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A Wanderer’s Guide
to The Feywild
by Tom C.
Version 1.2

The Plane of Faerie is a mysterious place, filled with wonders beyond imagining. This guide seeks to
inspire dungeon masters who wish to send their party into this realm of wonder. It gives a
comprehensive framework for the rules and laws that govern the Feywild, as well as ideas for specific
locations, encounters, items, quests, and so on. You won’t find adventures or detailed descriptions
within this document, but you will find advice and inspiration on how to create these adventures,
settings, and characters yourself.

tables with locations, fey crossings, time changes, weather effects, random encounters,
and even a 100-option Wild Magic table.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon
ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are
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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material
is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

All art by Arthur Rackham, part of the public domain.

Not for resale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
Table of Contents
Introduction 1 Creatures of the Feywild 28
What is the Feywild? 1 Eladrin 28
A Fey’s Perspective 1 Gnomes 28
Pixies and Sprites 29
The Rules of the Feywild 2
Satyrs 29
Emotion Shapes All 2
Goblinoids & Brownies 29
No absolutes 2
Centaurs 30
Never Tell Me the Odds 3
Giants 30
Most Stories are True 3
Hags 31
The Rule of Three 3
Other Fey 31
The Unwritten Laws 3
Outworlders 31
Fey Weaknesses 4
Animals 31
Other Creatures 32
Entering and Leaving 5
Fey Crossings 5 Objects and Weapons 33
Leaving the Feywild 6
Natural Objects 33
Time Warp 7
Magic Items 34
Memory Loss 9
Fey Magic 38
Traversing the Feywild 10
Fey Spells 38
The Seasons 10
Fey Bargains 40
Dawn and Dusk 11
Wild Magic 42
Celestial Objects 12
Weather 13 Monsters 47
Plants 13 Introduction 47
Roads 14 Archfey 47
Buildings 14 Bugs 51
The Feydark 14
Mapping the Feywild 15
Parallel Features 16
Travel Encounters 20

Fey Politics 23
Alignment 23
Archfey 23
The Courts 26
Religion 27
There’s a tendency to treat all the planes other than Feywild. Where the Material Plane has mountains,
the Prime Material Plane as if they're islands floating the Feywild has the feeling of mountains, the
in the cosmos rather than worlds of their own. While sensations associated with mountains made solid.
this definitely reduces the mental load of trying to While the locations don't map one-to-one, every
work out the details of every plane, it hurts location in the Material Plane does have a
verisimilitude and makes these planes seem less corresponding emotion made real in the Feywild.
grand and dynamic. This document sets out to make
Because the Feywild isn't bogged down by things
the Feywild more than just “the fairytale place, what
like physics and logic, emotions are free to shape the
with the nature and all” and turn it into a vibrant
world. This means it’s usually impossibly beautiful,
world with many different environments to explore.
in ways the Material Plane could never be. You’ll find
I’ve tried to make sure everything included in this a list of some unusual Feywild features and
document contradicts existing 5e lore as little as landscapes later in this document.
possible. That doesn't mean you should simply
If you want a more logical explanation for the
accept everything I lay out here as valid. 5e Feywild
nature of the Feywild, simply consider it to be what
lore is very sparse at the time of writing and new
happens when the Weave (the source of magic) runs
releases could easily contradict whatever is said here.
amok. Even in the Material Plane, magic can be used
If you’re trying to stay as true to official 5e lore as
to turn words into fire and thoughts into flesh.
possible, this document probably won't help much,
Imagine what it could do in a world made of magic.
though I’d wager you'll still get at least something out
What effect would a simple thought or emotion have?
of it. As is generally the case with this kind of stuff,
steal from it what works for your campaign and
ignore what doesn’t. A Fey’s Perspective
The Dungeon Master’s Guide description of the
What is the Feywild? Feywild feels very Material Plane-centric. For faeries,
the proud and noble inhabitants of the Feywild, this
The Feywild, also known as the Plane of Faerie, is a
does not sound like an interpretation they would
realm formed by magic and shaped by emotion. it is a
readily accept.
place of unfathomable beauty, filled with wondrous
plants and bizarre creatures. It is also the home of To the fey, the Material Plane is but an echo of the
the fey, magical creatures known for their cunning Plane of Faerie. A broken reflection. The near absence
and their eccentricity. of magic has forced it into a solid shape, with weird
and arbitrary laws governing its every interaction.
The Dungeon Master’s Guide describes the Feywild
Words are but wind there, and all things that grow
as an echo of the Material Plane, where features of
perish slowly and assuredly. Its cruel and uncaring
the Material Plane are exaggerated. For example,
march of time, ever ticking forward, ever destroying
where there’s a mountain in the Material Plane, there
everything in its wake, keeps it from ever achieving
might be a giant crystal piercing the heavens in the
true beauty.
To them, the Material Plane feels rigid. Magic does
This is definitely an interesting concept, but it
not flow as freely there, and shaping things requires
makes it seem like maps of the Material Plane would
brute force rather than elegance and charm. The
be at least somewhat useful in the Feywild. I strongly
impressive magical features of the Feywild are
feel like they shouldn't be the case, A plane shaped
diminished into endlessly boring environments,
by unfettered emotion shouldn't be limited to simply
bound by arbitrary rules like ‘physics’ and ‘logic’. The
following the same geographical rules we’re used to.
fey do appreciate the Feywild’s beauty, but to them
The Feywild is very much a plane it and of itself, with
this beauty is the default, and anything less borders
its own physical laws, natural phenomena, and even
on vile and disgusting. They consider the Material
Plane to be lesser and its inhabitants quaint and
That being said, the Feywild does mirror the dull-witted. Easy targets for schemes and pranks.
Material Plane in a lot of ways, and certain places in
the Material Plane do connect to similar places in the

The Rules of the Feywild
The fundamental rules of the Feywild are unlike
those of the Material Plane. The laws of nature aren’t
Time is an Illusion
quite as fundamental in the Feywild, and what would Not just space is shaped by emotions, but time as
be man-made laws in the Material Plane are often far well. ‘Time flies when you’re having fun” isn’t just a
more fundamental. This chapter aims to give an figure of speech within the Feywild, but an accurate
overview of the bizarre rules that govern the Feywild description of reality. How you’re feeling determines
and what impact they have on its inhabitants. how fast time is moving around you. If you’re having
fun, time around you is going to move a lot faster

Emotion Shapes All than if you’re depressed. This is why you usually
won't find clocks or other timekeeping devices in the
Nothing within the Feywild is real unless someone Feywild.
feels it should be. That rule should be the guiding When dealing with spells or magical effects which
principle within the entirety of the Feywild. have a set duration, that time refers to the internal
Everything in the Feywild is either shaped or heavily time of the caster. If a spell lasts for 8 hours, it will
affected by the surrounding emotions. The ground, end when the caster feels like 8 hours have passed.
the plants, the light, the weather, everything is the
way it is because of emotion. Like with space, time also converges as more
entities are involved. This means that within cities
The more people are around, the less impactful time tends to move at a pretty constant rate. Time in
individual emotions become. Conflicting emotions a more joyful city will however still move faster than
tend to balance out, and the area tends to converge in a sombre city.
towards a specific dominant emotion. Areas in the
Feywild can therefore still be identified (though not For instructions on how to use time when
necessarily mapped), travelling to and from the Feywild, as well as a
concrete way of converting time when travelling
Persuasion is Power between regions, see the Time Warp section.
If emotions shape the world, logically the player
characters should be able to use their emotions to No absolutes
change it as well. Given enough persuasion, it should
Nothing in the Feywild is real unless someone feels it
be possible to bend a tree to their will or to shape a
is. There are no absolute laws of motion, no
mountain so it lets them pass.
mathematical absolutes and no fixed reference
Don't be afraid to let your PCs try and shape the points. If every faerie stopped believing in gravity,
world around them. Consider it a reward for having there would be no gravity, and if everyone stopped
figured out the inner workings of the Feywild. Though believing in the Feywild, it would cease to exist.
be sure to set the DC high enough. The party will not
There are more subtle aspects to this as well.
have the experience of a Feywild native to truly bend
There’s no such thing as a fixed direction, so you
the world to one's will. A DC 15 Charisma
can’t just follow a compass to get to where you want
(Persuasion) check for minor effects, a DC 20 check
to go. You can’t even retrace your steps to get back to
for bigger changes, and a DC 25 check for truly
where you came from. How travelling through the
impressive changes should do the trick.
Feywild works is discussed in the chapter on
To help the PCs learn the power of emotion, make traversing the Feywild (p. 10).
sure to have the party’s emotions cause unintended
effects as well. If a PC becomes angry, tell them a Out of Sight…
storm starts brewing or the ground starts shaking. If When looking into the distance, things look murkier.
a PC is noticeably happy, have the clouds part and Not foggy or unfocused, but as if zooming in on a
flowers bloom around them. Don’t let emotions just painting. It’s impossible to see details at a distance,
happen, but make them part of the world. even when using something like a telescope. This is
because the further away things are, the more they
are in flux.

As a DM, this can be used to your advantage. It
No Reason Needed can be useful to have someone tell the party a grand
The lack of logical consistency can be used to a DM’s tale involving the Feywild or a bizarre fairytale with
advantage. If a player misses a session, just act like its usual implausible events and plot twists. The
they’ve never been part of the Feywild adventure in truth of this tale can then be a clue to help solve a
the first place. When they return, act as if they were problem they might encounter in the Feywild.
never missing; the PCs must be misremembering
something. When dealing with the Feywild it’s best The tale doesn’t even have to be especially
not to look for a logical reason for when things fantastical. “Old man Boris says fairies are tying his
outside of the game affect the game. Play into it. The shoelaces together and stealing his keys” could very
Feywild is a weird place, and by breaking the normal well be an indication that there’s a fey crossing
storytelling rules you can really drive that point home nearby.
to your players.
A trip to the Feywild is also the perfect opportunity The Rule of Three
to have a player change something about their It is of course widely know that all good things come
character. For once they don’t have to come up with in threes, as do all bad things. Third time’s the
an internally coherent way of explaining the sudden charm, but three’s also a crowd. In the Feywild, three
change. is very much the magic number. For this reason,
things in the Feywild tend to happen in threes. When
Never Tell Me the Odds designing an adventure, consider splitting it into
three distinct parts. When you want an archfey to
Using too many coincidences in a story can often give the party a quest, consider making it three
make it feel contrived and unrealistic. This of course different smaller quests.
makes them perfect for the Feywild. Just as the
normal laws of physics don’t apply here, the laws of The party can also abuse this rule if they know
probability also take a step back. What are the odds about it. If they really want something, they better
that the party would just happen to run into the one ask thrice.
thing they’re looking for? At least 80%, maybe more.
The reason for this is simple. If something is on The Unwritten Laws
the party’s mind, it’ll definitely affect their emotions. There are certain rules all fey must adhere to.
These emotions shape the Feywild, and would make However, there is no one entity that enforces these
it far more likely for the party to encounter whatever rules, nor is there any form of punishment. The fey
it is they're thinking about. are simply unable to break these rules. If one of
Feel free to throw as many coincidences and these rules does end up being broken, the emotional
unlikely events at the party as you like, but when disturbance caused by it will spur the Feywild itself
doing so, the less subtle the better. You actively want to right the wrong.
to shatter their suspension of disbelief. If your
players think you’re just a bad storyteller, you're
Tell No Lies
probably not going far enough. Make it obvious that Most fey, with the exception of the eladrin, are unable
whatever happened would’ve been incredibly unlikely. to knowingly tell a lie. However, this does not mean
they can be trusted. The fey are experts at giving

Most Stories are True vague answers and dodging questions. Even when
being perfectly honest, they’ll still refrain from
The Feywild is a world where the fantastical is speaking in absolutes or giving clear answers,
mundane, where coincidences are commonplace, and because this would make it obvious when they were
where magic flows freely. There is therefore little trying not to be honest.
reason for an inhabitant of the Feywild to make
This means that if you’re trying to role-play an
something up. Additionally, as discussed later, the
encounter with a faerie, you should try to be as
Fey cannot tell a lie.
vague as possible. Never speak in absolutes, never
It is for these reasons that most inhabitants of the give a clear answer, use flowery language, dodge the
Feywild assume that most stories are true. This also question, give irrelevant information, and so on.
extends to outside of the Feywild: most stories
One way to force the fey to speak plainly is to
involving fairies tend to be true, no matter how
repeat the question thrice, as per the rule of three.
unlikely they seem.

Break No Oath Fey Weaknesses
Any oath, contract, promise, or bargain made within
There are a few ways of dealing with the fey, or at the
the Feywild or with a faerie is magically binding. Only
very least stop them from annoying you. These
if both parties fulfil their end of the bargain or
weaknesses are often used by people in the Material
mutually and freely agree to terminate the contract
Plane who live close to a fey crossing, but can also be
can it be ended. This means a faerie cannot willingly
used within the Feywild.
break a promise, even if conditions change which
would make fulfilling it a lot more difficult.
Cold Iron
If someone breaks an oath, the magic of the Iron represents cold hard reality, it cuts through lies
Feywild will punish them for it. This usually involves and reflects the truth. This makes it the perfect foil to
extracting something of equal value from the the Feywild’s wacky antics.
oathbreaker, or putting the oathbreaker under the
control of the claimant. Iron and steel burn fey creatures when touched,
but don’t deal any extra damage. Steel weapons are
Note that this doesn’t necessarily mean the however considered magical when dealing damage to
Feywild will claim something tangible, especially if a fey creatures. Iron is rarely used by the inhabitants
service was promised. The fey bargains table (p. 40) of the Feywild, and when it is used it’s usually as a
may be able to give some inspiration for what can be means of torture (as is the case with redcap boots).
Attaching a horseshoe to a door or building an iron
A Gift for a Gift fence around a house is a great way of protecting it
against fey intruders.
If a faerie gives you something, they’ll expect
something in return. Accepting something therefore
binds you to give something back. If you don’t
Running Water
immediately give something back and deep down Running water tends to change the flow of magic
inside feel unwilling to do so in the future, this will around it. This means that if a faerie crosses a river,
be considered equivalent to breaking an oath, with all the flow of the river might drag its magical abilities
the consequences thereof. This is also the reason with it. A faerie can therefore temporarily lose some
why you should never accept food or drink offered by or all of its powers after crossing a river. This makes
a fey. them very reluctant to cross running water and
makes streams a great way of losing any fey which
The gift you give in return doesn’t have to be of might be chasing you.
equal value, but it has to be given honestly and with
good intentions. The feeling behind it is far more Fey Logic
important than what is actually given.
Another way of dealing with the fey is to use their
In Autumn, which is the season of giving, this rule own bizarre logic against them. Everything which
is more relaxed. An Autumn fey may give a gift and seems like it would make sense unless you stop to
expect only your willingness to give to others in think about it for a moment would absolutely make
return. Not giving something back will therefore not sense within the Feywild.
be considered the breaking of an oath, but being
For example, wearing your clothes inside-out is a
cold-hearted and selfish towards others will.
time-honoured way of confusing the fey.

The Law of Names

As is generally the case with magical beings, knowing
someone’s true name gives you power over them. This
is especially true within the Feywild, where
everything is magic and words and thoughts grant
power. One way of defeating a powerful fey is to learn
its true name and speak it. They will then be bound
to either serve you or relinquish their powers.

Entering and Leaving
One does not simply walk to the Feywild. Like with
most planes, the only ways of getting there are with
high-level magic or by finding places where the Fey Crossings Table
Feywild crosses over into the Prime Material Plane,
d20 Fey Crossing
so-called fey crossings.
1 A glade in the middle of the densest part of a
Fey Crossings giant forest.

There are many places where the Feywild crosses 2 A parted waterfall.
over into the Material Plane. The area surrounding
these crossings tends to look unnaturally vibrant and 3 The root of a big tree sticking out of the ground
beautiful, and a spellcaster may notice magic flowing and forming an archway.
more freely there. If there are people living close by,
4 A small flowerbed of a single, vibrant colour
they’ll often have stories to tell about how they’ve
within a clearing in the woods.
been pranked or even tormented by fairies.
Most crossings into the Feywild are subtle and 5 A strangely circular rock in the middle of a lake.
gradual. Someone might for example get lost in the 6 Boulders stacked on top of each other to form an
woods and find their surroundings turning ever archway. (Think Stonehenge.)
stranger and more magical. There are however clearer
and more recognisable entryways, which usually 7 A small, perfectly circular atoll (coral reef).
involve walking through some sort of natural-looking
entrance or stepping inside a natural circle and 8 A small pool with perfectly clear water in a remote
suddenly standing in a clearly different world. To an part of a forest.
outside observer watching someone enter a fey 9 A cave entrance lined with faintly glowing blue
crossing, it simply looks like they suddenly ice. (Perhaps somewhere it’s not even freezing.)
10 A massive hollow tree trunk.
A crossing doesn’t necessarily always lead to the
same place within the Feywild. It may for example 11 An opening in a dense thicket of bushes.
lead to a different location based on the current
season (e.g. to a Winter location if it’s currently 12 Bright sunlight shining through the roof of an
winter). For some inspiration for where a fey crossing otherwise dark forest.
might lead, check out the section on parallel features.
13 A foxhole in a flowery hill.
Because of the subtlety of Fey crossings and their
unreliable nature, most people who end up in the 14 A cave behind a waterfall.
Feywild do so by accident. This is in part because
15 Two entwined trees forming an archway.
strong emotions weaken the barrier between realms.
A frightened child wandering the woods has a far 16 A group of menhir (large standing stones)
higher chance of encountering a crossing than arranged in a circle.
someone actually looking for one. If you’re
nevertheless intent on trying to find a crossing, it’s 17 A wooden door in the trunk of a tree.
best to follow stories and legends rather than logic.
18 A wooden door in a remote cliff looking out over
The following table gives a few suggestions for what the ocean.
a fey crossing might look like, but it is far from
exhaustive. Any sufficiently interesting or weird 19 A wooden door standing alone in a clearing in the
natural phenomenon could indicate a fey crossing, woods.
and a powerful faerie might even create an artificial
20 A ring of mushrooms (a.k.a. a fairy ring).
fey crossing if the need arises.

