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Academic Year 2021-2022

SUBJECT-Double Award Science
GRADE: 10 A & 10 B
Date of Exam: 19 APRIL 2022 (Tuesday)
Time allowed: 2 hours (8:45 am–10:45 am)

NAME: ___________________ SCORE:______

TEACHER: Ms. Fatima Al Goush
 Start first by typing your name on the answer sheet.
 Start with the questions you know first.
 Read each question and choose the best answer.
 Type your answer only with blue font.
 For MCQ highlight your answer with yellow color
 If you are not sure about the answer to a question, do the best you can, but don’t spend
oo much time on any one question.
 If you finish early, you may check your work.
 Remember NOT TO LEAVE any question unanswered. Try to make a smart guess.
 Review your paper before you turn it in.
Good luck

Number of pages including the front page: 25

Name Signature

Author of test Ms. Fatima AlGoush

Checked by Ms. Victoria Hulbert

Approved by Ms. Samia Al Kooheji


Question Number Marks Available Marks Scored

1 4

2 8

3 6

4 7

5 4

6 5

7 6

8 6

9 7

10 12

11 8

12 7

Total Marks 80

Moderated by Ms. Victoria Hulbert

1. A student investigates the reflection of light by a plane mirror.
The student uses a ray box, ruler, a pencil, and a mirror.
(a) Name the apparatus that can be used to measure angles during the investigation.
(b) The diagram shows a ray of light directed to a point on the mirror.

(i) Labe the angle of incidence on the diagram.

(ii) Complete the diagram to show the ray reflected from the mirror.

(Total for Question 1 = 4 marks)

2. A driver of a car sees an obstruction in the road ahead and must stop the car.
(a) (i) A car travels at 21 m/s.
The drivers’ reaction time is 0.14 seconds.
Calculate the distance travelled by the car during the drivers’ reaction time.
Use the correct formula from the formula sheet

Distance = …………………………………………………. Unit ………………

(b) The car experiences a braking force of 7600 N.
The car has a mass of 1200 Kg.
Calculate the acceleration of the car.
Use the correct formula from the formula sheet

Acceleration = …………………………………………. unit ……………….

(ii) Calculate the braking distance travelled as the speed of the car is reduced from 21m/s
to 0 m/s.
Use the correct formula from the formula sheet

Distance= ………………………………………unit……………
(Total for Question 2=8marks)

3. (a) A person throws an object vertically upwards.
The speed-time graph shows how the speed of the object varies from the time it is thrown until
reaching its maximum height.

(i) Calculate the acceleration of the object.


Acceleration = ………………………………… unit …………..

(ii) Calculate the distance the object travels to reach its maximum height.

Distance = ……………….. unit …………

(Total for Question 3 = 6marks)

4. Funcube-1 is a satellite that was launched into orbit around the Earth.

(a) The rocket carrying Funcube-1 burns fuel to accelerate upwards.

As the rocket burns fuel, the energy in its chemical store reduces and the energy in its kinetic store
and gravitational store changes.
(i) State how the kinetic store of the rocket changes as the rocket burns fuel. (1)
(ii) State how the gravitational store of the rocket changes as the rocket burns fuel. (1)
(b) The rocket engine stops burning fuel.
The rocket continues to go further away from the surface of the Earth.
The table gives some statements about the rockets’ energy stores.
Add ticks (√) to the table to show which two statements are correct.

Statement Correct (√)

Gravitational store increases

Gravitational store stays the same

Gravitational store decreases

Kinetic store increases

Kinetic story stays the same

Kinetic store decreases

(c) Funcube-1 goes into a circular orbit above the surface of the Earth.
(i) State the name of the force responsible for keeping Funcube-1 in orbit.
(ii) Funcube-1 has an orbital radius of 7100 Km and an orbital period of 5800 s.
Calculate the orbital speed, in Km/s, of Funcube-1.
Use the correct formula from the formula sheet

Orbital speed = ………………………………………………….. Km/s

(Total for Question 4 = 7marks)

5. Diagram 1 shows a ray of violet light entering a prism

(a) Use Diagram 1 above.

(i) Calculate the angle of refraction for the violet lgiht .

Angle of refraction = …………………………degrees

(ii) Calculate the refractive index of the prsim for the violet light.
Give your answer to 2 significatn figures.
Use the correct formula from the formula sheet

Refractive index=…………………………………..

(Total for Question 5 = 4 marks)

6. This question is about atmospheric optical illusions.

(a)  A mirage is an optical illusion formed due to total internal reflection of light from the
sky at the boundary between cold air and hot air.
Diagram 1 shows how a mirage is formed.

The critical angle of the cold air at the boundary is 88.500°

Calculate the refractive index of the cold air.
Give your answer to 5 significant figures.
Use the correct formula from the formula sheet

refractive index = ...........................................................

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(b)   Diagram 2 shows a ray of light from the Sun.
The refractive index of the atmosphere is greater than the refractive index of space.
Complete the diagram by drawing the path of the ray of light through the

(Total for question 6 = 5 marks)

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7. A 12 V battery is connected to a component, X, and a fixed resistor, R, as shown

 (a) (i) State the name of component X.

