Module 9

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*Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Pacific Biological Station, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Nanaimo, BC, Canada

Department of Marine Science, University of Texas Marine Science Institute, Port Aransas, TX,
United States
Biosciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom

Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami, Fl, United States
Corresponding author:

1. Introduction
2. CO2 Transport and Homeostasis
2.1. CO2 Transport in the Blood
2.2. CO2 Transfer Across the Gills
2.3. Non-Teleost Models of CO2 Excretion
2.4. Air-Breathing Fish
3. Elevated Environmental CO2 and Extracellular pH Regulation
3.1. Effects of Ambient Ion Composition and Salinity
3.2. Organ Systems Used in Acid-Base Regulation and Compensation
4. Natural and Anthropogenic Elevations Environmental CO2
4.1. Ocean and Freshwater Acidification Relevant CO2 Levels
4.2. Aquaculture-Relevant CO2 Levels
4.3. Appropriate Sampling Methods to Assess Acid-Base Status in Elevated CO2

Carbon Dioxide Copyright # 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved


5. Intracellular pH Regulation
5.1. Consequences of Intracellular pH Dysregulation
5.2. Cellular Mechanisms of pH Regulation
5.3. Preferential Intracellular pH Regulation
6. Conclusions and Future Directions

Acid-base balance is one of the most tightly regulated physiological processes.

Accumulation of metabolic CO2 produced at the tissues causes extra- or intra-
cellular acidosis that can disrupt cellular processes. Consequently, fish have a
well-developed system for CO2 transport and excretion; however, the system
varies significantly among fish groups, which we review in this chapter. Ele-
vated environmental CO2 that occurs naturally or due to anthropogenic
factors (e.g., climate change and in aquaculture), in both freshwater and sea-
water, induces a rapid acid-base disturbance in fish. The resulting acidosis is
compensated by a net elevation in plasma ½HCO3   in exchange for [Cl],
primarily through processes at the gills, but also the kidney. The rate and com-
pleteness of acid-base compensation during CO2 exposure is affected by water
ion composition, and at high CO2 levels, there appears to be an upper limit to
the increase in plasma ½HCO3  . Fish that naturally live in such high CO2
environments appear to have an exceptional capacity for intracellular pH
regulation. While it has long been thought that fish would not be affected by
climate change relevant CO2 levels, negative physiological effects are seen.
The effect of fluctuating CO2 levels in both marine and freshwater environments
may be especially problematic, and an area where more research is required.


Acid-base regulation in vertebrates is tightly controlled and crucial for sur-

vival due to the pronounced effects of pH on protein charge that can ultimately
impact molecular, cellular, organ and whole animal performance (Madshus,
1988; Occhipinti and Boron, 2015; Putnam and Roos, 1997). Carbon dioxide
(CO2), the waste product of aerobic metabolism, is a weak acid that rapidly
affects the acid-base status of an organism. Therefore, blood CO2 levels are
tightly controlled through a complex physiological system to ensure adequate
excretion from the tissues to the environment. Section 2 gives an overview of
CO2 transport and homeostasis among different fish groups, highlighting the
similarities and differences in patterns of CO2 transport and excretion that
exist among fishes, which represent almost half of all vertebrate species.


Due to the low solubility of O2 in water, gill ventilation volume in fish is

high to secure sufficient O2 uptake, and because the solubility of CO2 is almost
30 times higher than O2, and because blood and water flow in the gills are
counter-current, CO2 is efficiently removed from the blood (Heisler, 1993).
Consequently, the blood arterial partial pressure of CO2 (PaCO2) in fish
is much lower than in air breathers, with values around 2 mmHg in fish
(Bayley et al., 2019; Claiborne, 1998; Evans et al., 2005; Perry and
Gilmour, 2006) compared to 40 mmHg in humans. PaCO2 values in fish are
primarily determined by environmental water CO2 levels but remain slightly
higher. Thus, when fish are exposed to elevated environmental CO2 levels,
either natural or anthropogenic in origin, this results in an elevation in PaCO2
and an associated acid-base disturbance. Changes in ventilation can never
reduce PaCO2 values below environmental levels, which combined with the
high density and viscosity of water makes ventilatory adjustments of acid-base
balance largely ineffective in fish, unlike in air breathers (Truchot, 1987).
Thus, fish regulate acid-base status primarily through differential regulation
of net H+ and HCO3  transfer between the animal and the environment
(Cameron, 1978; Evans et al., 2005; Heisler, 1984, 1986; Marshall and
Grosell, 2006; Perry and Gilmour, 2006). Section 3 reviews the effect of ele-
vated environmental CO2 on blood pH, also referred to as extracellular pH
(pHe), and the dynamics and limitations of pHe recovery. Furthermore, it
explores the role of environmental water chemistry in determining the rate
and completeness of pH compensation and the role of different organs
(the gills, kidney, and gastrointestinal tract) in acid-base compensation during
exposure to elevated CO2.
In general, fish are very effective acid-base regulators capable of defending
pHe during a range of acid-base disturbances (Truchot, 1987). In the 1970s and
80s, a great deal of research was conducted using elevated environmental CO2
as a tool to study the specific mechanisms of acid-base regulation in fish
(Cameron, 1978, 1980; Cameron and Iwama, 1987; Claiborne and Heisler,
1986; Heisler, 1984, 1986, 1988; Toews et al., 1983). This work demonstrated
that fish have a well-developed capacity to compensate for CO2 induced
acid-base disturbances and led to the early assumption that fish would be rel-
atively unaffected by natural and anthropogenic elevations in environmental
CO2. However, recent data discussed in this volume (Chapter 5, Vol 37: Heuer
et al., 2019; Chapter 6, Vol 37: Lefevre, 2019; Chapter 9, Vol 37: Munday
et al., 2019a) indicate physiological and behavioral effects are sometimes
reported at very low CO2 levels (see Heuer and Grosell, 2014) consistent
with those related to ocean acidification (OA; Caldeira and Wickett,
2003). While OA, caused by the equilibration of elevated atmospheric
CO2 with marine waters, is relatively well studied, the elevation in atmo-
spheric CO2 will also affect freshwater systems (freshwater acidification)


and its effects on fish have so-far received little attention (Hasler et al., 2016;
Ou et al., 2015). Section 4 discusses current and projected CO2 levels
associated with ocean and freshwater acidification due to both natural
(i.e., coastal upwelling and tropical systems) and anthropogenic (climate
change and aquaculture related) causes and how these CO2 levels affect
the acid-base status of fish.
Far more is known about how environmental CO2 affects the extracellular
acid-base status than intracellular acid-base status in fish; however, the latter is
crucial to gain a comprehensive understanding of how fish are affected by
CO2. The final section of the chapter, Section 5, is a discussion of the effects
of intracellular acid-base dysregulation, cellular mechanisms involved in
acid-base compensation and a unique pattern of acid-base regulation in
fishes, where some fish have a tremendous capacity to completely and rapidly
regulate intracellular pH.
Researchers that study CO2 effects in fish encompass a broad range of
disciplines from basic physiology (to identify specific mechanisms of acid-base
regulation), to environmental physiology (to understand how fish have
evolved to deal with naturally high levels of environmental CO2) to climate
change biology (to understand how climate change relevant CO2 affects fish)
to aquaculture (to understand how CO2 affects growth and welfare in intensive
fish culture). Different disciplines express the concentration and PCO2 using
different units, which can cause confusion, especially when transitioning
between fields. To address this, we have generated a nomogram of the main
units used among the different disciplines (Fig. 1) for two water types (fresh-
water and seawater) at two temperatures (10 °C and 30 °C). In this chapter, we
report CO2 in the units that were used in the literature from which it was
retrieved, but where possible, convert and report them in additional units to
reduce confusion. We hope Fig. 1 will be useful in the interconversion between
different units used in different disciplines.


2.1. CO2 Transport in the Blood

Metabolic CO2 is produced in the mitochondria and must diffuse down its
PCO2 gradient through the intracellular space, across organelle and tissue
membranes (e.g., sarcolemma), through the interstitial space and finally across
the capillary wall before reaching convective blood flow. From there, CO2 is
transported by the blood to the gills, where CO2 diffuses across the gill plasma
membrane, through the interstitial space of the branchial cells and finally
across the gill epithelium into the ventilated water. Each step in this transport


ml l−1 (ATPS)

mmol l−1

mg l−1



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

mmHg or torr

0 1000 2000 3000

µ atm

0 0.1 0.2 0.3


0 0.1 0.2 0.3



ml l−1 (ATPS)


mmol l−1

mg l−1




0 10 20 30 40 50 60
mmHg or torr

0 20000 40000 60000 80000

µ atm

0 2 4 6 8

0 2 4 6 8

Fig. 1. Nomogram for dissolved CO2 in freshwater (solid lines) and seawater (dashed lines) at
10 °C (blue) and 30 °C (red) for CO2 tensions relevant to ocean acidification (A) and tropical water
and aquaculture systems (B) reporting the most commonly used units. The concentration of


dissolved CO2 in water ([CO2]) was calculated as the product of the solubility (αCO2) and partial
pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) (Henry’s law). Solubilities used were 0.07061 (freshwater, 10 °C),
0.03925 (freshwater, 30 °C), 0.06080 (seawater, 10 °C), and 0.03457 mmol L1 mmHg1
(Boutilier et al., 1984). Interconversions between units of partial pressure were 1 mmHg ¼
0.133 kPa ¼ 1316 μatm ¼ 0.1316%. Interconversions between concentrations were 1 mmol L1
¼ 44.1 mg L1 ¼ 44.1 ppm ¼ 24.0 mL O2 L1 (ambient temperature pressure saturated). The
latter is calculated using the ideal gas equation at 20 °C and 760 mmHg, and results in a 3% error
when converted to 10 °C or 30 °C.

cascade from the tissues to the water is aided by distinct pools of the enzyme
carbonic anhydrase (CA), which rapidly catalyzes the conversion of CO2 to
HCO3  (referred to as CO2 hydration), and the reverse (referred to as
HCO3  dehydration; see reviews by Esbaugh and Tufts, 2006a; Geers and
Gros, 2000; Henry and Heming, 1998), according to the following simplified

CO2 + H2 O Ð H + + HCO
3 (1)

The significance of this reaction lies in the fact that the CO2 permeability
across membranes is much greater than that of HCO3  , and that the PCO2
gradient across membranes is independent of ½HCO3  . Furthermore, CO2
acts as a weak acid in water, which at in vivo relevant pH values, results in
the majority of the total CO2 load existing as HCO3  in intracellular and
extracellular fluids. Finally, the uncatalyzed rate of HCO3  dehydration is
very slow (25–90 s; Swenson, 2000) in relation to blood flow. As such, specific
intra and extracellular pools of CA are integral to mobilizing HCO3  stores
and augmenting CO2 diffusion across membranes.
At the site of CO2 production, metabolically active tissues, such as muscle,
possess intracellular pools of cytoplasmic CA (CAc). This was first thought to
be paradoxical, as it was theorized that such a CA pool would only serve to
trap metabolic CO2 in the intracellular space (Roughton, 1935). Instead, this
pool has been found to contribute to the facilitated diffusion of CO2 in the
intracellular space, which was demonstrated to increase CO2 transport by a
factor of 2–3.7 depending on the muscle type (Geers and Gros, 2000). While
most of this work has been conducted on mammalian systems, it seems likely
that a similar function occurs in fish. It is well known that fish muscle contains
a cytoplasmic CA pool (Esbaugh and Tufts, 2004, 2006b; Esbaugh et al., 2005;
Henry et al., 1993), and fish cardiac muscle contains a cytoplasmic CA pool
that is absent in mammals (Esbaugh and Tufts, 2004; Esbaugh et al., 2004).
The concept of facilitated diffusion is rooted in the fact that diffusion of
CO2 and HCO3  occurs in parallel, with a greater role for facilitation by


CA when the HCO3  :CO2 ratio in the cytoplasm is high (Geers and Gros,
2000). Measured values of intracellular pH (pHi) in fish muscle typically range
from 7.2 to 7.3 (Esbaugh et al., 2009a, 2012; P€ ortner et al., 1990), which would
result in a HCO3  :CO2 ratio of between 13 and 17, a value consistent with that
of mammals. The role of CAc in facilitating CO2 removal should be more
important at rest than following intense exercise where the pHi of muscle
can drop as low as 6.4 (Esbaugh et al., 2009a) and the HCO3  :CO2 ratio falls
to almost 1 (Geers and Gros, 2000). However, the only empirical evidence
from fish indicates that CAc may be more important following intense exer-
cise. In a series of experiments utilizing a perfused tail preparation from rain-
bow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) selective inhibition of CAc resulted in no
effect on CO2 excretion at rest (Henry et al., 1997a), but significantly impaired
excretion during simulated exercise (Wang et al., 1998).
The second pool of membrane-bound plasma-accessible CA has been
implicated in the transport of CO2 across the sarcolemma and capillary walls.
This pool functions to hydrate CO2 to HCO3  as it diffuses across the respec-
tive epithelium, which maximizes the PCO2 gradient, and thus CO2 diffusion,
between the fluid compartments. In fish, this has been verified for the white
muscle sarcolemma using a membrane impermeable inhibitor—quaternary
ammonium sulfanilamide (QAS)—which significantly reduced CO2 efflux
from a perfused tail preparation (Henry et al., 1997a). This pool of CA
appeared to be more important under resting conditions, as the effects of
QAS were reduced under simulated exercise conditions (Wang et al., 1998).
The evidence for a similar role in the capillaries is more ambiguous. The obser-
vation that plasma CA infusion eliminated the venous pH disequilibrium in
rainbow trout (Currie et al., 1995; Perry et al., 1997) was taken as evidence
that little plasma-accessible CA activity was present in the venous capillaries
(Henry and Heming, 1998). This differs in other regions of the cardiovascular
system, where recent evidence from the red muscle and heart lumen indicates
the presence of plasma-accessible CA that is sufficient to aid oxygen unloading
from the red blood cell through short-circuiting of a Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE)
and acidifying the red blood cell (Alderman et al., 2016; Harter and Brauner,
2017; Randall et al., 2014; Rummer et al., 2013). This acidification then reduces
the affinity of hemoglobin (Hb) for oxygen (Bohr effect) to an even greater
degree than occurs in most vertebrates due to metabolic CO2 production alone
(Harter and Brauner, 2017; Rummer and Brauner, 2011, see also Chapter 10,
Vol 37: Munday et al., 2019b). Presumably, this pool of CA could also contrib-
ute to CO2 removal from the tissues; however, direct evidence is lacking. The
pool of CA that is usually attributed to CO2 efflux and pH equilibration at the
tissues (capillary and sarcolemma) is a CA-IV-like isoform, which is bound to
the membrane by a glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI) linkage. The available
evidence in fish at present is almost exclusively transcriptomic with evidence


