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Mutation Research 552 (2004) 1–17


Genotoxicological studies in aquatic organisms: an overview

Awadhesh N. Jha∗
School of Biological Sciences, Plymouth Environmental Research Centre, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, PL48AA, UK

Received 24 June 2004; accepted 25 June 2004


Substantial progress has been made in the last two decades to evaluate the impact of physical and chemical genotoxins in
aquatic organisms. This overview (a) summarises the major high lights in this stimulating area of research, (b) compares the
developments in this field with the developments in mammalian genotoxicological studies, where appropriate, (c) introduces 18
different articles presented in this special issue of Mutation Research in the backdrop of main advances and, (d) hypothesises
on future directions of research in this exciting field.
© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Aquatic organisms; Eco-genotoxicology; Genetic ecotoxicology

1. Introduction approximately 70% of the human population resides

within 60 km of coastal regions and this percentage is
The quality of human life is directly or indirectly increasing [1]. In addition, a significant proportion of
dependent on the health, vitality and vigour of the en- the world’s largest cities are connected, either directly
vironment around us. Abiotic and biotic components, or indirectly, to the marine environment. The aquatic
including air, water, soil, food and plants and animals environment therefore plays vital roles for ecosystem
constitute our environment, and through complex functioning, human health and civilisation.
interactions, life is sustained. Deterioration in the As a consequence of human population growth and
health of any of these components can have serious industrial development, the production, consumption
knock-on effects on the continuity of life. The aquatic and disposal of anthropogenic chemicals and wastes
environment, which covers two-thirds of the planet, is continue to increase. The aquatic environment is often
inhabited by the majority of extant species in different the ultimate recipient of this increasing range of anthro-
ecological niches; moreover many of them are impor- pogenic contaminants, a large proportion of which are
tant sources of human food. It has been estimated that potentially genotoxic and carcinogenic substances. For
example, during 1994 in the US alone, 22,744 different
∗ Tel.: +44 1752 232978; fax: +44 1752 232970. facilities released 2.26 billion pounds of toxic sub-
E-mail address: (A.N. Jha). stances into the environment, of which approximately

0027-5107/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 A.N. Jha / Mutation Research 552 (2004) 1–17

one-third were rodent carcinogens [2]. Most of could produce detrimental conditions for population
these carcinogens were discharged as components of survival. Indeed, global climate change and other
complex mixtures (e.g. liquid effluents, air-borne emis- environmental stressors will have implications for
sions, and solid wastes). It is therefore not surprising mutagenesis studies [16]. However, in a very short
that in recent years there has been increasing concern geological time scale and in complex environmental
regarding the genotoxic/carcinogenic hazards, and conditions, where the contaminants occur in all
reports on the occurrence of malignancies in aquatic probable combinations, it would be very difficult to
organisms [3–6,42,45,96]. The occurrence of malig- pinpoint particular contaminants causing population
nancies in aquatic organisms has also been correlated extinction. Keeping aside the debate on the role of
with a higher incidence of tumours in human popu- genotoxic exposure on population survival and scien-
lations and increased use of herbicides [7]. Therefore, tific considerations in protecting the environment for
natural biota might be used as sentinel or surrogate sustainability, maintenance of diversity, environmental
species for the evaluation of genotoxic chemicals in conservation and the fact that the health of human
the environment and their risk to human health. populations is dependent upon other species, it could
Although exposure of aquatic organisms to geno- be argued that the human population has both the moral
toxic contaminants could pose a risk to human health obligation and the practical necessity to protect other
via the food chain, there is also an ecological risk species with which it shares its limited biosphere [17].
that may lead to heritable mutations and loss in the While substantial progress has been made in re-
total genetic diversity (either intra or inter species), cent decades in defining the significance of exposure
with significant implications for long-term survival of to genotoxins for human health risk assessment, there
natural populations [8–10]. Mathematical models have has been only very limited development with respect to
suggested that fixation of mildly deleterious mutations understanding the impact of genotoxins on natural pop-
could significantly contribute to loss of Darwinian ulations. This is despite the fact that Boveri proposed
fitness and eventual extinction of small populations the relationship between chromosomal changes and the
[11,12]. However, although a correlation between air origin of tumours as early as 1914, using developing
pollution, incidence of lung cancer and loss of biodi- echinoderm embryos as a model [18]. In 1998, Mu-
versity has been demonstrated [13], there have been no tation Research published two special issues dealing
serious attempts to establish links between genotoxins- with the use of invertebrates and fish in genotoxicolog-
induced mutations and extinction of natural biota. A ical studies [19,20]. In these special issues, attempts
large number of mammalian germ cell mutagens have were made to record the advances in our capabilities
been identified and many of these agents have also been to evaluate the interaction of genotoxins with the ge-
found to be somatic cell mutagens [14]. However, there netic material of aquatic biota and the development of
is a fundamental gap in our knowledge on the long-term realistic biological methods to identify expressed geno-
implications of these mutagens in the environment, in- toxicity in these organisms. These issues covered the
cluding effects on population survival and recruitment. studies pertaining to biochemical and molecular end-
When viewed against the backdrop of enormous points of genotoxicity, including alterations in carcino-
reproductive surplus and natural wastage (due to gen metabolising enzymes, DNA adducts, expression
predation, desiccation, changing salinity, temperature, of oncogenes, use of fish in long-term carcinogenicity
acidity, etc.), it has been argued that any detrimental assays, including molecular dosimetry studies with a
effects resulting from a localised pollution incident range of carcinogens and anti-carcinogens. The issues
is likely to have a diminishingly small impact glob- also reflected the ecological significance of genotoxic
ally. This applies especially to invertebrates, which exposures in natural biota [19,20]. Since publication of
constitute more than 90% of the extant species and these issues, considerable progress has been made in
play important role in ecosystem functioning [8,15]. our capability to determine the impact of anthropogenic
From a broader perspective, it is likely that combined stress and in our understanding of the fundamental
effects of other stresses (e.g. changing temperature, mechanisms involved in mutagenesis and carcinogen-
acidity, salinity, oxygen concentration, etc.), loss of esis in aquatic organisms. In addition, there has been
habitat and pollution (including genotoxin exposure) growing public demand for clean water, and concern
A.N. Jha / Mutation Research 552 (2004) 1–17 3

