select (B) Calculations.

10. Enter the following:

Seq Operator Low High

10 + 10 59

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11. Close the Calculations window.

12. (B) Exceptions

− Flag = *
− Description = Greater Than $25,000
− Condition = Greater Than
− Constant = 25000

13. Save.

Run an Ad Hoc Report

14. Navigate to the request submission window.

• (N) Reports > Request > Financial

• Select the option for Individual Reports, then select (B) OK.

15. (B) Define Ad Hoc Report

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− Title = 5 Month Rolling Overhead Summary
− Row Set = XXRow Set
− Column Set = XXColumn Set

16. (B) OK
− Period = Oct-05

17. (B) Submit

18. View the output online.

Run the Column Set Detail Listing Report

19. Navigate to the Standard Request Submission window.

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• (N) Reports > Request > Standard
− Request Name = FSG - Column Set Detail Listing
− Column Set Name = XXColumn Set

20. (B) Ok

21. (B) Submit

22. View your request online.

Run the Column Set Summary Listing Report

23. Navigate to the Standard Request Submission window.

• (N) Reports > Request > Standard

− Request Name = FSG - Column Set Summary Listing

24. (B) Submit

25. View your request online.

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Practice - Define a Report (Required)
In this practice, you will combine a row set and a column set to define a report.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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1. Define the report.
− Name = XX5 Month Rolling Overhead
− Title = 5 Month Rolling Overhead
− Row Set = XXRow Set
− Column Set = XXColumn Set

2. Submit the report.

− Report = XX5 Month Rolling Overhead
− Period = Oct-05

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Solution - Define a Report (Required)
Repeat task title

In this practice, you will combine a row set and a column set to define a report.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Define the report

1. Navigate to the Report definition window.

• (N) Reports > Define > Report

− Name = XX5 Month Rolling Overhead
− Title = 5 Month Rolling Overhead
− Row Set = XXRow Set
− Column Set = XXColumn Set

2. Save.

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Submit the report

3. Navigate to the request submission window.

• (N) Reports > Request > Financial

• Select the option for Individual Report, then select (B) OK.

• Select the following:

− Report = XX5 Month Rolling Overhead
− Period = Oct-05

4. (B) Submit.

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5. (M) View Requests> (B) Find > (B) View Output

6. Close all windows and return to the Navigator.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 284

Practice - Define a Content Set (Required)
In this practice, you will create a content set.

Scenario: A memo from the controller requests separate Overhead Summary reports for each of
the Sales departments. To do this, you must create a Content Set for your existing XX5 Month
Rolling Overhead report.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Responsibility: General Ledger, Vision Operations, (USA)

1. Define the content set.

− Name = XXPE Content Set
− Description = PE on Dept
− Type = Sequential
− Seq = 10
− Ledger = Vision Operations (USA)
− Short Name in the LOV, automatically created by the system)

Segment Low High Display

Department 400 430 PE
Sub Account

2. Run your XX5 Month Rolling Overhead Report adding your XXPE Content Set.
− Report = XX5 Month Rolling Overhead
− Period = Oct-05
− Content Set = XXPE Content Set

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Solution - Define a Content Set (Required)
In this practice, you will create a content set.

Scenario: A memo from the controller requests separate Overhead Summary reports for each of
the Sales departments. To do this, you must create a Content Set for your existing XX5 Month
Rolling Overhead report.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Responsibility: General Ledger, Vision Operations, (USA)

Define the content set

1. Navigate to the Content Set definition form.

• (N) Reports > Define > Content Set

− Name = XXPE Content Set
− Description = PE on Dept
− Type = Sequential
− Seq = 10
− Ledger = Vision Operations (USA)
− Short Name in the LOV, automatically created by the system)

Segment Low High Display

Department 400 430 PE
Sub Account

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2. (B) OK

3. Save.

4. Close the Content Set window.

Run your XX5 Month Rolling Overhead Report adding your XXPE Content Set

5. Navigate to the request submission form.

• (N) Reports > Request > Financial

• Select option for Individual Report.

