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"The forest is our life"
Pu b lish e d :tl1 7 | 2 OOB

In nofthernTanzania,a group
of studentsin shorts and blue
sweaterswalks along the
News: bumpy road towardsschool.As
they noticea familiarvehicle*
JaneGoodall loadedwith soundand film
Chimoanzees equipment- slowlyapproach,the students
IGI Worldwide beginto shout, in Kiswahili,"The forest is our
Roots& Shoots life."Insidethis familiarvehicleare Richard
Africa Proqrams Kombaand Sixtus Koromba,field teachers
Action Alerts who, since 2006, have facilitateda bond
ElsewhereIn News betweentwo youth environmentaleducation
A recent film screening for students in programs:the Jane GoodallInstitute's Roots
Events: T a n za ni a.P hoto: JGI
& Shootsprogram and Naturefor Kids
Visit the EventsCenter (NFK).

Su bscri bers Resou rces: Foundedby DutchfilmmakerDagmarvan weehgelin 2002, NFKproducesfilms

which delivereducationalmessagesabout ecologicalproblemsfacing EastAfrican
SubscriptionsManaqer communities.The phrase"the forestis our life" comesfrom the song whichopens
each of NFK'sschoolvisits. Since 1991, Roots& Shoots,JGI's youth driven network
GiveUs Your Feedback! that assistsyoung peoplein effectingpositivechangein their own communities,has
RSS established over 500 clubsin 10 regionsacrossAfrica.Throughthe combined
resources,scopeand experienceof Roots& Shootsand NFK,more youth in
RSSNews Feedmntl Tanzaniaare becomingawareof the environmental issueswhich impactthem, and
RSSUsaqeGuidelines what they can do to help.
Press Resources: The NKF mobile video set up, which containsa generator,an extra long extension
cord, a portablemovie screen,window black out cloths,speakers,and a DVD
JGI Pressroom player,allows Richardand Sixtus to travel acrossnorthernTanzania,targetingover
Requestino an Appearance 35,000schoolchildren.Eachclassroomis filledwith a huddledaudienceof several
from Dr. Goodall hundredstudentsas well as teachers,and the NFKfilm is the first movie many of
the studentshave ever seen.

Three films, "sophia and the TerrificForest,""Mkoboand the Great Lion," and "Issa

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The Jane Coodall Institrte

and the ReturningGrasslands,"discussdeforestation,endangeredanimals,and

overgrazing,respectively.Eachof Weehgel'sfilms - which are shot on locationin
Tanzaniaand feature local schoolchildrenas well as community members- follows
a similar story line: a young child becomesa local hero by developingan innovative
way to protect nature. In additionto highlightingthe cooperationbetween
community members,particularlybetweenchildrenand adults,the films
demonstratethe significantrole a Singlechild can play in environmental
conservation* a belieffervently sharedby Dr. Jane Goodallas well. "Every
individualmatters," she says. "Every individualhas a role to play. Every individual
makes a difference."

Additionally,NFK'sinvolvementwith localteachers,artists, musicians,companies

and crew ensuresthat the films help to stimulatelocal economies'
The program'srural outreachhas includedoutreachwithin the Ngorongoro
Conservationarea: a regionpopulatedprimarily by the Maasaitribe, who play an
integralrole in the ecologicalbalanceof the area.

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