for muscle and/or heart expression of CA-IV from a variety of fish species
(Alderman et al., 2016; Esbaugh et al., 2009a,b; Gilmour et al., 2007a); how-
ever, no specific cellular localization of CA-IV has been performed outside of
the gill which is an important consideration as multiple membrane-associated
CA isoforms (IX, XII, and XIV) have been shown to be expressed in muscle
and heart tissue (Esbaugh and Tufts, 2004; Esbaugh et al., 2009a,b).
Once CO2 diffuses into the red blood cell, it is quickly hydrated to form
HCO3  and H+ by a blood specific CA isoform that appears to differ from
cytosolic forms. The HCO3  is removed from the red blood cell in exchange
for Cl by the anion exchanger band 3 (AE; SLC4a1), and some of the H+ s are
buffered by Hb or bound to Hb as O2 is released at the tissues (Haldane effect).
The H+ s that are not buffered by Hb reduce the pH of the red blood cell and
induce the Bohr effect, further facilitating O2 delivery. The Haldane effect and
Bohr effect inextricably link CO2 and O2 transport where CO2 removal from
the tissues enhances O2 delivery, and O2 unloading facilitates CO2 removal
from the tissues (see review by Brauner and Randall, 1998).
The general model for all fishes is that at physiological pH (which is much
higher than the pK of Eq. 1) over 90% of the total CO2 load in the blood is
transported as HCO3  (Boutilier et al., 1984) with the bulk found in the
plasma (Perry et al., 1996); however, there are notable lineage-specific excep-
tions (Fig. 2). Unlike tetrapods, the contribution of oxygenation dependent
CO2 that directly binds to Hb (carbamino CO2) is negligible in fish
(Heming et al., 1986). The CO2 capacitance (△[TCO2]/△PCO2), which refers
to the change in total blood CO2 content relative to the change in PCO2, is greatly
influenced by the buffer value of Hb which binds H+ released upon CO2 hydra-
tion, and the magnitude of the Haldane effect (where Hb binds H+ s upon
deoxygenation). In combination with the red blood cell Cl/HCO3  exchanger,
this results in dual end-product removal from the red cell and further promotes
CO2 hydration. Importantly, this pattern of CO2 capacitance varies among fish
groups, as discussed below (see Fig. 2).

2.2. CO2 Transfer Across the Gills

The general model for CO2 excretion across the gills of teleost fishes is well
defined and is largely consistent with the pathway in the lungs of terrestrial
vertebrates (see previous reviews Esbaugh and Tufts, 2006a; Perry et al.,
2009; Tufts and Perry, 1998; Fig. 2). The process begins with the simple dif-
fusion of gaseous CO2 and O2 in opposite directions across the branchial epi-
thelium. The reduction in red blood cell PCO2 drives the dehydration of
intracellular HCO3  in the presence of CA (see Section 2.1). This coincides
with the release of H+ from Hb following oxygenation via the Haldane
effect (Christianson et al., 1914), which further facilitates CO2 excretion.


Fig. 2. Model of general patterns of CO2 excretion in different fish groups: agnathans (hagfish
(A) and lamprey (B)), sharks (C) and teleosts (D, E). In agnathans, red blood cells lack
Cl/HCO3  exchange. Hagfish (A), possess plasma-accessible carbonic anhydrase (CA;
CA-IV-like isoform) permitting HCO3  dehydration to CO2 from both the plasma and red blood
cell compartments. Lamprey (B), lack the CA-IV-like isoform and all HCO3  dehydration is
restricted to the red blood cell and dependent upon hemoglobin (Hb) oxygenation to provide
H+ s through a large Haldane effect. In sharks (C), a CA-IV-like isoform permits HCO3  dehy-
dration to CO2 from the plasma and red blood cell compartments, where the latter is highly depen-
dent upon red blood cell Cl/HCO–3 exchange. In most teleosts (D), a CA-IV-like isoform is absent
and all HCO3  dehydration to CO2 is restricted to the red blood cell with a tight coupling of O2
uptake and CO2 excretion through a large Bohr and Haldane effect. Icefish (E), represent a teleost
exception where there are no red blood cells, and a CA-IV-like isoform permits all HCO3  dehy-
dration to CO2 from the plasma compartment. Figure prepared by Jacelyn Shu and modified from
Nikinmaa et al. (2019) with permission.

The depletion of red blood cell intracellular HCO3  drives the uptake of
plasma HCO3  through the AE (SLC4a1) in exchange for Cl, where it
can be rapidly dehydrated to CO2 in the presence of CA. This allows for sub-
stantial dehydration of the plasma HCO3  pool which otherwise could not
occur as plasma-accessible CA is generally thought to be absent in the gills
of teleosts (see reviews by Harter and Brauner, 2017; Randall et al., 2014).
In fact, a single pass of blood through the gills is sufficient to eliminate up
to 35% of the total CO2 load from the plasma (Perry, 1986) despite the short
gill resident time of <2.5 s (Cameron and Polhemus, 1974). An interesting
exception to this within teleosts is the icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) which
completely lack Hb and red blood cells in their circulatory system. The icefish
has recently been shown to possess plasma-accessible CA that may completely
compensate for the lack of red blood cell CA, permitting all CO2 to be excreted
directly from the plasma compartment, a pattern unlike any other vertebrate
(Harter et al., 2018; Fig. 2).
CO2 excretion in teleosts operates with an apparent diffusion limitation
whereby the efficiency of CO2 exchange is reduced as gill blood flow increases
(Desforges et al., 2002; Perry, 1986). The limitations of the system are defined
by the ability to dehydrate the plasma HCO3  pool that must enter the red


blood cell. When uncatalyzed, the dehydration reaction has a half time of
between 25 and 90 s (Swenson, 2000), but this is dramatically increased by
the presence of red blood cell CA. In fact, teleost red blood cells have been
shown to contain between 11,000 and 22,000 CA enzyme units per milliliter
when measured at 4 °C, where a single unit will double the uncatalyzed dehy-
dration rate (calculated from Esbaugh et al., 2005). The importance of CA has
been demonstrated for fish on numerous occasions, including observations
of elevated PCO2 following acetazolamide infusion (Hoffert and Fromm,
1973)—a potent CA inhibitor—as well as reduced PCO2 following plasma
infusion of bovine CA (Desforges et al., 2001; Esbaugh et al., 2012;
Tzaneva et al., 2011; Wood and Munger, 1994). Yet the apparent diffusion
limitations are not actually defined by the amount of red blood cell CA, which
is thought to be present in excess of physiological function in most vertebrates
(Henry and Swenson, 2000; Swenson, 2000; Swenson and Maren, 1978).
Instead, the rate-limiting step in CO2 excretion is the red blood cell band
3 AE. This was best demonstrated in fish by the observation that in vivo
red cell lysis, and thus liberation of red blood cell CA, resulted in reduced
blood PCO2 in rainbow trout (Perry and Gilmour, 1993).
While it is generally accepted that red blood cell band 3 AE is the rate-
limiting step for CO2 excretion under typical circumstances, other character-
istics of the branchial epithelium can also impact CO2 excretion efficiency.
More simply, parameters that increase the capacity for molecular CO2 diffu-
sion across the gill can contribute to a relative decline in plasma PCO2 and
include changes in gill perfusion or changes in gill anatomical surface area
and diffusion distance. The latter is especially exemplified in teleost fish that
increase blood water diffusion distance and reduce lamellar surface area of the
gill when the demand for O2 is low through the development of an inter-
lamellar cell mass (ILCM; Matey et al., 2008; Phuong et al., 2017; Sollid
et al., 2003). Interestingly, studies on goldfish (Carassius auratus) have shown
that the presence of ILCM does not affect arterial PO2, but significantly
increases arterial PCO2 (Tzaneva et al., 2011). The significance of these find-
ings is magnified by the fact that the presence of ILCM was associated with
low temperature (7 °C), and thus a lower rate of metabolic CO2 production
than ILCM-free fish (25 °C). There is also some support that fish may manip-
ulate diffusion distance specifically in response to elevated CO2 (Esbaugh
et al., 2016) in an analogous fashion to observations following hypoxia expo-
sure (Henriksson et al., 2008; Mitrovic et al., 2009).
A final factor that has been of interest in recent years is that of channel-
mediated CO2 diffusion across lipid bilayers. The importance of gas channels
for increasing membrane NH3 and CO2 permeability was first discussed in the
context of mammalian systems following the observation that the gastric
gland epithelium isolated from rabbit showed low NH3 and CO2 permeability


(Waisbren et al., 1994). It was subsequently demonstrated that members of the

aquaporin (Cooper and Boron, 1998; Nakhoul et al., 1998) and Rhesus (Rh)
channel (Endeward et al., 2008; Kustu and Inwood, 2006) gene families were
able to mediate NH3 and CO2 diffusion. Interestingly, the aquaporin family
shows clear selectivity for NH3 and CO2 with human AQP5 showing
higher permeability for CO2 than AQP1 and AQ4 (Musa-Aziz et al., 2009).
Conversely, the Rh channels show little selectivity for CO2 with all demon-
strating similar ranges of permeability (Geyer et al., 2013). These observations
have also been extended to zebrafish (Danio rerio) where evidence has been
provided for dual NH3 and CO2 transport by Rhbg, Rhcg1 (Perry et al.,
2010a) and AQP1a1 (Chen et al., 2010; Talbot et al., 2015). Despite the evi-
dence that aquaporin and Rh channels can provide additional permeability
through a lipid membrane, there is still debate regarding the physiological
significance of this finding, particularly for CO2. It has been argued that
the natural background permeability of CO2 is sufficiently high to maintain
physiological function, owing to the high oil:water partition coefficient
(Hulikova and Swietach, 2014). This was supported by assessing CO2 perme-
ation rates in multicellular tissue growths of three different cell lines, which
showed no change in CO2 diffusivity following treatment with channel
blockers (Hg2+ and p-chloromercuribenzoic acid; Hulikova and Swietach,
2014). Nonetheless, the available data from fish are more supportive of the
physiological significance of Rh and AQP1a1 in CO2 transport, at least with
respect to the zebrafish. Larval zebrafish showed a significant reduction in the
respiratory exchange ratio ðṀ CO2 =Ṁ O2 Þ following morpholino knockdown
of Rhcg1, Rhbg (Perry et al., 2010a) as well as AQP1a1 (Talbot et al., 2015).
These data suggest that in the absence of gas channels, the apparent diffusion
limitations on CO2 excretion are exacerbated.

2.3. Non-Teleost Models of CO2 Excretion

The teleost model of CO2 transport conforms to the general pattern
observed in tetrapods with about 90% of the total CO2 being carried in the
plasma, and access to red blood cell CA provided by an anion exchange trans-
porter (Fig. 2). Yet this does not appear to be the case for the more basal fish
lineages. For example, the available evidence from sea lamprey (Petromyzon
marinus; Agnatha) suggests that the red blood cell carries over 20% of the total
CO2 in venous blood (Ferguson et al., 1992; Tufts and Boutilier, 1989; Tufts
et al., 1992). The primary reason for this is an absence of red blood cell anion
exchange activity (Nikinmaa and Railo, 1987; and see review by Tufts and
Perry, 1998), which means that the metabolic CO2 that enters the red blood
cell at the tissues is retained throughout the circulation. The carrying capacity
for CO2 is maintained in part because of a large Bohr and Haldane effect that


offers high H+ buffering at the tissue (Ferguson et al., 1992; Nikinmaa and
Mattsoff, 1992; Fig. 2). This is aided by the presence of red blood cell NHE
that provides additional intracellular pH regulation (Nikinmaa, 1986;
Nikinmaa et al., 1986; Tufts, 1992). At the gills, the large Haldane effect in
lamprey initiates intracellular acidification during Hb-oxygenation that
drives HCO3  dehydration, with 62% of the total arterial-venous difference
occurring within the red blood cell (Tufts et al., 1992). Curiously, there is
no evidence of plasma-accessible CA in the gills of lamprey (Henry et al.,
1993; Fig. 2), which would mean that approximately 80% of the total CO2
in lamprey blood is at the mercy of the slow uncatalyzed HCO3  dehydration
rate, and thus effectively trapped in the plasma. Furthermore, the red blood cell
CA activity in lamprey is an order of magnitude lower than that found in tel-
eosts (Esbaugh and Tufts, 2006b; Henry et al., 1993) despite the fact that this
is the only known scenario where red blood cell CA activity would represent
the rate-limiting step in CO2 excretion.
A very different scenario occurs in the other group of agnathans, the hag-
fish. The available evidence from these species suggests that the CO2 carriage
patterns are similar to teleosts, with nearly 90% of the total CO2 load found in
the plasma (Esbaugh et al., 2009b; Tufts et al., 1998). Yet these species also
lack appreciable red blood cell anion exchange ability (Ellory et al., 1987;
Esbaugh et al., 2009b), have a small Haldane effect, and have very low red
blood cell CA activity (Esbaugh et al., 2009b). Furthermore, hagfish generally
have low Hb buffer values (Esbaugh et al., 2009b; Tufts et al., 1998) and little
NHE activity (Nikinmaa et al., 1993). Taken together, this would suggest that
the red blood cell should play a limited role in blood CO2 transport. Instead,
there is evidence that hagfish possess several pools of plasma-accessible CA
that can participate in CO2 transport outside of the red blood cell (Fig. 2).
These include (1) membrane-bound CA-IV in the gills; (2) membrane-bound
CA-IV and XV found in the red blood cells; (3) circulating CA activity in
the plasma (Esbaugh et al., 2009b). While it has yet to be empirically demon-
strated, it seems reasonable to hypothesize that O2 and CO2 transport in this
group is spatially separated with the red blood cell driving O2 transport, and
the plasma driving CO2 transport. This also means that CO2 capacitance in hag-
fish is defined by plasma non-bicarbonate buffering (βNB). While the separated
plasma βNB is higher than that of most teleosts (Esbaugh et al., 2009b; Tufts
et al., 1998), the whole blood βNB may be much lower and possibly represent
a constraint on CO2 capacitance. For example, Eptatretus stoutii has a true
plasma βNB of only 4.8 mM pH1 (Esbaugh et al., 2009b) as compared to
values ranging from 7 to 14.3 mM pH1 in teleosts (Tufts and Perry, 1998).
The elasmobranch model of CO2 transport seems to represent an interme-
diate between hagfish and teleosts (see reviews by Gilmour and Perry, 2009b;
Morrison et al., 2016; Nikinmaa et al., 2019; Fig. 2). Like teleosts, elasmo-
branchs generally carry the majority of CO2 in the plasma and contain red