• Select the following:

− Report = XX5 Month Rolling Overhead
− Period = Oct-05
− Content Set = XXPE Content Set

6. (B) Submit

7. View the output online:

• (M) View > Requests> (B)Find >View Output

8. (B) Next to view each Department’s page (if available, otherwise scroll).

Note: If the periods in your accounting calendar contain varying number of days, such as a
monthly calendar that contains 28 days in one period and 31 in another, you can still

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 287

schedule financial schedules to run on the last day of every period. To do this, enter a
number greater than the maximum number of days in any month, such as 32, in the Run Day
field of the Concurrent Request Schedules window. Doing so automatically tells the system
to run the schedule on the last day of every period. The Scheduler/PreReleaser concurrent
manager must be running to use advanced scheduling.

9. Close all windows and return to the Navigator.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 288

Practice - Define a Row Order (Required)
The controller requests that you create a Row Order to display both the Value and Description of
the Department segment to be used with your XXRB Content Set. In this practice, you will
create a row order.

Note: When you use Content Sets an abbreviated listing of your Accounting Flexfield appears in
the left side of the report. We will use the row order to eliminate some of the listing.


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• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Responsibility: General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)

1. Define a Row Order.

− Name = XXRow Order

• Enter the following:

Seq Segment Order By Display Width

1 Ledger Ledger Ledger Name 15
2 Company Value Value and Desc. 0
3 Department Value Value and Desc. 15
4 Account Value Value and Desc. 0
5 Sub Account Value Value and Desc. 0
6 Product Value Value and Desc. 0

2. Run a Report adding your XXRE Content Set and XXRow Order.
− Report = Overhead Summary
− Row Set = XX Row Set
− Column Set = PTD, QTD, YTD Actual

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• (T) Required Parameters
− Ledger will Default
− Period = Oct-05
− Currency will Default

• (T) Optional Components

− Content Set = XXRE Content Set
− Row Order = XXRow Order

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 290

Solution - Define a Row Order (Required)
The controller requests that you create a Row Order to display both the Value and Description of
the Department segment to be used with your XXRB Content Set. In this practice, you will
create a row order.

Note: When you use Content Sets an abbreviated listing of your Accounting Flexfield appears in
the left side of the report. We will use the row order to eliminate some of the listing.


Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Responsibility: General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA)

Define a Row Order

1. Navigate to the Row Order definition form.

• (N) Reports > Define > Order

− Name = XXRow Order

2. Enter the following:

Seq Segment Order By Display Width

1 Ledger Ledger Name Ledger Name 15
2 Company Value Value and Description 0
3 Department Value Value and Description 15
4 Account Value Value and Description 0
5 Sub Account Value Value and Description 0
6 Product Value Value and Description 0

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3. Save.

4. Close all windows and return to the Navigator.

Copy your XXPE Content Set to Create XXRE Content Set

5. Navigate to the AutoCopy form.

• (N) Reports > AutoCopy

− Component = Content Set
− Source = XXPE Content Set
− Target = XXRE Content Set
− (B) Copy
− (B) Ok
− Close all windows and return to the Navigator

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6. Navigate to the Content Set definition form.

• (N) Reports > Define > Content Set

7. Locate XXRE Content Set.

8. Change the display for Department to RE.

• Click in the Low column.

• Change the display to RE.

• Save.

• Close all windows and return to the Navigator.

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Run a Report adding your XXRE Content Set and XXRow Order

9. Navigate to the request submission form.

• (N) Reports > Request > Financial

− Select Option for Individual Report
− (B) OK
− (B) Define Ad Hoc Report
− Report = Overhead Summary
− Row Set = XX Row Set
− Column Set = PTD, QTD, YTD Actual

• (B) OK

10. (T) Required Parameters

− Ledger will Default
− Period = Oct-05
− Currency will Default

11. (T) Optional Components

− Content Set = XXRE Content Set
− Row Order = XXRow Order

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• The check box on the left needs to be checked.

