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Cone} ta Ye occ Voce Ul Wy Dea —~ppes RHEL ph baer \nstaliaten i Hi teh leat 2 20% ka Verual Disk Nga tha aus us 2048 —— a a bs humne RNEL twstan kiya fhe a nee lange f Ae ig 2048 e nat pix ie 2042 dprceke case ‘Kug Adah ages ¢ \nmane ee Apace space al \o_9 vente ham “ord me Kyo Fanning fete Ao ml Zo Raunse Peretichisn Cores? Jnaiye pga ei Lina _chatiye Aue kor mo.f eet Ne use. hate 4 uge lereege Hee T¥ Te WHS si ces stmes Os. ka baa: pa . hue h \nrnoca _Pevsonal _ dada aus kina <2 aa 2h y: 2 har planning ume Mai ee h. La Ab aica_ tee\ bo enecich 2e = 4 Shereage. Concent he baaxe me baat feene ja cheh. _Wmaree: Pass ek mache by Wax machine me ths aon apna kei Op exoti sy chen dalna Dabs h.. Tege—Wo 88 mew Wind ows Weckin h, Mao oS o_ skin W, Unux ho sicta bh. Roi a Lhi_e 2S 5 sks » Dawe. hun Rann bens chabre he. Ae roadie’ we Ram @ ceu @ Disk Aga “nba oe Yo madkne ohlt h _ = oo © — 1 ae TS ume ye emibna: hb ye jjo_dicle. holt nine ts — fe Qaceti ining Raise boli aka _ehoce kate | oF | eka W econ cept bya isha 2 LE Z | Storage. Concept tw Linu, O¢ oR Wor roan we ewede Vasittion to store dab ti oR . Standacd Pasttien: > Ca | Windows wie 27 \b hmace OC Snetatl te jada h toh = ~—bmact 08 me hero Ruech filer ies “Wwhh pee Joni Ta he abter the Tnelal\ation, Wane Wa unke \ Le inched a ® oon a | Aa ae um hab bok by Buh 2 Amie ete = eo ku Av d Aetaers pudebliNadtis ~ : x, yea Mote, ye on t , ime 7 col buoawe. ms [ Application dha tn hu “ ade Pp, acpi one _trttnaue bert hu, -bR Agathe ——~T 9 dos we dats Update i Change. hote ochta \ deda okhna chahte ” je Whol hk Personal dada ~ | p&e deve, me cave bece » Kyunkt Winders 7 Sse ha dada, loss” . Pexsonal Cistein data ko al drase we” C dne kro og wélaked data he \iye” oh sh Windews Tnskst! so ye ka teh chee phia. Baki ~ 4 A Widen ee S00 OB Hawd Diele: bh. pi pe Lime ste} ek Jparetictiein bnaye a Ouse R e\ derive aya + p-ta_hso GS space aapne whet ache diya ye ce Seohbes It baad me zreunet hone Por Racetition an fesse prt wWindetse we atea lene ele h H Fe water Pr jalee Lrag\at chiecle bere) Auer wahan 27 DIsSk. ka eptien gala h_- use Dis eae hy ument we Jaleos unallocated space. dikhaye. i Se Ps ¢ SS _ oO en Ieee Seth, aster 4 Wi bske a ? pe ts ae elt th Seatac Ba q —fikice tee a ashy fe sage e : ate 4 aceasd 15 Pexsonal ; S, Disk a =n \weeh a pisle me hoba Qh mecha aata bh we kidne Sate ke gy Wind aun Disk twe data yoda hs _ In _ ine . piekw K cnet ——— ais Sao 0s "t and dex oe Aleve use a Apples oh oackuft Saath g dada a\ = 2, Pexsona es a BALE: ADS AdVrned data Auraing she OS \nataaden + Mies \netalling plication —— —— any tppliecion © (Tin [nur & AMbare be Og natal ation oily. bee. ith a, ~ Whole Te weed Tete Tee any Hac Deve 7 ste_shwe Og tiles? despreeenel dala oon CAS mand atray Disk LU vcomaining ak optional wet c:\ SF _used to stra O8 {hee X we earcales gee fox + peconal data BA. 