A lot of fey crossings only open infrequently, based Feywild will often be tempted by its unparalleled
on seemingly arbitrary conditions or events. These beauty and wonders beyond imagining. They will be
events are often associated with (sometimes rather tempted to join its festivities, swim its lakes, climb its
arbitrary) boundaries, like at the transition between trees, eat its fruits, and so on. Each of those things
night and day or between winter and spring, It is at makes them more and more connected to the
these times when the barrier between the realms is Feywild, and in turn less connected to the Material
thinnest. You can use the following table for some Plane.
Even if someone manages to resist the temptation,
Fey Crossing Conditions Table an exit still needs to be found. There are however few
clear crossings back to the Material Plane. This
d12 Opens… leaves them with only a few options:

1 During a solar or lunar eclipse. • Get an archfey or other powerful fey to help out.
This will usually evolve a trade or quest (remember:
2 Under the light of the last waning moon of a a gift for a gift).
lunar cycle.
• Wish for home. Emotions shape the Feywild, which
3 Under the light of a full moon. means the thoughts of home can be used to shape
the Feywild into providing a way back to the
4 While a rainbow is present in the sky. Material Plane.

5 Briefly when the wind changes direction. • Magic. Powerful spells like planeshift can be used to
get back.
6 During sunrise or sunset.

7 Whenever a bright falling star appears in the sky.

8 During the first rain of autumn.

9 During the first snowfall of winter.

10 When the first flowers of spring bloom.

11 During the first cloudless day of summer.

12 During an equinox. (When day and night are of

equal length.)

Faerie Paths
Paths between fey crossings are called faerie paths.
They’re often marked by greener grass, unusual
flowers, and similar phenomena. The fey crossings
these paths connect tend to open relatively
frequently. Faeries often travel along these paths, and
prank, annoy, or even curse anyone who blocks their
path. This is why it’s commonly considered bad luck
to make camp or build a house along these paths.

Leaving the Feywild

If entering the Feywild willingly is hard, leaving it
freely is close to impossible.
A creature from the Material Plane wandering the
Feywild is an aberration to the Feywild, one which it
will try to rectify. This is often done by trying to turn
it into a being of the Feywild. A creature travelling the

Time Warp Table
Time Warp Feeling Time passed Time passed (roll)
As discussed in the section on how emotions shape
all, time works very differently within the Feywild, Dreadful 1 hour 1d4*20 minutes
and time spent within it does not pass at the same
Unpleasant 6 hours 1d12 hours
rate as outside of the Feywild.
The DMG suggests introducing a possible time Normal 1 day 4d12 hours
warp when leaving the Feywild. Days might become
Pleasant 1 week 1d10 days
minutes or years depending on the roll of a die. While
this sort of randomness can lead to interesting Blissful 1 month 1d8 weeks
situations, it feels very arbitrary and can easily derail
a campaign. Euphoric 1 year 4d6 months

To give some more control to the DM and the You can also go with a more modular approach by
players, and to build upon the semi-logical rules of adding time after every encounter or significant
the Feywild, I suggest basing the effect of the time event, based on how well the encounter went. This
warp on the emotions experienced during the players’ approach lends itself more to time in the Feywild
visit: the happier the party was, the more time will working in very different ways than in the Material
have passed in the Material Plane. Plane. Negative events in this approach don't need to
add any time since their effect will normally be
Leaving the Feywild insignificant next to the effect of any neutral or
Deciding how much time has passed in the Material positive encounter. If all encounters end up being
Plane when the players leave the Feywild will require negative, it’ll simply be as if no time at all has
you to keep track of the emotions experienced during passed.
the players’ stay. After every ‘day’ spent in the
If you feel like you don’t use enough encounters
Feywild, decide how well that day went for the party.
per adventuring day and still want to use the
What was the dominant emotion during that day?
modular system, simply add 6 (1d12) hours for every
Once you’ve done this, consult the table to see how
6 hours of neutral downtime.
much time has passed in the Material Plane.
Deciding what constitutes a day in the Feywild can Modular Time Warp Table
be tricky. If your party rests frequently enough, every
Feeling Time passed Time passed (roll)
long rest should probably do the trick.
The following table gives two options for deciding Bad None N/A
how much time has passed: a set amount or a roll.
Okay 1 hour 1d4*20 minutes
The first one is easier to use but removes all
randomness. The second one makes the time shift a Good 6 hours 1d12 hours
lot less predictable, which is handy if your party
would be prone to gaming the system, or if you want Very good 1 week 1d10 days
to challenge yourself by not knowing the outcome.
Excellent 1 month 1d8 weeks
The two columns don’t add up to the exact same
values since the table is honestly more of a Idyllic 3 months 1d6 months
suggestion than a hard and fast rule. Remember that
this isn’t an exact science. The table is simply trying
to organise the chaos that is the Feywild.
Entering the Feywild
How much time has passed since last visiting the
Note that for the ‘roll’ column, every unit of
Feywild is something which isn’t really discussed
measurement uses a different die. This means you
anywhere. Presumably, the DMG just assumes you’ll
can technically determine the entire time shift with a
only visit specific parts of the Feywild once. That
single roll.
doesn’t sound like something which lends itself to
building a coherent story for your campaign,
especially since you're going through all the trouble
of reading this document!

An easy solution would be to just say that when Conversely, when moving from a sad region to a
travelling outside of the Feywild, everything within happy region and back, the sad region may have felt
the Feywild moves at the same pace relative to you. like months or even years have passed since your last
That sounds like a cop-out if I ever heard one. visit.
If we use the time warp rules, it would make sense To use the above table for travelling within the
for time to work differently for different regions. We Feywild, simply replace the ‘days’ part of the region
can’t assume the Feywild cares about the emotional you’re entering with the corresponding unit of the
state of someone when they aren’t in the Feywild, and region you’re leaving. So for example, when entering a
having the time warp depend on the current sad region from a happy region, months become
emotional state would make it far too easy for the PCs minutes. When leaving an idyllic region for a
to game the system. To make a sensible system, we’d horrendous one, the tens of minutes spent in the
need to both invert the time warp expectations of the idyllic region will have felt like years in the
previous paragraph and take into account that the horrendous one.
more emotions are involved, the more solid things
If travelling back and forth between regions of the
become within the Feywild. Because of this, we’ll
Feywild is an important part of your campaign, it
assume that the time warp when entering the
may be best to keep track of a kind of absolute time
Feywild depends on what region or city of the Feywild
by converting everything to “normal” days. For
you’re entering.
example, if the party spends a day (= 4 * 6 hours) in a
For locations filled with sadness, a day in the pleasant region, 4 days of absolute time will have
Material Plane would feel like forever, while for a passed. If they then enter a sad region, those 4
region filled with happiness such a day would feel like absolute days will then mean 4 months have passed
it was over in an instance. within the sad region.
Since we’re dealing with regions with a lot of I wouldn’t worry too much about time differences
entities, the randomness tends to balance out, which when travelling. Time will move faster when the
means there should be no need for any rolls. The journey is pleasant, but the distance travelled will
conversion table below should be sufficient. Simply also be shorter. Just be sure to still check the party’s
change the number of days the party has been away happiness for the eventual time warp when leaving
from the Feywild as instructed by the following table. the Feywild.

Feywild Time Warp Table Fey Shenanigans

Location Time warp The time warp rules can also be abused by the fey.
Some try to trick outworlders into joining parties and
Horrendous Days become years revelries to ‘prank’ them. Just a few days spent
among these fey could mean the outworlders
Sad Days become months
would’ve been missing for months or even years.
Sombre Days become weeks Unseelie fey play a crueler trick. They kidnap an
innocent soul and torment them endlessly. After they
Below average Days become two days
return, an old and frail echo of their former selves,
Average None (days become days) their loved ones would’ve hardly noticed they’ve been
Above average Days become 12 hours

Pleasant Days become 6 hours

Happy Days become hours

Idyllic Days become 5 minutes

This time warp can also be used when travelling

between cities and regions of the Feywild. Time moves
faster in happy regions than in sad regions. Since
time moves differently between regions, when going
from a happy to a sad region and back, almost no
time would have passed in the happy region.

Forgotten Adventures Table
Memory Loss
The DMG also gives an optional rule for memory loss d6 Forgotten adventure
when leaving the Feywild. This is however largely 1 The party saved a baby stolen by a hag coven,
unconnected to the framework established in this but one of the party members may have gotten
document. cursed in the process. They also managed to grab
More importantly, I’m doubtful of the play value of a few potions (see hag potions, p. 37).
this rule. It increases the information gap between a
2 The party saved a family of gnomes from a
player and their character, undoes any interesting
fomorian attack with some very clever
character developments, and generally leads to more
distractions. They still have a very special gourd-
feel-bads than interesting scenarios. I therefore
shaped rock to remember them by.
suggest you just ignore this optional rule entirely. If
you do want to implement the memory loss rule, I’d 3 The party came face to face with a Winter archfey.
make it less severe by making the memories become Though she decided to let them go, the effects of
hazy and unclear, rather than just gone altogether. this encounter still linger. Whenever a party
Another far more interesting option is to hint at member cries, their tears are cold and freeze as
things that to the party’s knowledge never actually they roll down their cheeks. One of the party
happened. Think of an adventure the party could’ve members may have promised their firstborn to
had, and leave hints that this adventure actually took her.
place. Have them find a magic item they got as a
4 The party tried to defend a wounded satyr from a
reward, a letter with a poem mentioning their great
group of redcaps. They managed to fend off or
deeds, and so on. This doesn’t create an information
defeat the redcaps, but could not save the satyr.
asymmetry between the players and their characters
A blood-stained pan flute serves as a sad
and might lead to some fun consequences. If you
want to give your players the opportunity to make the
DC 10 Wisdom saving throw, simply inform those 5 The party managed to solve an archfey’s maze
who succeed about the adventure so they can play and retrieve the sword hidden within. They now
along. I’d also up the DC to something like 15 or even carry a special sword with them (see seasonal
20, since they’re not rolling for the entire adventure weapons, p. 36), but feel at least a year older.
but only for a specific part.
6 The party failed to find a specific fruit requested
If you need some inspiration for what kind of
by an eladrin noble. As a result, they now bear a
adventure the party may have forgotten, here's a
mark on the palm of their left hand marking them
table with some suggestions.
as undesirables among that noble’s family.

Traversing the Feywild
Traveling through the Feywild is a strange experience. It is no surprise that the Summer fey tend to be
The landscapes of the Feywild are endlessly diverse very passionate. They revel in song and dance and
and unimaginably beautiful, but they are also have the most extravagant parties. They have
unpredictable and chaotic, infused with magic and passionate love affairs and equally passionate break-
shaped by emotion. Traversing them should be a ups. Nothing is ever boring in Summer.
unique experience, as weird and unfamiliar as
Summer fey are also quick to anger. Their favour
anything in the Feywild.
can turn quickly, and wronging one might cause a
In this chapter, I’ll try to give an overview of what lifetime of animosity. The resentment of a Summer fey
can be found within the Feywild, but more is never subtle. You’ll know when you have wronged
importantly how these things are connected and one, and some might go to the ends of the world to
interact. The goal is to make the Feywild feel like a get their revenge.
coherent but entirely alien world, governed by
incomprehensible but entirely consistent rules. Winter
Winter is the realm of ice and snow, filled with snow-
The Seasons covered woods, frozen lakes and icy plains. The few
plants that grow there are blackened and bare.
Seasons in the Feywild aren’t bound to a specific
time, but to a specific place. The Feywild is divided Emotionally, Winter is the realm of sadness, regret,
into four realms, corresponding to the four seasons: loneliness, and resentment, but also of quiet
Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring. These realms contemplation and serenity. Whatever causes
are very much woven into the fabric of the Feywild someone to feel cold and distant does the same to the
and are heavily linked to the emotions to which they Feywild. Winter, being the realm of sadness and
correspond. serenity, is associated with the element of water.

The origin of these realms is an unknowable Winter fey tend to be very distant and uncaring.
mystery. Whether Summer exists because it is willed Most wish nothing more than to be left alone or to
into existence by the Summer Court or because it inflict on others the same pain and sadness they feel
echoes the emotions associated with the summer of themselves.
the Material Plane is a question without an answer.
The same is true for Winter. Autumn and Spring, Autumn
however, do not suffer from this ambiguity. They are Autumn is the transition from Summer to Winter. To
the result of the emotions of Summer transitioning stave off the winter feelings, kindness and goodwill
into the emotions of Winter and vice-versa. are shared by all. For this reason, Autumn is the
season of the harvest. The plants there are a
Conveniently, each of the seasons can also be
constant source of fruits and other crops, which
linked to one of the four elements (fire, earth, water,
regrow quickly after being harvested.
and wind)
Trees in Autumn take on a variety of colours: red,
Summer brown, orange, yellow, and even purple. Leaves are
Summer is a realm of lush trees, green grass, and constantly falling from the trees, though they tend to
whatever else one would associate with the earthly dissipate as soon as they hit the ground, and the
season of summer. It is also the realm of endless trees never seem to run out.
deserts and dense jungles, of warm beaches and Autumn is also the season where most mushrooms
stormy seas. can be found. These mushrooms come in all shapes
Emotionally, Summer is the realm of passion, and sizes. A forest of giant mushrooms is definitely
warmth, love, anger, and determination. Whatever not out of the question.
emotions set the soul on fire also warm the Feywild. Not everyone in Autumn is as eager to share. Think
For this reason, Summer is associated with the of the earthly feast of All Hallow’s Eve, which is also
element of fire. associated with autumn. In the darker parts of
Autumn, the brown leaves turn purple and kindness
turns to fear. Monsters and hags roams these lands,

eager to terrify all they encounter, though giving
them an offering may dissuade them and compel
Travelling Between Seasons
them to leave you alone. Gourds and pumpkins are The seasons are geographically cyclical, which means
associated with these parts of Autumn and are often it’s impossible to enter a season from any season
considered ill omens. other than its preceding season.

Emotionally, Autumn is the season of caring and To travel to the Winter realm, one has to pass
sharing, of understanding and goodwill. But as through Autumn. There is no direct connection
discussed above, it can also be the season of fright between Summer and Winter, and no way to go
and panic. These represent the two ways of directly from Spring to Winter.
approaching the transition from summer to winter: Say you start your journey in Summer. If you want
either with kindness, trying to save others from its to travel to Winter, you’d first have to pass through
effects, or by fear of what is to come. (Note that these Autumn. Once you’ve reached Winter, if you then
are merely the associated feelings, Remember that turn back the way you came, you’ll pass through
Summer doesn’t actually become Winter.) Spring instead of Autumn, since Spring follows
Autumn, being the season of the harvest, of Winter. If you’d want to head back to Autumn, you’d
holding steady for the coming winter, is associated need to go all the way back to Summer first. If you
with the element of earth. leave Summer, then immediately try to turn back,
you’ll simply end up wandering through Autumn
Spring instead, unable to find Summer again.
Spring is the transition from Winter to Summer. It’s There are some ways of circumventing these
filled with joy and optimism, as the sadness melts restrictions. Crossing through the Material Plane is
away and gives way to hope. perhaps the most straightforward one since it’s the
easiest way of escaping the rules of the Feywild. This
Trees in Spring are always blossoming, and come
is one of the reasons faerie paths (paths between fey
in every conceivable colour. Flowers are always
crossings) are relatively common and heavily
blooming, and sometimes grow to enormous sizes.
Perhaps a forest of giant flowers can even be found.
Also, keep in mind that distance is relative. If
Though beauty pervades Spring, more so than any
you’re in Summer, travelling all the way through
other season, it is not always a joyful and happy
Autumn and Winter to get to Spring might seem like
place. Beauty often turns sour, it causes feelings of
a long trek, but with the right disposition and
superiority and disdain. Ugliness is frowned upon in
enough charisma, it could be a relatively short
Spring, and might not make it as happy a place for
Emotionally Spring is the realm of joy, love and
happiness, but also of jealousy and vanity. These are Dawn and Dusk
the two ways of approaching the transition from There’s no such thing as bright sunlight or black
winter to summer: either by being happy about the skies within the Feywild. It is in a constant state of
coming of summer or by being jealous of other twilight. This, however, doesn't mean the sky has the
people’s joy and wanting it all for oneself. (Again, same uniform look everywhere.
Winter doesn’t actually become Summer, these are
The skies of the Feywild can be roughly divided
merely the associated feelings.)
into two regions: Dawn and Dusk. Dawn is where the
Spring, being the uplifting season of change, where sky is brighter and Dusk is where the sky is darker.
birds sing and love is in the air, is associated with the As you walk away from Dawn and towards Dusk, the
element of wind. sky goes through the colours of the twilight, going
from orange to red to crimson to purple to dark blue.
You can only really walk towards Dawn or Dusk if
you’re actively trying to. If you’re just nonchalantly
walking in a certain direction which seems like it’s
heading dawnwards, you can quite easily end up in
Dusk without noticing.
Dawn does not fully correspond to Summer, and
Dusk does not fully correspond to Winter, but there

is a correlation. Most of Summer lies within Dawn,
but at least some parts lie within Dusk. The same is Celestial Objects
true for Winter and Dusk. This is essentially the
Feywild version of days being longer during summer The Sun
and shorter during winter. For Autumn and Spring,
When you wander far enough dawnwards, you’ll
the odds of being in Dawn or Dusk are roughly equal.
eventually see a bright red sun peeking out from over
Dawn and Dusk are also heavily influenced by the horizon. This sun looks roughly five times as big
emotion. If the general mood of an area turns sad, as the sun in the Material Plane. It is always at the
the skies will turn to Dusk. If an area becomes dawn-most point of the sky.
happy, Dawn is soon to follow. This generally means a
The more duskwards you go, the more the sun
shift rather than a change. When deep into Dusk,
dips below the horizon until eventually it leaves your
happiness won't normally bring a bright sky, but it
view at the border between Dawn and Dusk. At this
might make the sky brighter than usual.
point the sky is crimson. This means that walking
Correspondingly, sadness in Dawn might shift the
dawnwards would look a lot like watching a massive
sky more towards Dusk, but will almost never cause
sunrise. No matter how far you travel dawnwards,
significant darkness.
only half the sun can ever be seen.
Because Dawn and Dusk shift based on emotions,
locations can't really be said to be located within The Moon
either Dawn or Dusk. A city might for example be in The moon of the Feywild is a lot more personal than
Dawn during happy times, but shift to Dusk in times the sun. It’s a permanent fixture of the Feywild sky
of great sadness. and appears in the same spot to all local observers,
but the phase they see is different for everyone.
The phase of the moon often acts as an omen. A
waxing moon means a positive portent, while a
waning moon is often an ill omen. A full moon
indicates a moment of great importance.