blood cell anion exchange activity (Obaid et al., 1979). Yet these species also
lack a large Haldane effect (Perry et al., 1996), have relatively low red blood
cell CA activity (Henry et al., 1997b; Maren et al., 1980), contain plasma-
accessible CA-IV in their gills (Gilmour et al., 2002, 2007a), and circulating
CA in the plasma (Henry et al., 1997b), as well as high levels of separated
plasma βNB (Gilmour et al., 2002). This combination of characteristics would
seem to support the presence of two distinct pathways for CO2 excretion in
elasmobranchs. An as yet unresolved question is how much each of these path-
ways is relied upon under different scenarios. Using the slowly membrane-
permeable CA inhibitor benzolamide, Swenson and Maren (1987) demon-
strated that elimination of >98.5% of the branchial CA activity had no effect
on plasma PCO2 in dogfish (Squalus acanthias). The permeable inhibitor
methazolamide resulted in elevated PCO2 after only 1 h post-infusion. These
results suggest that the red blood cell pool drives the majority of CO2 excretion
under resting conditions. Conversely, Gilmour et al. (2001) used benzolamide
to demonstrate a significant decrease in the arterial-venous difference in total
CO2, which indicated reduced CO2 excretion when branchial CA activity
was inhibited. This result was not observed in rainbow trout using similar
experimental conditions. Similar support for a role of branchial CA in CO2
excretion was provided by the observation that reducing hematocrit by 62%
had no effect on PCO2, despite a significant increase in cardiac output
(Gilmour and Perry, 2004). A significant increase in PCO2 was observed
following infusion with the membrane impermeable inhibitor F3500. Taken
together, these data support a role for both plasma and red blood cell mediated
CO2 excretion in elasmobranchs under resting conditions (Fig. 2). An impor-
tant caveat is that the physiological studies have been performed on only a
single species. While branchial and plasma CA activity is found in other elas-
mobranch species, as well as at least one chimaeran (Gilmour et al., 2002), it
remains to be seen if the patterns of CO2 excretion observed in dogfish are
broadly representative of elasmobranchs; however, a recent study investigat-
ing 13 different chondrichthyan species confirms that, for the most part, this
appears to be the case (McMillan et al., 2019).

2.4. Air-Breathing Fish

The model of teleost CO2 transport described above is complicated some-

what in air-breathing fish owing to the dual respiratory epithelia: the gills and
the air-breathing organ. Air-breathing fish are generally classified as either
obligate or facultative, whereby the former requires access to air to survive
while the latter selectively uses air-breathing but can sustain vital function
using only their gills (Graham, 1997). It is important to note that this classi-
fication relates to O2 transport and not CO2 transport, as many obligate
air breathers primarily use their gills to eliminate CO2 (see Graham, 1997).


For example, the obligate air-breathing African lungfish (Protopterus

annectens) eliminates <15% of metabolic CO2 through its air-breathing
organ (Gilmour et al., 2007b). However, the relative contribution of the air-
breathing organ increases following an acidosis, suggesting that the impor-
tance of air-breathing to CO2 transport is dynamic in some air-breathing fish
(Gilmour et al., 2007b).
As the majority of CO2 is excreted across the gills, the pathways for CO2 are
largely similar to those of teleosts with a few additional considerations. First is
the relative importance of the Haldane effect in offloading CO2 at the gills,
which presumably is reduced as the gills are a negligible site of O2 uptake—
at least in obligate air breathers (Brauner et al., 2004a). The available evidence
suggests that the gills of air-breathing fish are similar to water-breathing teleosts
in that they do not have plasma-accessible CA (Gervais and Tufts, 1998). Thus,
the red blood cell must remain the primary route for CO2 excretion. The lack of
an appreciable Haldane effect during branchial CO2 excretion may be offset by
the intrinsically higher levels of PCO2 carried in the blood of air breathers
(Brauner et al., 2004a), many of which have levels in excess of 10mmHg
(e.g., Gilmour et al., 2007b; Graham, 1997). This would result in a much greater
PCO2 gradient between the blood and the water and increase the driving force
for CO2 diffusion. In contrast to the gills, the air-breathing organ of at least one
air-breather (Amia calva) does have membrane-bound CA, which is presumably
plasma oriented (Gervais and Tufts, 1998). Yet it remains unclear if this isoform
plays a significant role in CO2 excretion into the air-breathing organ, or if its role
is more akin to that of mammals where it primarily acts to alleviate pH disequi-
librium in the pulmonary capillaries to facilitate proper ventilatory control
(see review by Esbaugh and Tufts, 2006a).



From the above section, it is clear that fish have an intricate system to trans-
port metabolically produced CO2 from its source of production in the tissues to
the environment. Blood PCO2 and pH are tightly controlled to ensure metabolic
homeostasis despite different patterns of CO2 transport and excretion in different
fish groups (Fig. 2). However, this system can operate bi-directionally, and thus
exposure to elevated environmental CO2 can lead to large physiological distur-
bances. Environmental CO2 levels can fluctuate due to many factors, however,
we focus on those related to OA (up to 1000–2000μatm; 0.75–1.5 mmHg), fresh-
water acidification (with temperate lakes and streams up to 4000 μatm; 3 mmHg
and some tropical systems reaching 78,000μatm; 60mmHg) and in intensive
aquaculture (up to 28,000μatm; 22.5 mmHg; 40 mg/L). See Section 4 for


elaboration upon these conditions. The physiological disturbances associated

with elevated environmental CO2 levels in the aforementioned ranges are dis-
cussed next, followed by the influence of water ionic composition (see
Section 3.1) and the role of different organ systems on acid-base compensation
(see Section 3.2).
During exposure to elevated environmental CO2, internally elevated CO2
(hypercapnia) hydrates to H+ and HCO3  and acidifies bodily fluids (Eq. 1).
This acid-base disturbance is to some degree buffered by internal buffer sys-
tems in the blood and extracellular space serving as an initial line of defense
against the acidosis. However, the protons that are not buffered lead to a
reduction in pHe. In general, elevated sustained environmental CO2 results
in a transient reduction in pHe and tissue pHi (but see Sections 3 and 5.3).
The resulting acidoses directly affect the acid-base status, but may indirectly
affect O2 transport characteristics, and this may represent the greatest initial
stressor at high CO2 levels. A reduction in red blood cell pHi not only reduces
Hb-O2 affinity via the Bohr effect, but it may also reduce Hb-O2 carrying
capacity, known as the Root effect. Most teleosts possess a Root effect (see
Berenbrink et al., 2005) and thus, exposure to elevated environmental CO2
can result in a reduction in internal O2 levels, hypoxemia. Many fish that pos-
sess a Root effect can protect red blood cell pHi through the release of cate-
cholamines and adrenergic stimulation of NHE (see Berenbrink et al., 2005
and Chapter 10, Vol 37: Munday et al., 2019b). However, this protective effect
may be overwhelmed at high CO2 tensions.
The CO2 induced acidosis, compensation, and eventual pHe recovery have
been well studied in fish, and the reader is referred to several excellent reviews
(Claiborne et al., 2002; Evans et al., 2005; Heisler, 1984, 1986, 1993; Truchot,
1987). The dynamics of the acid-base disturbance and recovery are often rep-
resented using a pH/HCO3  plot (also known as a Davenport diagram;
Davenport, 1974), which allows the simultaneous visualization of plasma
½HCO3  , pH, and PCO2 of the blood. For example, in Fig. 3, exposure to
elevated environmental CO2 initially induces a reduction in pHe along a
non-bicarbonate buffer line (a respiratory acidosis) represented by the arrow
connecting numbers 1 and 2. Subsequent pHe recovery is accomplished
through active net H+ excretion (see below and Claiborne et al., 2002;
Evans et al., 2005; Heisler, 1984, 1986, 1993; Perry and Gilmour, 2006), which
is associated with a net increase in plasma ½HCO3   and an equimolar reduc-
tion in plasma [Cl]. The increase in pHe occurs along the respective PCO2-
isopleth (metabolic alkalosis) set by the equilibrium between CO2 and H+
(the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, Eq. 2).
pH ¼ pK + log 10 (2)
αCO2  PCO2


60 mmHg
154 (−0.91)

[HCO3] (mM)


18 mmHg

50 41.5 (−0.54)

7.5 mmHg
13.4 (−0.29)

1.34 (−0.05) 3.0 mmHg

2.5 mmHg

6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75

Fig. 3. Predicted changes in acid-base status upon exposure to different levels of environmental
CO2. Changes in acid-base status were calculated for a fish with a control arterial blood PCO2
of 2.5 mmHg (point 1) that was elevated to 3.0, 7.5, 18, or 60 mmHg, representative of exposures
to ocean acidification (OA), temperate and tropical aquaculture, and tropical freshwater swamps,
respectively. After exposure to CO2, pH and ½HCO3   changes along the dashed non-bicarbonate
blood buffer line (from point 1 to 2), and blood pH subsequently recovers in association with
an increase in plasma ½HCO3   along their corresponding PCO2 isopleths (dotted curved lines).
The required elevation in plasma ½HCO3   for blood pH compensation, and the initial reduction
in blood pH (in brackets) are shown in the top right corner of each trace. The figure shows that the
initial pH disturbance is modest in an OA scenario requiring a small change in net acid excretion to
compensate pH, but that the pH disturbance associated with exposure to high environmental CO2
typical of tropical swamps is very large requiring unrealistic changes in net acid excretion to com-
pensate pH (i.e., an increase in plasma ½HCO3   of 154 mM). See Fig. 5 for a magnified version of
the OA scenario with different starting blood PCO2 levels. PCO2-isopleths and the model were
generated using Eq. (2) with αCO2 and pK0 from Boutilier et al. (1984), temperature ¼ 25 °C
and a non-bicarbonate buffering capacity of 10 slykes.


The PCO2 isopleths are much steeper at high PCO2 compared to low
PCO2, and therefore proportionally larger increases in ½HCO3   are required
to compensate pH when challenged by high PCO2 (Eq. 3; Fig. 3).
Δ HCO 3 ¼ ΔPCO2  αCO2  10
This suggests that fish exposed to future OA scenarios, where internal PCO2
may change by 0.5 mmHg (i.e., from 2.5 to 3.0 mmHg; 3330–4000 μatm), would
require a 1.34 mM increase in ½HCO3   to fully compensate pH. In more
extreme scenarios, such as in aquaculture systems where water PCO2 levels
of 7–18 mmHg (10,000–24,000 μatm) have been observed (Damsgaard et al.,
2015; Ellis et al., 2017), full pHe compensation would require a 13–42mM
increases in plasma ½HCO3   (Fig. 3). However, the most extreme CO2 condi-
tions are found in tropical swamps with dense vegetation, where water PCO2
may reach values as high as 60mmHg (80,000 μatm; Furch and Junk, 1997).
Complete pHe compensation at this PCO2 would require an increase in plasma
½HCO3   of over 150 mM to compensate pHe fully. The latter is not physiolog-
ically possible as it would require complete replacement of all extracellular
anions (in particular, plasma Cl) with ½HCO3   if normal osmotic status
was to be maintained.
A recent analysis suggests that the ability to actively increase net proton
excretion (which does not distinguish between H+ excretion into the water
and/or HCO3  uptake from the water) is the single most important factor that
determines the capacity for a fish to compensate pHe under elevated environ-
mental CO2 while non-bicarbonate buffering effectively plays a comparably
minor role (Shartau et al., 2019). Some fish examined, however, do not possess
the ability to elevate plasma ½HCO3   beyond an apparent 30 mM threshold
in the blood during exposure to elevated environmental CO2 which limits the
water PCO2 where fish can fully compensate pHe to about 15 mmHg (Brauner
and Baker, 2009; Heisler, 1988; Shartau et al., 2019; Fig. 4). This limitation
was first observed by Heisler (1984), which he referred to as an “apparent
bicarbonate concentration threshold.” Most studies that investigate acid-base
regulatory responses to elevated environmental CO2 are conducted at different
temperatures, in water of different ionic composition, with different PCO2 levels
and exposure durations and different life histories. Clearly, more systematic
studies are required to fully characterize the nature of the “apparent bicarbonate
concentration threshold” (Heisler, 1984; Shartau et al., 2019). While there are
some freshwater species that may exceed this apparent 30 mM ½HCO3   thresh-
old, the largest increases in plasma ½HCO3   from control resting values during
elevated PCO2 in a teleost is 50mM (McKenzie et al., 2003 and see Shartau
et al., 2019) which would limit complete pHe compensation to an environmental


A 100

% pH compensation



Required Δ[HCO3] (mM)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60
PCO2 (torr)

Fig. 4. The effect of a 30 mM plasma ½HCO3   limit on the capacity for pH compensation (A) and
the elevation in plasma ½HCO3   that would be required for complete blood pH compensation
(B) at increasing environmental PCO2 values. If fish are unable to elevate ½HCO3   by
>30 mM (after non-bicarbonate buffering), full blood pH compensation is limited to 15 mmHg
(A). For species that can elevate plasma ½HCO3   beyond that, very large increases in plasma
[HCO 3 ] would be required. This model was generated using the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation
(Eq. 2), an initial blood PCO2 and pH of 2.5 mmHg and 7.8, respectively, a body temperature of
25 °C, non-bicarbonate buffering of 10 slykes, and αCO2 and pK0 from Boutilier et al. (1984).
Adapted from Shartau et al. (2019).

