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COM Nama :
TAHUN PELAJARAN 2021/2022 No. Absen :
Mata : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : 3 (Tiga) Nilai :
Waktu : 90 menit
Tanggal :

I. Answer the following question with the correct answer!

1. “Benefit “ in Indoneisan language is…
A. Manfaat
B. Contoh
C. Tumbuhan
D. Sumber
2. “ Raw material”in Indoneisan language is…
A. Bahan baku
B. Bakan masak
C. Bahan bahan
D. Bahan dan alat
3. The benefit of the plant is expect…
A. Food source
B. Drink source
C. Industrial raw material
D. Clothing material
4. The example of vegetable as a source food is …
A. Spinach
B. Banana
C. Bamboo
D. Cutton
5. Wood can be used as a…
A. Clothing material
B. Source food
C. Healthy
D. Industrial raw material
6. Ginger can be used as a…
A. Clothing material
B. Source food
C. Healthy
D. Industrial raw materials
7. Cotton can be used as a…
A. Clothing material
B. Source food
C. Healthy
D. Industrial raw materials
8. Sheepskin is used for…
A. Clothing material
B. Source food
C. Transportation
D. Taken by energy
9. Crocodile skin is used to make clothing raw materials. Clothingin Indonesian
language is…
A. Kulit
B. Pakaian
C. Digunakan
D. Membuat
10. When we have to water the plants?
A. In the morning
B. In the afternoon
C. In the evening
D. In the morning and evening
11. Look at the picture!

The picture above is ...

A. Fertilization
B. Soil
C. Land
D. Organic fertilization
12. “Tanaman membutuhkan pupuk yang cukup”. “ Pupuk “ in English language is…
A. Organic fertilization
B. Land
C. Fertilization
D. Soil
13. The example of plant that need a little water is …
A. Kale
B. Cactus
C. Lotus
D. Water hyacinth
14. What is the porpose of fertilizing plants?
A. So that plants are fertile
B. To produce food for these plants
C. To form plants
D. So that the plants grow quickly
15. Dayu always bath the rabbit. Bathin Indonesian language is…
A. Memandikan
B. Kesehatan
C. Merawat
D. Menyiapkan
II. Write the benefits of the plant and animal
No. Plant / Animal Benefit
1. Carrot ……………………………………………..
2. Cow ……………………………………………..
3. Betel leaf …………………………………………….
4. Soursop …………………………………………….
5. Rattan …………………………………………….
6. Sheep fur …………………………………………….
7. Coconut stem …………………………………………….
8. Cassava …………………………………………….
9. Elephant …………………………………………….
10. Aloe vera …………………………………………….
Answer Key

I. Multiple Choice

1. A
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. D
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. A
II. Essay

1. Healthy
2. Food source
3. Healthy
4. Healthy
5. Industrial raw material
6. Clothing material
7. Industrial raw material
8. Food Source
9. Energy
10. Healthy

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