The Stars
Stars are simply sparkling lights in the sky. A star
appears, shimmers and shines for a while, and
disappear again. The Dusk sky is constantly filled
with sparkling lights, and even the Dawn sky can be
seen sparkling if one looks closely enough.
Often these stars form detailed constellations,
telling the tales of long-forgotten gods or mighty
archfey of yore. Sometimes a bright star will act as a
beacon, guiding weary travellers to where they need
to go, whether they know where that is or not.
If you’re taking a Spelljammer campaign or
something similar into the Feywild (you beautiful
soul), I’d suggest using the same rules as for
anything else in the Feywild: other stars and planets
only become concrete once you get close enough.
Those blinking stars in the sky aren’t actually real (at
least according to our Material Plane understanding
of the word real). No matter where you’d end up in
the Feywild cosmos, magic and emotion still shape
the landscape. Perhaps those planets could be
bizarre echoes of other planets within the Material
Plane? (Also, while you're at it, any spaceships
should be powered not by magic, but by imagination.)

Plants can still be planted and grown, usually for
Weather crops. However, the process isn’t what you’re used to.
Like most things in the Feywild, the weather is also Growing a plant mostly requires encouragement and
the direct result of emotion. Unlike Dawn and Dusk, positive vibes. Like everything in the Feywild, they
which will often be the result of aggregate emotion, are shaped by emotion. Water and sunlight won't
weather will usually be the result of an unusual nurture them, love will.
emotional event. When someone is suddenly gripped The Objects and Weapons chapter has some
with great sadness, it might cause rain or even snow natural objects which might be able to help inspire
in the surrounding area. Other sudden emotions may some aspects of Feywild nature (p. 33).
cause other effects. You can use the following table
as inspiration.

Emotion Weather

Anger Thunder and lightning

Confusion Mist

Despair Dark clouds

Frustration Strong winds

Hope Clear skies

Pain Hail

Regret Snow

Relief A gentle breeze

Sadness Rain

Changing the weather is an easy way of having the

party’s emotional state affect the world around them
and might be a great way of clueing them in to the
power of emotion.
Weather will, of course, be a lot more extreme in
the Feywild than in the Material Plane. Don’t be
afraid to exaggerate the size of raindrops, the force of
the wind, or the thickness of the mist.

Unsurprisingly, plants in the Feywild don't behave
like plants in the Material Plane. First of all, like most
things in the Feywild, they’re on average quite a bit
bigger. They also aren’t bound by any natural cycle of
life and death. Plants in the Feywild just are. They
are an intrinsic part of the Feywild tapestry, formed
and shaped by the same emotions that shape the
land and seas. A tree in the Feywild isn't just a tree,
it’s the idea of a tree, the emotions associated with

Roads Buildings
The rules that govern the Feywild would make it Buildings are relatively rare in the Feywild. Of its
quite impossible to build a conventional road there. various races, only the elves tend to build structures,
Where it has to go, how long it has to be, and what and even then those are usually integrated into the
route it could follow would change constantly. This natural surroundings. The most notable buildings in
doesn’t mean there are no roads, it simply means the Feywild are those built by or for the various
that they’d have to be magical. archfey, though most archfey don’t live in buildings.
These archfey buildings tend to be far larger and
Roads within the Feywild follow rules rather than
elaborate than any palaces in the Material Plane.
paths. A road may, for example, lie at the half-way
point between Summer and Winter, wind its way Fey architecture usually doesn’t make sense. The
between places of great joy, or follow the path a palace of an archfey might have a lot of tall towers,
famous hero once travelled. These roads are often way more than would be sensical or practical.
named after the rule they follow (so respectively for Different parts of a building can be connected in all
the given examples: the Autumn Road, the Road of sorts of weird and unusual ways, from twisting
Joy, and the Hero’s Road.) hallways to floating stairs. Doors will often be opened
with magic rather than with something as quaint as
Following preset rules also means that roads tend
a doorknob, perhaps by saying a specific word or by
to have a specific starting and endpoint, and often
gently knocking.
always pass through certain locations. Roads are
often the safest way of getting from one place to The fey care a lot about beauty, which means it’s
another without the risk of getting lost along the way. rare for a building not to be expertly crafted and
meticulously decorated. “Form over function” is
Of course, these roads are still bound to the
definitely the name of the game.
bizarre rules of the Feywild. The perceived length will
depend on the emotional state of those travelling it, If stone is used in construction, as is often the
and it is under no obligation to make any kind of case for the big elven cities, it is almost exclusively
rational sense. Roads may twist and turn, loop back white quartz. This material gives off a soft white light
on themselves, make u-turns, or even branch off, in the Feywild, giving most buildings a magical glow.
and still eventually reach their destination.
A fork in the road doesn’t necessarily mean there’s The Feydark
a right and a wrong way. Often one way is simply
Like the Material Plane, the Feywild also has an
longer or more dangerous. One fun way to add a fork
underdark, sometimes called the Feydark. As with
to a road is by not making it horizontal, but vertical.
the Feywild compared to the Material Plane, the
Describe two different-looking roads, depending on if
Feydark is the exaggeration of the underdark: bigger
you’re looking up or down. Looking up and walking
caverns, more complicated tunnels, weirder fungi,
along the road takes you down the upper road,
and a lot scarier.
looking down takes you down the lower road. A party
may even suddenly get separated this way if they’re More than anything, it is the realm of the
not careful. “Take the upper road” is also a nice Fomorians. Driven here because of their
cryptic piece of advice a friendly faerie might give. hideousness, they now rule large parts of the Feydark
as cruel overlords, tormenting and enslaving all they
Few roads travel between seasons, mostly because
those that do are still bound by the cyclicality of the
seasons. If a road connects a location in Summer to a
location in Autumn, you can follow that road as
expected to reach Autumn, but if you start in
Autumn and try to reach Summer, you’ll end up
eternally walking that road and never actually getting

To advance on the road, every player has to make a
Mapping the Feywild Charisma check. Have every player who seems
The most important thing to keep in mind when confident or happy roll with advantage and every
trying to map the Feywild is that it is completely player who seems insecure or unhappy roll with
impossible to do so in any conventional way. disadvantage. Each player contributes a number of
moves equal to the highest of the following DC’s they
First of all, there’s no such thing as absolute beat (-3 if they beat none):
distance. Things can be as far or as near to each-
other as feels right. If you feel confident or happy DC: – 0 5 10 15 20 25
when trying to get to your destination, the road there
will seem noticeably shorter and less troubling. When Move: -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
determining travel distance, Charisma checks can be
used to see how much influence the party is exerting The number of spaces the party advances on the
on the Feywild to shorten (or lengthen) their journey. board is equal to 2 plus the sum of each member’s
contribution, to a minimum of 0. If the result is a 0,
There’s also no absolute direction. Though there’s
the party seemingly fails to make any progress and
always a lighter and darker part of the sky (Dawn
might trigger the same space again.
and Dusk), the places these lead to are far from fixed.
If you want to head to a specific location, the most There are a few ways of assigning events to the
important thing is wanting to get there. Let your specific spaces on the map. One way is to have a
emotions guide you, and they will literally lead the space correspond to a specific place or event. If the
way. road occasionally passes a certain point, that point
might be associated with one of those space. Do note
There’s one big exception, and that’s roads. Roads
that this means the road doesn't always go past it.
tend to have fixed starting and endpoints, and may
The party will walk along the entire road, so if the
even always pass through specific locations, so it’s
road always passes a certain point, it’s impossible to
technically possible to map the Feywild as a
not see it and that would mean it has to be a node
collection of places (without a fixed location)
(like point A and B) and not a space on the board.
connected by a network of roads.
Another way is to have a random encounter
Like a Boardgame happen on a space. It might be handy to have a list of
There’s one kind of map which lends itself events ready for this occasion (the travel encounters
surprisingly well to the Feywild, and that’s the map table on page 20 might be able to help).
of most traditional roll-and-move style boardgames There’s also the option of having the random
(e.g. Candyland or Game of the Goose). In those encounters depend on how well the party rolled on
games, there’s usually a starting location, an end their Charisma checks, with higher rolls leading to
point, and a number of random spaces in-between. more positive encounters. I’d advise against this,
The actual travel time depends on how high your rolls however, since this has the downside of punishing
are and how useful the places you land on are. players twice for the same bad rolls, and might make
This can easily be translated to a map of specific the long journey even longer if the party keeps failing
road. A road going from point A to point B might look on their Charisma checks. This could even start to
something like this: snowball when this causes sadness within the group.
It also makes positive rolls quite boring.

B If you want to create a map for your campaign

using this method, simply pick a few nodes
(important places within your campaign) and connect
these using board game-style roads. Don't make the
A roads too long, though. For a party of 4, expect an
encounter roughly every 3 spaces, or every 4 spaces
for Charisma-heavy parties or higher level parties. If
The goal would be to have something happen you expect your party to be doing a lot of travelling,
whenever the party lands on a space between A and it’s probably best to use roughly 5 spaces between
B. The more spaces they land on, the more nodes, or 8 for what are meant to be long roads.
encounters they'll get and the longer the journey will

A Forest
Parallel Features
Every location in the Material Plane has a d12 Corresponding feature
corresponding place within the Feywild which 1 A great Summer forest, with tall grass, giant
represents the emotions associated with that place. A bushes, and enormous trees.
waterfall, for example, becomes the awe and wonder
associated with a waterfall. These places are 2 A thickset Summer jungle, only illuminated by the
generally bigger, more beautiful, and far more occasional glowing fruit or vine.
exciting. As inspiration for Feywild locations, as well
as for where a fey crossing might lead, here’s a list of 3 A great Autumn forest, with giant trees in every
what a Material Plane location might correspond to. shade of red, brown, orange, and yellow. Leaves
keep falling and dissipating as they touch the
A Lake ground.

d4 Corresponding feature 4 A dark Autumn forest, where the leaves are various
shades of purple and crimson. Many small orbs of
1 A giant, continuously spinning whirlpool lights (possibly will-o’-the-wisps) can be seen
surrounded by otherwise calm Summer woods. In floating between the trees.
the centre lies a small island seemingly unaffected
by what’s happening around it. 5 A forest in Autumn’s Dusk, full of dimly glowing
pumpkins. They grow all along the forest floor, as
2 An inverted lake: a large, dry valley around which well as in bushes and trees.
lies a flooded forest. The valley is populated with
legged sea creatures, while the forest is populated 6 An Autumn forest which has a constant powerful
with fish-tailed forest creatures. The edge of the wind blowing through it, carrying an enormous
flooded forest is a giant waterfall. number of leaves along with it. Every tree looks
completely windswept, but they nevertheless do
3 A vast lake in Winter’s Dusk, where glowing snow not seem to have lost their leaves.
falls from the sky like falling stars. Touching the lake
causes it to freeze instantly, making it possible to 7 A Winter forest which looks like a regular Feywild
walk on it. forest, except everything is entirely made of ice.
Every tree, bush, flower, and leaf looks like an
4 A vast Spring lake full of giant waterlilies in various incredibly detailed ice sculpture.
shades of pink and purple. The lake can be crossed
by walking over or riding the giant lily pads. 8 A cold Winter forest, with black, leafless trees and
a snow-covered floor. Every tree trunk looks like a
An Island different face screaming in agony.

d4 Corresponding feature 9 An idyllic Spring forest, with a floor covered in

flowers and the trees covered in blossoms of every
1 A large Summer island with lush trees, small rivers, conceivable colour.
and a rocky shore. The island floats a few metres
above an ocean, with the rivers forming small 10 A Spring forest filled with twisting trees, curling
waterfalls. vines, and oddly-shaped flowers.

2 A beach which lies just below water level, with trees 11 A Spring forest with giant flowers instead of trees,
and plants seemingly growing out of the water. The as if the surrounding world has suddenly grown
water is perfectly still and looks like a mirror. massive.

3 A giant tree trunk in the middle of an ocean, the 12 A forest in Spring’s Dusk where the trees are made
remains of a giant tree which once grew there. It of crystal. Touching them causes them to briefly
looks like it cracked rather than being cut down, but light up in a random vibrant colour.
the remains of its crown are nowhere to be found.
Other giant trees can be seen on the horizon.

4 The back of a giant fey turtle. The shell looks like a

Summer forest.

A Desert A Marsh or Swamp
d4 Corresponding feature d4 Corresponding feature

1 A desert of black sand in Summer’s Dusk, with 1 A Summer swamp with a water-covered floor. Tall
glowing red gems shattered throughout (these grass hides the water completely.
gems burn everything they touch).
2 A purple-fogged Autumn swamp with giant
2 A red desert with dunes moving like waves along mushrooms in lieu of trees. Glowing green
its surface as if it’s an ocean of sand. mushrooms provide some light beneath the giant
mushroom caps.
3 A desert made entirely of reflective grains of
sands, with different colours of light flowing along 3 A cold Winter swamp, its floor covered with a thick
its surface, reflected by the sand. ice sheet. Frozen tree trunks jut out from below the
ice sheet.
4 A flat desert dotted with hills formed by sand
flowing from certain points in the sky as if falling 4 A dark Spring swamp, overgrown with thorny vines.
through an hourglass. Many poisonous flowers can be found here,
growing on and around the vines.
An Ice Field
A Mountain Range
d4 Corresponding feature
d4 Corresponding feature
1 An endless, perfectly clear ice sheet in the heart of
Winter. Ice crystals a few metres in height piercing 1 A ridge of immense rocky spikes with tips piercing
the ice dot the landscape. the heavens.

2 Snowy Winter hills where beautiful snowflakes over 2 A ridge of giant geometrically shaped crystals, as if
a metre in diameter fall from the sky (and possibly small stone crystals had been enlarged to the size
on top of the players). They shatter into a million of mountains.
pieces once they hit the ground.
3 A mountain range which seemingly curves in on
3 A frozen Winter ocean, with waves of ice moving itself, like a crashing wave.
along its surface and occasionally crashing and
shattering into a million tiny shards. 4 Giant natural stone archways, as if holes carved
through mountains. Lush Spring plains can be seen
4 A Winter landscape made entirely out of icicles of and accessed through the archways, but going
various shapes and sizes. behind them simply leads to more rocky terrain and
more similar archways.
A River
A Volcano
d4 Corresponding feature
d4 Corresponding feature
1 A wild and turbulent river. It meanders through a
lush Summer forest. If someone tries to follow it 1 A black mountain with a spiral of flames spewing
either upstream or downstream, they eventually from the top and disappearing into a massive
end up back where they started. swirling black cloud.

2 A Spring river with cherry blossom trees lining its 2 A glass mountain, almost perfectly transparent.
banks. The surface of the river is covered in pink Within it molten glass can be seen winding its way
cherry blossom leaves. to the top.

3 A calm, winding, dark river within Dusk, illuminated 3 A terraced mountain with over a hundred levels,
by the light of many will-o’-the-wisps floating above with scalding hot water cascading down each
its surface. terrace and flowing into the next. At the top is a
giant geyser.
4 Floating water winding its way between trees as if a
river had given up on gravity but decided to at least 4 A tall mountain with giant red crystals at the top.
keep flowing. Eternal fire seems to be burning within them.

By Season
If your party is already in the Feywild and travelling
within a specific Season, it might be more useful to
have the features sorted by season. So here are the
exact same features, but organised by season.

Summer Autumn

d10 Feature d10 Feature

1 A great forest, with tall grass, giant bushes, and 1 A great forest, with giant trees in every shade of
enormous trees. red, brown, orange, and yellow. Leaves keep
falling and dispersing as they touch the ground.
2 A thickset jungle, only illuminated by the
occasional glowing fruit or vine. 2 A dark forest, where the leaves are various
shades of purple and crimson. Many small orbs
3 A swamp with a water-covered floor. Tall grass of lights (possibly will-o’-the-wisps) can be seen
hides the water completely. floating between the trees.
4 A mountain range which seemingly curves in on 3 A forest in Dusk, full of dimly glowing pumpkins.
itself, like a crashing wave. They grow all along the forest floor, as well as in
bushes and trees.
5 A black mountain with a spiral of flames spewing
from the top and disappearing into a massive 4 A forest which has a constant powerful wind
swirling black cloud. blowing through it, carrying an enormous
number of leaves along with it. Every tree looks
6 A wild and turbulent river. It meanders through a
completely windswept, but they nevertheless do
lush forest. If someone tries to follow it either
not seem to have lost their leaves.
upstream or downstream, they eventually end
up back where they started. 5 A purple-fogged swamp with giant mushrooms
in lieu of trees. Glowing green mushrooms
7 A giant, continuously spinning whirlpool
provide some light beneath the giant mushroom
surrounded by otherwise calm woods. In the
centre lies a small island seemingly unaffected
by what’s happening around it. 6 A ridge of immense rocky spikes with tips
piercing the heavens.
8 A desert of black sand in Dusk, with glowing red
gems shattered throughout (these gems burn 7 A tall mountain with giant red crystals at the top.
everything they touch). Eternal fire seems to be burning within these
9 A red desert with dunes moving like waves
along its surface as if it’s an ocean of sand. 8 A calm, winding, dark river within Dusk,
illuminated by the light of many will-o’-the-wisps
10 A flat desert dotted with hills formed by sand
floating above its surface.
flowing from certain points in the sky as if falling
through an hourglass. 9 Floating water winding its way between trees as
if a river had given up on gravity but decided to
at least keep flowing.

10 An inverted lake: a large, dry valley around

which lies a flooded forest. The valley is
populated with legged sea creatures, while the
forest is populated with fish-tailed forest
creatures. The edge of the flooded forest is a
giant waterfall.

Winter Spring
d10 Feature d10 Feature

1 A forest which looks like a regular Feywild forest, 1 An idyllic forest, with a floor covered in flowers
except everything is entirely made of ice. Every and the trees covered in blossoms of every
tree, bush, flower, and leaf looks like an conceivable colour.
incredibly detailed ice sculpture.
2 A forest filled with twisting trees, curling vines,
2 A cold forest, with black, leafless trees and a and oddly-shaped flowers.
snow-covered floor. Every tree trunk looks like a
different face screaming in agony. 3 A forest with giant flowers instead of trees, as if
the surrounding world has suddenly grown
3 A cold swamp, its floor covered with a thick ice massive.
sheet. Frozen tree trunks jut out from below the
ice sheet. 4 A Dusk forest where the trees are made of
crystal. Touching them causes them to briefly
4 A ridge of giant geometrically shaped crystals, light up in a random vibrant colour.
as if small stone crystals had been enlarged to
the size of mountains. 5 A dark swamp, overgrown with thorny vines.
Many poisonous flowers can be found here,
5 A glass mountain, almost perfectly transparent. growing on and around the vines.
Within it molten glass can be seen winding its
way to the top. 6 Giant natural stone archways, as if holes carved
through mountains. Lush Spring plains can be
6 A vast lake in Dusk, where glowing snow falls seen and accessed through the archways, but
from the sky like falling stars. Touching the lake going behind them simply leads to more rocky
causes it to freeze instantly, making it possible to terrain and more similar archways.
walk on it.
7 A terraced mountain with over a hundred levels,
7 An endless, perfectly clear ice sheet. Ice crystals with scalding hot water cascading down each
a few metres in height piercing the ice dot the terrace and flowing into the next. At the top is a
landscape. giant geyser.