PCO2 of about 25 mmHg (33,000 μatm; Fig. 4). So how do fish live in naturally
high CO2 waters of tropical systems that can reach PCO2 levels of 60 mmHg
(80,000 μatm; Figs. 3 and 4)? The solution, in part, appears to lie in an excep-
tional capacity to regulate tissue pHi during exposure to these extremely high
environmental CO2 levels, which is discussed in Section 5.3.
A range of physiological, anatomical, and ecological factors may limit
the ability of fish to compensate pHe during elevated environmental CO2.
The ionic composition of the water has an influence on the rate and complete-
ness of recovery from a respiratory acidosis which is discussed next, as do the
organ systems involved in compensation which is discussed immediately


3.1. Effects of Ambient Ion Composition and Salinity

An increase in the ion content of water increases the rate and completeness
of pHe compensation during exposure to CO2, and may explain a large pro-
portion of the variation in acid-base responses that have been observed in fish
under different water conditions (Larsen and Jensen, 1997). While the positive
effect of ion content on acid-base regulation in fish has been known for a long
time, it is largely based upon interspecific comparisons where many factors
differ (see reviews by Heisler, 1984, 1986; Truchot, 1987). Relatively little
work has been done directly comparing the dynamics of acid-base regulation
during exposure to elevated CO2 in a single species in freshwater relative to
seawater or in freshwater of differing ionic strengths. In rainbow trout accli-
mated to soft water (low ionic strength), hard water (high ionic strength) and
seawater, and then exposed to 10,000 μatm CO2, pHe recovery at rest was
similar in hard water and seawater, both of which were more rapid than fish
in soft water. Interestingly, in all conditions, sustained exercise increased the
rate of pHe recovery over resting rates, indicating the large effect of activity
level on the dynamics of acid-base regulation (Tovey and Brauner, 2018).
Given that fish in the wild are rarely at rest, activity level may play an impor-
tant role in influencing acid-base status, a topic that has received little attention
but clearly worthy of further study. In barramundi (Lates calcarifer) acclimated
to salinities of 0, 7.5, 15, 22.5 and 32 ppt, exposure to 10,000 μatm CO2 resulted
in an increase in net H+ excretion in all salinities, with a more rapid response
in fish in 22.5 and 32 ppt (Weakley et al., 2012). Thus, in general, acid-base dis-
turbances appear to be corrected more rapidly in fish in hard freshwater and
seawater relative to soft freshwater water (Larsen and Jensen, 1997; Tovey
and Brauner, 2018; Weakley et al., 2012), but interestingly the dynamics
may not be that different between hard freshwater and seawater despite the
large differences in water ionic composition.
The effect of ionic composition on the rate and completeness of acid-base
recovery may be directly due to differences in low counter-ion availability for
acid-base relevant ion exchange (Larsen and Jensen, 1997), or due to indirect
effects. For example, low water ion concentrations are typically associated
with a low water buffer capacity, which will result in a lower water pH at a
given PCO2 compared to water with higher ion concentrations. This should
set a thermodynamic constraint on pH compensation, as the electrochemical
gradients for H+ excretion become unfavorable (Lin and Randall, 1995).
The idea that a reduction in water pH (all other parameters remaining
constant) should reduce the capacity for pH regulation during elevated envi-
ronmental CO2 was tested in striped catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus.
A reduction in water pH from 5.8 to 4.5, virtually eliminated blood pHe
recovery and changes in plasma ½HCO3   following 20 h of continuous


exposure to 3 kPa CO2 (Sackville et al., 2018). The interaction between water
pH and elevated environmental CO2 is clearly important in understanding
the dynamics of acid-base regulation in different water types and worthy of
further investigation.

3.2. Organ Systems Used in Acid-Base Regulation and Compensation

The gill and the kidney have long been ascribed roles in acid-base balance
regulation (Heisler, 1986, 1988, 1993; Truchot, 1987). More recently, the gas-
trointestinal system has also been recognized due to its contributions to overall
acid-base status in marine teleosts (Wilson et al., 1996). In the following, con-
tributions of organ systems and specific transport mechanisms associated with
the regulation of pHe for unfed fish are discussed. The impacts of feeding on
acid-base balance are discussed elsewhere (Chapter 7, Vol 37: Wood, 2019).


The gills are the dominant site for the dynamic exchange of acid-base
equivalents with the environment, with many excellent reviews on this topic
(Claiborne et al., 2002; Dymowska et al., 2012; Evans et al., 2005; Gilmour
and Perry, 2009a; Heisler, 1984; Hwang et al., 2011; Kumai and Perry,
2012). The gills can accomplish net acid secretion during elevated environmen-
tal CO2 either by direct H+ excretion (Heisler, 1993), usually in exchange or
associated with Na+ uptake, or HCO3  uptake or retention in exchange for
Cl (Esbaugh et al., 2012; Evans et al., 2005; Perry et al., 1992) at specific gill
ionocytes, also known as mitochondrion rich cells (MRC). The morphology
and physiology of ionocytes associated with ion and acid-base regulation have
been reviewed in detail elsewhere and vary dramatically between species and
habitat salinity and ion composition (see Evans et al., 2005; Hwang et al.,
2011; Marshall and Grosell, 2006; Perry and Gilmour, 2006). In general, gill
surface area and ionocyte composition greatly affect the capacity for acid-base
regulation in fish. Thus, any reduction in gill surface area compared to similar-
sized species, as well as reduced ionocyte density, would be expected to have
negative effects on the capacity for acid-base regulation. For example, many
air-breathing fish, that use the same basic principles for acid-base regulation,
have reduced gill surface area compared to similar-sized water-breathing
fish (Graham, 1997) and they display accordingly reduced capacities for pH
regulation compared to many water-breathing fish (reviewed by Bayley
et al., 2019; Shartau and Brauner, 2014).
A range of transporters within branchial ionocytes are involved with the net
excretion of acid and associated ion transport (see Evans et al., 2005; Hwang
et al., 2011; Marshall and Grosell, 2006; Perry and Gilmour, 2006). These
consist of Na+/H+ exchangers (NHE), vacuolar-type H+-ATPase (VHA),


Na+-coupled HCO3  transporters (NBC), and AE which have all been shown
to be involved to some degree during acid-base regulation in rainbow trout
(Gilmour and Perry, 2009a; Perry and Gilmour, 2006), dogfish (Gilmour and
Perry, 2009a; Tresguerres et al., 2006), tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus;
Hwang et al., 2011), zebrafish (Gilmour and Perry, 2009a; Kwong et al.,
2014), medaka (Hsu et al., 2014), lungfish (P. annectens; Gilmour et al.,
2007b), hagfish (Tresguerres et al., 2007), and white sturgeon (Acipenser trans-
montanus; Baker et al., 2009; Shartau et al., 2017b). Assisting with the move-
ment of acid-base equivalents are Na+-K+-2Cl cotransporter (NKCC),
Na+, K+-ATPase (NKA), and Na+-Cl cotransporter (NCC) which help main-
tain the electrochemical gradient and allow Na+-dependent transporters to
function (Hwang et al., 2011). Additionally, CA plays an important role in
acid-base regulation, and more recently, Rhesus proteins have been implicated
in the movement of NH3 across the branchial membrane in several fish species
(e.g., zebrafish (Kumai and Perry, 2011) and pupfish (Cyprinodon variegatus;
Brix and Grosell, 2012)), implying a role in acid-base regulation (Hwang
et al., 2011). The following sections describe some of the more recent advances
that help to elucidate the pathways involved in acid-base regulation of the gill, in
particular during exposure to elevated environmental CO2. Carbonic Anhydrase. The branchial epithelium CAc (Esbaugh

et al., 2012; Georgalis et al., 2006a; Lin et al., 2008) provides H+ and
HCO3  for differentially regulated apical and basolateral extrusion from
the gill epithelial cells, and thus assumes a central role in acid-base balance.
As would be expected, CAc responds to changes in ambient CO2. Levels of
mRNA for CAc in gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta) exposed to 1900 μatm and
in medaka (Oryzias latipes) embryos and larvae exposed to >1200 and
4200 μatm, respectively, were reduced (Esbaugh et al., 2012; Tseng et al.,
2013). The downregulation of CAc at lower water PCO2 levels supports the
observation that increased HCO3  uptake, rather than H+ extrusion may
facilitate pH compensation in seawater. In contrast, exposure to 8000 μatm
(6 mmHg) lead to elevated CAc mRNA and protein in freshwater rainbow
trout (Georgalis et al., 2006a), and exposure to 50,000 μatm (37.5 mmHg) lead
to increased CA protein abundance and enzymatic activity in the marine mid-
shipman (Porichthys notatus; Perry et al., 2010b). These results may reflect a
requirement for direct H+ extrusion under these more extreme conditions.
Interestingly, a metabolic acidosis induced by elevated salinity exposure in
the gulf toadfish (Genz et al., 2008), was compensated at the gill and associ-
ated with elevated branchial CAc (Sattin et al., 2010). Additional work is
required to better understand the interactions between CA and HCO–3 uptake
versus H+ extrusion under different levels of environmental CO2.

22 COLIN J. BRAUNER ET AL. Bicarbonate Transport. Based on the limited number of studies con-

ducted to date, HCO3  uptake from the water may be important for pHe com-
pensation during elevated environmental CO2 (Esbaugh et al., 2012; Tseng
et al., 2013). A diversity of HCO3  transporters from the SLC4 (a1 (AE1),
a2 and a4 (NBC)) and SLC26 (a3, a4 (pendrin), and a6) families have been
demonstrated in fish gills (Bayaa et al., 2009; Esbaugh et al., 2012; Grosell
et al., 2009; Kurita et al., 2008; Lee et al., 2011; Piermarini et al., 2002;
Taylor and Grosell, 2008). So far, no reports have demonstrated transcrip-
tional responses by any SLC26 family members in response to elevated envi-
ronmental CO2 and neither SLC26a3 nor a6 were impacted in the gills of
toadfish exposed to 1900 μatm (Esbaugh et al., 2012). In contrast, mRNA
of the SLC4 members examined to date all change in response to environmen-
tal CO2. The upregulation of two AE1 isoforms in the gills of medaka exposed
to 7000 μatm (Tseng et al., 2013) suggests basolateral localization of these pro-
teins to assist HCO3  movement from the gill to the blood. In support of this
hypothesis are studies on zebrafish, which show that this anion exchanger is
responsible for HCO3  movement across the basolateral membrane in some
MRCs (Lee et al., 2011). SLC4 AE2 expression in gill tissue of toadfish was
reduced after exposure to 1900 μatm, suggesting an apical localization and role
in HCO3  excretion. Although this transporter is most commonly found in the
basolateral membrane in other vertebrate epithelia (Romero et al., 2004),
some epithelia have apical AE2 localization (Aranda et al., 2004) supporting
their proposed roles in reduced net gill HCO3  excretion (and thus retention)
during elevated environmental CO2. Last, SLC4a4 (NBC1), ascribed to the
basolateral membrane to extrude HCO3  , appears to respond differently to
environmental CO2 depending on species, life stage as well as exposure
duration and intensity. NBC1 mRNA levels remained unchanged in gills of
toadfish exposed to 1900 μatm (Esbaugh et al., 2012), suggesting that other
transporters are rate-limiting for HCO3  uptake in this species. The eelpout
(Zoarces viviparus) exposed to 10,000 μatm (7.5 mmHg) shows an initial reduc-
tion followed by an increase in NBC expression after 42 days of exposure
(Deigweiher et al., 2008) consistent with a need for HCO3  uptake. In
medaka, there is also evidence for a role in both NBC1a and NBC1b in
pHe regulation (Tseng et al., 2013).
While in some fish there is evidence for uptake of HCO3  from the water
during compensation for a respiratory acidosis, other fish species compensate
in a very different way. In the freshwater brown bullhead (Ictalurus nebulosus),
elevated environmental CO2 resulted in a covering of the MRCs (referred to as
chloride cells in that study) reducing their fractional surface area by up to 95%
(Goss et al., 1992). This was thought to reduce the rate of HCO3  loss and
associated Cl uptake by reducing the number of Cl/HCO3  exchangers
exposed to the water. The net result is consistent with retention of plasma


HCO3  that occurs in conjunction with a reduction in plasma Cl during com-
pensation for a respiratory acidosis. This pattern has also been observed in
white sturgeon (Baker et al., 2009) and to a lesser degree in rainbow trout
(Goss and Perry, 1993). How widespread this pattern is among fish species
during elevated environmental CO2 remains to be investigated. Proton Transport. At least three NHEs (NHE1, NHE2, and NHE3)
and VHA are relevant for branchial contributions to acid-base balance
(Hwang et al., 2011). The NHE1 isoform (NHE1a and NHE1b) in gills is down-
regulated in response to high environmental CO2 levels (10,000–52,000 μatm;
7.5–39mmHg; Deigweiher et al., 2008; Edwards et al., 2005; Rimoldi et al.,
2009) consistent with basolateral localization of NHE1 and the need to reduce
proton retention by transport from the gill epithelium to the blood under these
conditions. For NHE3, an apical isoform, exposure to 10,000 μatm (7.5 mmHg)
resulted in elevated gill protein abundance (Edwards et al., 2005). Further,
elevated mRNA expression was observed in earlier life stages after exposure
to CO2 levels as low as 1200 μatm (Tseng et al., 2013). These responses support
a role for NHE3 in acid secretion during elevated environmental CO2. The
transporter NHE2 is also present in the gill of freshwater and marine teleosts
(Edwards et al., 2005, 2010; Larsen et al., 2014), as well as elasmobranchs
(Guffey et al., 2015). In rainbow trout exposed to elevated CO2, NHE2 mRNA
levels were increased in the peanut lectin agglutinin binding (PNA+) MRCs
indicating NHE2 may play a role in pHe regulation during a respiratory acidosis
(Ivanis et al., 2008).
The VHA appears to be present in the apical membrane of freshwater fish
gills (Boisen et al., 2003; Bury and Wood, 1999; Horng et al., 2007, 2009).
While we are aware of just one study demonstrating a role for the VHA in
response to elevated environmental CO2 in freshwater fish (Seidelin et al.,
2001), it is involved in acid secretion and may be stimulated by low ambient
pH (Horng et al., 2007, 2009). In contrast with freshwater fish, the VHA
appears to be preferentially basolateral in euryhaline and marine fish
(Katoh et al., 2003). In the euryhaline barramundi acclimated to a salinity
of 15 ppt and exposed to 10,000 μatm (7.5 mmHg) CO2, Weakley et al.
(2012) observed an increase in VHA expression that was correlated with whole
animal net H+ excretion rates. However, two studies examining proton pump
responses to elevated CO2 in seawater found downregulation of mRNA
(Esbaugh et al., 2012; Tseng et al., 2013) which, given a basolateral localization
of the proton pump, may be associated with an increased net acid secretion by
the gills. Na+/K+-ATPase. Although not an acid-base transporter per se,