over the presence of a variety of anthropogenic con- the inherent drawbacks of this technology, the work-
taminants with diverse mode of actions in the aquatic ers in the field are showing growing awareness of this
environment. This has also led to significant regula- type of tools as an alternative to classical toxicological
tory developments across the globe. This special issue tests for rapid screening. However, one can appreciate
aims to update recent advancements in our capabili- that currently, there is a significant knowledge gap in
ties to evaluate potential adverse impact of exposure our understanding of the molecular events that govern
of genotoxins in the aquatic organism. Authors (repre- toxicologically relevant outcomes. In ecotoxicological
senting different laboratories) in this special issue have terms, one of the major difficulties will be to link these
previously made significant contribution to this field. molecular effects with ecological consequences [24].
It is hoped that this special issue will provide a sin- Two papers in this issue have used this technology to
gle source of current state-of-the-art information to the measure gene expression in two different fish species
readers and workers in the field. following exposure to different contaminants.
Genotoxic potential of pulp mill effluents has been
evaluated in vitro and in vivo by several workers
2. Genomics and mutagenesis [25,26]. In this issue, Denslow et al. [27] exposed
spawning largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) for
One recent advance in the field of genetics is short and long terms to various concentrations of pa-
the mapping of the human genome and other model per and pulp mill effluents to evaluate gene expres-
species. The technological developments associated sion and steroid levels. Exposure scenarios were phased
with this international project have further stimulated such that exposure ended at the same time. Gene ex-
research in our field to elucidate the nature, cause and pression was mainly determined by differential display
consequences of mutations. It is often not appreciated (DD) reverse-transcriptase (RT)-polymerase chain re-
that the idea of mapping the human genome grew from action (PCR). The data showed that a set of genes in
the need to improve our ability to detect and study in- female fish that were up-regulated during vitellogen-
duced and inherited mutations [21,22]. The field of mu- esis, were turned off by exposure. A comparison was
tagenesis is indeed entering into an exciting phase and made with other fish exposed to estradiol to provide
it is hoped that ‘toxicogenomics’, the integration of a global overview of the changes in gene expression
genomics, bioinformatics, and toxicology, will accel- associated with pulp mill effluent treatment and also
erate our understanding of the impact of anthropogenic allowed the isolation of differentially expressed tran-
agents at the molecular level and assist in hazard and scripts. One of these transcripts, CYP1A was cloned,
risk assessment. With the aid of new technologies, un- characterised by sequencing and used to develop con-
derstanding of changes in gene structure and expres- ventional RT-PCR and real-time PCR assays, both of
sion would help us to evaluate the impact of anthro- which confirmed its induction in treated males. In ad-
pogenic stress and the potential of natural biota to adapt dition, levels of circulating hormones and vitellogenin
and survive in changing environments. Several critical were measured in exposed animals and a Northern blot
genes are being identified, isolated, and qualitatively was used to quantify vitellogenin mRNA expression.
and quantitatively assayed to measure the impact of an- In recent years, there has been growing concern
thropogenic stress in the natural biota. It is envisaged over the presence of those contaminants which in-
that gene expression profiling may reveal molecular terrupt hormonal metabolism in human as well as in
mechanisms of action of chemicals, despite the inher- aquatic species [28]. Genotoxic and carcinogenic po-
ent limitation of genomic and proteomic experiments, tential of some steroidal hormones in humans are well-
which measure single end points (i.e. RNA or protein documented [29]. It appears that in common with other
levels), albeit for thousands of genes at a time [23]. toxicants, endocrine disrupting agents may exert their
In this context, an important approach has been to use effects simultaneously via several mechanisms, either
the gene expression profiling with DNA microarrays, in parallel or in series. In this context, tri-n-butyltin
to screen large numbers of genes in response to envi- (TBT), a known endocrine disrupting agent for some
ronmental changes. Although the time and high cost gastropods, has also been shown to be genotoxic, cy-
for analysis and interpretation of the data are one of totoxic, immunotoxic and teratogenic in some marine
4 A.N. Jha / Mutation Research 552 (2004) 1–17