8 Snowy hills where beautiful snowflakes over a 8 A river with cherry blossom trees lining its banks.
metre in diameter fall from the sky (and possibly The surface of the river is covered in pink cherry
on top of the players). They shatter into a million blossom leaves.
pieces once they hit the ground.
9 A vast lake full of giant waterlilies in various
9 A frozen ocean, with waves of ice moving along shades of pink and purple. The lake can be
its surface and occasionally crashing and crossed by walking over or riding the giant lily
shattering into a million tiny shards. pads.

10 A landscape made entirely out of icicles of 10 A desert made entirely of reflective grains of
various shapes and sizes. sands, with different colours of light flowing
along its surface, reflected by the sand.

Travel Encounters 16-18 The party comes across a bridge which is being
held up by a massive hill giant. If someone tries
Of course, the Feywild is far from a realm of peace to cross it, they either have to succeed on a DC
and quiet. Players travelling through the Feywild 20 stealth check or fail on a DC 15 Charisma
would encounter many strange creatures and events. (Performance) check in order not to distract the
Note that not everything needs to be a combat
encounter, and weirding the players out can be a 19-21 The party comes across three pixies asking for a
much more effective way of introducing them to the trade. See the fey bargains table (p. 40) for more
wonders of the Feywild. details.
I’ve included a table with some random
22-24 A large owl swoops down and perches
encounters. These are fairly season-agnostic,
somewhere close to the party. It starts speaking,
although it probably wouldn't hurt to add a seasonal
but only speaks in cryptic sentences, along the
twist to them depending on which season the party is
lines of “time turns along the winding paths“,
currently in. Some of them assume the party is
“hope exists only for the hopeful”, “the end is
travelling along a road, but most work pretty much
near, but nearer still is the beginning”, and “the
anywhere. They’re not super detailed, but should be a
dance of summer will bring its light”. None of it
good jumping-off point. You’ll need the Monster
means anything, and every request for
Manual and Volo's Guide to Monsters for some of the
clarification is met with either more cryptic
encounters. Some of the magic items given as
sentences or a repeat of a previous statement.
rewards (marked with an asterisk) can be found in
the section on magic items (p. 34). 25-27 Large bubbles float by on a cold wind. If a
creature pops a bubble they take 2d4 psychic
Travel Encounters
damage as they come to a sudden realisation
d100 Encounter that they were wrong about something they
used to believe fervently.
1-3 The party sees a group of redcaps attacking a
satyr (Wybnum). If the party manages to save 28-30 An androgynous spring eladrin bard (Alanion)
him, he’ll insist on helping out, but will mostly passes by. If the party treats them well, they’ll
end up being annoying and easily distracted. sing a song so beautiful it feels as if the party
took a long rest.
4-6 A fomorian stumbles across the road chasing a
pixie, knocking down everything in its path. The 31-33 The party encounters a satyr revelry. Anyone
pixie seems to be having a lot of fun with this, who decides to join the festivities has to make a
but will nevertheless reward the party if they DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or becomes unable
manage to save her. to leave the revelry willingly.

7-9 A female autumn eladrin (Eldarnae) is plucking 34-36 A (group of) korred(s) shows up demanding hair.
small lambs in a field of barometz trees (trees If the party freely gives them some hair, or if
which grow bark-horned, grass-coated sheep). they manage to steal some, they might decide
In exchange for a gift, she gives the party a few to run and take it to an enemy of the party to
barometz seeds*. use with the scrying or dream spell.

10-12 A brightly coloured wind starts blowing, and 37-39 The party encounters a group of quicklings tying
every character feels a surge of magic coursing their shoes together and pulling other pranks.
through their body. Every character with some The quicklings are very fast, so it’s difficult to
magical capabilities must make a DC 15 find out exactly what is happening at first.
Charisma saving throw or roll on the Feywild
Wild Magic Table (p. 43). 40-42 A tree is dying and asks the party for a story
before it goes. After its death, it turns into a
13-15 The party encounters an intelligent talking fox. It summer eladrin wearing a treeform necklace*.
seems friendly and says it wants to help out, but
it actually wants to trick the party into giving it 43-45 A boulder or body of water close to the party
something of emotional value. becomes angry and starts screaming. It
eventually transforms into a corresponding
elemental and attacks the party.

46-48 A field of bright yellow flowers grows across the 67-69 The party comes across scarecrows dressed like
party’s path. If someone walks through them, members of the party. When touched, they turn
they have to succeed on a DC 12 Constitution suddenly to life and start attacking the party.
saving throw or fall asleep. If they do, they
slowly sink away into the field until woken up. It 70-72 Trinkets and other small objects the party is
takes a minute to fully sink into the ground. carrying seem to go missing. Objects equal to
20 minus the highest passive perception score in
49-51 A sleeping troll blocks the party’s path. If they the party go missing before the party notices. If
try to sneak past it, the exact same sleeping troll the party tries to look for what’s causing this, a
blocks their path again after travelling a bit DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals that a
further. Only removing the troll from the path in small group of invisible pixies is responsible.
some way breaks the loop. They’ll tell the party where they’ve hidden the
objects in return for something else. The fey
52-54 The party comes across a crying pixie (Wattle) bargains table (p.42) could act as inspiration.
sitting on a turkey tail mushroom, apparently
down on her luck. If the party manages to cheer 73-75 Every tree the party passes seems to have the
her up (probably by giving her a gift of some shape of a face on its trunk. A DC 15 Wisdom
sort), she will grant the party a single wish. Turns (Perception) check reveals that the eyes of these
out she can’t actually grant wishes, but will still faces seem to follow the party. If the party does
try to do anything in her power to make the wish not pay attention, the trees try to grab the party
come true. She cannot be dissuaded from member who’s last in line.
trying, even if the party wished for something
seemingly impossible. 76-78 A giant purple troll ambushes the party out of
nowhere. Things seem off about it. It’s moving
55-57 A (group of) centaur(s), fearing what outworlders remarkably fast, and while apparently aggressive
might do to the surrounding forest, confronts seems to go out of its way to not harm the party
the party. If the party can demonstrate their or the environment. Attacks against it seem
respect for nature, they are let go or perhaps ineffective and somehow delayed. A DC 17
even aided. Otherwise, they will have to fight. Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals it to be
an illusion created by a group of pixies.
58-60 Everything around the party except for the road
they are walking on seems to grow the further 79-81 The party comes across a river with large chunks
they walk along the road until they are of ice floating down it. If they investigate
surrounded by giant flowers, mushrooms, blades upstream, they find a waterfall where the ice
of grass, or whatever is appropriate for the seems to be forming. The cause of the ice flow
season. Giant bugs (see p. 51) can be seen and is a Sword of Unending Winter* stuck in the rock
perhaps start attacking the party. After travelling behind the waterfall.
some more, the party’s surroundings turn back
to their usual size (assuming there’s such a thing 82-84 The party comes across a group of friendly hill
as usual in the Feywild). giants trying to make a mountain they just
planted grow. To do this, they need either the
61-63 A brownie (Caughi) offers her services to the help of a pixie or a strong enough feeling of
party. However, she ends up complaining about accomplishment. If the party manages to help
any task they try to make her perform (while still out, they get a Mountain Seed* in return.
performing the task). She refuses to stop
working for the party, and forcing her to stop or 85-87 The party encounters a human child (Billy) no
insulting her in any way makes her angry and older than 10. He apparently ended up here
incurs her wrath and the wrath of her nearby kin. after following a group of satyrs into the woods.
He had a lot of fun with these satyrs, but has
64-66 The party unknowingly enters a glade home to since lost track of them and would now like to
an army of sprites. The punishment for this is return home. However, unbeknownst to the kid,
death, though the party may be able to talk their the time he's been away from the Material
way out of this verdict. Plane, though seemingly short for him, has
actually been at least 20 years.

88-90 The air suddenly turns to deep Dusk as a large
raven approaches the party. If they give it a gift
or are otherwise friendly to it, the raven leaves
and the air turns back to the way it was. If they
attack it, the raven turns into a hag.

91-93 The party encounters a talking frog who claims

to be an enchanted prince. Only a kiss would
break the spell. Anyone who kisses the frog
must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving
throw or be poisoned for the next hour. After
being kissed, the frog turns into an oni, who
mocks the party for falling for his obvious trap.

94-96 Storm clouds appear in the sky and lightning

starts flashing down. Every so often a party
member has to make a DC 13 Dexterity saving
throw or take 3d10 lightning damage. The cause
of this storm is an angry brownie (Ragh) who was
insulted by some pixies. If they manage to calm
(or kill) the brownie, the storm subsides.

97-99 The party hears a voice coming from a lake. If

they approach the lake, they are handed a
magnificent golden sword by a beautiful faerie
lurking beneath the water.
If they accept the sword, the faerie leaves
immediately. To everyone with a passive
Intelligence (Investigation) score of 18 or less,
the sword looks like a magical sword. If a player
attunes to the sword and has a passive
Intelligence (Arcana) score of 15 or less, they are
convinced this is a vorpal sword, or whatever
other magical weapon they strongly desire. In
reality it is a frail wooden sword which gives a -2
bonus and has a 50% chance of breaking on
If they refuse the sword, the faerie becomes
angry and attacks the party. It has the stats of
either a water elemental or a marid (whichever is
more appropriate), but with size medium and
the fey creature type.

100 The party encounters an archfey who gives them

three quests. See the Names and Quests
sections (p. 24) of the chapter on Fey Politics for
more information.

Fey Politics
The politics of the Feywild are nothing like those of Most archfey arise as a manifestation of feelings or
the Material Plane. Power and influence are woven emotions, though it is possible for certain fey to
into the fabric of the Feywild. Lords of the fey are ascend to archfeyhood. Even so, if someone ascends
therefore extraordinarily powerful beings, and their to archfeyhood it will often seem like they’ve always
dominion extends to more than just lands and titles. been an archfey. Like a lot of things in the Feywild,
the origins of most archfey is essentially unknowable.

Alignment They simply are.

When dealing with the Fey, it’s probably best to take Appearance
every idea of traditional alignment you might have Archfey don’t have to have a permanent form, but
and throw it out of the window. There is no true good most will at least take on a characteristic
or evil, lawful or chaotic in the Feywild. There is only appearance, often with certain features unique to
playful and malicious, seelie and unseelie (as them. They’ll usually take a humanoid, often elf-like
described below). form. Their apparent age can vary wild, and often has
Most fey creatures are described as chaotic by the little to do with their actual power. Even the most
DMG, which according to traditional alignment puts powerful fey can take the form of a child or elderly
them at the opposite end of lawful: they don’t much person. Titania, for example, is often depicted as a
care for rules and decide based on their own morality young girl.
what can and can’t be done. That’s not how the fey The following table can provide some inspiration
operate, though. The fey do follow some sort of law: for weird physical characteristics an archfey might
the rules of the Feywild (which are important enough have. Be sure to have this characteristic correspond
to have their own chapter!). The rules they follow are, to their associated powers or emotion.
however, impossible to understand for any Material
Plane brain, which makes the fey seem incredibly Archfey Characteristics
chaotic. The biggest difference, however, is that these
rules are innate, they’re part of the fabric of the d12 Characteristic d12 Made of
Feywild. The fey cannot choose whether to follow
1 Hair 1 Flowing water
them or not. All this makes lawful vs chaotic mostly
meaningless when dealing with the Feywild. 2 Beard 2 Vines

Archfey 3 Eyes 3 Leaves

4 Veil 4 Flowers
The most powerful beings in the Feywild are called
archfey. They’re a diverse group and come in all 5 Cloak 5 Bark
shapes and sizes.
6 Cape 6 Mist
Archfey are essentially masters of emotion. They
have either mastered their emotions enough to shape 7 Dress 7 Shimmering stars
the Feywild to their will or embody an emotion so
perfectly that whatever the Feywild’s reaction to that 8 Body 8 Ethereal flames
emotion would be is exactly what they would've
9 Arms 9 Lightning
wanted in the first place.
Not all archfey are all-powerful, deity-like entities. 10 Lower body 10 Ice
Some Archfey, like Titania (ruler of the Summer
11 Wings 11 Bright light
Court), have dominion over an entire realm, while
others are content to simply wander the Feywild 12 Aura 12 Rainbows
looking to help, harass, or prank whatever crosses
their path.

confer any power and are mostly bastardisations of
Names their true Sylvan titles, which are more precise but
The true name of an archfey is almost always kept impossible to translate. The queen of a certain
secret, since knowing an archfey’s true name would emotion would simply have mastered control of that
rob them of their power. Archfey, therefore, tend to be emotion, rather than actually ruling it.
referred to by their titles, often given to them in
legends and stories. These are often quite mundane, The tables on this page allow you to quickly create
referencing common natural phenomena or emotions. an archfey title. Don’t hesitate to make the name
These titles can be quite different from one-another, more fancy or archaic after rolling for one.
sometimes referencing different aspects or alluding to
a different role or even gender. For example, the Lord
Encountering Archfey
of Loves Past might also be the Guardian of Forgotten While archfey seem to function as the deities of the
Glory. Feywild, they are a lot more approachable. The odds
of randomly running into one are also quite a bit
Archfey are sometimes given titles similar to those
higher, both because of how probability works in the
given to royalty or nobility in the Material Plane.
Feywild and because the archfey often have an
Except they're not, say, the king or queen of a place,
interest in outworlders.
but of a feeling or concept. These titles don’t actually

Archfey Titles
d20 Title d20 Noun d20 Adjective

1 The Lady/Lord of [Noun] 1 Beauty 1 Arrogant

2 The Queen/King of [Noun] 2 Desire 2 Blissful

3 The Princess/Prince of [Noun] 3 Feasts 3 Curious

4 The Duchess/Duke of [Noun] 4 Fright 4 Drifting

5 The Master of [Noun] 5 Frost 5 Eerie

6 The Woman/Man of [Noun] 6 Hatred 6 Elegant

7 The Shaper of [Noun] 7 Hope 7 Eloquent

8 The Keeper of [Noun] 8 Joy 8 Fearsome

9 The Knight of [Noun] 9 Mischief 9 Forgotten

10 The [Adjective] Queen/King 10 Pride 10 Gallant

11 The [Adjective] Woman/Man 11 Reflections 11 Gleaming

12 The [Adjective] Wanderer 12 Regrets 12 Gloaming

13 The [Adjective] Sorceress/Sorcerer 13 Sorrow 13 Heartless

14 The [Adjective] Enchantress/Enchanter 14 Starlight 14 Heedless

15 The [Adjective] Knight 15 Storms 15 Hollow

16 Miss/Mister [Noun] 16 Tears 16 Horrid

17 Lady/Lord [Noun] 17 Twilight 17 Idle

18 The Princess/Prince of [Noun] and [Noun] 18 Vines 18 Sinister

19 The Lady/Lord of [Adjective] [Noun] 19 Wonder 19 Verdant

20 The [Adjective] Lady/Lord of [Noun] 20 Waves 20 Vexing

When planning an encounter with an archfey, I Archfey Quests
highly encourage you to come up with your own
archfey or at least make the archfey in question not d8 Quest
too significant for the entire Feywild. Walking into the
1 Pluck a talking flower which only grows at the
Feywild and meeting Titania is like walking into the
centre of a giant maze. The maze shifts constantly,
Shadowfell and immediately bumping into the Raven
and confusion fills the mind of all who enters it.
Queen. It makes the world seem small and hurts
Many confused creatures can be found endlessly
verisimilitude. Remember, the Feywild is an entire
wandering its winding paths, completely oblivious
world in and of itself and not just a single location.
to where they are or what they’re doing there.
Fighting archfey would be something reserved for
the highest levels, and even then sounds like a very 2 Steal a jewel from a minor archfey’s castle. The
dangerous proposition for the PCs. jewel was lost in an ancient bet but is of great
personal value to the quest giver. Since the rules of
Examples the Feywild forbid the archfey from taking it back
You don’t need this document if you want examples themselves, they need outsiders to steal it back.
of the more prominent archfey, even Wikipedia has a 3 Retrieve a necklace worn by a winter eladrin
pretty exhaustive list (see List of Dungeons & (Arianel), who lives inside a cold, dark cave. Once
Dragons fey deities), though it’s not really up-to-date upon a time, her lover wished for a gift to rival her
with current D&D. For some more concrete examples, unrivalled beauty and was given a cursed necklace
see the Monsters chapter (p. 47). by an unseelie archfey. Because nothing could rival
her beauty, it turned Arianel invisible. Thinking her
Quests gone, the lover traded away their life to lift the
Archfey are often the primary movers behind a curse. Arianel saw this happen but was unable to
Feywild adventure. They give out quests, offer stop it. The cave is formed by Arianel’s sadness,
rewards, demand tributes, or simply order and any fey who tries to enter it is overcome by the
outworlders around for their own amusement. same sadness.
The primary reason an archfey might seek the
4 Steal an apple from a hag coven. Once upon a
services of a party of outworlders has to do with the
time, a young girl was given a magical apple by the
unwritten laws. Outworlders are not bound by the
archfey. The young girl turned out to be a hag
laws of the Feywild and are therefore free to claim
baby. A fey cannot take back a gift, so the archfey
things that by right do not belong to them, free to lie
needs outworlders to reclaim the apple. The hag is
and deceive, free to take and not give back, and so
now part of a hag coven.
on. They're also not part of the endless conflict
between seelie and unseelie, which means one side 5 Find something truly boring. The archfey assumes
can use them to possibly gain an advantage against outworlders like the party would know about that
the other. kind of stuff. Most mundane-looking objects in the
That being said, a lot of archfey simply enjoy Feywild turn out to be surprisingly interesting,
messing with outworlders for no particular reason. If making this harder than expected.
the party wasn't summoned by an archfey but merely 6 A giant the size of a mountain is overcome with
runs into one or requests a favour, the archfey might anger and destroying everything in her path. Calm
send them on a few quests for their own amusement. her down.
Because of the rule of three, most quests will
7 Remove the sword stuck in a stone in the middle of
consist of three parts. The following table gives some
a dark wood. The sword is made of iron and was
examples of what these quests might be, though I
placed there in anger by a cold-hearted
definitely encourage you to find quests tailored to the
outworlder. Its corrupting influence is what
archfey giving the quest.
darkened the surrounding woods.

