Q2 Module 10 - Grade 11

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Learning Module for Empowerment Technology

Quarter 2 UNIT 8 Lesson 3 & 4 Week 1
Vlogging is short for video blogging. Like podcasts, vlogs can be just about anything. Popular vlogs often do
comedic skits, food and product reviews, and reaction videos. Some create more meaningful content, talking about
education, science, and advocacies.
Vlogging Equipment
Today’s smartphones are very much capable of providing all the functionalities you need to create a vlog. It has a camera,
a microphone, and even video editing apps. But for making higher quality video productions, using dedicated hardware
would be most helpful.
• Video camera/smartphone - Allows you to capture video.
• Microphone - Allows you to capture audio clearly. It can be a small boom mic designed for vlogging or a
lavalier mic that can be clipped onto your lapel.
• Shooting grip/selfie stick - Helps you control the camera or smartphone while keeping you visible if you are
shooting all by yourself.
• Video light - Provides light to ensure that the subject is properly lit and visible on the video.
• Computer/mobile device - Used to edit the video clips and render the final output.
• Video editing software - Used to combine video and audio clips, add effects, and render the final video.
Producing a Vlog
Outline. Know what you want to talk about in a vlog before hitting the record button. More serious productions even
have a full script and detailed storyboards to guide the production. There are times when you can be spontaneous, such
as when vlogging about a chance encounter or situation.
Shoot video. Shoot your story. If you make mistakes, try again. Shoot as many takes as possible. You can also be creative
with your camera angles. You can also shoot “B roll” clips, which are additional footage that can enhance the story.
Edit your video. Editing your video puts together all the necessary elements to complete your story. Adobe Premiere and
Magix Vegas are among the industry leading video editing software in the market today. OpenShot is a free and
opensource alternative. PROPERTY OF SAINT JOSEPH ACADEMY, INC.

The Photo app for Windows 10 also has a built-in Video Editor that may suffice for
the essential editing tasks. Here is how to use the app.

Copy the video clips from your camera or phone to your computer. Add the video
clips to your project. Arrange the clips on the storyboard. You can cut out
unwanted portions of each clip using the trim or split tools.

You can also add effects and filters to

your clips.

Add a title card. Input the

text. You can select from a
variety of title card
templates that suit your
video’s theme.

You can also add background music to the project by clicking either
Background Music or Custom Audio. Video Editor provides some free
background music. If you want to use your own tracks from your library,
select Custom Audio. Adding custom audio also allows you to sync it
with the clip, change the volume, and apply fade in or out effects.

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SAINT JOSEPH ACADEMY, INC. Learning Module for Empowerment Technology
Render your completed video by clicking Finish video. Select the video quality and click Export.

You can also use your smartphone to do some video editing. Apps like Adobe Premiere Rush, Quik, and InShot are
available for mobile.
Publishing a Vlog
Publishing a vlog is a matter of uploading it to a host. The popular video hosting platforms today are YouTube and
Vimeo. You can also upload it to your social media profiles or pages.


Live streaming is broadcasting video feeds as the show happens. Live streaming is often used by vloggers to cover
events and gamers who like to showcase their games. Streams can even be interactive as streamers can engage their
viewers through chat, providing synchronous means for the streamer and the audience to communicate. Streams can also
often be recorded and posted after the live event concludes, allowing viewers to watch the recording later. The growth of
online gaming and e-sports raised the popularity of video game live streaming, with some gamers even making a
profession out of it.
Streaming Equipment
Like with podcasting and vlogging, a smartphone can be enough to live stream. However, video game live streaming
would need specialized and capable hardware to do properly.
• Webcam or video camera - A camera to capture the live stream host and participants.
• Capture card - Digitizes the video and audio signals from a device so that they can be recorded or streamed.
• Microphone - Used to capture voice commentary and communication.
• Computer or smartphone - Used to process the stream, connect to the Internet, and run the streaming app.
• Streaming app - Software that combines various elements and feeds and encodes them to a single video stream.
Open Broadcast Software (OBS) is a free popular cross-platform live streaming app.
• Fast and stable internet connection - Streaming high-quality video involves transmitting plenty of data.
Streaming platforms recommend having around 4 Mbps of upload speed.
Broadcasting a Stream
Broadcasting a stream can be as easy as tapping the Live button on Facebook on mobile. Doing so activates the
camera and microphone of your device and streams the feed to your Facebook friends. YouTube also has a similar Go
Live feature.
However, streaming from your computer, such as a live video game feed, may require some setting up. You can use
OBS for this.
Launch OBS. You would need to add sources of audio and video. First, start with the main source that you would
want to feature. In this case, add the video game. To do this, click Add Source > Game Capture.

