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Negotiating a Lease

Slide 2
Slide 3
Slide 4,Answer Key
Types of Negotiation Problem
Vasili C J
Melinda G O
Glenn D L/P
Carlo H I
Naomi B M
Slide 5
Slide 6,Answer Key
 1a, 2h, 3b, 4c, 5g, 6d, 7f, 8e
Slide 7,Quiz Time!
Try to work out an agreement between parties can be
termed as____________.

 A) negotiation

 B) a purchase
Slide 8,Quiz Time!
Lowest amount acceptable in a negotiation is termed

 A) sticking point

 B) the bottom line

Slide 9
Slide 10
Slide 11,Answer Key
 1. impact 2. meets 3. mind 4. stock 5. term 6. lock 7.
interruption 8. come 9. restrictions 10. comes 11.
unlimited 12. leverage
Slide 12
Slide 13,Answer Key
 1. an upfront deposit 2. commercial activity 3. the
inflation rate 4. alterations or repairs 5. renewable 6.
staff parking space(s)
Slide 14
Slide 15,Answer Key
Question no:01
1. supposing 2. unless 3. as long as 4. provided 5. on
condition that
Question no: 02
Suggested answers
1. will be able to undercut them?
2. imagine that you were suddenly made redundant.
3. ….. you pay the additional premium.
4. we’ll reduce the rent by 5%......
5. ….. you achieve all your performance targets.
Slide 16,Quiz Time!
The customers will buy the product__________ they are
given some discount.

 A) unless

 B) provided

 C) supposing
Slide 17,Quiz Time!
You can take the meeting minutes __________ you know
the procedure.

 A) unless

 B) as long as

 C) supposing
Slide 18,Quiz Time!
I will be off now_________ there’s anything left to do.

 A) unless

 B) as long as

 C) none of these
Slide 19
Slide 20
Slide 21,Answer key
 1. If it weren’t for the view, these offices would be perfect.
 2. If it weren’t for the transport costs, I’d place an order.
 3. If the staff were to (go on) strike, the company would be bankrupt.
 4. Had management been ready to negotiate seriously, there would
have been no problem.
 5. In the event of an interruption in/to/of ours supply chain/In the
event of our supply chain being interrupted, we’ll need to be able to
source alternative parts quickly.
 6. Providing you pay me overtime, I’ll do the extra work on Saturday
 7. As long as we replace the part, the customer has promised not to
complain/ the customer won’t complain.
 8. Supposing they raised the price, how would you react?
Slide 22
Slide 23
Slide 24,Answer Key
 1.f, l
 2.c, e
 3. b,h,j
 4. a,m,n
 5. d,k
 6. 0
 7. g,i
Slide 25,Quiz Time!
If+had+v3 in the “if clause” and would+have+v3 in the
“main clause”, this formation is for_______

 A) second conditional

 B) third conditional

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