8 Pluck a fruit from the tallest tree in a giant orchard.

The tree in question is over a kilometer tall. Its only
fruit grows at the very top. Various beasts live along
its trunk.

harmless seelie pranks will turn to torment if they
The Courts feel slighted or mistreated.
Traditionally, the fey can be divided into two courts: They also have a love for beauty, elegance, and
the Seelie Court and the Unseelie Court. The seelie splendour. Ugliness is often considered worse than
fey are generally friendlier, while the unseelie fey are malice, which can make it hard for some of the less
generally far more malicious. sightly outworlders to gain their favour.

The Seelie Court The current ruler of the Seelie Court is Titania,
Queen of Summer (along with her consort Oberon).
The Seelie Court, also known as the Summer Court,
She does not rule the seelie fey in any traditional
represents the seelie fey.
sense, nor are most seelie fey forced to obey her
The name “Summer Court” is misleading, since the commands. She is simply the most influential archfey
dominion of the Summer Court isn’t necessarily within the Summer Court and therefore has more
limited to Summer, and not everything in Summer power over the Feywild and its workings than other
falls under its dominion. It simply rules over those fey. Her will becomes law almost by default. Together
who follow the seelie way of life, which is associated with her entourage of other Summer archfey and her
with the season of Summer. Since Autumn and legions of sprites and pixies, she spends most of her
Spring are where Summer and Winter flow over into time throwing lavish parties.
each-other, seelie fey will also thrive in both.
Examples of seelie fey include most pixies, sprites,
Seelie fey aren’t necessarily good, but they're centaurs, satyrs, and fey giants.
generally friendlier than their unseelie brethren. They
It’s possible to split the Summer Court and the
are often willing to help out outworlders, or at least
Seelie Court. In that case, the Summer Court would
give them a chance to prove themselves. That being
be ruled by Tiandra and simply rule over the fey of
said, being associated with Summer does make them
Summer, while the Seelie Court would function as
quick to anger and fond of revelry. Their (mostly)
described above. 5e isn’t clear on this distinction,
and I personally feel it isn’t necessary.

The Unseelie Court Lesser Courts
The Unseelie Court, also known as the Gloaming While the Seelie Court and Unseelie Court are the
Court, represents the unseelie fey. biggest and most dominant courts, the Feywild is
definitely big enough to allow for smaller gatherings
The power of the Unseelie Court works in much
of powerful archfey.
the same way as that of the Seelie Court. It rules over
those who follow the unseelie way of life. The current An easy way of adding courts is to have one for
ruler of the Gloaming Court is The Queen of Air and each season, i.e. the Autumn Court, Winter Court,
Darkness. and Spring Court. A court for the seas, called the
Coral Court, is often added to this list.
Unseelie fey aren’t necessarily evil, but they tend to
be a lot crueler than their seelie brethren. Their ideas Most smaller courts should still be either seelie or
of pranks often involve pain and torment, and their unseelie, mostly because of their composition and not
idea of fun often involves taking away the fun of because they’re directly ruled by one of the big
others. This makes the seelie court a lot less courts. It’s just that seelie and unseelie fey almost
pleasant, ruled by fear and rife with internal conflict. never willingly cooperate. This also means you might
want to split the seasonal courts into a seelie and
Examples of unseelie fey include redcaps,
unseelie. For example, the Autumn Court could be
meenlocks, quicklings, and fey trolls, as well as
split into a seelie court known as the Harvest Court
rejected or maligned former seelie fey.
and an unseelie court known as the Court of Fear.
Some sources will differentiate between the
If you want some inspiration for coming up with
Unseelie Court and the Winter Court (which would
your own court, the Archfey Titles table (p. 24) works
then be ruled by the Prince of Frost), while others
for creating courts as well. Simply roll for either the
will consider them one and the same. I think making
[adjective] Court or the Court of [Noun].
them different courts is a lot more interesting. The
seelie-unseelie conflict (a conflict between fey) doesn’t
necessarily have to be the Summer-Winter conflict
Courtless Fey
(the primary conflict which shapes the Feywild), and Not every fey has to belong to a court. For example,
just because the Seelie Court and Summer Court are most hags tend to be courtless, since their ugliness is
the same doesn’t mean the Unseelie and Winter often too much for even the unseelie fey to deal with
Court have to be. Splitting them adds some political (even though their methods would be perfectly
nuance and allows for richer worldbuilding. Winter, acceptable). These fey tend to form their own regions
in this case, can be a lot more barren and desolate, and niches, away from any interference by the courts.
ruled by emotions like sadness and despair, while the
Unseelie fey thrive in Dusk, regardless of season. Religion
Conflict Very few gods concern themselves with the goings-on
of the Feywild. There is also little need for worship in
The unseelie fey despise the seelie fey’s way of life.
the Feywild. Outworlders pray in the hopes of
The bizarre Summer ideas of love and fun sicken
shaping reality in their favour, but the inhabitants of
them. Similarly, the seelie fey tend to think of the
only need to want something badly enough and the
unseelie fey as cruel creatures, stealing the joy of
Feywild itself will provide. Why turn to the gods when
others and leaving nothing but ugliness in their
you can be your own personal deity?
While the archfey can seem like gods, they are
However, open warfare doesn’t tend to happen.
worshiped more as leaders or teachers than as
Most battles are fought through trickery and
deities, and nobody really prays to them. They were
mischief. A fight for control of a castle will almost
referred to as fey deities in previous editions, but to
never involve an actual battle but might involve a
me this feels like trying to make the Feywild act like
wager or challenge. Trying to get outworlders (like the
any other plane. It’s far more interesting to have the
PCs!) to do something could definitely be part of this,
archfey not simply be gods with the usual priests and
especially if it would involve breaking the rules of the
Feywild. Getting caught up in a wager between
archfey could be an interesting part of a Feywild

Creatures of the Feywild
Like most worlds, the Feywild is home to many Their entire colour scheme changes as they change
different species. The traditional inhabitants of the seasons. Their skin colour changes to roughly the
Feywild are called fey, fairies, or fair folk. Basically same colours as their eyes, but the tint can vary
any creature with the creature type fey has its origins greatly. The colour of their hair also tends to use the
in the Feywild, but that doesn’t mean other types of same colours, but other colours are possible as long
creatures can’t show up, either by being created as they correspond to the current season, like brown
magically or by travelling through a fey crossing. for autumn or pink for spring.
They tend to dress to match their season, usually
Eladrin in outfits inspired by the nature around them. City
eladrin often go barefooted and wear elaborate robes.
The eladrin are the elves of the Feywild. They were re-
introduced in Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes, where Changing seasons requires a long rest, which
they have undergone quite a change from previous makes sense from a gameplay perspective, but makes
editions. They’ve gone from very high elves in it harder to role play emotional change as seasonal
previous editions to very weird elves in 5e. This change. One solution to this is to have the seasonal
change brought them more in line with the rest of the change slowly take effect before the long rest. The
Feywild. They now have a strong connection to both leaves in the hair of an eladrin changing to winter
the seasons and emotion, which are two central might slowly start withering and falling and their
themes within the Feywild. Their ability to change eyes and skin might start to turn blue. An eladrin
appearance based on their emotional state and the changing to summer might start glowing. Changing
Fey Step ability also helps them feel more connected the eye colour to the future season is also a great way
to the Feywild, mocking the idea of a rigid form or of indicating an emotional change.
I won’t delve into the connection between the Gnomes
eladrin and the Feywild since this has already been
Gnomes, like elves, have fey ancestry. However, their
done in Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes. Definitely read
connection to the Feywild in 5e is a lot less
through the section on eladrin and the Feywild if
pronounced. The 5e gnomes are a bit too normal-
you’re interested. If you want your players to
looking for my tastes. Adding them as-is to the
encounter eladrin, stats for them can be found in
Feywild seems like it would be doing it a disservice.
Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes as well.
Taking a cue from 4e, the eyes of Feywild gnomes
If one of your players wants to play an eladrin,
could be either perfectly black or dark blue, lacking
stats for the player race can also be found in
irises and pupils like those of the eladrin. They
Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes. I would suggest two
should also shine with faint magical energy.
changes, though: change their creature type to fey
(the precedent for this has been set by the To make them more unique and more fitting with
Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica centaur) and add the nature-infused feel of the new eladrin, I’d also
Sylvan to their list of languages. These changes make suggest making their hair look like grass. This would
them more distinctly Feywild-based and bring them allow them to camouflage easily in patches of dirt or
more in line with their monster stats. tall grass. Some would wear flowers to their hair to
add to the illusion.
While the drawings of eladrin in MTF are great,
they lack a clear description, so here’s a quick one. Gnomes within the Feywild live underground,
They have eyes without pupils or irises that glow a driven there after escaping their enslavement by the
certain colour based on an eladrin's current season: fomorians. This would mean they wouldn’t often be
yellow for summer, orange for autumn, blue for encountered when wandering the Feywild unless the
winter, and green for spring. Leaves of their party is specifically looking for them or if the party
respective season sprout from their hair. Their ears has something they might want. I suggest only
are longer than their Material Plane brethren, and introducing gnomes if your party contains a gnome
they are also on average taller and lankier. Veins like or has frequent dealings with gnomes. Otherwise,
those of a leaf run along the side of their face. they’d probably feel pretty out of place.

Pixies and Sprites
Pixies and sprites are by far the most iconic
inhabitants of the Feywild. I won’t go into too much
detail on what they are and how they behave here
since the Monster Manual does a good job of this, In
short: pixies seek fun and excitement, love to prank,
and can often be heard giggling even when they’re
trying to hide. They are adept at magic, especially
illusions, and are generally opposed to violence.
Sprites are far more serious and combative and won’t
hesitate to attack someone they perceive as a danger
to themselves or the surrounding nature. They tend
to carry weapons and are adept at making poisons.
Pixies and sprites are perhaps the most common
sentient creatures in the Feywild, but their small size
and ability to go invisible might not make this
immediately obvious. It’s safe to assume that at any
point when wandering the Feywild at least some
sprites or pixies are spying on the party. Doing
something to anger a sprite or entice a pixie is the
easiest way to lure them out of hiding.
Sprites tend to be servants of an archfey. They act
as messengers, spies, and sometimes even soldiers.
Pixies serve another, perhaps far more important
function. They tend to be the shapers of the Feywild,
changing Summer leaves to brown, causing buds to
grow on Winter trees, creating frost on an autumn
lake, and so on. If an area changes season, it’s likely
that pixies are involved. The Feywild probably looks
the way it does because of both the magical and
emotional influence of these tiny agents of beauty
and chaos.

Satyrs (or fauns) are the other common inhabitant of
the Feywild. They’re goat-legged, goat-horned
Goblinoids & Brownies
humanoids who love nothing more than to revel. They Goblins are commonly associated with the realm of
care for little more than their own amusement, and the fae in folklore, so they definitely wouldn’t be out
often lure (or even kidnap) outworlders to join their of place in the Feywild. That being said, they’re kind
revelries. of the bread and butter of D&D enemies, and
including them would make the Feywild feel more
Satyrs tend to live in groups, though only because
mundane. Perhaps a better option is to replace
it’s easier to party this way. They usually don’t have a
goblins with brownies, using the same stats but with
strong attachment to a particular group and will
the fey type instead of the goblinoid type.
leave a revelry if they think more fun could be had
elsewhere. A wandering satyr will often be skipping Brownies look like small, ugly humanoids with
and loudly playing an instrument, oblivious to its long noses and long pointy ears. They have a leathery
surroundings. brown skin which is covered with varying levels of
hair, from the occasional small tufts to a complete
Stats and additional information can be found in
coat of fur. They either wear ragged clothing and
the Monster Manual.
tattered hats or nothing at all.

Brownies are helpful but mischievous fey. They
tend to do chores for those who treat them well, but Centaurs
mistreating them will rouse their ire. Their Official D&D apparently doesn’t know what it wants
punishments are usually more annoying than to do with centaurs. They’ve been both fey and
harmful, though it is often hard for any fey to know monstrosities in previous edition, and in 5e their
the difference when dealing with outworlders. monster type is monstrosity (even though they speak
Presenting them with clothing is considered an insult Sylvan), but the playable race in the Guildmaster’s
and will incur a similar vengeance. Guide to Ravnica has the fey type. They come from
Groups of free-roaming brownies are always on the the same mythological traditions as satyrs, and
lookout for people to prank or annoy. They do not definitely fit into the theme of the Feywild, so it would
consider their own actions mean-spirited or harmful, be weird to leave them out.
so anyone who tries to intervene will be considered a Centaurs are a prime candidate for being the
hostile threat that must be dealt with using more serious fey. While most of the other fey are carefree
serious (but often still humorous) means. and mischievous, the noble centaur is more
disciplined and duty-bound. They are shepherds of
nature, planting, cultivating, and defending the
feywild’s rich flora. This doesn’t mean all centaurs
should be serious all the time. Younger centaurs
especially can be more playful, merrily skipping
through the woods and making garlands out of

Giants both fit the folklore theme of the Feywild as
well as the stuff-is-bigger theme, making them a
perfect match for the Feywild. The giants of the
Feywild are, however, a lot gentler than the MM
would suggest. They tend to be friendly and caring, in
tune with the surrounding nature. As expected, they
prefer the mountain regions of the Feywild, where
they act as guardians and keepers, nurturing the
mountains in ways that won’t make any sense to
someone from the Material Plane. That being said, a
Jack and the Beanstalk-type giant would definitely fit
right in. Just be sure to have it speak in rhyme or
give it some other quirk.
Ogres and trolls are also part of the giant family
and are also quite at home in the Feywild. While
they’re obviously unseelie, I advise you to make them
at least seem quirky and not just evil. Especially for
trolls, traditional folklore elements like riddles and a
bridge toll are fun ways of introducing them as more
than just generic monsters.
Of special note here are the fomorians, tyrant
rulers of the Feydark. They were cursed for their
wickedness and banished to the underdark of the
Feywild. More information about them, as well as
stats, can be found in the Monster Manual.

Hags Outworlders
There are a lot of resources out there about running Outworlders (anyone from outside of the Feywild) are
hags. They’re far too interesting for me to do them relatively rare. However, they do tend to draw a lot of
justice in just a single paragraph. Volo’s Guide to attention to themselves, which often makes them feel
Monsters is a good place to start if you want to know more prominent than they are. Many fey love nothing
more. I did include a few hag items (most notably a more than to mess with outworlders, both because
bunch of potions) in the chapter on objects and it’s a unique experience and because their presence
weapons. causes an emotional disturbance which the Feywild
itself would try to fix.
Hags tend to travel to the Material Plane to
reproduce, stealing a human child and replacing it Of the outworlders, elves are the most likely to fit
with a hag baby. When in the Feywild, they prefer in. Their fey origins make them not stand out as
regions shrouded in Dusk, and especially Autumn much, and their connection to both magic and
forests and swamps. nature would allow them to quickly adapt to the
workings of the Feywild.
The following hags can be found in the Feywild.
This list excludes night hags since they live in Hades.

Hag CR Source
When fey spirits are conjured in the form of an
Sea Hag 2 MM animal, it looks pretty much identical to the Material
Plane counterpart. Therefore, one could assume
Green Hag 3 MM animals look and act roughly the same within the
Dusk Hag 6 E:RLW Feywild. This is way too boring, so let’s change it.
First of all, it feels important to make the animals
Annis hag 6 VGM
of the Feywild more intelligent. These creatures aren’t
Bleur Hag 7 VGM survival machines honed by evolution, but
manifestations of ideas. They also don’t just die, so
they aren’t limited by their usual short lifespans.
Other Fey Talking animals are also a fixture of fairytales, so
don’t be afraid to throw a talking owl at the party.
The creatures discussed so far are more likely to have
some form of culture, organisation, or even If an animal has a stereotypical behaviour
civilisation. There are of course many other fey which associated with it, it can definitely be incorporated
simply roam the Feywild. Any creature with the fey into its fey counterpart. A fey owl should be wise, a
subtype can easily be run into. fey fox should be cunning, a fey lion should be noble,
and a fey snake deceitful. There’s far too many
Some of these fey are manifestations of emotions.
stereotypes to list here, but the Wikipedia page on
Consider introducing them when the party is feeling
Stereotypes of Animals should be able to help.
a particular emotion. Here’s a short list of fey
associated with a specific emotion. The look of these animals could also do with a lot
more variety. Exaggerated features, weird eyes, and
Emotion Fey CR Source random glowing bits should definitely be
considerations. There is also a lot of folklore
Bloodlust Redcap 3 VGM
surrounding the cattle of water faeries, which mostly
Charity Killmoulis 0 MFF resemble the land-based cattle we’re used to. If you're
taking your party underwater, definitely consider
Fear Meenlock 2 VGM adding aquatic versions of land creatures. If you lack
inspiration, the old merfolk method (front of an X,
Frustration Mite 1/4 MFF
back of a fish) should do the trick.
Panic Screaming 1 MFF Lastly, the Monster Manual has stats for a blink
Develkin dog, which is essentially just a fey dog with the
ability to teleport up to 40 feet. I see no reason why
Sadness Boggle 1/8 VGM
there couldn’t be a blink cat, blink rhino, or blink

Other Creatures
Of course, many other creatures exist in the Feywild. Elementals in general can also be used. It’s not
I’ve tried to compile a list of monsters available in the unthinkable for the more extreme natural
official releases which could appear. Some fey are phenomena to shape into consciences in the Feywild,
included in the official WotC publications Tales from so they definitely fit the general feel.
the Yawning Portal (TYP) and Mordenkainen’s Fiend
Folio (MFF1). I’ve listed those as well. If you're looking
for more fey, Kobold Press’ Tome of Beasts and
Creature Codex feature some great ones.

