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1. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

2. A friend in need is a friend indeed

3. All w0rk and n0 play make jack a dull b0y
4. An apple a day keeps the doct0r away
5. An eye f0r an eye, a tooth for a tooth
6. Better late than never
7. D0n’t juge a b0ok by its c0ver
8. Every cloudhas a silver lining
9. H0nest is thebest p0licy
10.It’s n0 use crying 0ver the spilt milk
11.L0ok bef0re u leap
12.Make hay while sunshines
13.0pp0rtunity seld0m kn0cks twice
14.Patienceis virtue
15.Practice makes perfects
16.R0me was never built in a day
17.The pen is mightier than the sw0rd
18.Time n tide wait f0r n0 man
19.Where there is a will,there’s a way
20.The early bird cathes the w0rm
21.Beauty is in the eyes 0f thebeh0lder
22.Cut ur cl0th acc0rding to ur cl0th
23.Half a l0af is better than n0 bread
24.Lightening never strikes twice at the same place
1.that is better to have something that is certain than take a risk to get more,were you
must lose everything.
2.a friend who helps when one is in a trouble is a real friend.
3.said to warn someone that they will  be an interesting person if they work all the time.
4.This means that eating an apple each day can help to keep you healthy.
5.Said to show that you believe if someone does something wrong,they should be punished
by having the same thing done to them.
6.said when you think that is better for someone or something to be late than never to
arrive or to happen.
7.Dont make judgement based only appearences.
8.said to emphasize that every difficult or unpleasant situation has some advantage.
9.said to advise someone that is better to tell the truth than to lie.
10.said to emphasize that is not useful feeling sorry about something which has already
11.this idoms mean that you should think carefully about the possible results or
consequences before doing something.
12.said to mean that you should make good of opportunity while it lasts.
13.take any opportunity or chance when it comes,it may not come agains.
14.the ability to wait for something without getting angry or upset is a valuable quality in
a person.
15.said to encourage someone to do something many times,so they will learn to do it very
16.something that you say which means that it takes a long time to do an important job.
17.said to emphasizes that thinking and writing have more influence on people and events
than the use of force or violence.
18.said to emphasize that people cannot stop the passing of time.
19.if we have the determination to do something,we can always find the path or method to
do it.
20.said to advise someone that they will win an advantages if they do something
immediately or before anyone else do it.
21.different people will find differences of opinion don't matter greatly. only buy what you have enough money to pay for.
23.said about a situation in which you must accept less than you wanted.
24.the idea here is that same misfortune or bad luck will not happen again the same

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