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Prepared by Martin C. Nkonde Monitoring &Tracking Systems

What is .......... GPS?
It stands for Global Positioning Satellite/System.
GPS is a satellite system that is used to determine the
exact location of a number of modes of transport and
other items where it has been fitted (e.g. airplanes,
cars, ships, smartphones etc). Cars usually refer to GPS
as Satellite Navigation Systems (i.e. satnav).

Prepared by Martin C. Nkonde

Why was it developed?
It was developed for the USA military to allow soldiers
to know exactly where they where regardless of
whether it was day or night, deep in a jungle or in a
barren desert. It is still owned and controlled by the USA

Although, now it is so important in so many fields of

civilisation from farming to hiking that the other major
powers have also launched their own satellite systems
to do the same thing. BeiDou / BDS (China), Galileo
Europe), GLONASS (Russia), IRNSS / NavIC (India),
QZSS (Japan)
Prepared by Martin C. Nkonde
How does it work?
Satellites surrounding the Earth transmit signals to the
surface. Computers installed in the mode of transport
receive and interpret these signals. Knowing their
position on Earth depends on very accurate timing
(atomic clocks are used in the satellites which are
accurate within a fraction of a second per day). Each
satellite transmits data indicating its position and
time. The computer on board the mode of transport
calculates its exact position based on the information
from at least three satellites.

Prepared by Martin C. Nkonde

Prepared by Martin C. Nkonde
In cars, the onboard computer generally contains stored
road maps. With these satnav systems, the car’s exact
location, based on satellite positioning, can be shown on
the map and the driver can also be given verbal
instructions such as ‘After 200 metres, take the next right
turn onto BCD124’. A screen on the satnav device also
shows the car’s position in relation to the road network.

Prepared by Martin C. Nkonde

Where is GPS used?

It now has a vast number of uses. For example

 In cars - satellite navigation systems (SatNav)
 Lorry Fleets: Used to track and locate vehicles
 Military - its original purpose, to help soldiers in
the field.
 Shipping - to navigate the seas.
 Farming - to track crop growth and fertilizer
 Leisure - Mountaineers, hikers, explorers.
 Crime - offenders can now be 'tagged' with a GPS
device to make sure they stay where they should.
 In Sports – Marathon, football, rugby, hockey etc
Prepared by Martin C. Nkonde
 It removes errors (can warn drivers about one way
streets, street closures, etc).
 The system can also give useful information such as
location of restaurants, petrol stations, service areas.
 The drivers need not consult paper maps, so it is far
 The GPS system is able to estimate the time of arrival.
 It is also possible to program in the fastest route, route
to avoid towns, etc.
 The GPS system can warn the driver about the location
of speed cameras (again aiding safety).
Prepared by Martin C. Nkonde

If incorrect starting point or ending point is keyed in the

system, it will give incorrect information.
If the maps are not kept up to date, they can give
incorrect instructions.
Loss of satellite signals can cause problems.
Unless the system is sophisticated, road closures, due to
accidents or road works, can cause problems.

Prepared by Martin C. Nkonde

The End

Prepared by Martin C. Nkonde


Prepared by Martin C. Nkonde Monitoring &Tracking Systems

What is .......... GIS?


It stands for Geographical Information System.

GIS is a computer system that allows us to map,

model, query and analyse large amounts of
data according to their location.

Prepared by Martin C. Nkonde

GIS allows us to create interactive queries, analyze spatial
information (this refers to how objects fit together in space)
or edit map data. The technology combines maps with
computer graphics and databases.

Essentially GIS enables the following:

 Amalgamation of information into easily understood

 Performance of complex analytical calculations and then
presentation of the results in the form of maps, tables or
graphics (or a combination of all three)
 Geographers, scientists and engineers are able to see the
data in several different ways in order to see patterns and
Prepared by Martin C. Nkonde
GIS essentially uses layering techniques to
produce a visually effective answer to a query
made in the GIS system.

Carrying out queries on GIS systems (in a

method similar to internet searches) will
produce the data which matches the
query. The data will be displayed in the form of
a diagram, map or a set of tables. By zooming
into the map, it is possible to find finer details
about the layering data used.
Prepared by Martin C. Nkonde
Uses of GIS systems

 Teachers can use GIS in their geography, engineering or

science classes.

 Environmentalists and Biologists use GIS to protect

animal and plant life in vulnerable areas (which meet a
certain criteria after carrying out a search on the

 Emergency services use GIS to send the closest

emergency personnel to a location.

Prepared by Martin C. Nkonde

The End

Prepared by Martin C. Nkonde

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