Need or Want Worksheet

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Answer the Following question:

1. What do you consider as your needs at the present? And Why?

• The thing that I consider a need as of now is laptop and smartphone, since we are not having
a face to face class yet and the only thing that we do as of now is to meet online enable for me
to fulfill my duties as a student I need these two. Without these I won’t be able to attend my
class and I won’t be able to do my task as well.
2. What do you consider as your wants? Why?
• Clothes, everytime I go to the mall I can’t help but to buy new clothes wherein fact I have a
lot of clothes and I did not wear all of them yet.
3. Can your wants be your needs and your needs be your wants? How?
• Yes, my wants can be my needs because there will come a time wherein I will need my
wants example clothes, I need a new clothes for the competition I am going to join. My needs
can also be my wants, example if I already have a laptop and a smartphone and later on there
is a new model of it and then I also want to have those that is the time it will become a wants.
4. What are the things you should do to be able to attain your needs?
• I need to stop buying my wants but instead save the money so that I can use it to buy my
5. How are you preparing yourself to be financially independent?
• Since my mom give me money I always make sure I don’t use it for a useless thing, I always
keep the money that is not used so that when I need something I don’t need anymore to ask
money from my parents.

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