invertebrates [30–32]. In addition to the studies by important role in over half of human cancers [41].
Denslow et al. [27] on large mouth bass mentioned As mentioned above, although induction of tumours
above, in this issue Brown et al. [33], describe macroar- in fish and many invertebrates are well documented
ray experiments designed to test gene expression in [3–6,42,45,96], and different fish species have been
liver of male plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) as a func- used as models for carcinogenic studies, there are
tion of time following exposure to ethynyl oestradiol only a few studies on the structure and function of
(EE2). The authors first obtained genes by suppression anti-oncogenes in aquatic organisms. The p53 gene
subtractive hybridization and then prepared macroar- has been sequenced from different fish species for
rays on nylon membranes. Male fish were exposed to a potential use of mutations in the highly conserved
constant concentration (20 ng l−1 ) for 21 days and then domains to identify potential genotoxins in the aquatic
were transferred to clean water for 10 days. Interest- environment. Comparisons of the deduced sequences
ing observations suggested that there are two different have revealed a high homology within the conserved
temporal expression patterns for estrogen-controlled DNA binding domain among different fish species and
genes. One pattern evident for vitellogenin (VTG) 1 the very high sequence conservancy in fish is similar to
and 3, and zona radiate protein (ZRP) 1 and 3, peaks that in mammalian p53 [43]. However, it is important
by day 16 but then declined even though exposure con- to study the functional relationship between tumours
tinued for another 5 days. A second pattern evident in fish and alterations in five conserved domains, four
for Vtg2 and ZRP2 showed a maximum expression of which (II–V) are found in the central portion of
from days 16–22 and then declined only when EE2 the protein (specific DNA binding domain). Attempts
was removed. It is not clear why the expression of genes to find mutations in these regions have not been very
initially up-regulated by oestrogenic exposure should successful under in vivo conditions. Using a yeast
then decline in the continuing presence of EE2.The in vitro exposure system, Cachot et al. [44], have
authors speculate a feed-back mechanism which turns identified and characterised both spontaneous and po-
transcription off or destabilises the transcripts. Such a tentially carcinogen-induced mutations in the flounder
mechanism could operate at the molecular level by di- (Platichthys flesus) p53 gene. Given that the detection
rect effects on transcription factors or RNAses or may of p53 mutations under in vivo conditions has been dif-
influence hypothalamic pituitary signalling. Given that ficult, this study attempts to describe a necessary step
the molecular mechanisms of endocrine disruption are to identifying potential ‘hotspots’ for benzo(a)pyrene
still being explored, there is certainly a need to evalu- diol epoxide (BPDE)-induced mutation. Although the
ate the gene profiling and potential mutagenic effects situation in vivo may well differ from this in vitro
of these agents in different aquatic organisms. study, the study would certainly contribute to our
search for p53 mutations in non-human species.
Among invertebrates, the incidence of gonadal
3. Oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes tumours in soft-shell clams (Mya arenaria) near
contaminated sites is well documented [45]. However,
Compared to mammals, there have been limited attempts to induce the tumours by laboratory expo-
studies pertaining to identification and expression of sures to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (dioxin,
oncogenes in fish and invertebrates [34–37]. Available TCDD) have been unsuccessful [45]. It was hypothe-
information suggests that several of these genes have a sised that tumour promotion in clams occurs through
high degree of nucleotide sequence and deduced amino the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) by mechanisms
acid similarity with the mammalian gene counterparts comparable to those described for vertebrates. Char-
[38–40]. While some information is available in the acterization of the clam AHR revealed that it does
literature pertaining to structure and expression of not bind the prototypical AHR ligand, TCDD [46].
oncogenes in aquatic organisms, there is a paucity of Subsequently, it was shown that exposure of clams to
information on anti-oncogenes or tumour suppressor dioxin under laboratory conditions leads to induction
genes. The significance of tumour suppressor genes of differential gene expression [47]. In continuation of
in human cancer is well documented. For example, the earlier studies, Olberding et al. [48], in this issue, at-
mutations in the p53 gene are known to play an tempted to further elucidate the mechanisms of tumour
A.N. Jha / Mutation Research 552 (2004) 1–17 5

formation involving a protein with significant sequence which results due to epigenetic mechanisms, may
similarity to mammalian E6AP, a homologus to E6AP modify the toxic effects of contaminant exposure in
carboxy terminus (HECT) E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase. the natural biota. Distinguishing between these two
E6AP, in association with the high-risk human papillo- phenomena (i.e. genetic and epigenetic) is important
mavirus (HPV) E6 protein, is known to be involved in in predicting the potential short and long term costs to
the abnormal degradation of the p53 tumour suppressor affected populations. Wirgin and Waldman [54], have
protein in human cervical cancer. Adopting different attempted to summarise our current understanding
approaches, the authors have provided a detailed of the mechanistic basis of resistance or tolerance
functional study of a protein that may prove crucial in several North American fish species. The toxicity
in understanding environmental non-AHR mediated mediated by a range of aromatic hydrocarbons was
tumourigenesis in clams and other aquatic organisms. also correlated to CYP1A1 and early life stage toxicity.
This particular study has suggested that while some
resistance could be genetic and hence transmitted to at
4. Adaptation, resistance and least the F2 generation, others could be physiological
chemosensitisation due to some unidentified epigenetic mechanisms.
In addition, the authors also observed differential
The term ‘stress’ is usually applied to situations resistance for different groups of contaminants (e.g.
where the ‘fitness’ of individuals (or populations) is aromatic hydrocarbons and halogenated hydrocar-
reduced because of changed environmental conditions. bons). They have also attempted to discuss resistance in
In ecotoxicological terms, this fitness would include fish in the format of case studies providing new data on
‘Darwinian fitness’ (i.e. growth, fertility and fecundity) resistance in tomcod and pointing out some of the costs
of populations. While stress is normally considered to that have or have not been associated with tolerance.
be environmentally induced, either by physical (e.g. The phenomenon of multixenobiotic resistance
climatic factors and pollutants) or by biotic factors (MXR) in aquatic invertebrates is well-documented
(e.g. parasites, competitors, predators), it could also be [55,56], and explains the apparent simultaneous resis-
intrinsic in origin. Such intrinsic stress could originate tance of many aquatic invertebrates to multiple xenobi-
from an increase in homozygosity as a result of genetic otics in the environment. The molecular mechanism of
drift and/or inbreeding. These homozygous conditions, MXR has been suggested to be similar to the well-
in conjunction with natural selection will cause genetic known multidrug resistance (MDR) phenomenon in
stress that could lead to a decrease in fitness [49]. tumour cells resistant to chemotherapeutic drugs. As
Several mechanisms have been suggested, including with MDR, the MXR-mechanism in aquatic organ-
an increase in homozygosity for recessive deleterious isms pumps out xenobiotics, including anthropogenic
alleles and a decrease in the level of heterozygotes for chemicals and hence prevents their toxic effects. How-
overdominant loci [50]. Other mechanisms, such as a ever, it has been suggested that many chemicals, called
decrease in the level of genomic coadaptation or an in- chemosensitizers, may inhibit the function of this frag-
crease in genomic instability have also been suggested ile mechanism. As a result, the organisms could accu-
to play important roles in decreased fitness [51,52]. mulate xenobiotics, including genotoxins, and inflict
From an environmental conservation point of view, damage in the DNA and other cellular systems [56].
many small populations are subject to genetic stress due Although these chemosenitizers could play an impor-
to their small size resulting from drift and inbreeding. tant role in determining the toxicity of anthropogenic
Given that many species of natural biota have become chemicals in the natural environment, and given that
endangered, studies on the processes associated with there could be a large number of these chemicals in the
genetic stress are becoming increasingly important. environment (of both natural and anthropogenic ori-
In contrast to genetic adaptation or resistance, gin), their ecotoxicological significance remains to be
which is transmitted to future generations, organisms established. While the field of MDR is one of the in-
may acclimatise physiologically at the individual level tensively researched areas in cancer biology, only a
and could become more resistant as a consequence limited amount of information is available in aquatic
of earlier exposure [53]. This phenotypic plasticity, organisms and most of this information is restricted
6 A.N. Jha / Mutation Research 552 (2004) 1–17