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Toh yedekho® /daha Ider bmp D. nevck posthon 2 upaw 4b Lut > jo data aap T [dae folder 2\ ¢, = i henge» wo! epoce ~eet(Pse leg, ea Ss by aviv sé lege Pp New Pawn be lela ; \ bisk [dw | eda =72048 Oo inion Ldev | sdad =27 \S48 [dev] 4da- Mountng Yami ux me WL Wi kei dake diceciy laigy Ay Fx _ es pes nebo skein, ib He uska ‘er qi) ( J Oost | oot iP _ andar jet Lh) dretctorex oy a fe. 08 toali_ ho Cuttam — drvec hs ace, by de wt (7 molt ce he leq uphill e ity vol (P) he ardaw kad Pale hej eke apo, fish. -axperele_flartton. bo f 0 nt _me__ kr difa ye: ew Lada aay 04 = Hhkh zs Sh —~_{% dev 2 ae ane / dev dat =. 1G =7 p) naar he 2 best _poldex Pr mesnted h —a a , | cong 4 — a uake eteuc ture pr Kaam_ nab Rete ~ 23" diveciry —Steuchrrs. prhaam ket a’. UX. m1 i = : = Sea peg withon me nad _ghut ckte . Yeoh - axtihen . Har Youiee ko Dnux me ek da Jolt fh, ae Jog techn) oaly meup-Fng. fone ho/te h. ed [dev | ddaty Nook E [deka = Blk Seka mall = = (dev) dda 4 ka - ‘hi dafa dekh oho _h < Daas meurt _poink fe dove na? Arba hy % aes 7 debe 21%" mount point pr vieible hobeh, hd dale Ja wil Hear ' ok -od__| dev] dak = Sy at a wc _ kof Se es aapse ki aapre 72 fasten I be Yaben Zz jee hs diya. ph kya date" loss ad Nohi foga aS — toh Partition me vhta A it # is Partition ko Gang, se hbak« ( /tsvaye ety hw aye sezdha eT phe Da mand chlane pra! ile hte Te J Abo ‘BS Sh Atorege cAlare Bow mount jho -skha h_, ucke date p Boke jb chahe GERmount Re i skte h, © auc heb) mount fe che h Joh mun we aise. Roi use mamt kroge | wah? defa vigible hana claret ho ey Wy group ka ka Pap bm jal e number bewta Ywoode humber bolt k data Px _Rer Pawhtiso mounked moth movie Px koi Pawh'non mounted nan h teh “dono ~evet(se pda Sy het Waa bdad ee ® SATA ok sed dick == sda cded sho MMSda® @_Veowl dich == Vda wdad dad i Fidos vale” Ree ete isk —I ' Cold) #. Pace —Y Lok Fe pope cbaat oO oe ( your dick # lath | = SS tet [aloo devices 9 : E eda ay Dickname = Sdat{aethon) EA WARNE OT abu — e Apace aoe as ine Ae ed _ten_diaia hy jae h Paw pile [bldex cee Tpamber brite 2 tee Keravdar, humber bolt dat hag hdad sda sda Bose? ad dad = _ ie Pele eqeten Joa _bete — tt PAE Nes eas kechaale A eI JeFatte abut T Ca) Contes) (fle Syston g pAlo ah % Ryet-] = Cy default xfs zai SS ze aS viet me = rece e ees ae | voy &_\ynux we bo Keet_Yorethin Linda teh jo Liny le $4 chem eo h we _sbse phie dre system mackek me tha extQ Cembendea versian 2) $ a etQd ere ht soe Coxtendea pile systen) Lata tei hdefeath = xfe L Havd Dick joey, Lda ——7 Ro WR ie ea dev} edad! ad u ie i ole ye ve DB) & DER S lawhon Sy See DS hreaqte tH == oon nox oc atandarsal volume. i: med size Concept) avthin Lane ki Commend alag h. : jo cat be caegs Wo hawd-disk je se hi” tek ke andar Se bote qye — ya. Lekin Haxd= Hho ko use krene ki do fe chnigue. how h me , RI aap muphe c4 2 Standard Use Bl obaAte hb ya wephe od a LVI use. herd fahte-h : c hand sd ha .wtlb yo ofa Sk apne, tins data usme etre ho kta h use siz Ldhayal : 2 if nat h, kitna space Lane _pr_Amares oh Lvm "ocheme Use host A. Ota & perma or_frle. system Qrtation Orem pant) _ OS dak

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