Un Volunteer Description of Assignment

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Id 1686700991420672
VMAM Id 1686700991420672
Opportunity Type (Online/Onsite) Onsite
Opportunity Title Refugee Interpreters


Host Entity UNHCR
Country of Assignment Sudan
Duty station Gedaref, Gedaref, Gedaref, Gedaref, Gedaref,
Volunteer Category Refugee UN Volunteer
Number of UN Volunteers 5
Duration 10m
Possibility of Extension Yes
Expected Start Date 03/14/2022
Sustainable Development Goal 17. Partnerships for the goals
Disabilities No

DOA Details
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, was established on 14 December 1950 by
the UN General Assembly. The agency is mandated to lead and co-ordinate
international action to protect refugees and resolve refugee problems
worldwide. Its primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of
refugees. It strives to ensure that everyone can exercise the right to seek
asylum and find safe refuge in another State, with the option to return home
voluntarily, integrate locally or to resettle in a third country
mission and
(www.unhcr.org). The UNHCR operation in Sudan serves different refugee
groups, including people from South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, CAR, Chad,
Yemen and Syria, but also internally displaced people, asylum-seekers and
stateless individuals through a network of sub- and field offices as well as its
Representation in Khartoum. UNHCR focuses on the protection and
assistance to these groups in close coordination with national authorities
and in partnership with UN and non-UN agencies as well as the civil society.
Sub Office Gedaref hosts around 200,000 refugees and asylum seekers in
two refugee camps, one refugee settlement and two reception centers.
About 50,000 individuals residing in Gedaref state originate from the recent
Ethiopia emergency. Around twenty-six (26) locations are host to an
estimated 34,000 refugees and asylum seekers residing outside refugee
camps. There are six (6) main border entry points in the east (Lafa, Gulsa,
Abu Gamal, Taya, Gedaref and Hamdayet) where initial screening and
assistance is provided as well as transportation to the refugee camps except
for Hamdayet and Village 8 where group level registration is conducted at
the reception centers. The office aims to collaborate with protection actors
to strengthen feedback, referral and tracking mechanism for refugees and
persons of concern to UNHCR with a view to harness a whole-of-society
approach in responding and finding solutions to protection issues facing
Assignment them. This is a requirement under the UNHCR’s Age, Gender and Diversity
context Policy of March 2018, mentioning “Feedback and response” and
“communication and transparency” among six areas of engagement for
achieving accountability to persons of concern through an age, gender and
diversity approach. As part of the Accountability to Affected Populations
(AAP) framework, UNHCR SO Gedaref will ensures that all formal and
informal communications from persons of concern inform protection,
assistance and solutions programming, and that corrective action is taken as
appropriate by all partners concerned. To this end, access to information
and a two-way communication between refugees and UNHCR/protection
service providers is vital to keep track of information and assistance
requests. Most of the protection staff are not conversant with the languages
spoken by refugees. As such, there is a need to hire interpreters to facilitate
communication between refugees, asylum seekers and persons of concern
with UNHCR/protection service providers.
Under the direct supervision of UNHCR staff/assigned protection focal
person, the interpreter will work within UNHCR working hours (Sundays to
Thursdays from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm and whenever a need arise that
requires interpretation services). The interpreter will provide
simultaneous/consecutive interpretation services, either in person or via
telephone during: - All UNHCR activities where interpretation service is
required - Refugee Status Determination interviews, BID interviews, home
visits and all other general protection counselling as well as verification
activities undertaken by the office - Community mobilization and outreach
meetings, trainings and workshops - Participatory assessments with refugee
communities - Meetings between the UNHCR, government and partners
Provide translation of: - Supporting documents provided by refugees and
asylum seekers - Modifications/changes/comments made by the refugees
during the interviews - Information disseminated to refugees including
notices, posters, banners - Records of meetings with refugees -
Correspondence to the government, national/international counterparts
Under the guidance of protection focal person, interpreters will also provide
additional support as is necessary, including: - Distribution of tokens and
appointment slips to persons of concern - Coordinating seating
arrangements at the premises - Copying / laminating of supporting
documents and handing over to the UNHCR staff as required - Handing out
protection intake forms and supporting persons of concern who cannot write
or read to make preliminary applications to be reviewed by protection focal
person - Communicate messages from protection focal person to the
refugees and other persons of concern including appointments - Accompany
UNHCR staff on missions as required - Performs other support duties as
required. Furthermore, UN Volunteers are encouraged to integrate the UN
Volunteers programme mandate within their assignment and promote
voluntary action through engagement with communities in the course of
their work. As such, UN Volunteers should dedicate a part of their working
time to some of the following suggested activities: • Strengthen their
knowledge and understanding of the concept of volunteerism by reading
relevant UNV and external publications and take active part in UNV activities
(for instance in events that mark International Volunteer Day); • Be
acquainted with and build on traditional and/or local forms of volunteerism
in the host country; • Provide annual and end of assignment self-reports on
UN Volunteer actions, results and opportunities. • Contribute articles/write-
ups on field experiences and submit them for UNV publications/websites,
newsletters, press releases, etc.; • Assist with the UNV Buddy Programme
for newly-arrived UN Volunteers; • Promote and utilize the UNV Online
Volunteering service providing themselves and their organizations with
flexible, free of charge, Online Volunteer capacity to support their efforts.
Information and promotional material can be found in the onsite kit.

