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MAP Testing Send

Questions Responses 7 Se4ings

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Summary Question Individual

One area that my students did well in was parts of speech. The students have mastered verbs,
adjectives, and prepositions.
7 responses


My students demonstrated strength in vocabulary in Reading.

My students did very well on operations and algebraic thinking for math.

My students scored high in operations and algebraic thinking, and numbers and operations.

Capitals, Spelling and Punctuation

Kristan Laughinghouse & Denisse Elliott. 3

Overall they did well in math, considering what units we have covered so far.

One area of growth I would like to focus on with my students is the area of pronouns. The students
have not fully mastered this concept and need more practice in this area.
7 responses


Overall, one area I need to spend time with them on is Informational text.

I would like to focus on language and writing skills with my students.

I can see that I need to expose my kids to more vocabulary development.


We would like to focus on Numbers and Operation in math and informational text in reading.

Problem solving continues to be an issue we are working on.

Based upon the data gathered through the MAP testing, I can help strengthen my students' skills by
focusing on intensive, reflexive, indefinite pronouns. I can also create opportunities for the students
to edit and proofread more often so that the students can use and practice their part of speech
7 responses

Students will be reading a book on their state and completing a state report for the 4th quarter

As a grade level, we recognized the need to practice finding text evidence as a way to think about reading
informative texts. We have started doing "rainbow reads" to respond to article/question sets, which guides
the students to annotate the text itself.

I would like to do groups that center on the students' needs that are specified on the MAP Learning
Continuum Report.

I can group students in target groups for specific skills needed, and I can use the specific information to
assist in my reporting to parents.

Create math groups

We can identify learning goals more clearly per students needs.

By looking at the individual data, I will be able to see what students need individual or small group

After the presentation, do you feel you understand how to use, analyze, and apply our Copy
new MAP testing assessments to impact your instruction.
7 responses



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