(ii)  Draw a voltmeter on the circuit diagram connected to show the voltage
of component X.
(b)  The voltage across component X is 12 V.
The resistor R has a value of 840 Ω.
Show that the current in ammeter A1 is approximately 0.01 A.
Use the equation
voltage = current × resistance

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(c)  When the circuit is placed in daylight, the current in A 2 is 0.011 A.
 Calculate the value of the current through A 3.

current = ........................................................... A

(Total for question 7 = 6 marks)

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8. A glass contains fizzy water.

Bubbles of carbon dioxide form at the bottom of the glass and rise to the surface.

(a)  The graph shows the relationship between the volume of a bubble and the pressure of the gas
in the bubble.

(i)  Describe the relationship shown by the graph.



(ii)    The depth of the fizzy water in the glass is 22 cm.
 The density of the fizzy water is 1080 kg/m3.
 Calculate the pressure difference at the bottom of the glass due to the fizzy water.
Use the correct formula from the formula sheet


pressure difference = ........................................................... Pa

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(iii)  Calculate the pressure of the gas in the bubble when the bubble is at the bottom of the glass.
 [atmospheric pressure = 101 000 Pa]

pressure = ........................................................... Pa

(Total for question 8 = 6 marks)

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9. A student uses a bottle and a stopper to find the density of an unknown liquid.

The stopper fits tightly into the bottle and has a small diameter hole through it.

(a)  This is the student's method.

· use a balance to find the mass of the bottle and stopper

· completely fill the bottle with water
· insert the stopper and dry the outside of the bottle
· use the balance to find the mass of the full bottle and stopper
These are the student's results.
mass of empty bottle and stopper = 63.4 g
mass of full bottle and stopper = 112.9 g
Use the student's results to determine the volume of the water in the bottle.
Give your answer to three significant figures.
[density of water = 0.998 g/cm3]

volume = ........................................................... cm 3

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(b)  The student empties the bottle and then dries it.
 He refills the bottle with the unknown liquid.
 He measures the mass of the full bottle and stopper as 143.8 g.
 Calculate the density of the unknown liquid.

density of unknown liquid = ........................................................... g/cm 3

(Total for question 9 = 7 marks)

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10. The photograph shows a mains-operated, decorative lamp, X.

Lamp X has seven identical bulbs that are connected in series.

(a)  Give a disadvantage of connecting the bulbs in series.



(b)  Suggest an advantage of connecting the bulbs in series.



(c)  Each bulb has a working resistance of 390 Ω.

      The voltage across each bulb is 33 V.

(i) Calculate the current in each bulb.
Use the correct formula from the formula sheet

current = ........................................................... A

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(ii)Calculate the energy transferred to lamp X when it is used for 2.5 hours.
Use the correct formula from the formula sheet

energy transferred = ........................................................... J

(d)  Another decorative lamp, Y, uses five of the same 390 Ω bulbs connected in series.

      Both lamps are mains operated.

  Explain how the brightness of a single bulb in lamp Y compares to the brightness of a single bulb in
lamp X.









(Total for question 10 = 12 marks)

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11. A student investigates how much pressure she exerts on the ground when she is
standing up.
(a)  The weight of the student is 520 N.
Calculate the mass of the student.

mass = ........................................................... kg

(b)  The student measures the area of one of her feet when it is in contact with the ground.
She draws around her foot on a piece of squared paper.

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(i)  The squares on the paper have a side length of 2 cm.
Estimate the area of the student's foot in contact with the ground.

area = ........................................................... cm 2

(ii)  The weight of the student is 520 N.

Calculate the pressure the student exerts on the ground when she is standing on
both feet.
Use the formula linking pressure, force and area.


pressure = .................................... unit .................................

(Total for question 11 = 8 marks)

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12. A student uses this apparatus to investigate the force needed to pull a block along a ramp.

(a) (i) The student pulls the block 0.89 m along the ramp with a force of 26 N.
Show that the work done on the block by the 26 N force is about 23 J.

(ii)  The block has a mass of 1.3 kg and moves vertically upwards 0.11 m.
Calculate the increase in the gravitational potential energy (GPE) store of the block between
the bottom and the top of the ramp.

increase in GPE = ........................................................... J

(iv)  Explain why the work done to move the block along the ramp is greater than the increase
in the GPE store of the block.




(Total for Question 12 = 7 marks)

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Subject aims
The Edexcel International GCSE in Science (Double Award) enables students to:

 acquire scientific knowledge and facts, and an understanding of scientific

concepts, principles, themes and patterns

 appreciate the practical nature of science, acquiring experimental skills based

on correct and safe laboratory techniques

 appreciate the importance of accurate experimental work and reporting as

scientific methods

 form hypotheses and design experiments to test them

 sustain and develop an enjoyment of, and interest in, the scientific world

 evaluate, in terms of their scientific knowledge and understanding, the benefits

and drawbacks of real-life applications of science, including their everyday,

industrial and environmental aspects

 select, organise and present information clearly and logically, using appropriate

scientific terms and conventions

 prepare for more advanced courses in each of the three scientific disciplines

which comprise this specification.

Symbols that might be needed:


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