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 Advantages of WMA:

o Lower mix temperatures, Lower emissions

o Reduced fuel costs
o Can be placed during cooler temperatures
o The amount of RAP could be increased
 Techniques for producing WMA:
o Adding a especial filler to the asphalt mixture (WAX, Zeolites, thiopave)
o Adding water to the asphalt binder (foamed)
o Adding way like material
o Adding asphalt emulsion as the binder (chemical, Waves)
 Dynamic load: there is no resting always applying load
 Repeated load: apply load and stop, apply and stop…
 Indirect tensile test (IDT): measures the critical low temperatures cracking properties of a
 Higher layer (stress control, strain is variable) thin layer (strain control, stress is variable).
 The more RAP used, the stiffer the design becomes
 Consensus properties:

o Coarse agg. o Sand equivalent.

o Fine agg. o Flat and elongated.

 Lttpbind: selecting the climate data, and select you PG

RAP binder
Total mix % AC
RAS binder
Total mix % AC

T blend −(%RAP x T RAP )

T Virgin =
1−% RAP
T blend −T virgin
T RAP−T Virgin

100−Pb ( RAP )
Gse (RAP)=
100 Pb ( RAP )

GmmRAP Gb ( RAP )

Gse( RAP)
Gsb (RAP)=
Pba ( RAP ) x Gse(RAP)
100 x Gb(RAP)

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