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Department of Computer System Engineering, UCET-IUB

SE / Spring 2011
Instructor: Eng. Qaiser Ijaz
Project Choices & Guidelines
Maximum Marks: 30


1. See course outline for weight-age.

2. You cannot take choice B or C, until all the topics in choice A be taken.

3. Project can be done in a group of two people (not in every case), but grading will be done
separately on the basis of individuals’ contribution.

Choice A

‘Seminar’ on Advanced Topics

What: Students have to give a seminar on the assigned topic.

How: Consult the instructor and do read the assigned topic from different
authors. The seminar must be well researched and should convey the
concept and knowledge; it’s not an ordinary presentation. It can range from
30 to 60 minutes. Entire class must be involved and on-board. It must
reflect the Literature Review and Intellectual Contribution.

When: on scheduled date.

Bonus: on a complete seminar.

No. Topic HR Required Status Date

1. The Agile Individual Available 06-06-2011

2. SCRUM Group Assigned 07-06-2011

3. Extreme Programming and RAD Individual Available 08-06-2011

4. Software Maintenance & Reliability Individual Available 09-06-2011

5. Computer Aided Software Engineering Individual Available 13-06-2011

6. Software Validation & Verification Individual Available 14-06-2011

7. Web Engineering Group Available 15-06-2011

8. Formal Methods Group Assigned 16-06-2011

9. Clean-room Software Engineering Group Assigned 20-06-2011

10. Component-Based Development Individual Available 21-06-2011

11. Software Reengineering Individual Available 22-06-2011

12. User Experience Design Individual Available 23-06-2011

13. Latest in SE, The Future Group Available 27-06-2011

Choice B

‘Research Review’ of Latest Publications

What: Students have to review ten (10) Research Papers.

How: For research review in this course, students are guided to choose at
least 10 advanced software engineering related research papers, published
in last 5 years, from reputed journals and conferences (preferably from
IEEE). Selection must strictly be relating to one specific area of SE such as
“Control Flow Diagrams”. The students then have to perform review of these
ten research papers and provide following:

A. Summary of the paper. Please note that do not copy the abstract of
paper as summary.

B. Provide your comments concerning the critical problems that you see
in the papers. These problems could be related to ‘research
methodology’ within the paper and / or problems with ‘intellectual
contribution’ (but not limited to).

Please see web for understanding; what is ‘research methodology’ and

‘intellectual contribution’.

C. Explain the strengths and the weaknesses in the paper.

D. Explain the agenda targeted in the paper in detail.

More: For each of the paper reviewed, ensure that your source of paper
collection is excellent (such as IEEE). It is also important that summary of
each paper must not be more than 3 pages long.
Make sure that you use good writing skills and you perform literature review
in very communicative, critical, analytical and goal oriented manner. Do not
write unnecessarily.

Try to be precise yet comprehensive. IT IS HIGHLY SUGGESTED THAT THE


The purpose of this Research Review is to ensure that the students develop
understanding of intellectual flavor for SE as a discipline. Please be precise
and work genuinely.

Yield: Your yield must be a final report. It must be accompanied with

hardcopies of all the research papers (10) that you studied as annexure. Try
not to spend money on color printing and cosmetics but ensure that your
report is worth reading.

When: 30th June 2011

Bonus: on picking research papers from reputed Journals.

Choice C

‘Software Design’ by Engineering a Real Life Problem

What: Students have to engineer a real life problem to provide a complete

Software Design.

How: You are guided to pick a problem, you or people around you, are
facing and then write a Case Study that would largely narrate the Functional
Requirements. Get approved your problem and case study you are going to
address. Then, provide the complete design up to Software Architecture
using the Classical SE approach.

When: 30th June 2011

Bonus: on developing the designed software.

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