Creature CR Source Creature CR Source Creature CR Source

Almiraj 0 TOA Wererat 2 MM Korred 7 VGM

Awakened Shrub 0 MM Will-o'-Wisp 2 MM Oni 7 MM

Killmoulis 0 MFF1 Displacer Beast 3 MM Fomorian 8 MM

Boggle 1/8 VGM Forlarren 3 MFF1 Conclave Dryad 9 GGtR

Xvart 1/8 VGM Lampad 3 MOT Treant 9 MM

Giant Owl 1/4 MM Needle Lord 3 MFF1 Dire Troll 13 MTF

Mite 1/4 MFF1 Neogi 3 VGM

Needle Spawn 1/2 MFF1 Owlbear 3 MM

Darkling 1/2 VGM Redcap 3 VGM

Hippocamp 1/2 MOT Siren 3 TYP

Alseid 1 MOT Werewolf 3 MM

Dryad 1 MM Yeti 3 MM

Harpy 1 MM Banshee 4 MM

Quickling 1 VGM Ettin 4 MM

Scarecrow 1 MM Kelpie 4 TYP

Screaming Devilkin 1 MFF1 Lamia 4 MM

Faerie Dragon 1-2 MM Oread 4 MOT

Awakened Tree 2 MM Wereboar 4 MM

Centaur 2 MM Yeth Hound 4 VGM

Ettercap 2 MM Banderhobb 5 VGM

Meenlock 2 VGM Shambling Mound 5 MM

Naiad 2 MOT Troll 5 MM

Nereid 2 TYP Unicorn 5 MM

Ogre 2 MM Wood Woad 5 VGM

Peryton 2 MM Cyclops 6 MM

Objects and Weapons
This chapter lists some interesting objects for the
party to find when wandering the Feywild.
Most plants in the Feywild can grow berries, though

Natural Objects they are most common in Autumn. Finding berries

can sometimes be a bit tricky, since most plants only
grow them rarely. They come in all shapes, colours,
Barometz Seed and sizes.
Seed, uncommon As with all things in the Feywild, berries tend to be
infused with magic. Eating one will usually cause a
A fuzzy seed which grows into a Barometz plant, a
magical effect (see the table below), and the effect
small tree which grows sheep.
may even differ between berries of the same plant. A
After being planted, it will become fully grown in faerie might be able to help identify the effect of a
4d12 hours or half as long if the planter makes a DC specific berry, but this will often be at a price. The
12 Charisma (Performance) check speaking kind identify spell can also be used to suss out its effect,
words to it. When fully grown, it grows 1d4 bark- though one would need to identify each berry
horned, grass-coated sheep. individually.

Berry Effects
Feywild Apple
Wonderous food, common d12 Effect
An apple from the Feywild. It is bright red and double 1 Sleep. You fall unconscious for the next hour until
the size of a regular apple. Eating it takes an action you take damage, or until someone uses an
and restores 1d4 +1 hit points and restores 1 point of action to shake or slap you awake.
2 Confuse. For 1d6 turns, at the start of each turn,
Slanderous Gourd roll a d10. (See the confusion spell.)
Wonderous food, common 3 Poison. You are poisoned for the next 1d6 turns.
A mysterious gourd which grows within the dark
4 Silence. You cannot speak for 1d6 turns.
Autumn woods of the Feywild.
When picked up, a jagged face etched into it 5 Reduce. Your size is halved for 1d6 turns. (See
appears, which then starts insulting the bloodline of the reduce spell.)
whoever picked it up.
6 Nothing. Nothing

7 Magic Surge. Roll on the Feywild wild magic


8 Levitate. You levitate 20 ft. above ground for the

next 1d6 turns. (See the levitate spell.)

9 Extra Fresh. You can breathe cold air for 1d6

turns. (See the dragon’s breath spell.)

10 Brighten. You glow green for 1d6 turns. (See the

faerie fire spell).

11 Enlarge. Your size is doubled for 1d6 turns. (See

the reduce spell.)

12 Heal. Restore 1d6 + 2 hit points.

Magic Items Heartshot Arrow
Wondrous ammunition, rare
An ornate wooden arrow with a sharpened pink gem
Bag of Bearing as an arrowhead.
Wondrous item, uncommon
After the arrow is shot from a bow, when it comes
This small bag has an interior space somewhat larger to a complete stop, it disappears into a cloud of pink
than its outside dimensions, but this interior feels smoke and sparkles. It reappears completely intact at
moist and acidic. This is because it leads to the the precise location from which it was shot as soon
inside of a bear. as that space is unoccupied, after which it hovers for
Everything put inside the bag is stored within the 6 seconds before falling to the ground.
stomach of a giant fey bear which roams the Autumn A creature struck by this arrow has to make a DC
woods of the Feywild. The bag can hold up to 20 12 Wisdom saving throw or becomes charmed by the
pounds, not exceeding a volume of 5 cubic feet. The first creature it sees for the next minute or until it is
bag weighs 3 pounds, regardless of its contents. Non- dealt damage by that creature.
consumable objects will not be digested or excreted.
Retrieving an item from the bag requires an action.
Jar of Shame Dirt
All the usual bag of holding rules and restrictions Wondrous item, rare
apply. Please don't turn it inside out.
This earthen jar is filled with dark red dirt. When the
dirt comes into contact with a creature's face, it has
Bottle of Winds to make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or be
Wondrous item, rare overcome with shame for the next minute. If the
A seemingly empty bottle. When it is opened by target’s Intelligence is 5 or lower, it automatically
removing the plug, strong winds blow out of the succeeds.
opening. The wind exerts no force on the bottle itself. While overcome with shame, a creature has
Each creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of disadvantage on all Charisma checks and Charisma
where the opening is facing must succeed on a DC 12 saving throws and is frightened of every creature
Strength saving throw or be pushed 5 feet away from within 5 feet.
it. Any creature must spend 2 feet of movement for The jar has enough dirt for three handfuls.
every 1 foot it moves when moving against the wind. Throwing the dirt requires an action.
The wind disperses gas or vapour, and it
extinguishes candles, torches, and similarly Mountain Seed
unprotected flames in the area. Wondrous item, rare
To plug the bottle, a DC 12 Strength check is This seemingly normal-looking rock will grow into a
required. small mountain when planted. The mountain sprouts
an hour after being planted, and grows roughly 10 m
Cloak of Woven Wind (30 ft) in diameter and 3 m (10 ft) in height per hour.
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) However, the mountain needs constant
A cloak that looks like swirling clouds. While it can encouragement. A DC 18 Charisma (Persuasion)
be manipulated as if made of cloth, touching it feels check is required after it sprouts and every two hours
like heavy winds moving past your fingers. after. If this check fails or no check is made, the
mountain feels discouraged and starts shrinking at
Once per long rest, you can use a bonus action to
twice its growth rate (until it shrinks back to the size
cover yourself with the cloak. When you do, you turn
of a seed). The same thing happens if the mountain’s
into a gust of wind and may move up to 60 feet (this
growth causes significant sadness.
uses your movement for the turn), after which you
turn back. Any creature that was standing along your It reaches a maximum diameter of 400 m (1200 ft)
path must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be and a height of 120 m (400 ft) after 60 hours.
pushed 10 feet along your path and be knocked
prone. If there’s a strong wind affecting the area
you’re moving through, you must follow its path.

Pixie Dust Staff of the Twilight
Wondrous item, rare Staff, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
A small vial containing the dust left behind by a Maximum charges 9
pixie. It contains enough dust to sprinkle on three Recharge 1d12 after a long rest
A tall wooden staff. Its colours shift based on how
When some pixie dust is sprinkled on a creature, it much light is hitting it. Illuminated parts of the staff
gains a flying speed of 30 feet while it is thinking look orange or crimson, darkened parts purple or
happy thoughts. This effect lasts for one hour. blue.
When damaged, a flying creature must make a After every long rest, choose either trick or treat.
Wisdom saving throw. The DC equals 12 or half the You can cast any of the spells belonging to that
damage taken, whichever number is higher. If it fails choice using your spellcasting ability and this staff as
the save, it ceases being happy and falls to the a spellcasting focus.
• Trick. You can cast silent image (2 charges),
dissonant whispers (3 charges), and enemies
Ring of Gathering Fire abound (5 charges).
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
• Treat. You can cast bless (2 charges), cure wounds
A translucent, faintly glowing red ring shaped like a (3 charges), and create food and water (5 charges).
continuous ray of fire.
After casting a trick or treat spell, roll 1d20. If you
While wearing the ring, you can pick up, carry, roll equal to or lower than the number of total spent
and set down small flames as though they were charges, roll on the Feywild wild magic table. Any
physical objects without being burned. The fire spell slots or sorcery points you would gain as a
requires no fuel while you carry it, but once out of result become charges instead.
your hand requires fuel as normal.
You can spend a charge after using the staff to
While wearing the ring, the hand it is on is knock on a door of a building. If you do, the occupant
immune to fire damage. closest to the door must make a DC 13 Wisdom
saving throw or feel compelled to open the door. If the
Spider Wig occupant would be hostile towards you, it has
Wondrous item, rare advantage on this throw.

A dirty, unkempt wig popular among hags.

Woebegone Wand
While wearing the wig, it grows one spider per
Wand, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
hour. It can hold up to five spiders and stops growing
new ones if it’s full. You can use an action or bonus Maximum charges 3
action to pick a spider from the wig. The spiders act Recharge 1 charge per hour it spends below freezing
like regular spiders and do not feel compelled to obey
A clear wand of unmeltable ice.
While holding the wand, you can use an action to
Close examination of the wig, even with an identify
expend 1 charge, causing snowflakes to fall in a 15-
spell, gives no clue as to where the spiders come
foot cube you can see within 90 feet. Any creature
within that area must succeed on a Wisdom saving
throw against your spell save DC or become overcome
Treeform Necklace with sadness. While overcome with sadness,
Wondrous item, uncommon whenever a creature tries to perform an action
Once per day, the wearer can use an action to (including movement), it has a 30% (1–6 on a d20)
become a tree with roughly the same proportions as chance of skipping that action instead. A creature
the wearer. They can use a bonus action to stop with an Intelligence of 2 or less or which is immune
being a tree. to being charmed cannot be affected by this effect. As
an action (without the 30% fail rate), a sad creature
can make another Wisdom saving throw to try and
end its sadness.

Seasonal Weapons Sword of Unending Winter
These are weapons designed to play up the seasonal Longsword, rare (requires attunement)
theme of the Feywild. The Summer and Winter A fey longsword covered in frost which, when wiped
weapons are fairly straightforward, while the Autumn away, reveals a clear blade made out of solid ice. The
and Spring ones reference the traditional imagery of blade does not seem to melt at even the highest of
their respective seasons. temperatures. It feels extremely cold to the touch and
Eladrin attuned to these weapons automatically prolonged contact causes frostbite.
change season, but if your party would be willing to The blade freezes everything it touches. When put
play along, you can easily make the sword affect all in water, it will turn water within a radius of 5 feet
creatures in a similar way. The Sword of Eternal into solid ice. The blade is sharp enough to be pulled
Summer could make the bearer more passionate and out of this ice assuming the hilt can still be pulled.
energetic, while the Sword of Unending Winter could
make them sad and depressed. Attacks made with this weapon deal an additional
1d4 cold damage.
These weapons don’t have to be swords and can
easily be changed to suit whatever scenario or Hit points lost to this weapon cannot be healed at
character you have in mind. Some esoteric weapons a temperature below 21°C/70°F.
like a sickle or a scythe could be fun. An eladrin attuned to this sword becomes aligned
to winter and cannot change season.
Sword of Eternal Summer
Longsword, rare (requires attunement) Sword of Ceaseless Spring
A fey longsword that constantly radiates bright red Longsword, rare (requires attunement)
light. The blade seems to be made of a translucent A fey longsword with a pink crystal blade and a
material, though it is very hard to see through the handle wrapped in ivy. Swinging the sword leaves a
glow. trail of cherry blossom leaves which slowly fall to the
The sword sheds bright light in a 30-foot radius ground and then disappear. 
and dim light for an additional 30 feet. Putting the blade into a patch of grass for at least
Attacks made with this weapon deal an additional 10 minutes causes flowers to grow within 5ft of the
1d4 radiant damage. sword. The type of flower depends on the
Any creature damaged by this weapon sheds dim
red light in a 10-foot radius for the next minute. Its Attacks made with this weapon deal an additional
outline becomes visible even through illusions and it 1d4 psychic damage.
can't benefit from being invisible. Any creature damaged by this weapon has
An eladrin attuned to this sword becomes aligned disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other
to summer and cannot change season. than you until the end of its next turn.
An eladrin attuned to this sword becomes aligned
Sword of Everlasting Autumn to spring and cannot change season.
Longsword, rare (requires attunement)
A fey longsword with a wooden blade. Swinging the
sword leaves a trail of falling autumn leaves which
slowly fall to the ground and then dissipate. 
Putting the blade into earthen ground for at least
10 minutes causes mushrooms to grow around it in a
circle with a diameter of roughly 5ft. The type of
mushroom depends on the environment.
Attacks made with this weapon deal an additional
1d4 necrotic damage and you gain hit points equal to
the damage dealt in this way.
An eladrin attuned to this sword becomes aligned
to autumn and cannot change season.

Hag Potions Potion of Contortion
These potions are created by hags. Since they’re Potion, uncommon
mostly made by throwing various animal parts A gooey green potion. It’s quite viscous, but not at all
together and hoping for the best, they’re not quite as sticky.
finely crafted or calibrated as those made by
alchemists and the likes. After drinking this potion, your body becomes
impossibly flexible for the next 2d6 minutes. Even
The general design behind these is that they give a your bones seem unusually bendy. While under the
positive effect combined with an involuntary negative effect of this potion, you have disadvantage on
effect caused by the positive effect. Be careful what Strength and Constitution checks and saving throws,
you wish for and all that. but have advantage on Dexterity checks and saving
Their effect duration is also quite random and throws.
cannot be determined until drunk. I've defaulted to
2d6 minutes for these, but you're of course free to Potion of Domination
change this. Potion, rare
If you want to up the randomness of the potion, A viscous dark red potion. It feels heavy.
consider having the potion heal (1d12 – 1d8) damage,
which would make it capable of both healing or After drinking this potion, your Strength score
hurting whoever drinks it. increases by 6 (your modifier increases by 3) for the
next 2d6 minutes. Your body, however, is not used to
this new-found strength. Any time you interact with a
Potion of Aviation breakable object or ally you need to make a DC 14
Potion, rare Intelligence saving throw or end up either damaging
A purple potion which is perfectly buoyant with the or breaking it.
surrounding air.
After drinking this potion, you gain a flying speed Potion of Locomotion
of 60 feet when going up or sideways for the next 2d6 Potion, uncommon
minutes. Your falling speed is reduced to 5 feet/turn A constantly swirling blue potion.
while under the effects of this potion.
After drinking this potion, your movement speed is
doubled for the next 2d6 minutes. You are however
Potion of Commotion not accustomed to this incredible speed. Every time
Potion, rare you try to turn more than 45 degrees or try to stop
A volatile red potion which forms ripples even when before using all your movement in a given turn, you
held perfectly still. need to make a DC 14 Intelligence saving throw or
end up continuing straight ahead. If you end up
After drinking this potion, any creature that can
colliding with something, both you and whatever you
see you at the start of its turn (including your allies)
hit take 2d6 bludgeoning damage.
must succeed on a DC 14 Intelligence saving throw. If
it fails, it must use its action before moving on each
of its turns to make a melee attack against a creature Potion of Observation
other than itself (if possible). Potion, rare

Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes to A clear potion filled with small sparkling specks.
avoid the saving throw at the start of its turn. If the After drinking this potion, you see through walls
creature sees you afterward, it must immediately and solid objects up to 5 feet thick for the next 2d6
make the save. If it fails, it must spend its next minutes, but not through liquids. This effect is not
available action that turn to make the melee attack. voluntary, which means for the duration of the effect
The potion’s effect wears off after 2d6 minutes. you can only see liquids (this includes the insides of
most creatures), and objects which are more than 5
feet thick.

Fey Magic
The Feywild, being a plane of magic, should have its
own unique quirks and spells. This chapter contains
Intensify Emotion
a few those things I couldn’t fit in anywhere else. 2nd-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action
Fey Spells Range: 60 ft.
Components: V, S
Some spells are unique to the Feywild, or at least
Duration: 1 minute
closely related to it. Archfey are able to grant magical
powers, so it would make sense for them to also be You attempt to intensify the emotions of a group of
able to create new spells. people. Each humanoid in a 20-foot-radius sphere
centred on a point you choose within range must
I advise you to only hand these spells out for story
make a Charisma saving throw; a creature can
reasons or through magic items. If you do want to
choose to fail this saving throw if it wishes. If a
make them available as default spells, I suggest only
creature fails its saving throw, any emotions it was
adding them to the druid, college of glamour bard,
feeling are greatly intensified, and the creature starts
nature domain cleric, wild magic sorcerer, and
openly expressing those emotions if it wasn’t already
warlock of the archfey spell lists.
doing so. Alternatively, choose one of the following
Channel Chaos
• If a target is hostile towards a creature of your
1st-level conjuration
choice, you can make it frightened of that creature
Casting Time: 1 action for the duration of the spell.
Range: Self
• If a target is not hostile towards a creature of your
Components: V choice, you can make it charmed by that creature
Duration: Instantaneous for the duration of the spell.
You channel the chaotic energy of the Feywild and A frightened or charmed target can repeat the
cause wild magic to surge within you. Roll on the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
Feywild wild magic table. the effect on itself on a success.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using When the spell ends, the creature goes back to its
a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, roll an additional original emotional state, unless the GM rules
d100 for every slot above 1st. Choose one of the otherwise.
rolled eff ects and ignore the others.
Lesser Wish
Faerie Form 3rd-level conjuration
4th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self
Range: Self Components: V
Components: S, M (a tooth and diamond dust worth Duration: 24 hours
at least 20 gp, both of which the spell consumes)
Wish is the mightiest spell a mortal creature can
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
cast. By simply speaking aloud, you can alter the
You take on the form of a pixie, and everything you very foundations of reality in accord with your
carry with you shrinks to match your new size. You desires. This isn’t it.
gain the Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution of a
By speaking aloud, you summon a pixie or other
pixie, as well as its speed, magic resistance, and
fey creature of the DM’s choice. This creature’s sole
superior invisibility ability. Any damage your
purpose is to fulfil the caster’s wish, and it will do
weapons would deal becomes 1. You turn back as
anything it can to do so. It does not take orders and
soon as you take any damage, and the damage
doesn’t usually listen to suggestions. It disappears
carries over to your normal form.
after it feels it has fulfilled the wish or after 24 hours.

