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Tech – II Sem Model Papers Set – 4



1. a) Draw parse tree from expressions a=b/(a+c).

b) Define Binding and Binding time.
c) Define asynchronous messages.
d) What are the advantages and disadvantages of dynamic local variables.
e) What is a meta language.
f) Explain about LISP interpreter.
g) What are the forms of Horn clause.


2. a) Define attribute grammar ? Give an attribute grammar for simple assignment

statements. How is the order of evaluation of attributes determined for the tree of your
attribute grammar ?
b) What is the difference between ambiguous and unambiguous grammar ?

3. a) Explain Categories of Arrays ?

b) What is selection statements ? Explain different types of selection statements ?

4. a) What is an overloaded subprogram ? Explain with an example.

b) Discuss in detail how subprograms with stack and dynamic local variables are

5. a) Explain how Ada supports concurrency.

b) What is exception handling ? How exceptions are handled in C++ and JAVA ?

6. a) Explain list processing in LISP using scheme function. Give illustrations.

b)Explain basic list operations in scheme.

7. a) Explain inferencing process of PROLOG.

b) Write differences between procedural and non-procedural languages.

II B.Tech – II Sem Model Papers Set – 3



1. a) What is ambiguous and unambiguous grammar ?

b) Discuss about the operand evaluation order.

c) What is the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions.

d) What is the differences between the deep-access method for nonlocal access in
dynamic scoped languages and the static-chain method for static-scoped languages.

e) Write difference between logical and physical concureency.

f) Explain in detail about Lambda calculus.

g) What are three forms of PROLOG term.


2. a) Define grammars, derivation and a parse tree.

b) Explain in detail the recursive-descent top-down parser implementation process.

3. a) What are the primitive data types supported by C language ? Explain.

b) Define Coercion, Typeerror, Typecheking and Storing Typing.

4. a) What are the different models of parameter passing methods ? How are they
implemented ? Give example for each.

b) How simple subprograms are implemented ?

5. a) List the various design issued for object-oriented languages.

b) How message passing is implemented in Ada ? Explain with examples ?

6. a) Briefly describe the behavior of the Lisp/scheme read-eval-print loop.

b) Explain about data objects in LISP ?

7. a) Discuss about basic elements of prolog. Give examples ?

b) Write in detail about multi paradigm languages ?

II B.Tech – II Sem Model Papers Set – 2



1. a) Explain BNF and EBNF.

b) Differentiate between Hybrid interpretation and Pure interpretation.

c) What is the difference between checked and unchecked exception in JAVA ?

d) List out the actions involved in semantics of a simple subprogram and semantics of
return of simple program.

e) Explain the design issues of exception handling.

f) What is functional programming.

g) Write about proglog.


2. a) What are the syntactic structure or element that can be described using BNF
notation ? Why BNF is called a meta language ? Give examples.

b) Define parsers. Explain in detail about the following parsers.

i) Top-down parser ii) Bottom-up parsers.

3. a) Explain how C language deals with scope of the variable.

b) Explain how different programming languages support pointer.

4. a) Explain in detail about parameters.

b) Discuss how generic functions are implemented in C++.

5. a) Write short notes on the following key language feature of object-oriented


i) inheritance ii) dynamic binding iii) abstract data types.

b) Define monitor. Explain how cooperation synchronization and competition

synchorinization are implemented using monitors.

6. a) What is functional programming ? Explain its merits and demerits.

b) Explain how concurrency is provided in ML.

7. a) What are clauses, terms and structures in Prolog ? What are facts, rules and queries

b) Explain list structures and goal statements in PROLOG.

II B.Tech – II Sem Model Papers Set – 1



1. a) Define syntax, lexeme and token.

b) What are the difficulties in using an attribute grammar to describe all of the syntax
and static semantics of a contemporary programming languages ?

c) Which language allow variable number of parameters ?

d) List the characteristic of a subprogram ?

e) Write short notes on concurrency control in Ada.

f) Write short notes on functional composition ?

g) What is resolution ?


2. a) Explain how information hiding is provided in ADA package.

b) Explain in detail about lexical analyzer.

3. a) What are the design issues and primary design issues for names ? Explain in detail.

b) Define Union. What is the difference between record and union ? Explain how
union is supported by different programming languages ?

4. a) Define subprogram. Also list its general characteristics and explain its categories ?

b)Discuss with suitable example about the class templates in C++.

5. a) Explain the different problems of concurrency.

b) Define semaphores. Explain, how cooperation synchronization and competition

synchronization are implemented using semaphores ?

6. a) Write about Lambda calculus and functional composition and apply-to-all in

mathematical functions.

b) Describe briefly about expressions, functions and exceptions in meta language.

7. a) For what sort of application logic programming is useful ? Briefly explain.

b) Write deficiencies of PROLOG.

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