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2060 Rock Branch Rd.
Anthon, IA 51004
(712) 253-0471

November 8, 2010

To whom it may concern,

Through my career and education, I have held various positions and have acquired
many skills which have broadened my manufacturing and management background. M
y ability to learn and adapt to changing environments is demonstrated by the fac
t that I learned the requirements of my job while obtaining my degree.
Prior job experiences have provided me the opportunity of providing expertise of
proven managerial and leadership skills that span 24 years in a variety of fiel
ds. I was constantly placed into situations that involved tight deadlines and c
onstant pressure. These experiences have provided me the opportunity to sharpen
my skills and turn a potentially troubled scenario into ones that were both pos
itive and productive.
In conclusion, I have experience in working with a multi-business function envir
onment. I understand the various goals, objectives, and roles that different bu
siness functions achieve. More importantly, I understand that these different b
usiness functions must strive for synergies that allow a business to maximize po
tential and become a well functioning entity.
Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from yo
Respectfully yours,

Jason J. Dannenberg



1990 Morningside College Sioux City, IA

Bachelor of Science in Biology

To instill accountability and direction within a challenging work group in order

to exceed company profitability and operational goals.

Ability to discover motivational factors, which are utilized in achieving indivi

dual and company goals. Highly skilled in resolving individual behavioral issue
s by applying proven coaching techniques. Regarded as an extremely approachable
professional who is well versed in establishing a network of positive relations
hips while maintaining a high level of integrity, trust, and loyalty. Consisten
tly acts with a sense of urgency in meeting scheduled deadlines. Promotes the b
enefits of teamwork by applying persuasive articulation in order to stimulate in
novative thought process. Exemplifies a high learning index regarding numeric a
ccounting, assimilation of financial data and dealing with complex numerical dec
In 1988/89, was part of the development of a camouflage pattern known as Predato
r Camouflage. Ended up forming an agreement with a promotional company by the n
ame of K-Products out of Orange City, Iowa. With the help of K-Products we atte
nded the Shot Show in Dallas, Texas; the Minnesota Deer Classic, as well as seve
ral other events. Once the product began to experience some success, my partner
decided to legally resolve our partnership. I ended up selling my half of the
patent rights to a couple of brothers out of Lacrosse, Wisconsin. This venture
allowed me the opportunity to meet a lot of influential people in the profession
al hunting arena - Judd Cooney, Dwight Schuh, Dick Idol, the Wentzel brothers, a
nd Chuck Adams - just to name a few. The entire experience was priceless.


December 2008 - Present Jason Dannenberg Construction

Sioux City, IA
Responsibilities: Bid residential and small commercial building jobs. Run day
to day operations of framing, siding, and finish work, as well as, overseeing s
ubcontractor work. Most of the work is associated with new construction; howeve
r, we also do additions and remodels. Owner has 23+ years of management and han
ds on experience in the construction field.
April 2008 - November 2008 Sawtooth Custom Homes, Inc.
Pocatello, ID
Plant Manager
Responsibilities: Manage all operations of the manufacturing facility from desi
gn too shipping of the final product in the production of modular homes.
Direct staff/personnel with respect to company objectives and the development of
new manufacturing strategies. Also, in the process of developing the safety pr
ogram for the plant along with SOP's, manufacturing documents (logs), and proced
ures. Negotiate contracts with sub-contractors and ensure that the numbers fit
within the company budget.
March 2005 - March 2008 Soo Tractor Sweeprake
Sioux City, IA
Production Manager
Responsibilities: Manage receiving/shipping, all aspects of tractor assembly, p
ayroll, safety, and personnel issues. Assemble tractor orders for truck loads
off of AGCO's web site and enter into Microsoft Access data base. Pull orders
off of AGCO's web site for Radtech (implement) orders such as: mowers, snow blow
ers, tillers, rotary brushes, etc. Also, responsible for transferring files to
the corporate server on a daily basis.
July 2003 - March 2005 Jason Dannenberg Construction
Sioux City, IA
Responsibilities: Bid residential and small commercial building jobs. Run day
to day operations of framing, siding, and finish work, as well as, overseeing s
ubcontractor work. Most of the work is associated with new construction; howeve
r, we also do additions and remodels. Owner has 23+ years of management and han
ds on experience in the construction field.
March 2002 - July 2003 Mobren Biological Sioux City, IA
Plant Manager
Responsibilities: Managed all plant operations with respect to extraction of hep
arin from the small intestine of hogs, personnel issues, payroll, inventory, saf
ety, etc. Plant was new in operation (opened October 2001) - developed new plant
operations, safety programs, SOP's and cGMP programs. Also, was involved in pr
oject developments and the implementation of those projects.
April 1994 - February 2002 Kind & Knox Gelatine, Inc. Sioux City, IA
Manager of Manufacturing Support
Responsibilities: Accountable for equipment and supplies necessary for operation
s in the Environmental, Blending, and Shipping/Receiving Departments. Executed
performance appraisals and one-on-one coaching sessions for 4 Manufacturing Supe
rvisors. Was a key member in the development and implementation of a new softwa
re package to track inventory. Worked closely with Production Managers and Gene
ral Supervisors in an effort to resolve quality, mechanical, and technical issue
s associated with production. Spear-headed QP (Quality Production) meetings in
an effort to improve product quality, as well as to create historical data for f
uture references. Responsible for interdepartmental relationships and conflict
resolution between production employees and managers.
Prior to being the Manager of Mfg. Support I was a Supervisor in four different
departments within the plant. This included the supervision of plant operations
from shipping/receiving all the way to the final product, by-products, and util
ities (boilers, ammonia compressors, and water treatment). Numerous amounts of
chemicals are used in the process for flocculation, acidulation, extraction, cle
aning, sanitizing, and filtration of the gelatin. During this period, I was als
o responsible for training operators on their respective equipment for the start
up of a new bone plant. This role included developing SOP's and troubleshooting
the new equipment, in an effort to maintain standard product quality and rates.
I had extensive training in safety and was one of six employees that were desi
gnated as a first responder for the company. Also, I was chosen to train person
nel on a new safety program designed by DUPONT, called the STOP program.
January 1986 - March 1994 Matt Wyant Construction Sgt. Bluff, IA
Construction Foreman
Responsibilities: Was involved in the beginning construction, framing, siding, a
nd finishing work. Installed sprinkler systems, and sod. Met with prospective
buyers to develop custom drawings for their specifications. Managed a crew of u
p to 10 employees. Worked with sub-contractors to assure all specifications of
the buyer were met.


Certified hazardous waste worker - 40 hour course

Would like to discuss


2060 Rock Branch Rd.
Anthon, IA 51004
(712) 253-0471
Email Address:

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