12. (B) Submit

• Record the concurrent request number __________________.

13. View the output online.

• (M) View > Requests > (B) Find > (B) View Output

14. Close all windows and return to the Navigator.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 295

Guided Demonstration - FSG Reporting Using Ledger Sets
Logon: SSCNEWALL/Welcome

Responsibility: General Ledger, SSC Worldwide

Instructions: Submit a Balance Sheet that contains data for ledgers in a ledger set. The
columns in the report contain data for each ledger. The last column aggregates data across
ledgers in a ledger set.

Here is the report definition for the Balance Sheet:

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1. Open the Submit Requests form.

(N) Reports > Request > Standard

• Select the option for Individual Reports, then select (B) OK.

2. Submit the request called Program - Publish FSG Report.

3. In the parameters, enter the following:

• Ledger: SSC US (defaults)

• Report: Balance Sheet SSC WW PTD

• Period: 12-06

• Currency: USD

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Accept the remaining defaults.

4. (B) OK

Note the XML Publisher Template associated with this report.

5. Submit your request and then view the output.

• (M) View > Requests > (B) Find > (B) View Output

Your report should look something like what is shown below.

The first column retrieves balances from SSC US. The second and third columns retrieve
balances from SSC France's USD Reporting Currency and SSC Italy's Journal level Reporting
Currency, respectively. All three of these ledgers used the currency USD.

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The last column aggregates data from all USD ledgers in the ledger set.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 297

Oracle Advanced Global Intercompany System

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Practice - Intercompany and Intracompany Balancing
In this practice, you will balance intercompany and intracompany transactions. This practice
demonstrates how Advanced Global Intercompany System is used to process intercompany
transactions between the legal entities of an enterprise.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training

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or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Logon: SSCNEWALL/Welcome

Responsibility: General Ledger, SSC Worldwide

1. Enter an intracompany journal in General Ledger.

Enter an intracompany transaction between two legal entities belonging to the same ledger.

• Create new journal using the following details:

Journal XX Intracompany (where XX is your initials)
Description Optional
Ledger SSC US
Period Any Open Period

• Create new lines using the following details:

Line 1 10
Account 1 001.100.43000.0000.421.120.003
Credit 1 2000
Line 2 20
Account 2 003.300.60112.0000.421.120.001
Debit 2 2000

• Save and post the journal.

2. Enter intracompany and intercompany transactions in a single journal in subledger.

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• Inquire and create the journal.

• Enter the following:

Journal XX Mixed
Description XX Mixed
Ledger SSC US
Category Other
Period Current Period

• Enter the following lines:

Account 1 001.100.43000.0000.421.120.003

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Accounting Class 1 Intercompany
Credit 1 2000
Account 2 003.300.60112.0000.421.120.001
Accounting Class 2 Intercompany
Debit 2 2000
Account 3 001.100.43000.0000.421.120.004
Accounting Class 3 Intercompany
Credit 3 3000
Account 4 004.100.60112.0000.421.120.001
Debit 4 3000

• Post the journal.

3. View the intracompany and the intercompany lines that are generated by the system.

4. View the journal in General Ledger.

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Solution – Intercompany and Intracompany Balancing
In this practice, you will balance intercompany and intracompany transactions. This practice
demonstrates how Advanced Global Intercompany System is used to process intercompany
transactions between the legal entities of an enterprise.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training

Oracle Internal & Oracle Academy Use Only

or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Logon: SSCNEWALL/Welcome

Responsibility: General Ledger, SSC Worldwide

1. 1. Enter an intracompany journal in General Ledger.

Enter an intracompany transaction between two legal entities belonging to the same ledger.

• (N) Journals > Enter

This starts core forms.

• (B) New Journal

• Enter the following:

Journal XX Intracompany
Description XX Intracompany
Ledger SSC US
Period Current Period

• (T) Lines.