Eligbility Criteria
Age 27-80
Nationality NATIONAL
Aditional eligibility criteria

DOA Requirements
DOA Requirements

Required education level Secondary education

Interpretation and
Area(s) of specialisation
Required experience

Language Requirements: The interpreter / translator must possess very good
English, Tigrinya and or Amharic language skills (both written and spoken).
Fluency in Arabic is an added advantage. Priority will be given to candidates
skills and
with multiple language skills. Experience: Experience in interpretation with a
humanitarian organization is an added advantage. Experience in the usage of
computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel).


Language Language skills

Tigrinya Fluent Yes

English Fluent Yes

Amharic Fluent Yes

Arabic Working knowledge No

Area of Expertise

Translation and interpretation

license No
Type of
• Professionalism: • Integrity: • Teamwork and respect for
diversity: • Commitment to continuous learning: initiative
and willingness to learn new skills and stay abreast of new
developments in area of expertise; ability to adapt to
changes in work environment. • Planning and organizing; •
Communication: proven interpersonal skills; good spoken
and written communication skills, including ability to prepare
clear and concise reports; ability to conduct presentations,
articulate options and positions concisely; ability to make
and defend recommendations; ability to communicate and
empathize with staff (including national staff), military
personnel, volunteers, counterparts and local interlocutors
coming from very diverse backgrounds; capacity to transfer
information and knowledge to a wide range of different
target groups; • Flexibility; • Genuine commitment towards
the principles of voluntary engagement, which includes
and values
solidarity, compassion, reciprocity and self-reliance; and
commitment towards [UNHCR]’s mission and vision, as well
as to the UN Core Values. - Demonstrate integrity by
modelling UNHCR’s values and ethical standard - Promote
the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNHCR - Display
cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality, and age
sensitivity, flexibility, and adaptability - Treat all people fairly
without favouritism - Focus on client results and responds
positively to feedback on their performance and attitudes -
Consistently approach work with energy and a positive,
constructive attitude - Respect working hours and their
terms of contract and provide in good time information
relating to absences from duty - Remain calm even under
pressure - Demonstrate openness to change and ability to
manage complexities
Other information
Living conditions and other remarks
As this is a Refugee UN Volunteer assignment, the UN Volunteer will be responsible for
arranging his/her own housing and other living essentials. UNHCR shall however facilitate
access to relevant permissions to reside outside designated areas as will be necessary.

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