NKA drives anion exchangers such as NBCs and NHEs, by establishing


and maintaining Na+ and Cl gradients required for their activity. Conse-
quently, elevated environmental CO2 influences enzymatic activity and mRNA
expression of NKA subunits during exposures to 1900 μatm (1.5 mmHg;
Esbaugh et al., 2012), 6000 μatm (4.5 mmHg; Melzner et al., 2009) and
10,000 μatm (7.5 mmHg; Deigweiher et al., 2008). Although a transient reduc-
tion in enzymatic activities was observed in toadfish, studies on cod (Gadus
morhua) and eelpout indicate an increased demand for NKA activity during
exposure to elevated environmental CO2. While such an increased NKA
demand may be solely in support of acid-base regulation (implying an energetic
cost associated with elevated environmental CO2; see Chapter 6, Vol 37:
Lefevre, 2019), it may also support a compensatory response to changes in intes-
tinal transport in marine fish (see Section 2.3.; Heuer et al., 2012).
Net renal contribution to acid-base balance is generally assumed to be in the
order of 5% (Heisler, 1993), however, a recent study in the freshwater swamp eel
(Monopterus albus; Thinh et al., 2019), an obligate air-breather, shows it can be
much higher in some species. In general, renal contribution is likely even
reduced in marine teleosts with much lower urine flow rates (0.3 mL kg1 h1)
compared to freshwater teleosts with flow rates of 3.0 mL kg1 h1 (Larsen
et al., 2014; Marshall and Grosell, 2006). However, the kidney of freshwater
teleosts plays a significant role in the reabsorption of HCO3  initially lost by
glomerular filtration (Georgalis et al., 2006b; Perry and Gilmour, 2006;
Wheatly et al., 1984). During exposure to high levels of environmental
CO2, plasma may reach levels between 30 and 50 mM (see Section 3 and
reviews by Heisler, 1993; Shartau et al., 2019) which, with a glomerular filtra-
tion rate of 4 mL kg1 h1, could translate to a glomerular base loss of
200 μEqv kg1 h1. To prevent this, there is considerable acid secretion by
the renal tubules for tubular reabsorption of HCO3  but this acid secretion
does not contribute much to net acid excretion from the animal to the environ-
ment. Indeed, studies of renal and branchial contributions in rainbow trout
experiencing hypercapnia due to hyperoxia exposures revealed renal acid
secretion rates of 122 μEqv kg1 h1 (Wheatly et al., 1984), compared to peak
branchial excretion rates of 214 μEqv kg1 h1 (Wood et al., 1984). These stud-
ies illustrate that renal processes contribute significantly to acid-base balance,
even if not evident from net renal acid excretion.
The mechanisms of tubular HCO3  reabsorption in teleost fish is assumed
to be similar to that of mammals where acid secretion into the tubule is respon-
sible for the reabsorption. The CO2 resulting from acid secretion and HCO3 
in the filtrate enters the tubular cells where it is converted to HCO3  (and H+)
which is transported back to the extracellular fluids by NBC (reviewed by
Perry et al., 2003; Petochi et al., 2011). This process could limit the ability


to elevate plasma ½HCO3   and limit pHe compensation during exposure to

elevated environmental CO2 (see Section 3), an area clearly worthy of
further study.
In both rainbow trout and American eel (Anguilla rostrata), exposure to a
PCO2 of 10,000 μatm resulted in an increased renal H+ pump and NBC expres-
sion (Perry et al., 2003). An elegant study on rainbow trout exposed to
8000 μatm CO2 revealed a role for the membrane-bound, extracellular
CA-IV in renal HCO3  reabsorption (Georgalis et al., 2006b). CA-IV acts
to catalyze the conversion of HCO3  to CO2 upon H+ secretion and inhibition
of this enzyme resulted in increased renal base loss (Georgalis et al., 2006b).
Further, a role for CAc in compensation for hypercapnia in catalyzing the
conversion of CO2 to HCO3  after entering the tubular epithelial cells has
been shown (Georgalis et al., 2006b). Most of the studies conducted on the
mechanisms associated with tubular HCO3  reabsorption have been con-
ducted at relatively high CO2 levels, and we are unaware of studies on renal
adjustments during climate change and current day relevant environmental
CO2 levels, also an area worthy of further investigation.


In contrast to the kidney which contributes to acid-base balance mainly in
freshwater teleosts, the gastrointestinal tract of unfed fish only contributes to
acid-base balance of teleosts in salinities hyperosmotic to their plasma
(Table 1). Marine teleosts drink to combat osmotic fluid loss to their concen-
trated environment (Larsen et al., 2014) and absorb fluid across the intestinal
epithelium. Fluid absorption is driven in part by Na+ and Cl absorption but
is also facilitated by precipitation of CaCO3 in the intestinal lumen, which acts
to reduce luminal osmotic pressure (Wilson et al., 2002) and thereby permits
water absorption (Genz et al., 2011; Whittamore et al., 2010; Wilson et al.,
2002). The substrate for this CaCO3 formation is derived from Ca2+ entering
via ingested seawater and from HCO3  secreted by the intestinal epithelium as
reviewed elsewhere (Grosell, 2006, 2011; Grosell et al., 2009; see Chapter 4,
Vol 37: Grosell, 2019).
The importance of intestinal base secretion and rectal base excretion for
whole animal acid-base balance is illustrated by two studies: The first study
found that gulf toadfish acclimated to different salinities displayed vastly
different rectal base excretion rates. These results demonstrated that pHe
was defended, despite the increase rectal base loss at higher salinity, by com-
pensatory branchial acid excretion. The second study in European flounder
(Platichthys flesus), showed that perfusing the intestine with two elevated
Ca2+ concentrations caused dramatic and proportional increases in rectal
base excretion, together with similar compensatory increases in net acid


Table 1
Rectal base excretion rates by marine and euryhaline teleosts during normal drinking or during
intestinal perfusion

Drinking/ Rectal base

perfusion Temperature Environmental excretion
Species (ml kg1 h1) (Cº) variables (μEqv kg1 h1) References

Rainbow Drinking: 11 32 ppt 114  15 Wilson et al.

trout 3.12  0.48 (1996)
Rainbow Perfused: 80 11 32 ppt 552  66 Wilson et al.
trout (1996)
Lemon sole Perfused: 15 14 30 ppt 200a Grosell et al.
European Perfused: 3.8 13 30 ppt 145a Wilson et al.
flounder (2002)
Gulf toadfish Drinking: 22–26 9 ppt 9.3  2.7 Genz et al.
1.38  0.30 (2008)
Gulf toadfish Drinking: 22–26 35 ppt 68.2  20.4 Genz et al.
2.60  0.92 (2008)
Gulf toadfish Drinking: 22–26 50 ppt 193.2  64.9 Genz et al.
3.82  0.58 (2008)
European Perfusion: 5.04; 12.5 33 ppt 230a Cooper et al.
flounder 10 mM Ca2+ (2010)
Gulf toadfish Drinking: 22–25 32–35 ppt 48.1  5.9 Heuer et al.
1.20  0.14 (2012)
Gulf toadfish Drinking: 22–25 32–35 ppt; 64.2  6.6 Heuer et al.
1.45  0.14 1900 μatm (2012)
denotes values estimated from figures in the cited publications.

excretion by the gills, although a transient blood acidosis was observed

(Cooper et al., 2010). While base excretion from rectal fluids of marine fish
represents a substantial base loss, it does not appear to be modulated to correct
organismal acid-base balance disturbances.
If the gastrointestinal tract played a role in acid-base compensation during
exposure to elevated environmental CO2, rectal base excretion would be
expected to be reduced during CO2 exposure to compensate for the respiratory
acidosis. However, if anything, the opposite is observed. In the gulf toadfish
exposed to climate change/current day CO2 levels (1900 μatm) an increase
in rectal base excretion was observed (Table 1; Heuer et al., 2012) and in
the plainfin midshipman (Porichthys notatus) exposed to 50,000 μatm
(37.5 mmHg) an increase in rectal fluid total CO2 concentration was observed
(Perry et al., 2010b). Similar responses have been observed in fish during
longer-term acclimation and in isolated intestinal epithelia (Heuer and
Grosell, 2016; Perry et al., 2010b). In the intestinal epithelia, the rate-limiting


step for HCO3  secretion is the basolateral NBC (Taylor et al., 2010) which
is not downregulated during elevated environmental CO2 exposure (see
Chapter 4, Vol 37: Grosell, 2019; Heuer et al., 2012). Thus, although the
gastrointestinal tract plays an important role in acid-base regulation of marine
fish, it does not appear to play a significant role during exposure to elevated
environmental CO2.



Below we discuss the range of elevated CO2 levels that have been reported
in relation to OA and coastal upwelling, freshwater acidification of temperate
lakes and streams as well as tropical systems, and finally in intensive aquacul-
ture. This will highlight the spatial and temporal variations in CO2 levels
within and among these systems.
We report the effects on the acid-base status of fish where known and pro-
pose a refinement of sampling techniques for assessing acid-base status in fish.

4.1. Ocean and Freshwater Acidification Relevant CO2 Levels

Surface waters of the open ocean have relatively stable CO2 levels, which are
close to equilibrium with the atmosphere and thus, as water PCO2 increases,
there is a corresponding increase in OA (Doney et al., 2009; see Chapter 1,
Vol 37: McNeil and Matsumoto, 2019). Current atmospheric and open ocean
PCO2 is close to 410 μatm and is predicted to reach 1000 μatm (0.8 mmHg)
by the year 2100 (Meinshausen et al., 2011). This prediction has stimulated
research on the impact of increases in PCO2 within this range (i.e.,
400–1000 μatm—see Chapter 5, Vol 37: Heuer et al., 2019; Chapter 9, Vol
37: Munday et al., 2019a) on the physiological, behavioral, and ecological
effects on marine fish. However, coastal systems naturally exhibit much larger
fluctuations in PCO2 (and higher maximum CO2) than the open ocean on a diel,
tidal, and seasonal basis, due to a generally higher biological activity (both res-
piration and photosynthesis; Cloern et al., 2016) and particularly in temperate
areas due to seasonal stratification and upwelling events (Cai et al., 2011; Feely
et al., 2008). Some experimental studies on the effects of OA on fish have there-
fore targeted higher PCO2 levels of 1800–2000 μatm (1.5 mmHg; e.g., Esbaugh
et al., 2012; Heuer et al., 2012, 2016; Strobel et al., 2012), as this is currently
relevant in certain coastal and upwelling zones (Cai et al., 2011; Feely et al.,
2008). Such high levels are expected to become more widespread in the future


and are predicted to occur globally in the open ocean by the year 2200
(Meinshausen et al., 2011). More recently, Baumann (2019) has highlighted
that even more extreme short-term fluctuations (over hours, days or months)
of between 200 and 5000 μatm (0.2–3.75 mmHg) already occur commonly in
coastal marine environments (Baumann et al., 2015; Wallace et al., 2014;
Wang and Cai, 2004). Interestingly, this existing variability is more than twice
the most extreme prediction for the rise in open ocean PCO2 by the year 2300.
Furthermore, the variability encountered, and the frequency of reaching the
highest levels of CO2 is predicted to intensify as atmospheric PCO2 rises expo-
nentially in the future (McNeil and Sasse, 2016), with the monthly range of sea
surface PCO2 levels quadrupling by the year 2100. It is therefore increasingly
important to understand how the natural fluctuations in PCO2 influence biota
including fish (e.g., Jarrold et al., 2017), rather than just a constant, elevated
CO2 level often used in experiments.
While CO2 levels consistent with current upwelling events and future pre-
dictions associated with climate change will induce acid-base disturbances in
fish, the magnitude of the acidosis is transient in nature (see Fig. 3). A study on
the gulf toadfish revealed a △pHe of 0.12 peaking at 30 min after the onset of
exposure to 1900 μatm which was fully compensated by 2 h (Esbaugh et al.,
2012). This time course for pHe compensation is also supported by measures
of net H+ excretion rates, which returned to control values by 2–4 h following
exposure to 1000–5000 μatm CO2 (0.8–3.8 mmHg; Allmon and Esbaugh,
2017). Several studies have provided evidence of metabolic compensation to
OA relevant CO2 levels at later time points, as evidenced by elevated plasma
½HCO3   and PCO2 but unaffected pHe (Ern and Esbaugh, 2016; Esbaugh
et al., 2016; Green and Jutfelt, 2014).
Although metabolic adjustments of acid-base balance are prevalent for
reasons discussed above, there is evidence for some level of respiratory com-
pensation. In the marine red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) a 32% reduction in
branchial diffusive distance was observed following exposure to 1200 μatm
(0.9 mmHg) for 14 days (Esbaugh et al., 2016) which could reduce the
PCO2 gradient between the blood and water and would be expected to reduce
the magnitude of the respiratory acidosis. However, in this study, it was not
sufficient to correct acid-base status, so the role of respiratory compensation
for even low CO2 levels consistent with OA appears relatively minor. Respi-
ratory compensation can also come in the form of elevated ventilatory volume
(e.g., Ern and Esbaugh, 2016; Gilmour, 2001; Perry and Abdallah, 2012).
While such a response would not be able to correct an inward CO2 diffusion
gradient during extreme exposures, it can act to reduce the difference in PCO2
between the blood and water (as occurs during hypoxia-induced hyperventi-
lation) and thus reduce the magnitude of the associated metabolic adjust-
ments. Such a response takes on greater significance when considering OA


relevant CO2 exposures. The ventilatory response that accompanies exposures

to PCO2 values of 1000 and 5000 μatm have been calculated to reduce the need
for metabolic HCO3  retention by 38% (Ern and Esbaugh, 2016), an area wor-
thy of further study.
Inland freshwaters are very different compared to marine systems in terms
of dissolved CO2. Firstly, average PCO2 levels tend to be considerably higher
than atmospheric equilibrium and hence surface waters in the open ocean. The
average for over 6700 streams and rivers reported by Raymond et al. (2013)
was 2300 or 3100 μatm (1.7–2.3 mmHg; depending on whether potential biases
were discounted or not), which were both within the range (1300–4300 μatm;
1–3.2 mmHg) found by earlier regional and global studies (Alin et al., 2011;
Aufdenkampe et al., 2011; Cole and Caraco, 2001; Richey et al., 2002). How-
ever, equally intriguing and relevant to the physiology of freshwater fish is
the large variability in PCO2, both diel and seasonal, within individual freshwa-
ter habitats. For example, over a one-year cycle Maberly (1996) measured PCO2
values in a productive UK lake from close to zero (during summer
phytoplankton blooms) to 6.9-fold higher than atmospheric levels following
the overturn in late autumn (i.e., >2400μatm, 1.8 mmHg). Changes of a similar
magnitude can even occur over a diel cycle in inland lakes (e.g., reducing CO2
from 2400 μatm to effectively zero between dawn and dusk; Xu et al., 2019).
A further difference compared to marine ecosystems is the rate of increase
of dissolved CO2 in freshwaters as atmospheric CO2 rises globally. Weiss et al.
(2018) reported an increase of 16 μatm per year in four large freshwater reser-
voirs (average depth 40 m), which is about eight times faster than the current
increase in atmospheric and open ocean PCO2. The explanation for this dis-
crepancy appears to be the relative changes in terrestrial primary productivity
and soil respiration caused by climate change (warming and rising atmo-
spheric CO2). The net effect is an increase in both dissolved organic carbon
and dissolved inorganic carbon in groundwater and run-off into freshwater
ecosystems (Golub, 2016; Hasler et al., 2016; Wetzel, 2001).
There are a few interesting, though more isolated, extreme examples of
high CO2 in freshwater ecosystems. For example, in groundwater fed river sys-
tems, PCO2 values up to 43 times higher than atmospheric (i.e., >17,000 μatm,
13 mmHg) were observed in a field study of three major temperate rivers
in Germany (Demars and Tremolières, 2009). As mentioned previously
(see Section 3) dense vegetation in tropical swamps can result in extreme
CO2 levels in excess of 78,000 μatm (60 mmHg; Furch and Junk, 1997). Even
more rarely, natural freshwater environments can exceed even the highest levels
reported within intensive aquaculture (see below and Chapter 8, Vol 37:
Skov, 2019). For example, Blinn and Sanderson (1989) reported a travertine


(limestone) warm water spring that feeds the Montezuma Well in Arizona
(average depth of 6.7 m), which achieves dissolved CO2 levels of 550 mg/L
(i.e., CO2 of 330,000 μatm at 21°C, 250 mmHg). Although fish are absent,
57 taxa of invertebrates were found which raises intriguing questions of their
physiology and acid-base regulation in particular.
While there are many studies on how fish regulate blood acid-base status at
high CO2 tensions in freshwater (see Section 3), there are few studies at lower
CO2 tensions that are consistent with future predictions associated with cli-
mate change in freshwater systems (Ou et al., 2015). The higher average, large
temporal variability, and faster rate of increase associated with climate
change, all contribute to the fascinating issue of how freshwater fish and their
physiology is being impacted (and will be in the future) compared to marine
fish which have received far more attention, given the global focus on OA.
This is clearly an area worthy of further investigation, especially considering
that 40% of the world’s fish live in freshwater.


