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I Choose the correct answer in the following.

1 Recent faults with machines have cost the companya great deal of -'
a) maintenance b) slack time c) downtime
2 Once the mock-up of the new design has been tested, we can build the -' <:>
a) prototype b) update c) set up (')

3 n's unprofitable to manufacture small quantities because of the machine_. er
a) lead time b) set-up time c) sequence e
4 The production manager has to produce a production - for the next four weeks. er
a) set up b) schedule c) output 1'<
S Once the order has been agreed and production begun, the designer is still responsible "'O
for the_. o
a) work in progress b) workload c) back order m
6 These items are produced together as one -' UI
a) cycle b) delivery c) lot o
C:~ Match the correct word with each definition. (')
workload the movement ot materials through a production system -I
worktorce an order trom an earlier time which hasn't been produced yet m
back order the volume ot goods which are produced
material tlow something that is needed tor a particular process
throughput the series ot activities tollowing one another to produce a product
output the amount ot work that has to be done
cycle the volume ot goods that can be dealt with in a certain period ot time
requirement all the people who work in a particular company

The works manager is showing a group around the factory. The letters of the missing words are
mixed up. Complete the dialogue with the missing words.

We're not particularly busy at the moment. Believe it or not, the (a) (manedd)
tor turniture is seasonal.

So, do you (b) (kaem-ot-osckt)?

Well, all our units are made- (c) (ot-reord). However, we make components-to-

When are your busy times?

Normally trom September to May but there is always a great deal ot (d)
(cerunintyta) and it's ditticult to (e) (recatfos) sales trends.
So does the (adel mite) vary?

No, not really. Our (g) (adel mite) is usually 8 to 10 weeks. When we are
very bUsy, the worktorce usually do (h) (mitevero) to try to avoid a
(i) (Iockbag) ot orders. It necessary we introduce a U) (tisht)
system when we're working at tuli capacity to avoid (k) (beckslotten)
at key machines.

During a busy period do you have (I) (toskc-tous)?

Seldom. We use the time when work is (m) (Iacks) to build up stock ot
components. We don't like machines or workers to be (n) (Iide)! 9

J - j~ Match the term with the correct definition.

applied research the study of pure scientific principies

clinical research the study of the parts and their relationship to one another <
pilot study changing and improving a product to achieve the best n
possible result C)
experimentation looking at how scientific theory can be used in practice e-
pure basic research looking at the effects of drugs or treatment on patients C)
product development a new technique or idea
innovation the process of tests and trials to see what happens under
different conditions o
analysis small-scale experiment UJ
Use the word in brackets to form a word which fits in the sentence. ,...
1 The scientists have presented a detailed of the results. (analyse) e")
2 They have brought in a food to help in the research. (analyse) <
3 All process materials are tested using highly developed techniques. (analyse) 1'1'1
4 The researchers have corne up with an idea for the use of recycled plastics.
5 Charles Dyson is the of a vacuum cleaner which works on a new principIe.
6 The advent of the ballpoint pen was a wonderful . (invent)
7 Theyemploya largetearn of software . (develop)
8 A report has been prepared on the tests that have been carried out. (develop)
9 Increasing numbers of people can now work from home thanks to in
telecommunications. (develop)
10 These methods of production are still at an stage. (experiment)
11 The is continuing work on the new drug. (experiment)
12 Many people are against animal . (experiment)

L- The following email has been received by the Rand D department. Complete it using words from
the list.

Dear Frank
I had a preliminary meeting with Maria Altefors regardingher (a) for a new
children's pushchair. It's a simple but (b) invention which will allow two
children of different ages to be transported in a single unit. She has already registered
a (e) and l'd like us to develop a (d) . Could you arrange a
meeting withthe (e) to discuss this? We will have to carry out
(f) tests to assess safety features and (g) with

different weightloads,
This could bea real (h) in pushchair designi

Choose the correct word ITomthe box to complete the following.

