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Cheat Sheets – Permutation and Combination

Fundamental Principle of counting

● If there are ‘a’ ways to perform a task and ‘b’ ways to perform another task, then
there is
(a × b) way of doing both of them.
● If there are ‘a’ ways to perform a task and ‘b’ ways to perform another task, then
there are
(a + b) ways of doing any one of them.

Factorial Notation! Or L
n! = n(n – 1) (n – 2) ...3.2.1
n! = n(n – 1) (n – 2) ...3.2.1
It is represented by nCr can be defined as the number of ways in which r things at a time can
be SELECTED from amongst n things available for selection.
Cr = Number of combinations (selections) of n things taken r at a time.
Cr = n! / [r! (n–r)!]; where n ≥ r (n is greater than or equal to r).
Cr =1 when n=r
C0 = 1
Here the order of things has no importance.

It is represented by nPr , can be defined as the number of ways in which r things at a time
can be SELECTED & ARRANGED at a time from amongst n things.
Pr = number of permutations (arrangements) of n things taken r at a time.
Pr = n!/ (n – r)! ; n ≥ r
Here the order of things holds importance.

Important Results:

1. The number of permutations (or
arrangements) of n different things taken n!
all at a time.
2. The number of permutations of n things
out of which L1 are alike and are of one n! / L1! L2! L3!
type, L2 are alike and are of a second type

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Cheat Sheets – Permutation and Combination
and L3 are alike and are of a third type and
the rest are all different.
3. Number of permutations of n different
things taken r times when repetition is nr
= n x n x n x... (r times)
4. Number of selections of r things out of n 1
identical things.

Circular Permutation
In circular permutations, things are arranged in the form of a circle, eg .., arrangements of
people around the circular dining table, garland, etc.
Since in the circular arrangement there is no endpoint i.e., we cannot say which one is
Starting the article or ending article in the arrangements.
Hence the number of circular permutations on n objects = n!/n = (n-1)!

● Thus, in a circular permutation, one thing is kept fixed and the remaining (n-1) things are
arranged in (n-1)! Ways.
● When clockwise and anti-clockwise observation is not different from the number of
circulararrangements of n different things = (n – 1)! /2

1. How many five-digit numbers can be formed using the digit 9,6,4,2,1 without
A. 3125
B. 625
C. 275
D. 120

2. In how many ways a garland can be formed by using 9 different flowers?

A. 12160
B. 21060
C. 20160
D. 10216

3. In how many ways can the letters of the word “ERUDITE” can be arranged.
A. 2500
B. 2520
C. 5040
D. 5400

4. In how many ways can the letters of the word ‘VEMURI' be arranged so that the

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Cheat Sheets – Permutation and Combination
vowels always come together?
A. 144
B. 350
C. 450
D. 720

5. William forms a batch of 3 out of 7 candidates, three of them are data science
engineers, three of them are analysts, and one is both data science engineer and
analyst. In how many ways can the committee be selected if it must have at least an
analyst and a data science engineer?
A. 11
B. 22
C. 33
D. 44

1. Option – D
The number of ways of filling the unit digit = 5, tens digit = 4 and so on.
Hence the number of ways of filling 5-digit number = 5x4x3x2x1 = 120

2. Option – C
The number of circular permutation = (n-1)! /2
Using the above formula, here n=9
= (9-1)! /2
=8! /2
= 40320/2
= 20160

3. Option – B
The given word is ERUDITE
There are a total 7 letters of which E occurs 2 times.
Hence the required number of ways = 7! / 2!
= 2520

4. Option – A
The word 'VEMURI' contains 6 different letters.
When the vowels ‘EUI are always together, they can be supposed to form one letter.
Then, we have to arrange the letters VMR(EUI).
Now, 4 letters can be arranged in 4! = 24 ways.
The vowels (EUI) can be arranged among themselves in 3! = 6 ways.
Required number of ways = (24 x 6) = 144.

5. Option – C
3 candidates including at least an analyst and a data science engineer can be
selected by taking.
(i) 2 analysts out of 3 and 1 engineer out of 3

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Cheat Sheets – Permutation and Combination
(ii) 1 analyst out of 3 and 2 engineers out of 3
(iii) 2 candidates out of 6(3 analysts and 3 engineers) and 1 candidate out of one
who is both engineer and data science engineer
In case (i), the number of ways = 3C2 X3C1 = 9
In case (ii), the number of ways = 3C1 X3C2 = 9
In case (iii), the number of ways = 6C2 X1C1 = 15
Hence, the required number of ways = 9+9+15 =33

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