to invertebrate species. In this issue Smital et al. [57], mutation frequency in developing embryos. This novel,
have further extended their study to elucidate the eco- non-mammalian system facilitates the mutants to be
logical significance of MXR inhibition under in vivo analysed as mosaics during embryogenesis that have
conditions. They have demonstrated that such inhibi- both orange and white leucophores (pigment cells) in
tion could lead to enhanced production of mutagenic +/wl heterozygous offspring. In other words, in this
metabolites in mussels and apoptotic cells in sea urchin system for germ cell mutagenesis, embryos that have
embryos following exposure to model MXR inhibitors. both wild-type orange leucophores and mutant white
They have also attempted to critically analyse the ques- leucophores are scored as mosaic mutants. Using this
tions (a) whether the inhibition observed after expo- system, the authors found a threefold increase in mu-
sure to environmental samples is due to saturation of tant frequency of (non-irradiated) maternal alleles fol-
MXR transport proteins or due to presence of potency lowing irradiation of sperm or late spermatid but not
of MXR inhibitors and, (b) whether potent environmen- with irradiated spermatogonial stem cells. These so-
tal MXR inhibitors are natural or man-made? These matic mosaics showed higher embryonic lethality, in-
novel studies will further contribute to our understand- dicating that mutants result from gross chromosomal
ing of molecular mechanisms of MXR, chemosensiti- rearrangements that lead to lethality. Interestingly, the
sation and their ecotoxicological significance. authors also found that this indirect genetic instability
is not heritable in the F2 generation. This could be at-
5. Heritable mutations and transgenerational tributed to large chromosomal rearrangements that sup-
effects press recombination and subsequent mosaic mutants in
the F2 . The data suggested that irradiation of sperm and
The transmission of genetic damage to offspring is late spermatids can induce indirect mutations in F1 so-
a primary concern for scientists and regulators in hu- matic cells, which led the authors to hypothesize that
man health arena. For mammalian genetic toxicology, genomic instability arises during F1 embryonic devel-
guidelines have been presented which involve a weight- opment. This study in a model fish system supports
of-evidence approach to determine the heritable muta- similar findings pertaining to untargeted mutation in
tions hence identification of potential human mutagens maternal alleles at tandem repeat DNA sequences aris-
[58]. These guidelines broadly take into account the in- ing in mice born from irradiated spermatozoa [61].
trinsic mutagenic potential of chemicals, their ability Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are
to reach the differentiating or differentiated germ cells known genotoxins and carcinogens. Contamination
through the blood-gonad barrier and interact with germ of the marine and estuarine environments by PAHs
cell DNA to induce heritable mutations in mammalian is a global phenomenon. An estimated total input
species. While several approaches have been adopted of 230,000 metric tonnes of PAHs is being released
and models have been developed for germ cell hazard annually in the marine environment [62]. There is no
and risk assessment in rodents and in fruit flies (e.g. indication that this input will decrease in the coming
mouse specific locus and Drosophila sex-linked reces- decades, bearing in mind accidental or deliberate oils
sive lethal tests), not much progress has been made leaks, spills, refinery operations and industrial dis-
to evaluate the potential hazards and risks from germ charges [63,64]. PAHs are generally known to accumu-
cell mutagens in aquatic organisms. In addition, in re- late to high tissue concentrations in invertebrates at the
cent years, it has also been realised that exposure of bottom of the food chains, where uptake rates greatly
somatic cells to ionising radiation could give rise to exceed rates of metabolism and elimination, compared
genomic instability which could be expressed after sev- with vertebrates, where metabolism and elimination
eral generations of the cell cycle [59]. However, little can cope with uptake [65]. The presence of PAHs in the
is know about transgenerational effects in germ cells aquatic environment is of concern since they induce
which could be manifested in the offspring. acute toxicity in organisms and the presence of PAHs
In this issue, Shimada and Shima [60], who in the sediments have been linked to liver neoplasms
have worked extensively on the Japanese medaka and other abnormalities in benthic fish species [66,96].
fish (Oryzias latipes) model, extended their work on PAHs (e.g. benzo(a)pyrene and dimethylbenzan-
the transgenerational effects of radiation on somatic thracene) have also been shown to induce dominant
A.N. Jha / Mutation Research 552 (2004) 1–17 7