Seasonal Shift Winds of Change
2nd-level transmutation (ritual) 5th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 minute Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 ft. Range: 120 ft.
Components: V, S, M (a fl ower petal for spring, a Components: V, S
blade of grass for summer, a fallen leaf for autumn, Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
or a pine needle for winter)
A strange and colourful wind starts blowing within a
Duration: 1 hour
100-foot cube that you can see within range. The
A 20-foot-tall cylinder with a 40-foot radius centred wind affect each creature it touches in strange and
on a point you choose within range slowly becomes unusual ways.
affected by a season of your choice. These changes
Any creature within the cube or which enters the
take the full hour to completely take effect, although
cube for the first time has to make a Charisma saving
the effect is immediately noticeable. After the hour,
throw. If they succeed, they are unaffected by any of
all magic fades and nature slowly takes back control.
the effects of this spell.
• Spring. All plants within the area rejuvenate As a reaction, if a creature within the cube is
and start blooming. Flowers start growing where about to perform an action, you can say the word
there is suitable soil. “change” to force it to perform a different action. An
• Summer. The temperature within the area rises attack action can be replaced with an attack action
substantially. Ice melts; Rain, snow, hail and against a different target, a spell can be replaced with
other precipitation stops; and any leaves within the a different spell.
area become green. While the winds of change are blowing, the
• Autumn. Leaves of deciduous trees within the area following effects occur within the cube. The wind
turn brown and some start falling. All fruits and doesn't affect creatures or objects it isn’t touching.
vegetables grow ripe enough to be harvested.  • Each creature uses
- Intelligence instead of Strength,
• Winter. The temperature within the area drops to
below freezing. Snow starts falling, water freezes, - Dexterity instead of Wisdom,
and plants and the leaves of deciduous - Charisma instead of Constitution,
trees shrivel. and vice-versa for ability checks and saving throws.
(Feel free to use this for roleplay purposes as well.)

Tree Shape • Bludgeoning damage becomes psychic damage,

2nd-level transmutation piercing damage becomes force damage,
slashing damage becomes acid damage
Casting Time: 1 action fire damage becomes cold damage,
Range: Touch lightning damage becomes thunder damage,
Components: S radiant damage becomes necrotic damage,
Duration: instantaneous and vice-versa. (Poison damage remains unchanged.)
You touch a tree, causing it to bend and twist as you • Each charmed creature is frightened instead and
see fit. It can be used to block a path, support a vice-versa.
structure, or even to attack or trap an enemy.
You can use the tree to make a melee spell attack
against a creature within 10 ft. of the tree. On a hit,
the creature either takes 2d12 bludgeoning damage
or becomes grappled (the escape DC is equal to spell
save DC).

Fey Bargains — Costs
Fey Bargains
Often when asking a fey for a favour they’ll want d20 Cost Meaning
something in return. A gift for a gift and all that. For 1 Some magic If you’re a spellcaster, you lose a
the same reason, they’ll often be willing to offer a 1st-level spell slot.
reward when given something they desire. These
bargains almost always involve seemingly intangible 2 A bit of luck Whenever you roll with advantage
things, like a bit of love or a happy thought. Since and one of the rolls is a 1, the result
there is no difference between emotion and reality of that roll is 1.
within the Feywild, these things are considered as
tangible and fungible as anything physical would be 3 Resilience You permanently lose one hit die.
in the Material Plane. You also lose maximum hit points
equal to the average value of that
A fey will almost never voluntarily explain what die, rounded up.
either end of a bargain means. This isn’t always
because they’re being malicious, but also because 4 Some charm You have a -2 penalty to persuasion
the fey are cryptic by nature, and because they’re checks. If you are proficient in
often unable to explain it in terms that would make Persuasion, you lose this proficiency
sense to a Material Plane brain. Don’t be afraid to instead.
have the fey elaborate on what is being exchanged, as
5 Some skill You lose proficiency in a skill or tool
long as you keep it vague, confusing, and completely
of the DM’s choice in which you do
not have expertise.
In addition to the more esoteric things, a fey might
also want something with a lot of sentimental value. 6 Knowledge You lose all access to a spell of the
A gift from a lost lover or a treasured memento are DM’s choice. If you can’t cast spells,
excellent bargaining chips in the Feywild. you have a -2 penalty to History
checks or lose proficiency in History
As inspiration for what a fey might offer or want,
instead if you were proficient in it.
I’ve included two tables. For both tables, the left
column gives the words a fey might use to describe 7 Ancestry You lose one racial trait (other than
that end of the bargain, while the right column ability score increases, age,
indicates what is actually being offered. alignment, size, speed, or
For the costs table, the last eight options (the ones languages) of the DM’s choice.
on the next page) are roleplaying costs. If you don’t 8 Attention You have a -5 penalty to your
think your players would willingly play along with passive Wisdom (Perception) and
them, I’d suggest not offering them as part of a trade. passive Intelligence (Investigation)
Only a greater restoration spell can remove the scores.
negative effects of a fey bargain, but this will be
9 Scepticism You have disadvantage on saves
interpreted as breaking an oath, and will at the very
against being charmed and on
least incur the wrath of the fey in question, if not the
checks to determine if something is
whole of the Feywild.
an illusion.

10 Rest Every short rest you take has a 1 in

10 chance of having no effect. (Roll
a d10 at the end of every short rest.
On a 1 the short rest failed.)

11 Urgency Any base speed you might have is

reduced by 5 feet.

12 Readiness You have a -2 penalty on initiative


d20 Cost Meaning Fey Bargains — Rewards
13 A true story One interesting event, encounter, d12 Reward Meaning
quest, or background element
1 Fey magic You gain the Magic Initiate (Druid)
chosen by the DM seemingly no
longer happened: all objects
obtained during it are lost and all 2 Fey words You learn Sylvan. If you’re a
consequences of it are reversed in a spellcaster, you gain the ability to
way which leaves the fewest ripples. cast healing word as if you always
Only the PC still remembers it. have it prepared.

14 Friendship An NPC friend of the DM’s choice 3 Persistence You have advantage against death
now hates you utterly and saving throws.
4 Stability You have advantage on Dexterity
15 A memory You lose all memory of a specific (Acrobatics) checks when trying to
event. keep your balance and you cannot
be knocked prone, ever.
16 Hope You lose all hope that a personal
quest will ever succeed or a 5 Expertise Double your proficiency bonus in a
personal goal will ever be reached, skill or tool of your choice that you
as chosen by the DM. are already proficient in.

17 Taste Everything now tastes exactly like 6 Possibility Once per long rest, you can re-roll
spiceless chicken to you… except all dice of an ability check you just
for chicken, which tastes like failed but which could've
nothing you’ve ever tasted before. succeeded, but on the second roll
the DC is changed to 20.
18 Warmth You no longer seem to generate any
body heat. Your breath causes frost 7 Safety Once per short or long rest, you
instead of fog when blowing at a may choose to have advantage on a
window. saving throw.

19 Ignorance You suddenly know a fact about 8 Control Once per long rest, when asked to
something or someone which make an ability check, you can
completely changes your opinion of choose to make a Charisma
that person or thing (or perhaps (Persuasion) check instead.
even your worldview in general) for
the worse. Ignorance really was 9 Courage You gain immunity to the frightened
bliss. condition.

20 Love You no longer love one person, 10 Freedom Once per long rest, you can cast the
object, or cause, as chosen by the freedom of movement spell on
DM. yourself, without paying any costs.

11 Change You may reassign up to 2 of your

ability scores (up to the maximum,
usually 20), change one cantrip, and
change one class or subclass option
(e.g. a battle manoever, invocation
or metamagic option).

12 Information DM: fill in a part of the PC’s

backstory or give some critical plot
information. Have this knowledge
suddenly appear rather than having
the faerie tell it.

Wild Magic
One of the possible sources for the wild magic of a The following creatures are referenced:
wild magic sorcerer is a blessing by a faerie. And
honestly, it’s probably the one which makes the most
sense (and not just because of the name). The effects Nutcracker
are for the most part silly and humorous, not cruel Tiny construct, unaligned
like those caused by a demon’s mark would be. I
think the general idea behind wild magic is excess Armor Class 12
magical energy manifesting itself as an unintended Hit Points 20 (8d4)
spell effects, which also plays well into the idea of the Speed 10 ft.
Feywild being a plane of boundless magical energy.
If the Feywild really is the source of wild magic, it STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
would only make sense for its effects to be enhanced 18 (+4) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
within the Feywild. You’d want them to be weirder,
bigger, more frequent, and more random. Skills Nutcracking +10
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire
If your party includes a wild magic sorcerer, the
Senses Passive Perception 12
Feywild is definitely the place to take their surges to
the next level. To help with this, I’ve included an
updated wild magic surges table on the next few Actions
pages for use within the Feywild. It has double the Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
possible results of the PHB version and uses a lot of Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
fairytale references to make the effects feel more fey-
like. (Remember that when a wild magic surge causes
a spell to be cast, concentration is not required and
the spell lasts for its full duration.)
To make a wild magic surge more likely, keep count Swan
of how often the sorcerer has rolled their surge
Tiny beast, chaotic evil
checks. If they roll a number equal to or lower than
the number of times they’ve rolled so far, a wild Armor Class 11
magic surge happens. Reset the counter after each Hit Points 2 (1d4)
surge. This makes it so surges occur more often
Speed 10 ft., fly 60ft., swim 15 ft.
without them being constant. If you want to go even
further, add the spell’s level to the counter instead. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Casting a 4th level spell would mean a surge happens
4 (-3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)
at a roll of 4 or lower. Casting a 3rd level spell
afterwards means a surge would now happen on a 7
Saving Throws DEX +3
or lower.
Senses Passive Perception 10

Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.

Feywild Wild Magic Table
d100 Effect d100 Effect

1 Roll on this table at the start of each of your 14 You can’t speak for the next minute. Whenever
turns for the next 3 turns, ignoring any 1s. you try, pink flower petals start falling out of your
2 Roll two additional times.
15 You become a living wooden puppet version of
3 Roll two additional times. Choose one of the yourself. Your size becomes small if it isn’t
results and ignore the other. already and you are vulnerable to fire. Doing a
good deed ends this effect.
4 For the next minute, all plants within 20 feet of
you grow as if affected by the plant growth spell 16 Time starts acting erratically around you. At the
when cast as an action. start of each of your turns, roll a d4. On a 4, take
another turn right after this one (do not roll for
5 1d6 boggles controlled by the DM appear in
that turn). On a 1, skip that turn. This effect ends
unoccupied spaces within 60 feet of you. They
after 1 actual minute.
vanish after 1 minute.
17 For the next minute time seems to slow down for
6 1d4 sprites and 1d4 pixies controlled by the DM
you. You have advantage on Dexterity and
appear in unoccupied spaces within 60 feet of
Wisdom saving throws and attack rolls against
you. They vanish after 1 minute.
you have disadvantage unless you’re
7 1d4 satyrs controlled by the DM appear in incapacitated or restrained.
unoccupied spaces within 60 feet of you. They
18 You grow a pair of large butterfly wings, granting
vanish after 1 minute.
you a flying speed equal to your movement
8 You cast conjure animals as a 3rd level spell, speed. These wings wither away at the end of a
which lasts for 1 hour. The DM chooses the long rest.
19 For the next hour, you gain the ability to speak
9 You teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied with plants as if you had cast speak with plants.
space of your choice that you can see.
20 An illusionary duplicate of yourself appears close
10 Daisies start growing in your hair. They can be to you. It moves with you and mimics your
plucked, but will slowly grow back. A remove actions, except it also mocks you behind your
curse spell can end this effect. back while you’re not looking. Touching the
duplicate ends this effect.
11 For the next minute, every second sentence you
say must rhyme with the previous sentence. 21 You cast disguise self. For the duration of the
Failure to do this will result in mental anguish, spell you look like what you think a bipedal
causing you to take psychic damage equal to fulderplump would look like. (Its height has to be
your proficiency modifier. within 1 ft. of yours.)

12 Until you take a long rest, everything you say 22 Your weight becomes 0 for the next minute. The
sounds like a beautiful song to all who hear it. slightest bit of wind blows you away and gravity
Add double your proficiency modifier to any does not affect you once you leave the ground.
performance checks made during this time.
23 You cast spider climb on yourself, which lasts for
13 For the next minute, you become irresistibly one hour.
beautiful. Every creature which sees you must
24 You cast tree stride on yourself, which lasts for
make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throwing or
one hour.
instantly becomes charmed by you until this
effect ends. 25 You cast barkskin on yourself, which lasts for one

d100 Effect
d100 Effect
39 You cast silence centred on yourself. It does not
26 You cast blink. The spell lasts until you touch affect you.
stone or take a short rest.
40 You cast hypnotic pattern centred on yourself. It
27 A 20-foot-radius cloud of fog centred on you does not affect you.
appears. The cloud will surround you for the next
41 If you’re outside and can clearly see the sky, you
hour or until a wind of moderate or greater
cast call lightning.
speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.
42 For the next minute, all magical knowledge
28 For the next minute, you can’t cancel or dismiss
becomes clear to you. You can cast any spell as if
your own spells.
you had it prepared. (Casting a spell still requires
29 Your eyes permanently change colour. the use of a spell slot.)
Depending on your current mood, they become
43 Undo your last action (reality restructures itself to
red if you’re angry, green if you’re happy, blue if
accommodate this). You can take another action
you’re sad, or orange otherwise.
as long as it’s not the same action.
30 The closest tree within 120 ft. of you becomes an
44 For the next hour, iron becomes painful to the
awakened tree. Make a DC 15 Charisma check, if
touch and deals 1d4 fire damage to you for
you succeed, the tree becomes your ally.
every 6 seconds you touch it. In addition, you
31 For the next minute, your feet become tree become vulnerable to bludgeoning, piercing,
trunks with their roots embedded into the and slashing damage dealt with iron weapons
ground. Your speed is reduced to 0 for the
45 You glow with bright light in a 30-foot radius for
the next minute. Any creature which ends its turn
32 Your form becomes hazy and unclear. Attack rolls within 5 feet of you is blinded until the end of its
against you have disadvantage for the next next turn.
46 A random creature within 30 ft. of you must
33 For the next 24 hours, every time you move make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell
music starts playing which can be heard from up save DC or be plunged into an illusory realm for
to 120 ft. away. Moving slowly is accompanied the next minute. Until the effect ends or it takes
by slow, suspenseful music, walking at a regular damage, it cannot perceive anything around it.
pace with a pleasant melody, skipping with a
47 Magical darkness spreads around you within a 15
happy tune and running with heroic music.
ft. sphere. Only you can see through it, and no
34 You cast moonbeam as a 2nd-level spell centred light will illuminate it.
on yourself. It does not damage you and lasts for
48 For the next minute, you can freely move
one minute. You can move it using an action.
through solid objects and gain a burrowing
35 You cast entangle centred on yourself. The plants speed equal to your movement speed.
do not attempt to restrain you, but the area is
49 For the next minute, you become invisible, but
still difficult terrain for you.
every other creature also becomes invisible to
36 You cast ice storm as a 4th-level spell centred on you.
50 For the next hour, your blood becomes a healing
37 You cast confusion centred on a point of your liquid as soon as it leaves your body. You can
choice within range. choose to take 1d12 damage to cut yourself and
create a healing potion which heals 2d4 + 2 Hit
38 You cast sleep as a 3rd-level spell centred on Points.
yourself. It does not affect you.

d100 Effect d100 Effect

51 For the next minute, every creature you touch 65 Flower petals start falling from the sky for the
glows red as if affected by the spell faerie fire. next minute centred on your current location.

52 1d20 percent, rounded up, of the gold pieces in 66 Roll 1d4. The season within a 40-foot radius
your possession become teeth. centred on you slowly changes to spring if you
rolled a 1, summer if you rolled a 2, autumn if
53 Your head changes into a pumpkin with a scary you rolled a 3 and winter if you rolled a 4. These
face carved into it. While this effect lasts, you changes take the full hour to completely take
have advantage on intimidation checks and effect, although the effect is immediately
disadvantage on persuasion checks. Looking into noticeable.
a mirror ends this effect. (See the seasonal shift spell on p. 39 for a
54 If you used a spell on another creature within the description of the effect of each season.)
last 6 seconds, you and the target of the spell 67 For the next hour, all magic becomes visible to
switch places. If not, you switch places with a you, as if you had cast the detect magic spell.
random creature within 120 ft. of you.
68 Each creature within 30 ft. of you has to make a
55 You become sensitive to light for the next hour, Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC.
While in bright light, you have disadvantage on The creatures that fail their saving throws are
attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) frightened of you until the end of your next turn.
checks that rely on sight.
69 The next humanoid which sees you for the first
56 You grow a beard made out of leaves. Shaving time falls hopelessly in love with you for 10
removes this effect. minutes, irrespective of gender, race, or sexual
57 You grow wooden antlers. They shed after a long orientation.
rest. 70 1d10 of your fingers become branches. They
58 For the next hour, you can cast levitate on can still be used as if they were regular fingers,
yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or but are very susceptible to fire. Each finger
material components. branch grows 1 goodberry per long rest. A
remove curse spell can end this effect.
59 One object you’re holding becomes made of
gingerbread for the next minute. Any damage 71 For the next 24 hours, your hair grows at a rate
done to it while in gingerbread form remains of 1 ft. per hour. Once its length reaches your
when it turns back. height, you have disadvantage on Dexterity
(Acrobatics) checks.
60 You feel compelled to befriend the next
humanoid you meet. 72 Flowers spontaneously start blooming within a
30 ft. radius of you until you take a long rest.
61 Your skin turns a vibrant shade of green. A
remove curse spell can end this effect. 73 Flowers spontaneously start wilting within a 30 ft.
radius from you until you take a long rest.
62 Your skin becomes completely translucent and
your veins start faintly glowing blue. A remove 74 Illusory butterflies flutter in the air within 10 feet
curse spell can end this effect. of you for the next minute.

63 Breadcrumbs appear behind you whenever you 75 For the next minute, all liquid burns you. Drops
walk until you take a long rest. deal 1d4 fire damage to you, splashes 2d6, and
being submerged 8d6.
64 A random creature within 60 feet of you
becomes charmed by you for 1d12 minutes.

d100 Effect d100 Effect

76 Until you take a long rest, whenever you 92 Tears start falling from your eyes for the next
knowingly tell an obvious lie, your nose grows an hour. They are not accompanied by any
inch (2.5 cm) in length. It goes back to its usual emotional change.
size after a long rest.
93 You start dancing for 1 minute as if affected by
77 The clothes you are currently wearing turn bright Otto’s irresistible dance.
94 The clothes you are wearing become incredibly
78 A pixie appears and reluctantly follows your fancy and regal-looking and start sparkling.
orders for the next hour.
95 The clothes you are wearing become dirty and
79 Make a Wisdom save against your own spell DC. ragged.
If you fail, you polymorph into a pixie for ten
minutes. 96 You cast enlarge on yourself, except it has a
duration of 1 hour.
80 Make a Wisdom save against your own spell DC.
If you fail, you polymorph into a troll for one 97 You cast reduce on yourself, except it has a
minute. duration of 1 hour.

81 Make a Wisdom save against your own spell DC. 98 All your wounds are healed, all conditions
If you fail, you polymorph into a treant for one affecting you removed, all curses affecting you
minute. lifted, and all your hit points restored.

82 Make a Wisdom save against your own spell DC. 99 You immediately cast a spell you know (your
If you fail, you polymorph into a dryad until you choice) without using a spell slot, ignoring
hug a tree for at least 6 seconds. casting restrictions or casting duration.

