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Base all your entries for this portion on the given details in the case study.

Case Study: Your colleague sends a friend request on Facebook. You accept the friend
request, and now, you can see everything he posts. He posts a lot of his opinions about his
political views, religious views, list of his likes, music he likes, and after-work hours photos that
may be inappropriate. He is very open about his freedom of speech. One day, he posted a
complaint about the management within your company, even naming your managers and it is
something that you can see.

The company policy about posting on Facebook is quite lenient, but it forbids status posts that
can ruin the company image. Your colleague’s post goes against this policy. However, he has
the right to his freedom of speech. He posted it on his wall, but it’s not in public.

It is okay not to inform the head HR since it’s in your colleague’s personal Facebook. It’s his
right to be able to post his thoughts on the Internet, as a form of freedom of speech.

Key Details
● I accepted the friend request of my colleague on Facebook.
● He posts everything he wants, including his opinions on different aspects.
● One day, he posted a complaint about the management.
● The post is against the policy, which can ruin the company's image.

Definition of Terms
Term Definition

● Facebook ● A social media platform where people

can create profiles and share ideas,
pictures, and videos.

● Lenient ● Being not harsh or strict.

● Freedom of Speech ● The right to speak and receive

information of all kinds, by any means.

● That colleague must be mindful of what he posts since many people can see it.
● My colleague should delete his post before someone in the company sees it.
● His privacy is now gone since he shares everything on a social media platform.
● He might be fired if he continued sharing posts against the company.

Whether or not call out the colleague who shares everything on Facebook.

I agree with calling out my colleague because he should be warned of the possible
consequences he might face, like getting fired.

Base all your entries for this portion on the motion from the previous portion.

Argument 1: Think before you post! Everyone can see it.

Counter Argument 1 Rebuttal 1

● It is only shared within a small group ● Since Facebook is a social media site,
of people, so the company will not see anybody may view it, even some of its
it unless someone on the friends' list other workers. If the person provides
informs them. a lot of information, it may be
disastrous for the company. Even
investors who saw it will cease
investing since they only perceive the
negative aspects of the company, as
revealed by the employee.

Argument 2: Oversharing on Facebook can hurt your reputation.

Counter Argument 2 Rebuttal 2

● It is the person's freedom of speech. ● According to Connect Us, Freedom of

We cannot judge him since it is his speech does not imply the freedom of
account. "all" expression. It is unlawful to make
a threat against another person, and it
is also prohibited to slander people.
Oversharing has consequences. A
worker can be fired if he continues
bashing the company using his
account, which leads to

Argument 3: Privacy in life is gone if you post a lot on Facebook.

Counter Argument 3 Rebuttal 3

● Sharing information on Facebook is ● Privacy will be gone since someone

okay because you are just friends with can hack your account and can use
your family, and it is a way to connect this against you. An example of this is
with loved ones who live far away what the employee did. He posted a
from you. lot, and I saw it, so I can use this
against him if I will report him to the
admin since his doings are against the

Use the MLA format.
Update this portion as you go through the different portions.

"Lenient." Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 16 March 2022

Chief, E. “17 freedom of speech pros and cons.” ConnectUS. 27 February 2019. Web.
25 March 2022.

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