3.1 Create Deliverables

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• Previous Sprint Velocity: It’s the rate at which the team can complete the work during the

sprint. The Previous Sprint Velocity becomes

the most important factor in determining the amount of work the team can commit to in a subsequent Sprint.
• Team calendar: it says about the availability of the team members to work on a sprint.
• Sprint Planning Meetings
• Sprint Tracking Tools: Scrumboard (taskboard or a progress chart). It’s devided into To-do, In Progress and Done.
• Sprint Tracking Metrics: Velocity, Business Value Delivered, Number of Stories
• Sprint Backlog: It’s common that the Sprint Backlog is represented on a Scrum Board. Once it is agreed on, no new user stories are
• Sprint Burndown chart: It’s the diagram that depicts the work to be done over the course of a sprint.

3. Implement - https://www.scrumstudy.com/SBOK/SCRUMstudy-SBOK-Guide-2016.pdf

3.1 Create Deliverables

It's the process of developing the functionalities. The Scrumboard tracks the status of each activity.
PO Clarifies business requirements to the scrum team.
Scrum Master helps the team to create deliverables and helps to update the Scrumboard and the Impediment Log.
Development Team creates deliverables, identifies risks and implement risk mitigation actions. They also update the Impediment Log and

• Scrum Core Team, Sprint Backlog, Release Planning Schedule, Dependencies, Scrum Guidance Body Recommendations, Scrumboard
• Impediment Log: it’s the list of any hurdles or hinderances that slow down the team’s productivity. These impediments are then
discussed during dailys or on a Sprint Review Meeting.
• Team Expertise
• Software
• Other tools necessary
• Sprint Deliverable: The deliverable should have all that’s described in a User Story.
• Updated Scrumboard
• Updated Impediment Log
• Unapproved change requests
• Identified risks
• Mitigated risks
• Updated dependencies

3.2 Conduct Daily Standup

The team talks about what they did, what will they do and what are the problems they see.
Scrum Master ensures that the Scrumboard and the Impediment Log remain updated.
Development Team updates Burndown Charts, Scrumboard and Impediment Log. They discuss issues faced by individual members and seek
solutions, they identify risks and submit change requests if required.
• Scrum Core Team, Sprint Burndown chart, Impediment Log, Previous day work experience, Scrumboard, Dependencies
• Daily Stanndup Meeting: In 15 minutes, the team says what they did the day before, what they are doing today and what are the
impediments to their work.
• Updated Sprint Burndown Chart, Updated Impediment Log, Motivated Scrum Team, Updated Scrumboard, Unapproved Change requests,
Identified Risks, Mitigated Risks, Updated dependencies

3.3 Groom Prioritized Product Backlog

Update and Maintain the Product Backlog - that's one of the main responsibilities of the PO.

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