lethal mutations in mice following intraperitoneal in mammalian species is now well accepted. This
injection [67] and air pollution (which contains appre- knowledge has led to a tiered strategy for the detection
ciable amount of PAHs and particulate matters) has of mammalian genotoxins in order to protect human
been linked to higher rates of inheritable mutations in health. It is therefore logical to utilise the insights of
herring gulls (Larus argentatus) and in laboratory mice mammalian genotoxicology in genetic ecotoxicology.
[68–70]. However, there have been virtually no studies In this context, the three-tier approach of mammalian
to evaluate inheritable mutations or transgenerational genotoxicology initially utilises a suite of in vitro tests
effects in aquatic organisms following exposure to (e.g. bacterial assays, mammalian cell cultures) for
PAHs, particularly among the invertebrates. This could evaluating the inherent genotoxicity of a substance
be due to lack of characterisation of genomes and followed by expressed genotoxicity under in vivo
the reproductive strategies of the model invertebrate conditions. Finally, if the substance is a somatic
species. Using a fresh water, parthenogenetically mutagen to mammals in vivo, tests are conducted to
reproducing clonal organism, Daphnia magna, in this measure the interaction of the substance with germ
issue, Atienzar and Jha [71] have evaluated the repair cell DNA or other heritable mutations under in vivo
kinetics and transgenerational effects following expo- conditions [58]. For eco-genotoxicology, or genetic
sure to B(a)P using randomly amplified polymorphic ecotoxicology, a clear distinction is required between
DNA (RAPD). The study suggested that while some of testing and environmental monitoring [15]. For testing
the changes in the DNA profiles were reversed in the the intrinsic genotoxic potential of environmental
offspring, indicating an efficient repair system, some samples, several bacterial tests (e.g. Ames test, UmuC
of the changes were transmitted to the offspring. The test, Mutatox® and SOS chromotest, etc.) are being
exposure of B(a)P was also correlated with the repro- employed for hazard assessment [2].
ductive success of the organisms. A clear link between The use of in vitro systems in ecotoxicological stud-
induced genetic damage and potential population level ies provides the opportunity not only for extrapolation
effects has been demonstrated, for which there is lack from in vitro to in vivo systems, but also information
of information in the literature. Despite the criticism of on biological responses at higher levels biological or-
the assay for its lack of reproducibility [72], the authors ganisation [81]. Fish play a major role for the flow
claim that after rigorous optimisation of the PCR of energy in aquatic ecosystems, are exposed continu-
parameters, the assay performs well, qualitatively and ously to contaminants in the natural habitat and con-
quantitatively, and its reliability could be strengthen stitute an important part of human diet, especially in
as suggested by other workers [73,74]. In fact, several coastal regions. In this respect, cells derived from liver,
studies have used PCR-based techniques to assess gonads and skins (e.g. primary hepatocytes, rainbow
genetic variation and changes in aquatic biota exposed trout gonads and skin) of fish species have been exten-
to different contaminants [75–78] and it has been sively used to investigate toxicity of several reference
suggested that the RAPD assay can detect mutations genotoxins and environmental contaminants, such as
only if they occur in at least 2% of the DNA [79]. Given organic extracts of sediment samples [81–85]. These
that most of the natural biota are poorly understood cells retain some important traits of fish (e.g. poik-
in terms of their genetic make-up (e.g. microsatellites, ilothermic behaviour, unique xenobiotics metabolism
minisatellites, karyotypes, cell turn-over rates, etc.), it and low rate of repair mechanism) [84]. In addition,
is likely that combined with robust experimental plans due to ethical reasons, there is a move to minimise
and analytical tools, such molecular approaches will the use of vertebrates, including fish for experimental
play an increasingly important role in determining the purposes. Furthermore, due to the lack of established
impact of genotoxins in the aquatic environment [80]. cell lines from aquatic invertebrates, there will be in-
creasing use of fish cells in ecotoxicological studies.
In this context, rainbow trout gonad cells (RTG-2), a
6. In vitro studies in genetic ecotoxicology permanent cell line capable of metabolising the xeno-
biotics without the need of an exogenous metabolic
The fundamental role of genotoxic agents as the system has been shown to provide reproducible results
primary basis for the development of malignancy in inter-laboratory validation tests for cytotoxicity [81].
8 A.N. Jha / Mutation Research 552 (2004) 1–17