• Enter the following:

Line 1 10
Account 1 001.100.43000.0000.421.120.003
Credit 1 2000
Line 2 20

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Account 2 003.300.60112.0000.421.120.001
Debit 2 2000

• (I) Save > (B) Post > (B) OK

• Close the Journals form.

• (I) Find

• Query the following:

Journal XX Intracompany
Period Today’s Date

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• (B) Find

• (B) Requery (until batch status is 'Posted')

• (B) Review Journal

Note that the posting program creates intracompany balancing lines automatically.

• Close the Journals form.

2. Enter intracompany and intercompany transactions in a single journal in subledger.

• (N) Journals > Enter

• (B) New Journal

• Enter the following:

Journal XX Mixed
Description XX Mixed
Ledger SSC US
Category Other
Period Current Period

• Enter the following for the Lines:

Account 1 001.100.43000.0000.421.120.003
Credit 1 2000
Account 2 003.300.60112.0000.421.120.001
Debit 2 2000
Account 3 001.100.43000.0000.421.120.004
Credit 3 3000

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Account 4 004.100.60112.0000.421.120.001
Debit 4 3000

• (I) Save > (B) Post > (B) OK

• Close the Journals form.

• (I) Find

3. Query the following:

Journal XX Mixed
Period Today’s Date

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• (B) Find

• (B) Requery (until batch status is Posted).

4. (B) Review Journal

Note that the posting program creates both intracompany and intercompany balancing
lines automatically.

• Close the Journals form.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 303

Practice - Create Manual Intercompany Transaction
In this practice, you will create an intercompany batch from one initiator to two recipients,
transfer to subledgers using batch mode, compare the accounting representation in Payables
for one recipient and run the Intercompany Reconciliation report.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training

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or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Logon: SSCNEWALL/Welcome

Responsibility: Intercompany Super User, SSC Worldwide

Note: Ensure that the accounting periods are open in General Ledger, Receivables and

1. Navigate to the Intercompany Transactions page.

2. Create a new intercompany batch.

• Enter the following:

*Transaction Type I/C Sales
*Initiator SSC US 01
*Batch Date (Today’s Date)
*GL Date (Today’s Date)
*Currency USD
Distribution Mode (radio Manual
Description Any description

This transaction type requires invoicing.

• Enter transactions as follows:

Recipient (Trans #1) SSC France
Debit 2000

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Recipient (Trans #2) SSC Italy
Debit 3000

3. Create batch distributions for the initiator accounting.

• Enter the account:

Company 001 (SSC US LE 1 OU 1)
Division 100 (Division 100)
Account 43000 (Revenue - I/C)
SubAccount 0000 (None)
Department 410 (Sales International)

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Product 120 (Product 120)
I/C 101 (SSC France)

• Enter the amount:

Credit 2000

• Enter the account:

Company 001 (SSC US LE 1 OU 1)
Division 100 (Division 100)
Account 43000 (Revenue - I/C)
SubAccount 0000 (None)
Department 410 (Sales International)
Product 120 (Product 120)
I/C 102 (SSC Italy)

• Enter the amount:

Credit 3000

4. Create the recipient accounting.

• Enter the account:

Company 101 (SSC France)
Division 100 (Division 100)
Account 60112 (Personnel Lent / other Subsidiary)
SubAccount 0000 (None)
Department 410 (Sales International)
Product 120 (Product 120)

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I/C 001 (SSC US LE 1 OU 01)

• Enter the amount:

Debit 2000

• Select Transaction Number 2

• Enter the account:

Company 102 (SSC Italy)
Division 200 (Division 200)
Account 60112 (Personnel Lent / other Subsidiary)
SubAccount 0000 (None)

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Department 410 (Sales International)
Product 120 (Product 120)
I/C 001 (SSC US LE 1 OU 01)

• Enter the amount:

Debit 3000

5. Submit and query the batch.

Batch Number Your batch number noted

• View the details for the transaction numbers.

• View the transactions in the Inbound transaction page.