In general, larval and early juvenile fish appear to be more affected by
exposure to OA relevant CO2 levels than adult fish (see Chapter 5, Vol 37:
Heuer et al., 2019; Chapter 9, Vol 37: Munday et al., 2019a). Some fish have
been observed to display maladaptive changes in behavior during exposure to
OA relevant CO2 levels (see Chapter 5, Vol 37: Heuer et al., 2019). There are
also studies showing organ damage (Frommel et al., 2012, 2014, 2016),
increased mortality, and reduced growth in larval fish exposed to OA relevant
CO2 levels that may be due to incomplete and/or inadequate acid-base regu-
lation, or elevated metabolic costs associated with acid-base regulation
(see Chapter 9, Vol 37: Munday et al., 2019a). The maladaptive behavior
has been proposed to be associated with the changes in ion- and acid-base
status associated with pH compensation in response to elevated environmental
CO2, where plasma HCO3  increases in exchange for Cl. The changes in
ion-concentration have been proposed to change the reversal potential of the
GABA receptor in the brain of fish and alter behavioral responses (see Chap-
ter 5, Vol 37: Heuer et al., 2019; Heuer et al., 2012, Heuer et al., 2012; Nilsson
et al., 2012; Nilsson and Lefevre, 2016). What could make larval and early juve-
nile fish more susceptible than adults when exposed to the same changes in envi-
ronmental PCO2? Interestingly, the resting membrane potentials decrease as
neurons mature (see Chapter 5, Vol 37: Heuer et al., 2019) which may play a
role; however, it may also have to do with resting blood PCO2 levels. Here,
we used Eqs. (2) and (3) to predict the magnitude of the acidosis and the increase
in plasma ½HCO3   associated with pH compensation during exposure to end-
of-century predicted levels of 1000 μatm (0.8 mmHg). If we assume that under


control conditions (CO2 ¼ 400 μatm, 0.3 mmHg) an adult fish has a blood
PaCO2 of 2.5 mmHg (Brauner et al., 2000) during exposure to 1000 μatm, arte-
rial PCO2 may be expected to increase up to 0.5 mmHg. This would result in a
0.05 pH unit acidosis that could be compensated through a 1.34mM increase
in ½HCO3  , which would represent a 20% increase in resting plasma ½HCO3  
(Fig. 5). However, in a larval fish, blood PCO2 may be much lower than in adult
fish due to the much larger surface area: volume ratio and thus is it conceivable
that blood PCO2 would be much closer to that of the environment. The PaCO2
in larval fish has never been measured due to technical challenges, but assuming
it was similar to environmental levels under control conditions (i.e., 0.3 mmHg),
then exposure to 1000 μatm (and an increase in 0.5 mmHg) would almost double
the magnitude of the acidosis. Although pHe compensation would also be asso-
ciated with a 1.34mM increase in plasma ½HCO3   as in the adult fish (Fig. 5),
this would correspond to a 167% increase in plasma ½HCO3  . While PaCO2 in

3.0 mmHg
% change in [HCO3] (mM)

1.34, 20% 150


[HCO3] (mM)

−0.05 2.5 mmHg


0.8 mmHg
2.5 1.34, 167%

−0.09 0.3 mmHg 0

7.65 7.70 7.75 7.80 0.3 1.0 3.0 10.0 30.0

pH Starting PCO2 (mmHg)

Fig. 5. Predicted changes in acid/base status upon exposure to ocean acidification (OA) relevant
CO2 levels. (A) Acid/base status in a typical adult water-breathing fish (blood PCO2 ¼ 2.5 mmHg
and blood pH 7.8); (A) and that in a fish with much lower blood PCO2 levels (blood PCO2 ¼
0.3 mmHg and pH 7.8; possibly representative of larval fishes); (B) during changes in environmental
CO2 from 400 to 1000 μatm (0.3–0.8 mmHg, and thus an increase in blood PCO2 of 0.5 mmHg). This
shows that the initial pH disturbance due to an increase in blood PCO2 of 0.5 mmHg (¼600 μatm) is
double in fish with a low starting PCO2 (0.09) relative to a higher starting PCO2 (0.05), but the
required absolute increases in ½HCO3   to compensate is identical (1.34 mmol L1 HCO3  ). PCO2
isopleths are 0.3, 0.8, 2.5, and 3 mmHg (from bottom to top). (B) Relative changes in ½HCO3  
required to compensate pH after CO2 induced acidification of the blood in animals with different
starting blood PCO2 values. The relative change in ½HCO3   is much greater in fish with a low blood
PCO2 relative to those with a high PCO2. PCO2-isopleths in (A) and models in (A) and (B) were
generated using Eq. (2) with αCO2 and pK0 from Boutilier et al. (1984), temperature ¼ 25 °C and
a non-bicarbonate buffering capacity of 10 slykes.


larval fish will be higher than the environment to permit CO2 excretion, it is
not known how much higher it would be. Fig. 5B shows the relative increase
in plasma ½HCO3   that would be required to compensate for a 0.5 mmHg
increase in blood PCO2 from different starting PCO2 values. This exercise serves
to show that different starting blood PCO2 values between adult and larval fish,
or even between different fish species, may potentially underlie differences in
CO2 sensitivity associated with OA relevant increases in CO2. Whether larval
fish have lower blood PCO2 values than adult fish would be an interesting first
step to determine whether this may be the basis of increased sensitivity to CO2.

4.2. Aquaculture-Relevant CO2 Levels

Intensive aquaculture has involved long-term rearing of fish at high CO2

levels (well above those predicted by OA) long before the term “ocean
acidification” became common parlance. Current guidelines for safe CO2
levels in intensive aquaculture ranges from 10 to 40 mg/L (Blancheton,
2000; Fivelstad et al., 1999; Petochi et al., 2011). When accounting for the
effects of temperature and salinity on the solubility of CO2 in water, this equa-
tes to PCO2 ranging from >7000 to >28,000 μatm (i.e., 5–21 mmHg, 17.5–70
times higher than current atmospheric conditions, see Fig. 1). Furthermore,
these high levels are not limited to finfish production in recirculating aquacul-
ture systems (RAS—see below), indeed elevated PCO2 appears to be an
unavoidable consequence of intensive aquaculture settings in general. For
example, over 40% of Norwegian salmon smolt hatcheries (flow-through
and RAS) report CO2 levels >5400 μatm (4 mmHg; Noble et al., 2012), shrimp
ponds in Bangladesh have CO2 levels averaging >17,000 μatm (12.8 mmHg;
Sahu et al., 2013; Saksena et al., 2006), and striped catfish and swamp eel
aquaculture ponds in Vietnam, dissolved CO2 can reach 45,000 μatm
(30–35 mmHg, Damsgaard et al., 2015; Thinh et al., 2019). Acutely, CO2
can accumulate to even higher levels, for example during short-term (10 h) live
transportation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in well boats, CO2 reached
130 mg/L (Orellana and Wecker, 2014) which is equivalent to >70,000 μatm
(53 mmHg) assuming a typical salinity (35 ppt) and temperature (12 °C) for
salmon in sea cages.
Why is CO2 so high in aquaculture? The cause is two-fold. Firstly, the inev-
itably high rates of oxygen consumption and hence CO2 production when
growing animals at high stocking densities (e.g., commonly 10–35 kg/m3 for
salmon; Turnbull et al., 2005) and specific practices where density exceeds
100 kg/m3, such as during short-term transportation of live fish (Farrell,
2006; Orellana and Wecker, 2014; Tang et al., 2009). Secondly, the very
different physicochemical properties of CO2 compared to O2 that affect gas
equilibration. At high biomass densities, dissolved O2 can be rapidly depleted


and thus must be monitored and managed very well in modern aquaculture
systems (Summerfelt et al., 2000). However, the solubility of CO2 in water
is about 30 times higher than for O2, and consequently, CO2 removal is much
more difficult than O2 addition. If gas tensions are restored with air equilibra-
tion, atmospheric PO2 can be restored in minutes while atmospheric PCO2
levels require hours to be restored entirely (e.g., Hoppe et al., 2012). CO2
removal is further complicated with the use of pure O2, which increases the
O2 diffusion gradient almost fivefold, requiring a fifth of the total gas flow
to restore water O2 levels. The latter reduces CO2 removal fivefold unless addi-
tional CO2 stripping technology is employed (e.g., Noble et al., 2012). Another
limitation of CO2 removal is that unlike O2, which simply dissolves in water,
dissolved CO2 dissociates to H+ and HCO3  (Eq. 1). At typical pH values in
aquaculture (generally well above pH 6, the pK for this reaction) the majority
of total CO2 exists as HCO3  . Thus, to remove metabolically produced CO2
this large pool of HCO–3 must first be converted back into CO2 before it can be
removed by gas equilibration. However, the dehydration reaction is so slow
that the removal of CO2 will always lag behind the restoration of dissolved
O2 values in aquaculture settings. Within RAS, this problem is exacerbated
slightly on each pass of the water through the water treatment systems. Very
high CO2 levels are therefore currently an unavoidable consequence of the
water recycling process in RAS (see Chapter 8, Vol 37: Skov, 2019).
Fish exposed to these elevated CO2 tensions will compensate for the respi-
ratory acidosis as described in Section 3, which has been well described in
fish. However, the difference here is that not only are PCO2 levels very high,
but they may vary both spatially and temporally within the respective systems.
Thus fish will be forced to constantly re-adjust their acid-base status to
compensate. Given that acid-base regulation is ultimately driven by active
ionoregulation, which has a metabolic cost, oscillating PCO2 levels may affect
the growth and condition of the fish. Most studies to date conducted on the
effect of different CO2 levels in aquaculture rear fish at constant CO2 tensions,
while the effect of oscillating CO2 tensions has received little attention to date
(an exception is Ou et al., 2015) but is clearly an important area for further
research in intensive aquaculture (see Chapter 8, Vol 37: Skov, 2019). The met-
abolic cost of acid-base regulation remains largely unknown and is another
area worthy of investigation.

4.3. Appropriate Sampling Methods to Assess Acid-Base Status

in Elevated CO2
There is increasing interest in quantifying the effect of elevations in envi-
ronmental CO2 (i.e., due to ocean and freshwater acidification and RAS)
on the blood acid-base status of exposed fish. However, acid-base relevant


parameters (i.e., blood and intracellular pH, PCO2, total CO2, and HCO3  )
are very susceptible to artifacts associated with methods of sampling and
the analyzers used for blood measurement. The following are some sugges-
tions for best practices along with some criticisms of the methodology that
is often used.
The most common method for acquiring blood samples involves anesthe-
tizing and/or humanely stunning/killing the fish, removing it from the water
and puncturing a blood vessel that is easily located without prior dissection,
often referred to as the “grab n’ stab” method. Blood is most commonly drawn
from the caudal vessel. For the majority of analyses carried out on blood sam-
ples, this can be appropriate, but for assessment of acid-base status, it is often
problematic. In all water-breathing fish, as soon as the animal is removed from
water the gills collapse and gas exchange is impaired. Thus, blood O2 rapidly
declines (resulting in anaerobiosis and a metabolic acidosis) and CO2 increases
(resulting in a respiratory acidosis). Thus, the longer the fish is air-exposed,
the less likely measured blood gases and acid-base status values will be repre-
sentative of in vivo conditions. A further serious complication occurs if fish
struggle during the capture process, recruiting anaerobic white muscle in a
stress/escape response. Wood et al. (1983) went as far as stating that the phys-
iological disturbance associated with such sampling methods is sufficient to
render blood acid-base data meaningless due to the perturbed blood lactate
in particular. The addition of a metabolic acid reduces pH itself but also
titrates existing HCO3  in the plasma (which is the vast majority of plasma
total CO2) which can dramatically elevate blood PCO2. For this reason, it
is preferable to surgically implant a cannula into an artery or vein under anes-
thesia, followed by 24–48 h recovery of the fish (Soivio et al., 1975). This
allows the experimenter to remove blood samples via the cannula without
removing the fish from the water or inducing a struggle.
Numerous studies have investigated the impact of elevated environmental
CO2 relevant to salmonids grown in RAS, producing valuable data regarding
the effects of CO2 on growth and health status (e.g., Fivelstad et al., 2003a,b,
2015; Good et al., 2010, 2018; Khan et al., 2018; Martens et al., 2006; Mota
et al., 2019; Summerfelt et al., 2000; see Chapter 8, Vol 37: Skov, 2019). How-
ever, it is notoriously difficult to obtain useful blood gas and acid-base data
from fish held in groups in large tanks where cannulation is not possible.
As a cautionary tale for interpreting data obtained using the grab n’ stab sam-
pling method under such conditions, it is worth noting that some studies have
shown an apparent trend for increasing blood pH (i.e., alkalosis) as ambient
CO2 rises (Fivelstad, 2013; Fivelstad et al., 1998; Petochi et al., 2011). This
clearly contradicts studies on cannulated fish, in which elevated environmental
CO2 results in an initial respiratory acidosis lasting a few hours, with


