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A few of the 64 Critical Illnesses covered

Parkinson’s disease Kidney Failure Requiring Regular Dialysis

Brain Surgery
Aorta graft surgery
Angioplasty Benign brain Tumor End stage Lung failure
Benign Brain Tumour Loss of Speech
Coma of specified Severity End stage Liver failurec
Cardiomyopathy Deafness Carcinoma-in-situ(Cancer)
Major Organ /Bone Marrow Transplant Primary Pulmonary Hypertension
Third degree burns Alzheimer’s Disease
Major head trauma
Loss of Limbs Stroke resulting in permanent symptoms
Open Chest CABG
Permanent Paralysis of Limbs Aplastic Anaemia Medullary Cystic Disease

Small bowel transplant Multiple Sclerosis with Persisting Symptoms

Myocardial Infraction Open Heart Replacement Cerebral shunt insertion

Chronic Relapsing Pancreatitis Poliomyelitis
Motor Neutron disease with permanent symptoms
Cancer of Specified Severity Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Lupus Nephritis
Muscular dystrophy

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