Compared to mammalian cells they have been shown to cell mutations [90]. This information ultimately helps
be more sensitive for the induction of genetic damage to prevent cancer and reducing the risk of inheritable
[86]. In this issue, Castano and Becerril [87], using ran- mutations. In contrast to human health risk assessment,
domly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), as used until recently, the integral effects of contaminants
earlier by Atienzar and Jha, in water fleas, D. magna relied heavily on analytical techniques, in particular for
[71], have extended their study on rainbow trout gonad environmental monitoring and effluent discharge com-
(RTG-2) cells to evaluate the genotoxic potential fol- pliance. However, simple detection of environmental
lowing exposure to a range of concentrations of B(a)P contaminants by these techniques is not sufficient un-
for different periods. Qualitative and quantitative anal- less their biological effects are also properly evaluated.
ysis of RAPD bands suggested that this in vitro system In addition, genotoxins in the environment can occur
is useful in evaluating genotoxic effects of direct as as complex mixture, and the risk associated with such
well as indirect acting mutagens following either acute mixtures cannot be adequately anticipated on the basis
or chronic exposures. of the effect and behaviour of individual components.
Since biological systems are the target of toxicant
action, they could provide important information
7. In vivo studies and biomonitoring which is not readily available from chemical analyses
of the environmental samples [88]. Thus, in view of
While bacterial or in vitro systems could be used the limitations of chemical monitoring, the importance
as screening tools to define the intrinsic genotoxicity of biological monitoring is being widely recognised.
of a substance, definitive ecotoxicological risk assess- Several manuscripts in this issue deal with in vivo
ments should consider the expressed genotoxic activity laboratory and field studies in order to evaluate the
in ecologically relevant organisms. These will take into potential impact of contaminants in different aquatic
account environmentally realistic routes of exposure, organisms. The fundamental difference between
the effects of metabolism and DNA repair efficiency biomonitoring studies involving human and natural
[88]. However, despite growing concern over the pres- populations appears to be that while the former is ques-
ence of genotoxins in the aquatic environment, there tion driven, the later is technique driven. In addition,
is a lack of adequately validated test methods, which most of the techniques used for aquatic species have
could be used effectively to evaluate genotoxicity, and been adopted from human studies. Bolognesi et al.,
associated toxicity, in aquatic organisms under envi- in this issue [91], studied the effects of environmental
ronmentally relevant conditions. The development of contaminants in Mediterranean mussels, Mytilus gal-
such in vivo test systems is also essential in provid- loprovincialis, at four different sites along the Ligurian
ing a scientific basis for comparing the relative risks of coast, Italy. These mussels included native as well as
man-made versus natural genotoxins [88], given that transplanted (caged) specimens. Induction of micronu-
large number of marine plants and animals produce clei and DNA strand breaks (using alkaline elution
very potent genotoxins [89]. technique) were used as biomarkers of genotoxicity. In
Biomonitoring for genotoxic risk evaluation is addition, the levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocar-
defined as frequent or even continuous gathering of bons (PAHs) and heavy metals (e.g. mercury and cad-
information in a given population that is relevant to mium) were also analysed. The wild mussels showed
that population’s health risk [90]. The information accumulation of contaminants as a function of pollution
gathering ranges from information on exposure, gradient and this was found to be correlated with the in-
carcinogen-induced phenotypic changes (e.g. DNA duction of micronuclei. The mussels showed seasonal
adducts or gene mutations), neoplastic lesions and variability for the induction of genetic damage, caged
cancer occurrence. The main objectives of population mussels showing higher damage than the wild samples.
monitoring in cancer research is therefore to identify Using single cell gel electrophoresis (Comet assay)
carcinogenic mechanisms by obtaining more precise and DNA adduct analysis (32 P-post labelling), Win-
estimates of the extent to which different factors ter et al. [92], evaluated genotoxic effects in feral and
(e.g. environmental, life style, genetic susceptibility) caged chub (Leuciscus cephalus) from three rivers with
contribute to human cancer burden and potential germ different water quality (due to presence of organics,
A.N. Jha / Mutation Research 552 (2004) 1–17 9

metals and pesticides) around Birmingham, UK. In metabolites in the fish bile. The study suggested a high
general, elevated levels of DNA damage was recorded level of damaged DNA, complemented by a peak in
with a decrease in chemical water quality, in both feral the bile PAH metabolites in samples from the most
and caged animals indicating an impact of chronic pol- impacted site, 3 weeks after the oil spill but this dam-
lution. Recorded seasonal DNA adduct data suggested age was found to recover 5 months after the accident.
a higher degree of damage in the feral compared with However, the samples collected from the middle part of
caged animals. Apart from chemical parameters, both the harbour, which is chronically impacted from con-
the studies of Bolognesi et al. [91] and Winter et al. tamination, did not show any recovery. It is interesting
[92] suggest that both in fish and mussels, seasonal to compare this study with a similar study following
variation could play an important role in the observed the Sea Empress oil spill accident in 1996 in Milford
genotoxic effects in freshwater as well as in the marine Haven, Wales, UK. The study by Harvey et al. [98]
environment. indicated that oil contamination did not induce any de-
Lyons et al. [93], have carried out a field study tectable elevations in DNA adduct levels in the inverte-
around the coastal waters of the UK in which European brates (i.e. Halichondria panacea and Mytilus edulis),
flounder (P. flesus) were sampled from different estu- but the contamination did appear to induce adducts
aries. Hepatic DNA analysis of the samples suggested in the fish species (i.e. Lipophrys pholis, P. platessa
that fish populations in certain contaminated UK estu- and Limanda limanda). Interestingly, in common with
aries are being exposed to complex mixtures of geno- the study by Frenzilli et al. [97], data obtained 12–17
toxic and potentially carcinogenic contaminants. This months after the spill suggested that the affected species
supports a previous study by the group which demon- recovered from the oil contamination [98]. Bearing in
strated that European flounder populations inhabiting mind that both DNA strand break and adduct formation
industrialised UK estuaries are exposed to high lev- are repairable damages and, biomarkers of ‘exposure’
els of sediment-bound PAHs, and that a proportion of rather than ‘effects’, it remains possible that such expo-
the bioavailable PAHs are metabolised to carcinogenic sure could lead to mutations in other somatic and germ
substances [94]. In the present study, these authors have cells. The selection of robust, multiple end points in
also attempted to correlate the DNA adduct formation phylogenetically different groups of organism should
with histopathological biomarkers. Although it was dif- therefore be considered to get a holistic view of po-
ficult to associate the histological lesions with specific tential impact of such accidents when planning a long
sites, the contaminated sites showed higher prevalence term studies.
of these damages. Given that DNA adduct formation While we are attracted to study contaminated sites
is a repairable damage, the study emphasises the need to evaluate potential damage in the exposed biota, in
for complementing chemical data and effects at higher order to elucidate and solve many of the challenges
levels of biological organisation (e.g. histopathological in eco-genotoxicology (e.g. identification of physical,
biomarkers), when the adduct analysis is carried out. chemical and biological factors influencing the
It has been shown that DNA adduct formation is asso- induction of genetic damage under natural conditions;
ciated with the incidence of hepatic lesions, including identification of sensitive species and life stages;
neoplasms, in fish at contaminated sites [95]. There is individual variability and genetic susceptibility, etc.),
also strong evidence of a cause-and-effect relationship there is also a need for the monitoring sites (or sam-
between exposure to genotoxins in sediment and water ples) which are considered to be pristine, undisturbed
and neoplasm epizootics in wild fish populations [96]. or have moderate levels of contaminations compared
Frenzilli et al. [97] have attempted to evaluate the with heavily contaminated sites or samples [88]. This
levels of DNA strand breaks (using Comet assay) and is considered to be necessary in order to generate back-
apoptotic cells in Eelpout (Zoarces viviparous), a non- ground and historical control data while evaluating
migratory fish species, sampled from Goteborg har- the impact of anthropogenic contaminants on natural
bour area, Sweden, following a oil spill accident. The biota [99]. Monitoring of such sites is also necessary
genetic damage and apoptotic cell analyses were car- for many estuaries in industrialised areas that require
ried out in nucleated erythrocytes. In addition, levels of periodic maintenance dredging of navigable water-
PAHs exposure were also measured by analysing PAH ways to sustain recreational, commercial and military
10 A.N. Jha / Mutation Research 552 (2004) 1–17