The collecting, classifying and analysing of information shown in numbers is known as m
(a) C"
The middle value of a set of numbers is known as the (b) m
The averagevalueis also known as the (e)- '<
The value which occurs most often is the (d) ..,
1,480 ball bearings were measured as part of quality control. The results are shown in a o
histogram. The histogram shows frequency (e) . The figures are based on a 1'11
(f) of 2,000 ball bearings. They were chosen at (g) ; in no particular order, CI)
time or pattern. The measurement (h) is in millimetres. The (i) of I4.96mm
is two. »
Answer the following questions from the graph below. »
The median is U) . The mode of distribution is (k) . The mean is (I) -' <
300 1'11
= half of total
sampi es
» 200
~ 100

14.95 14.96 14.97 14.98 14.99 15.00 15.01 15.02 15.03 15.04 15.05
I diameter (in mm)

Complete the following sentences with an appropriate verb ITomResearch Activities on the page
opposite. You will have to put the verb in the correct formo
1 They a report on future energy requirements.
2 The temperature was measured every hour and carefully
3 Following the accident, fire experts have to the cause of the fire.
4 These clothes have not worn well so we will have to try and the quality.
5 Scientists continue to for a cure for cancer.
6 They are trying to a solution to the problem of friction.

Put the following sentences in the correct order to describe the steps in the process of developing
a new drug.
a After hospital specialists have evaluated the drug, information gathered from clinical trials is
b Data is subsequently sent to the Committee on Safety of Medicines.
c Then an application is made to the government for a clinicallicence.
d Tests are then carried out on volunteers.
e They are monitored closely for any other unwanted effects which were not identified earlier.
f A decision is made by the committee and a licence issued before the new product is
g Any side effects or toxicity are identified at this early stage.
h First of all, a new substance is tested in the laboratories. 13

Label the diagram.


'\ o
[ J fi)
I I z
Combine one word from A and one word ITomB and match it with the appropriate definition (')
inC. <
A B C m
create --... products a monitor will do this on a computer screen
central information this describes the format of O and 1 in which
information is stored
j software \ processing unit these enable a computer to perform word
processing, to create databases, and to manipulate
numerical data

display when two or more components are combined and
then incorporated into a single package
digital ca"
files to make new programs, utilities or documents
expansion network a group of electronic machines connected by cables
J or other means which can exchange information and
share equipment (such as printers and disk drives)
integrated data the principal microchip that the computer is built
computer circuits you plug this into a slot to add features such as
video, sound, modem and networking

Complete each gap in the following text with a phrase from the table above.
1 The computer monitor will so you can see it on screen.
2 Information is stored on a computer as
3 Spreadsheet and graphic software are examples of
4 Digital communications and have allowed developments in
hardware to be made.
5 In order to organise data you should where you can store data.
6 When several computers are linked together you have a
7 The part of the computer which interprets and carries out instructions is the

8 An- can be inserted in your computer to give your computer extra

capabilities. 15
Choose the correct word in each of the following.
1 The speed with which a modem can process data is measured in -'
a) bandwidth b) bits per second (bps) c) signal
2 Cables consisting of several copper wires each with a shield are known as - cables. O
a) twisted pair b) optical fibre c) power cables (')
3 Computers that are connected together within one building form a -' er
a) WAN b) ISP c) LAN -e
4 If you transfer a file from a remote computer to your computer, you -' $I)
a) download b) upload c) run '<
5 To send out information is to -' ."
a) signal b) packet c) transmit o
6 A document containing information and graphics that can be accessed on the internet is m
a) a website b) a web page c) the World Wide Web o
Complete the words in the following sentences by adding the prefix inter-, intra-, trans-, com-, )00
con-, up- or down-. -I
1 Last month computer _time cost the company over €lO,OOOin lost production. -I
2 The computers in the production department have now been successfully _connected VI
with those in the planning department.
3 Once you have completed payment details the data will be _mitted via a secure link.
4 We cannot network these computers because the systems are not _patible.
5 Many companies distribute internal documents on their own _net.
6 Once the home page has been completed, we'll be ready to _lo ad the site.
7 Cables are being laid throughout the building as the network requires physical_nections.
8 Using the network he was able to _bine the data from different reports.

Here is a list of instructions for someone wanting to set up a small network. Put the instructions
in the correct order.

a Make wiring and layout plans for your network.

b Hook up the network cables by connecting everything to the hub.
c Check that each computer has an IP address and give it a name.
d If you're installing a small network, twisted pair will be adequate. However, in order to span
greater distances and to minimize magnetic and electrical interference use fibre optic cable.
e Decide on the type of network you want to install. To enable you to transfer large amo unts of
data, choose Fast Ethernet (lOOBaseT).
f Install network adapters in the computers.
g Add an internet gateway to your network to set up a shared internet connection.
h Install driver software for the adapter driver and install client software to share printers and
Check which protocols are installed and add any other protocols you require.
Get the hardware you need: an Ethernet adapter card for each computer that doesn't have an
Ethernet port, a hub if you've got more than two computers, cables and wall jacks.

