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Lesson plan

Teacher: Mitrea Elena-Cosmina

Grade: 7 D
Topic: Talking about stereotypes
No of Ss: 25
Time: 45 min.
Textbook: Limba moderna engleza, Clasa a VII-a, Editura ArtKlett
Date: 28.03.2021
Type of lesson: Speaking practice
Skills focus: listening, reading, speaking and writing
Lesson Aims:
O1 – To introduce the students to vocabulary related to stereotypes and adjectives to
describe character
O2 – To have the students become aware of the complexities and negative consequences
of prejudice and stereotype
O3 – To give practice to the vocabulary and grammar related to the topic
O4 – To have the students practice speaking in specific situations
Student’s competences:
C1 – To correctly employ the vocabulary related to stereotypes to form clear sentences
C2 – To clearly and correctly express their opinions about a certain topic
By the end of the lesson, the students will have been able to:
 Express their opinion about a given topic
 Use the appropriate vocabulary in relation to specific situations
 Use appropriate verb structures in a narrative

Teaching methods employed:

 The communicative approach
 PPP (Presentation, Practice and Production)
 Brainstorming
 Games

Interaction: individual, whole class, T-Ss, S-S

Materials: notebooks, video, worksheets

 Activity 1: Greetings
Aim: to create a pleasant atmosphere
Timing: 2 minutes
Interaction: T-Ss
Procedure: Greeting (T greets Ss, Ss greet T) and checking attendance
 Activity 2: Checking homework
Aim: To see if students have done their homework and correct it if it is the case
Timing: 5 minutes
Interaction: T-Ss
Procedure: The teacher asks a few of the students to read their homework. She gives feedback
and makes suggestions if needed.
 Activity 3: Brainstorming
Aim: To introduce the students to the lesson’s topic
Timing: 10 minutes
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Procedure: The teacher asks the students to look at a couple of pictures and try to describe the
people. She prompts the students through different questions: What is the first word that pops in
your mind? Why do you think that? Etc. After the students offer their answers she asks them
what made them say what they did and goes on to introduce the word “stereotype” and goes over
what it entails.
 Activity 4: “Snack Attack”
Aim: To further develop the idea behind stereotypes
Timing: 15 minutes
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Procedure: The teacher explains that they are going to watch an interesting video. She asks a
student to help her distribute the worksheets necessary and then plays the video for the class. The
video is done in relation to the first exercise on the worksheet – a pause is necessary before the
end. After the video, the answers are checked orally.
 Activity 5: “Don’t judge a book by its cover”
Aim: To give further practice
Timing: 15 minutes
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Procedure: The teacher asks the students to take a look at the second activity. The students have
a couple of minutes to think about their answers and then the exercise is solved orally. The
teacher plays the video before questions number 5 and 6. The teacher asks the students to take a
look at the next activity as well and explains what they have to do. After 3 minutes, they check
the exercise in class.
If there is time:
 Activity 6: 90 seconds
Aim: To give further practice
Timing: 10 minutes
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T
Procedure: The teacher asks the students to take a look at the last activity. The students have a
couple of minutes to think about their answers and then the exercise is solved orally.

Assigning homework:
The teacher assigns the homework for next time and thanks them for their participation in class.

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