shipping [100,101]. Akcha et al. [102] in this issue, DNA adduct levels was found. The authors however
investigated the influence of both biotic (e.g. age, could not find increased BPH activity and bulky adduct
sex) and abiotic (e.g. sampling site) factors on the use levels following long-term exposure of environmen-
of genotoxicity biomarkers (i.e. DNA strand breaks tally relevant doses of B(a)P. Based on this lack of
and adducts) in different cell types (i.e. erythrocytes response, the authors conclude that this species is not
and heapatocytes) for environmental monitoring. The sensitive to B(a)P exposure and, therefore, not suitable
authors have highlighted several factors, including for monitoring environmental exposure to PAHs. Given
seasonal variability, as carried out by Bolognesi that there is a lack of information pertaining to the use
et al. and Winter et al. [91,92], which require due of terrestrial gastropods for environmental monitoring
consideration when conducting field sampling using studies, this is valuable information for the workers in
flatfish species (L. limanda). the field.
Interspecies variability for toxic and genotoxic The marine ecosystem is the largest system in terms
response is well known and is attributed to the differ- of size and complexity. Compared to human popu-
ences in uptake, accumulation, metabolism, excretion, lations, the aquatic organisms are distributed and re-
sequestration and repair efficiency. Compared to stricted to well-defined and distinct occupancy, along
laboratory studies, the situation in the field becomes the vertical and horizontal habitats of the ecosystem.
more complex due to several confounding factors. It In these ecological niches, it is hard to find a sin-
is well accepted that to protect human and ecosystem gle species, representative of all. Although the deep
health, it is necessary to develop sensitive assays and sea environment is an important source for food and
to identify responsive cells and species, and their life sink for anthropogenic wastes, it is most poorly stud-
stages [86]. Bihari and Fafandel [103], in this issue, ied ecosystem, primarily because of logistic problems
have determined the spontaneous and B(a)P induced to reach these places. In this context, the members
DNA single strand breaks in a range of aquatic species, of hydrothermal-vent communities in the deep-sea are
and as mentioned earlier, supports the adoption of a well-adapted to survive in one of the most naturally
multi-species approach in designing biomonitoring contaminated (e.g. heavy metals and radionuclides,
programmes. While evaluating the DNA strand breaks, etc.) environment on this planet [105]. Given the ex-
the authors also obtained different elution rates for treme nature of the vent environment, it is of funda-
DNA from different species at different pH, suggesting mental interest to study the spontaneous and induced
that DNA denaturation under alkaline conditions are genetic damage in these organisms. Dixon et al., in
species-specific. This has important implications this issue [106], have reported interesting findings re-
for standardising protocols for biomonitoring using lated to adaptation and the effects of hydrostatic pres-
different species. sure change on DNA integrity in blood and gill cells
For environmental monitoring purposes, one of the of a hydrothermal-vent mussel species (Bathymodio-
major biological challenges has been to bring potential lus azoricus) collected from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge,
test organisms into continuous routine culture. This is an important study area for vent research in European
especially important when sound genetic analysis is to waters. Based on their findings, the authors suggest that
be carried out. In this context, the use of black slug future studies should concentrate on populations living
(Arion ater), a terrestrial gastropod species, which has at greater depths but only after significant advances are
been used traditionally as an indicator for metal pol- made in logistics of collecting the samples which are
lution, has been evaluated by Hamers et al. in this is- subjected to decompression stress during retrieval and
sue, for PAHs monitoring in the environment [104]. subsequent experimentation.
The organisms, collected from field were reared in the
laboratory and orally exposed to B(a)P for different
periods of time (i.e. 3 and 119 days). B(a)P hydroxy- 8. Risk assessment and environmental
lase (BPH) and bulky DNA adducts were analysed in management
the digestive glands and kidney cells respectively. Af-
ter a short exposure to a relatively high B(a)P doses, In this issue we have seen several examples of
a dose-dependent increase for BPH activity and bulky how the science is being used to assess the impact of
A.N. Jha / Mutation Research 552 (2004) 1–17 11