I Choose the correct answer in the following.
1 Recent faults with machines have cost the companya great deal of -'
a) maintenance b) slack time c) downtime
2 Once the mock-up of the new design has been tested, we can build the -' <:>
a) prototype b) update c) set up (')

3 n's unprofitable to manufacture small quantities because of the machine_. er
a) lead time b) set-up time c) sequence e
4 The production manager has to produce a production - for the next four weeks. er
a) set up b) schedule c) output 1'<
S Once the order has been agreed and production begun, the designer is still responsible "'O
for the_. o
a) work in progress b) workload c) back order m
6 These items are produced together as one -' UI
a) cycle b) delivery c) lot o
C:~ Match the correct word with each definition. (')
workload the movement ot materials through a production system -I
worktorce an order trom an earlier time which hasn't been produced yet m
back order the volume ot goods which are produced
material tlow something that is needed tor a particular process
throughput the series ot activities tollowing one another to produce a product
output the amount ot work that has to be done
cycle the volume ot goods that can be dealt with in a certain period ot time
requirement all the people who work in a particular company

The works manager is showing a group around the factory. The letters of the missing words are
mixed up. Complete the dialogue with the missing words.

We're not particularly busy at the moment. Believe it or not, the (a) (manedd)
tor turniture is seasonal.

So, do you (b) (kaem-ot-osckt)?

Well, all our units are made- (c) (ot-reord). However, we make components-to-

When are your busy times?

Normally trom September to May but there is always a great deal ot (d)
(cerunintyta) and it's ditticult to (e) (recatfos) sales trends.
So does the (adel mite) vary?

No, not really. Our (g) (adel mite) is usually 8 to 10 weeks. When we are
very bUsy, the worktorce usually do (h) (mitevero) to try to avoid a
(i) (Iockbag) ot orders. It necessary we introduce a U) (tisht)
system when we're working at tuli capacity to avoid (k) (beckslotten)
at key machines.

During a busy period do you have (I) (toskc-tous)?

Seldom. We use the time when work is (m) (Iacks) to build up stock ot
components. We don't like machines or workers to be (n) (Iide)! 9

J - j~ Match the term with the correct definition.

applied research the study of pure scientific principies

clinical research the study of the parts and their relationship to one another <
pilot study changing and improving a product to achieve the best n
possible result C)
experimentation looking at how scientific theory can be used in practice e-
pure basic research looking at the effects of drugs or treatment on patients C)
product development a new technique or idea
innovation the process of tests and trials to see what happens under
different conditions o
analysis small-scale experiment UJ
Use the word in brackets to form a word which fits in the sentence. ,...
1 The scientists have presented a detailed of the results. (analyse) e")
2 They have brought in a food to help in the research. (analyse) <
3 All process materials are tested using highly developed techniques. (analyse) 1'1'1
4 The researchers have corne up with an idea for the use of recycled plastics.
5 Charles Dyson is the of a vacuum cleaner which works on a new principIe.
6 The advent of the ballpoint pen was a wonderful . (invent)
7 Theyemploya largetearn of software . (develop)
8 A report has been prepared on the tests that have been carried out. (develop)
9 Increasing numbers of people can now work from home thanks to in
telecommunications. (develop)
10 These methods of production are still at an stage. (experiment)
11 The is continuing work on the new drug. (experiment)
12 Many people are against animal . (experiment)

L- The following email has been received by the Rand D department. Complete it using words from
the list.

Dear Frank
I had a preliminary meeting with Maria Altefors regardingher (a) for a new
children's pushchair. It's a simple but (b) invention which will allow two
children of different ages to be transported in a single unit. She has already registered
a (e) and l'd like us to develop a (d) . Could you arrange a
meeting withthe (e) to discuss this? We will have to carry out
(f) tests to assess safety features and (g) with

different weightloads,
This could bea real (h) in pushchair designi


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