• Search:
Batch Number Your batch number noted

Transfer to Receivables and Process AR Invoice

6. Select the following program:

Program Name Transfer Intercompany Transactions to Receivables

• Enter the following:

GL Date From (Today’s Date)
GL Date To (Today’s Date)
Submit AR Auto Invoice Yes

• Submit the request.

• Refresh until the AutoInvoice Import program completed.

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Note: The Transfer Intercompany Transactions to Receivables program starts the
AutoInvoice Master program that submits the AutoInvoice Import program.

• Click the Output icon for:

Name Autoinvoice Import Program

• Verify that the transaction is created.

7. Check that the Intercompany batch has been assigned an invoice number.
Batch Number Your Batch Number

• Make a note of the invoice number(s).

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8. View Invoice in Receivables:
Responsibility Receivables, SSC Worldwide

• Query the invoices and enter the following:

Source Global%
Date (Today’s Date)

9. Create Accounting for the invoices.

• Select 'Create Final Accounting Post to GL'

A popup window lets you know that the accounting has been successfully created for
the transaction.

Transfer to Payables and Process AP Invoice

10. Select the following program in the Intercompany Super User, SSC Worldwide

• Select the following program:

Program Name Transfer Intercompany Transactions to Payables

• Enter the following:

GL Date From (Today’s Date)
GL Date To (Today’s Date)
Submit Payables Import Yes

• Submit the request.

Note: The Payables Open Interface Import should be completed before you query the

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 307

11. Process the invoice in the Payables responsibility.
Responsibility Payables, SSC Worldwide

• Query the invoices and enter the following:

Trading Partner SSC
Invoice Date (Today’s Date)

• Process the invoice:

Operation Unit SSC France

• Close the Invoice Workbench.

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Report on Intercompany Transactions

13. Select the following program in the Intercompany Super User, SSC Worldwide
Responsibility Intercompany Super User, SSC Worldwide

14. Search the following request:

Program Name Intercompany Reconciliation Data Extract Program

• Enter the following:

*Transacting Ledger SSC US
*Transacting GL Period (Current Period)

• Submit the program.

• Run the reconciliation request.

• Enter the request number:

*Request Id (request status must The request number noted
be complete to show up)
Template Intercompany Reconciliation Summary
Local Default
Format HTML

• Run the reconciliation request.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 308

Solution – Create Manual Intercompany Transaction
In this practice, you will create an intercompany batch from one initiator to two recipients,
transfer to subledgers using batch mode, and compare the accounting representation in
Payables for one recipient.

• Replace XX with your terminal number or unique number.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training

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or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Logon: SSCNEWALL/Welcome

Responsibility: Intercompany Super User, SSC Worldwide

Note: Ensure that the accounting periods are open in General Ledger, Receivables and

1. Navigate to the Intercompany Transactions page.

• (N) Transaction > Outbound

2. Create a new intercompany batch.

• (B) Create

• Enter the batch information as follows:

*Transaction Type I/C Sales
*Initiator SSC US 01
*Batch Date (Today’s Date)
*GL Date (Today’s Date)
*Currency USD
Distribution Mode (radio Manual
Description Manual Intco Transaction

This transaction type requires invoicing.

• Enter Transactions as follows:

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Transaction Number Recipient Debit Credit
1 SSC France 2000
2 SSC Italy 3000

• (B) Continue

3. Create Batch Distributions for Initiator.

• (T) Initiator Accounting

• Select Transaction Number 1.

• (B) Add Line

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Note: If transaction account definition is assigned to the ledger, you can accept derived
distributions, or optionally override the derived distributions to correspond to values
listed in the following table.

• Enter the Account (LOV) as follows:

Company 001 (SSC US LE 1 OU 1)
Division 100 (Division 100)
Account 43000 (Revenue - I/C)
SubAccount 0000 (None)
Department 410 (Sales International)
Product 120 (Product 120)
I/C 101 (SSC France)

• (B) Search

• If no result, click (B) Create.

• Select Code Combination > (B) Select.