anthropogenic stresses under laboratory and field sit- 9. Future directions

uations in aquatic species. It is however a challenging
task to translate these information to assess the health Substantial progress has been made in the last two
of the ecosystem as a whole. Determination of the decades in the field of aquatic genotoxicology. Most
‘health’ of the ecosystem is therefore rapidly emerg- of the early developments had involved analysis of
ing as a new branch of science which focuses on the chromosomal aberrations in selected organisms, which
evaluation of health status, maintenance (i.e. sustain- included fish, bivalve molluscs, polychaete worms and
ability) of a healthy one and treatment (i.e. restora- echinoderm larvae [111–122]. Most of these studies
tion) of an unhealthy ecosystem [107]. One of the probably benefited from the techniques developed
most popular tools in our efforts to assess the po- to study the chromosome number and morphology
tential impact of anthropogenic stress is ecological in 1960s and 1970s for taxonomic and evolutionary
risk assessment. Because of the knowledge gaps in studies [15]. However, except for the actively dividing
our understanding of ecological significance of anthro- cells of embryo-larval stages of certain marine inver-
pogenic stressors, there is a lack of consensus for an ac- tebrates [15,30,32,88,116,117], the successful use of
ceptable, comprehensive decision-making framework chromosomal aberrations based on metaphase analysis
which could establish the roles of science and policy in aquatic organisms has been very limited. This is
in formulating environmental management principles. apparently because of low mitotic rates in tissues (e.g.
This has generated several myths that have numerous gill, spleen, etc.) of adult individuals, relatively small-
implications and important consequences for environ- sized and high chromosome numbers in most of the
mental decision making [108]. Some of these myths studied aquatic organisms and lack of well-established
include selection of sentinel or sensitive species, util- cell lines for invertebrates [15]. Given that only a few,
ity of acute versus chronic data, extrapolations from selected groups of organisms have been explored so
laboratory to field situations, etc. While science is far, attempts to get complete metaphase spreads either
playing an important role in developing techniques from established cell lines or from whole organisms
to assess the impact on the environment, at the mo- is likely to expand in future. This will also facilitate
ment it cannot address all the issues surrounding refinement of existing protocols, development of more
environmental risk management [108]. Attempts are in vivo test systems in phylogenetically different group
however being made to distinguish between these of organisms and their successful use in laboratory and
myths with the realty and different models are being field studies. These systems will complement parallel
proposed to evaluate ecotoxicological risk following developments in other areas of ecotoxicology and fa-
exposure to genotoxic agents in different environment cilitate the adoption of an integrated, inter-disciplinary
[109]. approach using multiple biomarkers to evaluate the
In this issue, Moore et al. [110] present their views impact of contaminants and other environmental
on this very complex and articulated topic for inte- stressors (e.g. UV radiation, hypoxia, nutritional
grated environmental management. The view, based deprivation, parasitic infection, etc.).
on the core information from published work from With limited success for the use of metaphase
laboratory and field studies, recognises the limitations spreads for aberration analysis, the micronucleus (MN)
and strengths of the literature and proposes the use assay in blood and gill cells of bivalve molluscs,
of diagnostic clinical-type, laboratory-based ecotox- fish and amphibians was developed and applied un-
icological tests or biomarkers linking different lev- der both field and laboratory conditions [123–132].
els of biological organisation, using sentinel animals The anaphase-telophase aberration assay was also de-
as integrators of pollution. The information generated veloped in echinoderm and fish larvae [119–122].
could be used by decision makers and environmen- The advantages and limitations of MN and anaphase-
tal managers. The authors also hypothesize that the telophase aberration assays in aquatic organisms have
proposed approach would benefit with the develop- been discussed in the literature [15]. While in mam-
ment of computational simulation models of cells, or- malian systems, development and applications of
gans and animals in tandem with available empirical molecular techniques (e.g. FISH, M FISH, SKY, CO-
data. BRA, etc.) are proving very useful to illuminate the
12 A.N. Jha / Mutation Research 552 (2004) 1–17

minute details of the complexity of the types of aberra- [147]. In common with mammalian systems, these
tions induced [133], the field of aquatic genotoxicology developments will adopt several molecular approaches
is still far behind in the application of these techniques to dissect the DNA repair mechanisms [141,148,149].
to elucidate the qualitative and quantitative induction Finally, with growing developments in ‘omics’
of chromosomal aberrations, one of the most impor- (i.e. genomics and proteomics), nanotechnology and
tant parameters for its known biological significance. biotechnology areas, we will be able to know more
Limited attempts to apply molecular cytogenetic tech- about how the organisms perceive changes at the
niques in aquatic organisms have not gone far enough molecular and genetic levels, and make functional re-
to throw light on the nature and complexity of genetic sponses within their environment. These functional re-
damage induced by environmental agents [134,135]. In sponses will uncover pattern of gene expression in the
future, it is hoped that in parallel with mammalian stud- organisms and their short-and long-term adaptations
ies, combination of whole chromosome painting with in response to environmental changes. The mechanis-
telomeric and centromeric probes, would provide better tic understanding and adaptations at molecular, genetic
insights of induction of structural and numerical chro- and cellular levels could then fill the gap in knowl-
mosomal aberrations in aquatic organisms. This will edge to link the reproductive and survival strategies of
also provide a robust comparison with well-advanced the organisms under stressed conditions. The tools de-
studies in human and mammalian cells. veloped, and information generated, would also help
The application of single cell gel electrophoresis environmental managers to develop and apply robust
(i.e. Comet assay) has revolutionised the field of approach to protect human and ecosystem health. All
genetic ecotoxicology. This assay has provided the op- these developments will make the field interesting,
portunity to study DNA damage, repair and cell death stimulating and challenging.
(apoptosis) in different cell types of aquatic organisms,
without prior knowledge of karyotype and cell turn
over rate. The advantages and disadvantages of this References
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