subsequent complete recovery of blood pH due to a compensatory elevation of

plasma ½HCO3   at constant, elevated PCO2 (see Section 3). The most likely
explanation for an apparent blood alkalosis in fish acclimated over weeks to
elevated ambient CO2 is based on the grab n’ stab method causing a metabolic
acidosis (i.e., driven by lactic acid production during capture and sampling).
However, compared to control CO2 conditions the fish acclimated to elevated
CO2 experience a smaller reduction in blood pH during the sampling process
because the plasma ½HCO3   starts at a higher level (e.g., up to four times higher
in Fivelstad, 2013 and in Petochi et al., 2011) and therefore provides substantial
additional buffering of the metabolic acidosis. Thus, the conclusion that blood
pH is actually higher in fish acclimated to elevated ambient CO2 is probably an
artifact of the sampling technique, rather than reflecting the actual in vivo blood
acid-base status, and would be misleading if accepted at face value.
Surgical techniques to cannulate blood vessels in fish (particularly the dor-
sal aorta) have been successfully used since the 1960s (Axelsson and Fritsche,
1994; Iwama and Ishimatsu, 1994; Smith and Bell, 1964; Soivio et al., 1975).
Unfortunately, cannulation of blood vessels in fish is only applicable to species
or life stages that are large enough (most studies have used fish >150 g) and for
researchers with appropriate training and access to suitable surgical labora-
tory facilities. Thus the ability to obtain precise blood gas and acid-base data
from fish exposed to changes in environmental CO2 is quite limited to partic-
ular species, body sizes, and researchers. However, a non-surgical technique
that allows successful blood sampling for valid blood gas and acid-base status
is feasible if care is taken to avoid lactic acid production due to struggling, and
reduced gas exchange caused by removing fish from the water. Furthermore, it
can be used on fish that are too small to cannulate. This technique involves
careful anesthetizing of individual fish within their home tank (without dis-
turbing the animal during the process), followed by transfer to a gill irrigation
system containing a maintenance dose of anesthetic. The latter allows artificial
ventilation of the gills with realistic rates of gill water flow to match those
occurring in vivo. By doing so, it is feasible to consistently measure blood
gas, acid-base and hematological variables that match blood samples taken
from fish via a surgically implanted cannula (Fig. 6).
For valid blood samples it is key that fish are not disturbed prior to anes-
thesia, as any anaerobic muscle use results in a sufficient rise in blood
lactic acid to disturb blood acid-base status. The choice of anesthetic is also
important as some can have a major influence on the water acid-base chem-
istry (e.g., tricaine methanesulfonate; MS-222 or TMS), resulting in rapid ele-
vations in water PCO2 and even more so when water pH is buffered by adding
sodium bicarbonate as is common practice (see Davison et al. in preparation
for a fuller discussion). Rapid transfer of fish (within seconds) to a gill


Dorsal Aorta via Cannula

Caudal Puncture with Gill Irrigation

Blood pH

8.0 A

HCO3- (mM)


PCO2 (mmHg)

4 A

Control 7.5 mmHg
External CO2

Fig. 6. Blood acid-base status of 200 g rainbow trout exposed to control conditions (water equil-
ibrated with atmospheric air) and after 24 h exposure to 7.5 mmHg (1% CO2 10,000 μatm;
N ¼ 6). Fish were cannulated and allowed 48 h to recover in individual chambers of flow-through
aerated water. Under both treatments blood was sampled via the dorsal aorta catheter after 24 h
exposure to CO2 and 0.5 h later the same fish was anesthetized in the chamber with a 60 mg/L dose
of MS222 that had been pH adjusted using NaOH to the exact pH of the water in each chamber.
Once fish had lost the righting reflex and did not respond to a tail pinch, they were held upside in a
custom built sling within the same chamber with the head completely submerged but the ventral
portion of the operculum just touching the water surface so that the gill ventilator flow could be
easily visualized. Blood was then sampled via caudal puncture with the tail portion just raised
above the water surface. Pairwise t-tests were used to compare acid-base variables (pH, PCO2
and ½HCO3  ) between treatments (control v. 7.5 mmHg), where letters that differ indicate statis-
tically significant differences between CO2 treatments. Pairwise t-tests were used to compare acid-
base variables (pH, PCO2 and ½HCO3  ) between blood sampling techniques (dorsal aorta catheter
v. caudal puncture with gill irrigation) but no statistically significantly differences were observed.

irrigation system is also vital to minimize the restriction of branchial gas

exchange due to gill collapse out of water. As far as possible it is also important
to have a natural flow of water over the gills, while allowing easy access to the
blood vessel puncture site. This procedure is very species-specific, and a clear


understanding of the branchial anatomy and mode of ventilation is important

to ensure that the entire gill basket is submerged during the process, and to
avoid either under- or over-ventilating the gills.
As an example of how this can work well to obtain valid blood gas and
acid-base values in fish, Fig. 6 shows data from rainbow trout that had the
dorsal aorta cannulated under anesthesia, and then following recovery where
blood was sampled under control conditions and then again after 24 h of expo-
sure to increased PCO2 (1% CO2, 7.5 mmHg, 10,000 μatm) exposure.
Under both treatments blood was sampled first via the cannula and then
30 min later via the caudal vessels using the anesthetic/gill irrigation technique
described above. Blood pH, PCO2 and ½HCO3   were indistinguishable in the
samples taken via these two methods (Fig. 6). This therefore raises the possi-
bility of using the same technique in animals that are difficult or impossible to
cannulate, either due to small size, problematic anatomy, or lack of surgical
experience, training, facilities, or ethical approval.
Finally, from a suitably obtained blood sample, pH is best measured using
either glass pH electrodes (See Heisler, 1989) or fiber optic pH sensors (both
thermostatted at the temperature to which the animal is acclimated). Blood
PCO2 is usually calculated from total CO2 of the plasma (measured using a
Corning CO2 analyzer or Cameron chamber; Cameron, 1971) using the mea-
sured blood pH value and a rearrangement of the Henderson-Hasselbalch
equation (Eq. 2; Boutilier et al., 1984). However, there is increasing interest
in the use of portable clinical analyzers for these measurements, such as the
i-STAT system, largely because of their ease of use. Clinical analyzers have
been designed for human blood, which differs markedly from that of fish,
and thus, they must be validated for the species and environmental conditions
of interest. In studies on trout (Harter and Brauner, 2017) and sand bar shark
(Harter et al., 2015), blood pH values measured with i-STAT were accurate
(with appropriate temperature correction), however, parameters related to
blood gases (O2 and CO2) were not. Values obtained for blood PCO2 levels
of control resting fish were either below detection or highly variable. However,
as blood PCO2 values increased (>10 mmHg), error was reduced. Thus, in sal-
monids at high CO2 (i.e., RAS) blood PCO2 values may be accurate, but in
control fish at low CO2 levels it will not be. In a tropical air-breathing catfish
at high temperature with high blood PCO2 (temperature and CO2 levels more
similar to those of humans for which the i-STAT was developed) the reported
values for PCO2 were deemed accurate (Damsgaard et al., 2015). Until clinical
analyzers are carefully validated for the species and condition in question,
reported values in the literature should be interpreted critically. There are
many published examples of blood pH and blood gas values measured
using clinical analyzer systems that are clearly not representative of in vivo
values, likely due to a combination of the sampling method to obtain blood
(as described above) and the clinical analyzer used for measurement.



To this point, we have focused predominantly on how elevated environ-

mental CO2 affects blood acid-base status. However, elevated environmental
CO2 will also affect intracellular acid-base status (Cameron, 1980; Powers,
1930) because CO2 moves rapidly across membranes and dissociates as
described in Eq. (1). The magnitude of the intracellular pH (pHi) depression
will be species and tissue-specific, influenced in part by the buffer value of that
tissue, with compensation and eventual recovery of pHi being dependent on a
range of cellular transporters as discussed below.

5.1. Consequences of Intracellular pH Dysregulation

The consequences of pHi dysregulation may be widespread, as virtually

every biochemical process is pH sensitive. Perturbations in pH can affect vari-
ous biological processes at the level of the cell, tissue, and whole animal. Within
the cell, regulation of pH within a physiologically optimal range is important
for biochemical reactions and the optimal function of transporters, receptors,
structural and contractile proteins, ionic conductivity and metabolic activity
of enzymes and synthesis of macromolecules (Madshus, 1988; Occhipinti and
Boron, 2015; Putnam and Roos, 1997; Roos and Boron, 1981). Additionally,
the cytosol bathes cellular organelles (e.g., mitochondria, endoplasmic reticu-
lum, nucleus), each of which has their own optimal internal pH (Roos and
Boron, 1981); thus cytosolic pHi has an indirect role in the function of these
structures. The CO2 induced increase in H+ will firstly be dampened by intra-
cellular buffers; however, if and when the disturbance is sufficiently severe, pHi
will be reduced. Once this occurs, additional H+ will reduce pH and disrupt
charges of intracellular macromolecules altering their structure and function
(e.g., Moody, 1981; Squirrell et al., 2001).
Uncompensated reductions in pHi affect not only cellular function but
also whole animal function. For example, reduction in brain pH is associated
with loss of equilibrium in common carp (Cyprinus carpio; Yoshikawa et al.,
1994) and reduced muscle pHi was hypothesized to be the cause of post-
exercise mortality in rainbow trout (Wood et al., 1983). Additionally, cardiac
function is believed to be impaired due to failure of pHi recovery leading to
mortality during severe elevations in environmental CO2 in marine fish
despite near-complete pHe recovery (Hayashi et al., 2004; Vaughan-Jones
et al., 2009). Given the consequences of dysregulation, cellular pH is regu-
lated and typically occurs to some degree in tandem with the extracellular
compartment, which has been referred to as “coupled pH regulation”
(Shartau et al., 2016a).


5.2. Cellular Mechanisms of pH Regulation

All cells have some capacity for pHi regulation during an acid-base distur-
bance (see Section 5) which can be achieved using a range of transporters that
translocate acid-base equivalents across the plasma membrane. This process
can be either active or passive, depending on the opposing electrochemical
gradients (Occhipinti and Boron, 2015). As the membrane potential of the cell
is negative relative to the extracellular fluid, acid extrusion requires energy,
whether that is through the use of an active H+ transporter (e.g., VHA) or
indirectly using the energy from electrogenic transporters such as NKA that
then drive passive transporters (e.g., NHE; Occhipinti and Boron, 2015) as
mentioned above. There are many excellent reviews on cellular acid-base
transporters in a range of biological systems, including pHi regulation in
cancer biology (Parks and Pouyssegur, 2017; Swietach, 2019), vertebrate
cardiomyocyte pH regulation (Vaughan-Jones et al., 2009), renal acid-base
regulation (Boron, 2006; Hamm et al., 2015), pH regulation during mamma-
lian development (Baltz, 1993; FitzHarris and Baltz, 2009), modeling of pHi
regulation (Occhipinti and Boron, 2015), and of specific transporters involved
in pHi regulation (e.g., Na+-coupled HCO3  transporters; Parker and Boron,
2013). As such, this section will only briefly review some of the transporters
involved in pHi regulation, with an emphasis on those identified, or likely
to be involved, in fish.
In general, during an acidosis, net cellular acid excretion to the extracellu-
lar space occurs via extrusion of intracellular H+ or uptake of extracellular
HCO 3 ; the net effect being an increase in pHi. Similar to branchial and
renal mechanisms (Section 3), tissues use various isoforms of acid-transporters
(i.e., NHE, VHA), and base transporters (i.e., AE), which can be independent
or dependent on Na+ transport. Although the specifics of pHi regulation
are complex, with several families of transporters, various isoforms, and
numerous arrangements of these transporters in the cell and among species,
Fig. 7 shows a general schematic of a non-specified cell containing the key
transporters used for pHi regulation in fish. As the cell experiences an acidosis
(e.g., from elevated CO2), these key transporters may be involved in restoring
pHi in conjunction with other ion transporters not indicated on the figure
such as NCC, NKA, NKCC, Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) (Evans et al.,
2005; Hwang et al., 2011; Kumai and Perry, 2012); of course, not all these
transporters will be present or functioning similarly in all cell types. Along
with those classic acid-base transporters (Fig. 7), a lactate-H+ cotransporter
(monocarboxylate transporter; MCT) has been found to function during hyp-
oxia (where metabolic acidosis typically occurs) to remove intracellular lactate
and H+. The transport of H+ via MCT is facilitated by CA to rapidly provide
the MCT with H+ (Parks and Pouyssegur, 2017; Vaughan-Jones et al., 2009).


Fig. 7. A simplified schematic of a generalized cell containing the transporters involved with active
pHi regulation in fish. The specific arrangements of transporters will vary among cell types, and
species, but this represents the key acid-base transporters identified in fish. Other transporters are
involved in the maintenance of pH homeostasis and ion regulation, for more in depth review see
Hwang et al. (2011) and Occhipinti et al. (2015). Transporters involved in net removal of acid
(transporters indicated in blue) from the cell includes Cl/HCO3  exchanger (CBE also known
as anion exchanger (AE)), Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE), V-type H+ pump (VHA), and electroneutral
Na/HCO3  (NBC). Transporters involved in net removal of base (transporters indicated in red)
from the cell include anion exchanger (AE) and the electrogenic Na/HCO3  exchanger (NBCe).