• Enter the Amount as follows:

Credit 2000

• Select Transaction Number 2.

• (B) Add Line

• Enter the Account (LOV) as follows:

Company 001 (SSC US LE 1 OU 1)
Division 100 (Division 100)

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Account 43000 (Revenue - I/C)
SubAccount 0000 (None)
Department 410 (Sales International)
Product 120 (Product 120)
I/C 102 (SSC Italy)

• (B) Search

• If no result, click (B) Create.

• Select Code Combination > (B) Select.

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• Enter the Amount as follows:
Credit 3000

4. Create Recipient Accounting.

• (T) Recipient Accounting

• Select Transaction Number 1.

• (B) Add Line

Note: If transaction account definition is assigned to the ledger, you may accept derived
distributions, or optionally override the derived distributions to correspond to values
listed in the following table.

• Enter the Account (LOV) as follows:

Company 101 (SSC France)
Division 100 (Division 100)
Account 60112 (Personnel Lent / other Subsidiary)
SubAccount 0000 (None)
Department 410 (Sales International)
Product 120 (Product 120)
I/C 001 (SSC US LE 1 OU 01)

• (B) Search

• If no result, click (B) Create.

• Select Code Combination > (B) Select

• Enter the Amount as follows:

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Debit 2000

• Select Transaction Number 2.

• (B) Add Line

• Enter the Account (LOV) as follows:

Company 102 (SSC Italy)
Division 200 (Division 200)
Account 60112 (Personnel Lent / other Subsidiary)
SubAccount 0000 (None)
Department 410 (Sales International)

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Product 120 (Product 120)
I/C 001 (SSC US LE 1 OU 01)

• (B) Search

• If no result, click (B) Create.

• Select Code Combination > (B) Select.

• Enter the Amount as follows:

Debit 3000

• (B) Submit

You will get confirmation that batch was submitted.

• Note the batch number.

5. View Created Batch.

• (T) Outbound

• Search:
Batch Number Your batch number noted

• (B) Go

The batch status is Submitted as expected.

• Click the Batch Number.

The transaction type for this batch does not require approval and the transactions status
are automatically set to 'Approved' by the system.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 312

• Click (I) View Details for any of the transaction numbers.

Note: It may take a while for the workflow process to complete and create the accounts.
In the interim the status may show as Sent or Received. On completion, the batch is
available in the 'Inbound' tab.

By viewing details we can see that the intercompany receivables and intercompany
payables account are added to both initiators and recipient. These lines are created using
the intercompany accounts rules.

• (H) Return to View Batch page (in lower left corner of page)

• (B) View Distribution

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Here we can view all the distributions for the batch.

• (H) Return to Batch (left down corner)

• (H) Return to Outbound Transactions

• (ST) Inbound

• Search:
Batch Number Your batch number

• (B) Go

The transaction status is approved for both recipients.

Note: Make sure all transactions in the batch are approved before proceeding to the next

• (H) Click Home

You return to the Core Applications Navigator.

Transfer to Receivables and Process AR Invoice

6. Transfer to Receivables.

• (N) Request > Schedule

• Search for (magnify glass) and select as follows:

Program Name Transfer Intercompany Transactions to Receivables

• (B) Next

• Enter the following:

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GL Date From (Today’s Date)
GL Date To (Today’s Date)
Submit AR Auto Invoice Yes

• (B) Next > (B) Next > (B) Next > (B) Next

• (B) Submit

You receive information about the request number.

• (B) OK

You are taken to the Request queue page.

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• Click on the Request ID column title to sort in descending order (you may have to click
several times).

• (B) Refresh (Click Refresh until AutoInvoice Import program completes).

Note: The Transfer Intercompany Transactions to Receivables program will start the
AutoInvoice Master program that will submit the AutoInvoice Import program.

• Click the Output icon for :

Name Autoinvoice Import Program

• Scroll down in report to verify that the transaction has been created.

• (H) Click Back to return to the Request window.