In the Game Capture properties window, you can set various

options. It is ideal for capturing a specific window. While a game is
running, select the game.

Next, add a source for the game’s sounds. Select

Audio Output Capture > Add Existing and select
Desktop Audio.

You should also add your microphone input so that you can provide
commentary while streaming the game. Add a new source. Select
Audio Input Capture > Add Existing and select Mic/Aux.

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SAINT JOSEPH ACADEMY, INC. Learning Module for Empowerment Technology

Lastly, add your camera’s feed so that you can record yourself.

Resize your webcam feed and drag it to a spot that does not obscure your main
video feed.

You can connect OBS to streaming platforms such as Facebook, Twitch, and YouTube. You can connect your account or
insert your streaming key.

Once everything is set, you can click Start Streaming.

Responsible Broadcasting
ICT has given us powerful tools to broadcast our ideas and activities to a greater audience. We should be responsible
users of these technologies.

1. Only broadcast respectful, positive, and helpful content. Avoid using multimedia to attack and disparage
others or spread misinformation.
2. Respect copyright. Use only public domain or licensed media for your broadcasts. YouTube and Twitch have
become quite strict with people using unlicensed music and songs. They have algorithms that automatically
detect copyrighted audio and immediately take down videos and streams that feature them.
3. Avoid including footages of people in your video without their consent. If you need to include them, get their
express written permission.


Quarter 2 Unit 10 Lesson 3 & 4 Week 1 (Performance Task)
Name: _______________________________________________Section: _______________________________________
Direction: Create a vlog (3 minutes maximum) about an important issue or event in your community. You may use any
available tools for you to record and edit your video. (Send your output in your GC for checking.)

Criteria Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning

  10 pts 9 pts 8 pts 7 pts

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SAINT JOSEPH ACADEMY, INC. Learning Module for Empowerment Technology
Contribution Participates beyond Participates, but does Participates, but does Posting is less than
the required number not post anything that not meet the 50% complete or
of postings, encourages others to minimum number of posting does not
including discussion respond. Participates posts. Few to no further any
on other students' with the required discussion or discussions. No
posts. number of postings. comments with response to
Responds to questions others. Some classmate's posting
from others when comments to other or or questions.
present. response to questions.

Content Appropriate, Appropriate and Vlogs and comments Vlogs not engaging,
Quality engaging, reflective, respectful to others. done, but lacks are irrelevant, or are
and respectful to Vlogs have a purpose or engagement, analysis difficult to follow in
others. Vlogs are in- main topic about or substantial meaning.
depth, analytical, reading and is reflection, or may be
reflective, make a reflective. off topic.
point and make
connections beyond
the text.

Speech & Vlog has originality Speech is fluent. Vlog Vlog may contain Vlog may contain
Grammar and flair, may contain one or two several errors in significant errors in
emphasizing errors in grammar; grammar; errors may grammar; errors
important points; errors do not impede impede viewer’s may cause
contains no errors in viewer's understanding. understanding. confusion for the
grammar. Speech lack fluency. viewer. Speech is
choppy without
complete sentences
or clear topic.

Video Quality Video is well lit and Video is well lit and Video is fairly well lit Camera may be
frames subject frames the subject within minimal jerky, making it
appropriately. within the frame movement. Subject is difficult to view,
Editing enhances without excessive usually within the poorly lit, or subject
cohesiveness of movement. frame. not clearly in video.

Sound Quality Sound is clear and Vlog is understandable Vlog somewhat Vlog is difficult to
volume is and volume is difficult to hear or is hear or is too loud.
appropriate. appropriate. occasionally too loud.

No part of this material may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form of by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopy,
recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission from the school.
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