Many of these transporters are also found in invertebrates such as crabs

(Fehsenfeld and Weihrauch, 2016), marine worms (P€ ortner et al., 1998),
and cephalopods (Gutowska et al., 2010).
During acid-base disturbances of early-stage mammalian embryos (human,
bovine, mouse and hamster) NHE, AE, and MCT are used (Baltz, 1993;
Erdogan et al., 2005; FitzHarris and Baltz, 2006; Gibb et al., 1997; Lane,
1999; Lane and Bavister, 1999; Phillips et al., 2000; Siyanov and Baltz,
2013; Squirrell et al., 2001; Steeves et al., 2001; Thompson et al., 2006;
Zhao and Baltz, 1996;). In cultured chick heart cells, the Na+-dependent AE
regulates the pHi response to acidification and is involved in the steady-state
maintenance of pHi (Liu et al., 1990). NHE, NBC (acid extruders) and AE
and CHE (acid loaders) have been found in mammalian cardiac cells (rat,
rabbit, and guinea pig) (Vaughan-Jones et al., 2009; Yamamoto et al.,
2005). In mouse hippocampus neurons, AE are involved in pHi regulation
(Salameh et al., 2016), mammalian neuronal pHi regulation has been found
to use NHE, NBC, AE, (reviewed in Ruffin et al., 2014). Additionally, even
maladaptive cells in the form of cancerous tumors demonstrate well-developed


capacity for pHi regulation using NHEs, MCT, NBC, VHA, AE, and CHE to
safeguard pHi despite extremely acidotic external environments with a pH as
low as six (reviewed in Parks and Pouyssegur, 2017; Reshkin et al., 2014;
Swietach, 2019).
Many of the transporters and enzymes indicated above are also found in
fish and used for pHi regulation. Using teleost hepatocytes, several studies
have demonstrated that NHEs are largely responsible for returning pHi to
steady-state conditions following acidification. Although only a few species
have been investigated, the use of NHE appears to be involved in recovery
following acidosis in rainbow trout (Ahmed, 2006; Furimsky et al., 1999,
2000; Tuominen et al., 2003; Walsh, 1986; Walsh et al., 1988), brown bull head
(Ictalurus nebulosus; Furimsky et al., 1999) and toadfish (Walsh, 1989). In
American eel (Furimsky et al., 1999) and goldfish (Krumschnabel et al.,
2001), NHEs were found to be involved in regulating pHi but not during
recovery from an acid load, which instead appeared to involve AE indicating
species-specific differences in mechanisms used. In rainbow trout and carp
thrombocytes, NHE and NBC is used to regulate pHi following acidification
(Nikinmaa et al., 1999). While, in the kidney and intestine, regulation of acid-
base equivalents has been found to involve AE (Gilmour et al., 2007b; Grosell
et al., 2001).
As mentioned above, all cells have some ability for pHi regulation, but
there are limits to this capacity, and in most cases, pHi recovery is to some
degree linked with pHe recovery (Shartau et al., 2016a; “coupled pH regula-
tion”). However, at very high environmental CO2 levels (see Figs. 3 and 4),
pHe recovery may be very limited. It appears that fish that are able to tolerate
these very high CO2 levels possess an exceptional capacity for pHi regulation:
preferential pHi regulation (Shartau et al., 2016a), which is described in the
following section.

5.3. Preferential Intracellular pH Regulation

In 1982, Heisler (1982) observed that in the tropical facultative air-breathing
fish, the marbled swamp eel (Synbranchus marmoratus), hypoxia-induced air-
breathing resulted in an increase in blood PCO2 to 26 mmHg in a few hours.
Blood pHe fell by 0.6 units but impressively, pHi of white and heart muscle
were tightly regulated through a rapid elevation of intracellular HCO 3 . In
his paper, he remarked, “this particular strategy of acid-base regulation
provides a constant milieu for the intracellular structures and demonstrates
the prevalence of intracellular over extracellular acid-base regulation.” Heisler
found a similar ability to tightly regulate tissue pHi despite a large reduction in
pHe in salamanders exposed to elevated aquatic CO2 (Heisler et al., 1982) and
later a similar response was observed in the tropical facultative air-breathing


catfish (Pterygoplichthys pardalis; Brauner et al., 2004b), where pHi of heart,

brain, liver, and muscle were tightly regulated despite reductions in pHe.
This pattern of complete pHi regulation early during exposure to an acid-base
disturbance, despite a pronounced reduction in pHe has been called
“preferential pHi regulation” and differs from other patterns, where a large
reduction in pHe is accompanied by a reduction in pHi (see Brauner and
Baker, 2009) and recovery of pHi is to some degree coupled with recovery of
pHe (coupled pH regulation; Shartau et al., 2016a).
Preferential pHi regulation is defined as ΔpHi/ΔpHe  0 immediately
following the onset of an acid-base disturbance, whereby for a given reduction
in pHe, pHi does not change, or in some cases even increases during early expo-
sure to elevated environmental CO2 despite the reduction of pHe (Baker et al.,
2009; Shartau et al., 2016a). The strategy of preferential pHi regulation was
considered to be rare among vertebrates by Brauner et al. (2004b) and possibly
associated with air-breathing or living in ion-poor waters, such as those of
the Amazon River basin. Several studies have indicated that the temperate,
exclusively water breather, white sturgeon, also uses preferential pHi regula-
tion which appears to be associated with CO2 tolerance (Baker and Brauner,
2012; Baker et al., 2009, 2011; Huynh et al., 2011; Shartau et al., 2017a).
Recent work now suggests that preferential pHi regulation may be a relatively
common strategy, occurring in at least eight species of fish (Shartau and
Brauner, 2014; Shartau et al., 2016a; Fig. 8) that are phylogenetically diverse,
include both water and air breathers and are found in habitats ranging from
temperate to tropical. Just how widespread preferential pHi regulation is
among fish species is clearly an area worthy of further investigation. While
preferential pHi regulation appears to be absent in most tetrapods studied
to date (Fig. 8), recent studies on embryonic reptiles shows use of preferential
pHi regulation during development but a reduced capacity in yearlings, with
no evidence in adults (Shartau et al., 2016b, 2018). Little work has been con-
ducted on embryonic fish, but early-stage zebrafish embryos do possess the
capacity to recover pHi during sustained respiratory acidosis (Molich and
Heisler, 2005). Thus, it has been proposed that preferential pHi regulation
may be an embryonic trait that is either retained or lost in adult vertebrates,
likely influenced by the need to protect pHi in environments subject to severe
acid-base disturbances (Shartau et al., 2016b, 2018, 2019).
The following sections discuss what is known about the cellular
mechanism(s) involved and the functional significance of this pattern of
acid-base regulation in vertebrates.


As the rate at which pHi regulation occurs in preferential pHi regulation is
extremely rapid, the cellular mechanisms involved relative to coupled pH


Fig. 8. Evolution of the strategy for pH regulation in adult vertebrates when exposed to an acute
(<48 h) respiratory acidosis of >1 kPa blood PCO2 inferred by stochastic character mapping.
Patterns of acid-base regulation for each species were taken from literature (references indicated
by superscript number). Preferential pHi regulation was defined as ΔpHi/ΔpHe  0 immediately
following onset of an acid-base disturbance. Coupled pH regulation was defined as when reductions
in pHe were associated with qualitatively similar reductions in pHi. Pie charts on internal nodes
and branches are color coded for Bayesian posterior probabilities for the strategy for pH regulation.
1 (Baker et al., 2015), 2 (Wood et al., 1990), 3 (Snyder and Nestler, 1991), 4 (Heisler et al., 1982),
5 (Wasser et al., 1991), 6 (Snyder et al., 1995), 7 (Nattie and Edwards, 1981), 8 (Yaksh and
Anderson, 1987), 9 (Wood and Schaefer, 1978), 10 (Malan et al., 1985), 11 (Gonzalez
and Clancy, 1986), 12 (Litt et al., 1985), 13 (Baker et al., 2009), 14 (Shartau et al., 2016a),


15 (Wood and LeMoigne, 1991), 16 (Larsen et al., 1997), 17 (Heisler, 1982), 18 (Wright et al., 1988),
19 (Brauner et al., 2004), 20 (Sackville et al., 2018). Phylogenetic relationships are based on Hedges
and Kumar (2009) and branch lengths are taken from various references utilizing fossil and molec-
ular estimates of divergence times (Aschliman et al., 2012; Betancur-R et al., 2013, 2015; Blair, 2005;
Macqueen and Johnston, 2014; Meredith et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2013); the phylogenetic tree was
created using Mesquite (Maddison and Maddison, 2017).

regulation may involve either different or modified transporters from those

discussed above (see Section 5.2). Preferential pHi regulation cannot simply
be explained by exceptional intracellular buffer capacity as that will only
reduce the magnitude of the pHi reduction during elevated PCO2. Preferential
pHi regulation must involve the net transport of acid equivalents across the
plasma membrane into the extracellular fluid that bathes the tissues. Net base
uptake into (or net acid excretion from) tissues is due to cellular transmem-
brane exchange of acid-base relevant ions that are ultimately associated
with an increase in intracellular HCO3  . The specific transporters involved
in preferential pHi regulation are unknown, but both AE and NHE are strong
candidates (Baker et al., 2009). During elevated PCO2, blood pH falls along
the blood buffer line elevating plasma HCO3  levels, thus Cl/HCO3 
exchange may be more favorable energetically (Baker and Brauner, 2012).
As whole-body oxygen uptake in white sturgeon is reduced during exposure
to elevated environmental CO2, this provides some support for this idea;
however, further work needs to be done to link whole-body metabolism to
possible reductions in tissue oxygen consumption during preferential pHi
There has yet to be a comprehensive investigation into the cellular mech-
anisms of preferential pHi regulation. The ability to regulate pHi in this fash-
ion likely depends on modifications to existing acid-base relevant ion
regulatory transporters discussed above and is an excellent area for investiga-
tion. However, as most studies investigating transporter mechanism use
in vitro methods, this may be challenging to address the questions associated
with the mechanism of preferential pHi regulation as differences have been
observed between in vivo and in vitro pHi regulation in white sturgeon liver.
White sturgeon hepatocytes exposed to elevated PCO2 in vitro experience a
reduction in pHi that was compensated for over the following 96h (Huynh
et al., 2011)—this represents a vastly different response to that observed
in vivo where no reduction in sturgeon liver pHi is observed, and (in some cases)
is overcompensated. This suggests some influence/effect from the extracellular
compartment on preferential pHi regulation; whether it indicates differences in
transporter mechanisms between in vivo and in vitro preparations is unknown
but should be considered.



The ability to protect pHi against a CO2 induced acidosis is likely impor-
tant for fish that inhabit high and fluctuating CO2 environments due to puta-
tive limits on pHe compensation (discussed above in Section 3). An extreme
example of the putative benefit of preferential pHi regulation is demonstrated
by tambaqui exposed to a PCO2 of 150 mmHg (20 kPa) which completely
regulated heart, brain and liver pHi despite a nearly 1 pH unit reduction in
pHe. If tambaqui required even partial pHe recovery to regulate pHi, an
increase of plasma HCO–3 of over 150 mM would be required (Fig. 4B); this
is physiologically improbable (Shartau, 2017). Additionally, as some high
CO2 environments are ion-poor and low pH (e.g., Rio Negro), preferential
pHi regulation may allow for pHi to be protected in conditions unfavorable
for pHe compensation (Brauner et al., 2004b; Sackville et al., 2018).
Retention of normal, or near normal, physiological performance may be
achieved by protecting pHi. Of particular importance is cardiomyocyte pHi,
which if reduced pHi would negatively affect cardiac function (Vaughan-
Jones et al., 2009). Thus minimizing pHi disturbance could allow animals
to maintain cardiac performance. Indeed, the armored catfish and white
sturgeon tightly control heart pHi during elevated environmental CO2 despite
severe pHe reduction (Baker et al., 2009; Brauner et al., 2004b), yet largely
maintain cardiac function (Baker et al., 2011; Hanson et al., 2009).
Finally, numerous air-breathing fish use preferential pHi regulation, these
fish may be subjected to respiratory acidosis due to buildup of metabolically
produced CO2 arising from the physiochemical differences between water and
air during air-breathing episodes (Bayley et al., 2019; Graham, 1997; Shartau
and Brauner, 2014), and by inhabiting environments prone to hypoxia and
elevated PCO2 (Ultsch, 1987). While preferential pHi regulation is not exclu-
sively associated with air-breathing fish (Shartau, 2017), it may represent
an exaptation for air-breathing (Brauner and Baker, 2009; Shartau et al.,
2016a). Additionally, preferential pHi regulation has been hypothesized to
play a role in the terrestrialization of early tetrapods. Transitioning from an
aquatic water breather to a terrestrial air-breather involved changes in blood
acid-base status as the former have low PCO2, low plasma ½HCO3  , and high
pHe, while the latter have high PCO2, high plasma ½HCO3  , and low pHe
(Bayley et al., 2019; Randall et al., 1981; Ultsch, 1996). Acid-base regulation
between the two differs in that water breathers rely on physicochemical buff-
ering and net transport of acid-base equivalents, while air breathers depend
mainly on changes in ventilation rate to alter PCO2 and thus pH (Brauner
and Baker, 2009; Heisler, 1986; Truchot, 1987). It is unknown exactly how
early vertebrates made this transition, but preferential pHi regulation is
hypothesized to have been involved to minimize the effects of an air-breathing
induced respiratory acidosis (Brauner and Baker, 2009; Shartau and Brauner,
2014; Shartau et al., 2016a); this remains to be investigated further.



Over the last half a century, a great deal has been learned about CO2 trans-
port and excretion in fish, and there are clearly similarities and differences
between fish groups. Over this same time frame, a considerable amount has been
learned about how elevated environmental CO2 affects blood acid-base status
in fish and the role of the gill, kidney and gastrointestinal systems in acid-base
regulation and compensation during exposure to elevated CO2. This research
was largely conducted on a relatively few number of model species, and initially,
to understand the basic physiology of fish. This information has formed an
invaluable foundation from which to investigate the more applied aspects of
environmental CO2 on fish; ranging from those due to climate change, to those
associated with intensive rearing of fish at high densities to provide protein for
an ever-growing population, and those to increase understanding of how fish
deal with natural spatial and temporal variation in marine and freshwater
CO2 levels. While a great deal has been learned on these topics in the last decade,
as discussed in this chapter, the following questions represent large knowledge
gaps that are timely and topical for further investigation:

(1) Acid-base regulation is ultimately driven by active ionoregulation,

which has a metabolic cost, but what is the metabolic cost of acid-base
regulation in fish?
(2) What is the relationship between water pH and water ion composition
on the dynamics of acid-base regulation in fish?
(3) How does exercise intensity or fish activity level affect the rate and com-
pleteness of acid-base regulation during elevated environmental CO2?
(4) Most of the studies on kidney tubular HCO3  reabsorption have been
conducted at relatively high CO2 levels. What is the role of the kidney
under climate change relevant CO2 levels?
(5) What is the relative role of gill H+ excretion relative to HCO3  uptake
from the water in fish? And how widespread are the morphological
changes at the gills (reduction in MRC fractional surface area) during
exposure to elevated CO2 in freshwater fish and is this pattern observed
in seawater fish?
(6) What is the effect of climate change relevant CO2 increases in freshwater
fish? While 40% of all fish species are freshwater, very few have been
investigated to date.
(7) What is the effect of oscillating CO2 tensions that naturally occur spa-
tially and temporally in both marine and freshwater systems that fish
inhabit? Depending upon the metabolic cost of acid-base regulation
(point 1 above), oscillations could have far greater physiological effects
than constant CO2 tensions.


(8) Are low blood PCO2 values in larval and juvenile fish the basis for their
increased sensitivity to OA relative to adult fishes?
(9) How widespread is preferential pHi regulation among fish species? And
does it represent an embryonic trait in vertebrates that is then retained
or lost during development?
(10) What are the cellular mechanisms associated with preferential pHi


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