You return to the Core Applications Navigator.

7. Check that an invoice number is assigned to the intercompany batch.

The Intercompany batch is assigned an invoice number when transferred to Receivables.

The batch must have an invoice number(s) when transferring to Payables.

• (N) Transaction > Outbound

• Search the following:

Batch Number Your Batch Number

• (B) Go

• Click (H) Batch Number.

• Click View Details for the two transactions.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 314

• In the Transaction Information section note the invoice number(s).

This is a unique invoice number for each recipient. You may take notes of both invoices
by viewing details for the other invoice as well. The invoice number is the same in both
Receivables and in Payables.

• (H) Click Home

You return to the Core Applications Navigator.

8. View Invoice in Receivables.

• (M) File > Switch Responsibility:

Responsibility Receivables, SSC Worldwide

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• (N) Transactions > Transactions

• Query the invoices by key F11 and enter:

Source Global%
Date (Today’s Date)

• Ctrl F11 to execute query

• Click on the icon next to the invoice number .

The invoice appears in a new browser window.

• Close invoice browser window.

9. Create Accounting for both invoices.

• (M) Tools > Create Accounting

• Select Create Final Accounting Post to GL.

• (B) OK

A popup window will let you know that the accounting has been successfully created
for the transaction.

• (B) OK (in note window)

• Down/Up - arrow to view the second invoice.

• Repeat above steps to 'Create Accounting' for the second invoice.

• Close Transactions window.

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R12.x Oracle General Ledger Management Fundamentals Chapter 1 - Page 315

You return to the Navigator.

Transfer to Payables and Process AP Invoice

10. Transfer to Payables.

• (M) File > Switch Responsibility.

• Select Responsibility:
Responsibility Intercompany Super User, SSC worldwide

• (N) Request > Schedule

• Search for (magnify glass) and select the following:

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Program Name Transfer Intercompany Transactions to Payables

• (B) Next

• Enter the following:

GL Date From (Today’s Date)
GL Date To (Today’s Date)
Submit Payables Import Yes

• (B) Next > (B) Next > (B) Next > (B) Next

• (B) Submit

You will receive information about the request number.

• (B) OK

Request window opens.

Note: The Payables Open Interface Import should be completed before you can query
the Invoice in next step.

• (H) Click Home

You return to the Navigator.

11. Process Payables invoice.

• (M) File > Switch Responsibility:

Responsibility Payables, SSC Worldwide

• (N) Invoices > Entry > Invoices

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• Enter the following:
Trading Partner SSC
Invoice Date (Today’s Date)

Your query will result in the two invoices created from the Intercompany System. This is
because my responsibility has been given access to both Operating Units, taking advantage
of the new Multiple Organizations Access Control (MOAC) concept.

• (B) Click Find

• Close the Invoice workbench.

Intercompany Reconciliation Report

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The Advanced Global Intercompany System provides several standard reports to track
intercompany transactions. We run the Intercompany Reconciliation report.

13. Switch Responsibility.

• (M) File > Switch Responsibility.

• Select Responsibility:
Responsibility Intercompany Super User, SSC Worldwide

• (B) Ok

14. Submit Report.

• (N) Request > Schedule

• Search for (magnify glass) and select the following:

Program Name Intercompany Reconciliation Data Extract Program

• (B) Next

• Enter the following:

*Transacting Ledger SSC US
*Transacting GL Period (Current Period)

• (B) Next > (B) Next > (B) Next > (B) Next

• (B) Submit

You will receive information about the request number. Please note the request number.

• (H) Click Home

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You return to the Navigator.

• (N) Request > Reconciliation

• Enter the request number:

*Request Id (request status must The request number noted
be complete to show up)
Template Intercompany Reconciliation Summary
Local Default
Format HTML

• (B) Run

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• Click (H) Period Net for any amount.

• Click any (H) Amount.

• Click (H) Show for any Journal Name.

Depending on the transaction source, you may drill further to view transaction details.

• Close Intercompany browser window.

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