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Periodic test 2 (2021-2022)

Class 10 Social Science Marks:-40

Time:-2 hours
General Instructions:
i. This Question paper is divided into five sections-Section A, B, C, D and E.
ii. All questions are compulsory.
iii. Section-A: Question no. 1 to 5 are very short answer type questions of 2
marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 40 words.
iv. Section-B: Question no. 6 to 8 are short answer type questions, carrying 3
marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 80 words.
v. Section-C: Question no. 9 and 10 are long answer type questions, carrying
5 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 120 words.
vi. Section-D: Question no. 11 and 12 are Case Based questions.
vii. Section-E: Question no. 13 is map based, carrying 3 marks with two parts,
13.1 from History (1 mark) and 13.2 from Geography (2 marks).
viii. There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal
choice has been provided in a few questions. Only one of the choices in such
questions have to be attempted.
ix. In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and
question, wherever necessary.
SECTION A (2x5=10)

1. Why were the Europeans attracted to Africa in the late nineteenth

2. What do you mean by ‘indentured labour? Which were the main
destinations of Indian indentured migrants?
3. Define Minerals. What are ferrous and Non -ferrous minerals?
4. What is known as ‘double coincidence of wants’? Explain with the help
of an example.
5. What are ‘terms of credit’?
SECTION B (3x3=9)

6. Explain the causes of the Great Depression.

Write a short note on ‘the coming of Rinder pest to Africa’.
7. Why do we need to conserve minerals?
8. In what ways does the Reserve Bank of India supervise the functioning of

SECTION C (5x2=10)

9. What is meant by the Bretton Woods Agreement?


Explain how the global transfer of disease in the pre-modern world helped in
the colonization of the Americas.

10. What is SHG? Explain the basic idea behind the SHGs?


Compare Formal and Informal sources of credit.

SECTION D (4x2=8)


11. Read the given text and answer the following questions: 4
‘… in spite of my best efforts, I could not properly do the works that were
allotted to me ... In a few days I got my hands bruised all over and I could not
go to work for a week for which I was prosecuted and sent to jail for 14 days. ...
….new emigrants find the tasks allotted to them extremely heavy and cannot
complete them in a day. ... Deductions are also made from wages if the work is
considered to have been done unsatisfactorily. Many people cannot therefore
earn their full wages and are punished in various ways. In fact, the labourers
have to spend their period of indenture in great trouble …’

11.1. Why didn’t the migrants finish the work assigned to them? (1)

11.2. What were the punishments given to the migrants for not completing the
work assigned to them? (1)

11.3. Briefly explain the conditions of the migrants in your own words. (2)

12. Read the given text and answer the following questions: 4

Most of the minerals in India are nationalised and their extraction is possible
only after obtaining due permission from the government. But in most of the
tribal areas of the north-east India, minerals are owned by individuals or
communities. In Meghalaya, there are large deposits of coal, iron ore, limestone
and dolomite etc. Coal mining in Jowai and Cherapunjee is done by family
member in the form of a long narrow tunnel, known as ‘Rat hole’ mining. The
National Green Tribunal has declared such activities illegal and recommended
that these should be stopped forthwith.

12.1. Who owns the minerals in the tribal areas of north-east India? (1)

12.2. What is ‘Rat hole mining’? (1)

12.3. Why is it considered as illegal? Why should it be stopped? (2)



13. Mark the following on outline political map of India:- (1x3=3)

1. The place where the principal lignite reserves are found in Tamil Nadu.
2. Digboi oil field
3. Kaiga Nuclear power plant


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