83 Make a Wisdom save against your own spell DC. 100 You regain all expended sorcery points and spell
If you fail, you polymorph into a frog until you slots.
are kissed on the lips.

84 Make a Wisdom save against your own spell DC.

If you fail, you become a tiny nutcracker until you
crack a nut.

85 Make a Wisdom save against your own spell DC.

If you fail, you polymorph into a swan until you
dive into a body of water. You turn back as you
emerge from the water.

86 A golden egg worth 50 gp appears.

87 You shed a dim blue light in a 10-foot radius

(even when invisible) until you take a long rest.

88 You jump 1d6 times 6 seconds forward in time.

(You skip the next 1d6 turns.)

89 You become extremely happy and filled with

boundless enthusiasm for the next hour, no
matter what.

90 You become inconsolably sad for the next hour.

91 For the next minute, everything you touch


The Apple Tree Man

Medium fey (archfey), seelie

Armor Class 16 (Barkskin)

Hit Points 153 (18d8 + 72)

Introduction Speed 30 ft.

There is sadly a dearth of fey creatures available in STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
official material. I’m afraid I can’t offer too much help 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 21 (+5) 30 (+10) 23 (+6)
with this yet, but I can offer you some archfey and
giant insect statblocks. Skills Nature +9
Some of these monsters have a “twist”. This is an Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
extra action or ability which unlocks a a certain from nonmagical attacks or from non-iron weapons
point, often when a condition is met. This is here to Damage Immunities psychic
both make combat more engaging and unpredictable Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, unconscious
as well as to play up with weirdness of the Feywild. Senses truesight 120 ft., Passive Perception 15
Languages all, telepathy 120 ft.

Archfey Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)

These are the masters of the Feywild, beings of Superior Innate Spellcasting. The man’s innate
immense magic, and some of the most formidable spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 22). He can
foes the party might face (see p. 23 for more
concentrate on multiple spells at once (each requires a
information). Trying to defeat or even kill an archfey
different saving throw to break), and can innately cast the
is usually a fool’s errand, and these statblocks are
following spells at will, requiring no components:
designed to reflect this. All of these break at least
some implicit or even fundamental rules. Druidcraft, plant growth, entangle, barkskin

Note that these archfey tend to have little or no Magic Resistance. The man has advantage on saving
damaging spells. their CR rating is therefore quite throws against spells and other magical effects.
arbitrary (more so than usual, at least) and should Superior Tree Stride. Once on his turn, the man can use 10
not be taken as an indication of how beatable they
feet of his movement to step magically into one living tree
are. A well-prepared party might stand a chance, an
within his reach and emerge from a second living tree within
unprepared party probably won’t come close.
120 feet of the first tree, appearing in an unoccupied space
An archfey won’t usually try to kill or even hurt the within 5 feet of the second tree. Both trees must be Large or
PCs. Outworlders are far too interesting for that. A bigger. If the tree is the oldest tree within 120 feet, the man
successful fight from an archfey’s point of view tends
can move to another oldest tree anywhere, on any plane.
to involve the PCs being bound to them in some way.
An archfey won’t easily lose either. Reducing one to
0 hit points will normally cause them to disappear Awaken Tree. A tree within 60 feet of the man becomes an
and reform somewhere else within the Feywild. awakened tree loyal to the man until dismissed.

The Apple Tree Man Apple Growth. The man touches a tree and it grows 2d6
Fear Quert, the Apple Tree Man, looks like a bark- Feywild apples (see p. 33).
skinned old man with a leafy beard. He usually Legendary Actions
shows up by stepping out of the oldest tree in an
orchard and can freely move between the oldest tree The man can take 2 legendary actions. Only one legendary
of any orchard. action option can be used at a time and only at the end of
He’s a kind and gentle archfey who helps farmers another creature's turn. The man regains spent legendary
in need with their crops. Farmers sometimes pay him actions at the start of his turn.
tribute by leaving gifts next to the oldest tree in their Tree Shape. See p. 39, range changed to 60 feet.
orchard, in the hopes that he will bless them with a
good harvest. Twist
Within the Feywild, he lives mostly in Autumn, the Regrow. When the man drops to 0 hit points, his body is
season of harvest and goodwill. absorbed into the earth and reforms out of the oldest tree
within 120 feet. The new body has 3d8 + 12 hit points.

The Grand Duke lives in a giant castle in Spring’s
The Grand Duke of Vainglory Dusk, filled with portraits and statues of himself. His
The Grand Duke of Vainglory embodies vanity. He face is etched into every door and every window
loves nothing more than his own image and is contains a stained glass image of himself. His eladrin
obsessed with depictions of himself. His followers servants are almost as fanatically obsessed with him
tend to be lovers of all things beautiful, and they as he is.
adore him absolutely,
The grand duke’s strategy in a battle is usually to
He has a beautiful elven face, bright pink skin, have each member of the party fall deeply in love with
purple hair, and pitch black eyes with pupils which him. If this fails, he will have his new followers deal
resemble a swirling galaxy. Once someone looks into with the nonbeliever.
those eyes, it is almost impossible for them to look
away. He dresses in elaborate robes with far more An enthralled party can be let go, but their love of
ruffles than could ever be practical. the grand duke will linger, perhaps for eternity.

Grand Duke of Vainglory

Charming Aura. Each creature of the grand duke’s choice
that starts its turn within 120 feet of the grand duke and is
Medium fey (archfey), unseelie aware of him must succeed on a DC 24 Wisdom saving
throw or become charmed for 1 minute. A charmed
Armor Class 18 (natural armour)
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
Hit Points 178 (21d8 + 84)
its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a
Speed 30 ft., fly 45 ft. (hover)
creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for
it, the creature is immune to the grand duke’s Charming
Presence for the next 24 hours.
14 (+2) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 30 (+10)
Painting Stride. Once on each of his turns, the grand duke
Saving Throws WIS +9, CHA +16 can use 10 feet of his movement to step into a medium or
Skills Persuasion +16 larger painting of himself and emerge from another large
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing painting of himself.
from nonmagical attacks or from non-iron weapons
Damage Immunities psychic Actions
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, unconscious Multispell. The grand duke casts multiple spells per turn
Senses truesight 120 ft., Passive Perception 15 as long as their total level is less than 4.
Languages all, telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 20 (25,000 XP) Legendary Actions
The grand duke can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the grand duke fails a
from the options below. Only one legendary action option
saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead.
can be used at a time and only at the end of another
Unassailable Vanity. The grand duke cannot be damaged creature's turn. The grand duke regains spent legendary
while there is a medium or larger, visible image of him actions at the start of his turn.
within 120 feet.
Cast a spell. The grand duke casts casts a spell of 2nd level
Superior Innate Spellcasting. The grand duke’s innate or lower from his spell list that takes 1 action to cast.
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 24). He can
concentrate on multiple spells at once (each requires a
different saving throw to break), and can innately cast the The twist activates as soon as there are no images of the
following spells at will, requiring no components: grand duke visible within 120 feet of him.
1st level: charm person, command Seeming. The grand duke can now cast the spell seeming
2nd level: enthrall, crown of madness (5th level) at will. (Note that he can make the targets look
like images of himself, thereby making him invulnerable as
3rd level: counterspell, dispel magic, remove curse long as they’re visible.)
5th level: dream (can only send himself)

though they never seem to grow back, the number of
The Lady of Falling Leaves leaves seems to remain constant.
Fynhar, the Lady of Falling Leaves, is closely
associated with the season of autumn. She embodies As a seelie fey associated with Autumn, she tends
the bittersweet feelings of moving on, of looking back to be friendly and giving, and to her, change is the
at what you’re leaving behind and looking forward to greatest gift of all. She’ll often try to intervene if she
new beginnings. She loves the beginning of stories, thinks a situation has remained constant and
yet rarely cares for the end. unchanging for a long time. Her followers are
instructed to change things, whether it be redirecting
She looks like a large eladrin, with dark orange the flow of a river, helping someone turn over a new
skin and pupilless eyes which glow orange. Her hair leaf, or completely upending an entire empire.
is seemingly made of soft branches and she is clad in
robes of autumn leaves. Both her hair and robes The lady will usually try to have some fun with a
seem to be constantly shedding leaves which party trying to take her on. Once they’ve had enough,
dissipate as soon as they touch the ground. Even she might send them on a few (usually 3) quests.

The Lady of Falling Leaves

it presents an alternate reality. (It’s best to prepare for
these changes in advance.) The lady can revert any change
Large fey (archfey), seelie as a bonus action.

Armor Class 20 (natural armour) Bonus Actions

Hit Points 250 (20d10 + 140)
Leafy Step. As a bonus action or as a reaction in response
Speed 45 ft., fly 45 ft. (hover)
to taking damage, the lady can disappear in a cloud of
falling leaves and reappear in an unoccupied space within
120 feet.
18 (+4) 22 (+6) 25 (+7) 23 (+6) 23 (+6) 27 (+8)
Saving Throws WIS +14, CHA +16
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing Change! After a creature the lady can see has declared an
from nonmagical attacks or from non-iron weapons action, the lady can force that creature to make a DC 23
Damage Immunities psychic Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, that creature has
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, unconscious to choose a different action. An attack action can be
Senses truesight 120 ft., Passive Perception 15 replaced with an attack action against a different target, a
Languages all, telepathy 120 ft. spell can be replaced with a different spell.
Challenge 23 (50,000 XP) Leafy Step.

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the lady fails a saving Legendary Actions

throw, she can choose to succeed instead.
The lady can take 2 legendary action. Only one legendary
Magic Resistance. The lady has advantage on saving action option can be used at a time and only at the end of
throws against spells and other magical effects. another creature's turn. The lady regains spent legendary
Autumnal Aura. Within a mile of the lady, leaves of actions at the start of his turn.
deciduous trees turn brown and start falling and fruits and Leave! One creature or object of the lady’s choice within
vegetables grow ripe enough to be harvested.  120 feet of her disappears in a cloud of falling leaves and
Reactive. The lady can take one reaction on every turn in a reappears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of its
combat. original location.

Actions Twist

Change of Fate. One character of the lady’s choice with 60 Change of Scenery (Recharge 5—6). As an action, the lady
feet has to make a DC 23 Charisma saving throw. On a can shroud the area within 200 feet of her in a thick
failed save, change one of the following aspects of the magical fog until the start of her next turn. The entire area
target: prepared spell list, up to 5 known spells, the weapon becomes heavily obscured for the duration. As the fog
they’re holding (to something of similar strength), or any clears, every creature within the area is transported to an
physical attribute. Alternatively, the target has to re-roll entirely new location, as if someone had quickly changed
their ability scores. The change has to be reasonable, as if the decor.

to return to their old lives. No animal transformed by
The Wild Child the child can freely leave his forest. Any direction
The Wild Child, also known as the Prince of Beasts, they wander will simply lead to more forest.
is an archfey who embodies a love of animals and of
the animal kingdom. He usually takes the form of a The child’s strategy in a battle is usually to turn
young elven boy, clad in furs and wearing a furry every member into an animal via true polymorph.
hood with deer antlers. When doing so, he will try to pick an animal that
suits the PC’s personality.
The child lives in his own personal forest, filled
with animals of all shapes and sizes from many A party of animals might be able to convince the
different regions and biomes. If an outworlder child to let them go, but only by promising him
wanders into his forest he will turn them into an something of value. The child might also send them
animal and add them to his “collection”. His forest is on a few quests (usually 3) in exchange for their
filled with many such animals, a lot of them yearning freedom.

The Wild Child

Switch-a-roo. As a bonus action, the child can switch
places with any beast within 120 feet of him as long as
Small fey (archfey), seelie there is enough room at both ends of the exchange.

Armor Class 19 (natural armour) Legendary Actions*

Hit Points 172 (23d6 + 92)
The child can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Speed 25 ft., fly 45 ft. (hover)
options below. Only one legendary action option can be
used at a time and only at the start of another creature's
turn. The child regains spent legendary actions at the start
10 (+0) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 21 (+5) 23 (+6)
of his turn.
Saving Throws WIS + 11, CHA +14 Command Beast. One beast that the child can see within
Skills Animal Handling +17 60 feet of him must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing throw. On a failed save, it must use its movement to move
from nonmagical attacks or from non-iron weapons towards another creature of the child’s choice, taking the
Damage Immunities psychic shortest safe route. It must then use its action to make a
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, unconscious melee attack against that creature.
Senses truesight 120 ft., Passive Perception 15
(Note that this happens at the start of a player’s turn, so if
Languages all, telepathy 120 ft.
that player has been polymorphed the child can essentially
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP)
take over their turn).
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the child fails a saving Twist
throw, he can choose to succeed instead.
The twist activates as soon as the child drops to below 50%
Magic Resistance. The child has advantage on saving
of his maximum hit points.
throws against spells and other magical effects.
Wild Shape (At Will). As a bonus action, the child can
Superior Innate Spellcasting. The child’s innate
assume the shape of any beast. He can stay in this form
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 20). He can
until he reverts to his normal form as a bonus action. He
concentrate on multiple spells at once (each requires a
automatically reverts if he falls unconscious, drops to 0 hit
different saving throw to break), and can innately cast the
points, or dies.
following spells at will, requiring no components:
While transformed, the child’s game statistics are replaced
• True polymorph (can only turn objects or creatures into
by the statistics of the the beast he transformed into, except
beasts or back into their original form)
he retains his alignment, personality, and Intelligence,
• Dominate beast (7th level) Wisdom, and Charisma scores. The child can still use all of
his abilities while in beast form and his attacks in beast
• Conjure animals (9th level)
form are magical.
• Conjure fey (9th level, beasts only)

Bugs Blink Moth
A purple moth native to the Feywild. It can often be
Bugs are an interesting way of having your players
found blinking from flower to flower.
interact with the environment without having to turn
it into a whole encounter. There’s rarely any mention It can be enlarged with a giant insect spell as if it's
of the various bugs of the Feywild, so I’ve taken it a wasp but with the following stats:
upon myself to come up with a few fun ones.
This section will be especially relevant if your Giant Blink Moth
players have access to the giant insect spell. Giving Medium beast, unaligned
them some new options might motivate them to
explore the nature of the Feywild a bit more. Don’t Armor Class 13
make it too easy for your players to find these, Hit Points 10 (3d8)
though, as they make the spell substantially more Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft.
versatile and useful.
I’ve included the stats for giant versions of each of STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
these bugs mostly for the giant insect spell, but feel 7 (-2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) 10 (+0) 4 (-3)
free to use them as part of a regular encounter.
There’s no reason why there wouldn’t be giant Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
versions of these bugs living in the Feywild, especially Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
if the party is travelling through a forest of giant
flowers or mushrooms. Actions

Charmstinger Flap Wings. Each creature within 5 feet must succeed on

DC 12 Strength saving throw or take 7 (1d6 + 3)
An orange wasp native to the Feywild. Its sting gives
bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.
its victim a warm and fuzzy feeling.
When enlarged it has the following stats: Teleport (Recharge 4–6). Teleport 40 ft.

Greenglow Butterfly
Giant Charmstinger A faintly glowing green butterfly native to the Feywild.
Medium beast, unaligned It is usually found in flower patches in Spring.

Armor Class 13 It can be enlarged with a giant insect spell as if it's

a wasp but with the following stats:
Hit Points 13 (3d8)
Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft.
Giant Greenglow Butterfly
Medium beast, unaligned
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)
Armor Class 14
Senses Passive Perception 10 Hit Points 10 (3d8 - 3)
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft.


Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. 3 (-4) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 5 (-3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage, and the target must make a
Senses Passive Perception 11
DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) psychic
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful. On a failed save, the target also becomes
charmed by the charmstinger. As an action, an affected
target can make a Wisdom saving throw. If it succeeds, it is Flap Wings. Each creature within 5 feet must succeed on
no longer charmed by this effect. DC 12 Strength saving throw or take 7 (1d6 + 3)
bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.

Stun Powder (Recharge 5–6). Each creature within 5 ft.

must succeed on DC 12 constitution saving throw or be
stunned until the end of their next turn.
Rainbowshell Trilobite Duskwing Damselfly
A trilobite native to the Feywild. Its chrome-like A purple damselfly native to the Feywild. Its wings
carapace seems to reflect colours from across the look like a starlit twilight sky. It can usually be found
spectrum. in Dusk, close to murky water. When threatened, it
absorbs light from its surroundings to help it get
It can be enlarged with a giant insect spell as if it's
back to safety.
a scorpion but with the following stats:
It can be enlarged with a giant insect spell as if it's
a wasp but with the following stats:
Giant Rainbowshell Trilobite
Large beast, unaligned
Giant Duskwing Damselfly
Armor Class 18 (Natural Armour) Medium beast, unaligned
Hit Points 68 (8d10 + 24)
Armor Class 13
Speed 35 ft., swim/burrow/climb 20 ft.
Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft.
14 (+2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 4 (-3)
Skills Athletics +5, Stealth +3 9 (-1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 4 (-3) 12 (+1) 4 (-3)
Senses Tremorsense 60 ft.,Passive Perception 10
Skills Stealth +6, Perception +3
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Senses Passive Perception 11
Actions Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Multiattack. The trilobite makes two attacks: one with its Actions
legs and one with its bite.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Legs. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
Hit: 5 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage and the target is
Darkness Aura (3/Day). A 10 ft. radius of magical darkness
grappled (escape DC 16).
extends out from the damselfly, moves with it, and spreads
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. around corners. The darkness lasts as long as the damselfly
Hit: 9 (1d12 + 2) piercing damage. maintains concentration, up to 10 minutes (as if
Reactions concentrating on a spell). Darkvision can't penetrate this
darkness, and no natural light can illuminate it. If any of the
Spell Reflection. If the trilobite makes a successful saving darkness overlaps with an area of light created by a spell of
throw against a spell that targets only it, or a spell attack 1st level or lower, the spell creating the light is dispelled.
misses it, the trilobite can choose another creature
(including the spellcaster) it can see within 120 feet of it.
The spell targets the chosen creature instead of the trilobite.
If the spell forced a saving throw, the chosen creature makes
its own save. If the spell was an attack, the attack roll is
rerolled against the chosen creature.

Heavenly Spoon
Wonderous item

A mysterious golden spoon.

Holding the spoon up to the sky causes

all of the following minor wonders to
manifest simultaneously for as long as
you hold the spoon up:

• All open flames within 30 ft. start to

flicker wildly.

• The ground within 30ft. starts shaking


• All unlocked doors and windows

within 30 ft. fly open.

• Wordless a cappella chanting which is

audible out to 90 ft. starts playing.

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