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Semi-Final Examination

Ed 112- The Teaching Profession

Name of Student : Estella Marie Dayangco Prog/Year/Sec: BSED ENG 1-A Score_____


I. Take a stand on the following education issues. If your stance were adopted, what would
be the immediate consequences. To what educational philosophy is your stand anchored

Educational Issue My Stand (Based on what Consequences


Single Sex Schools

School Uniforms

Voucher Programs

Change in School Calendar

1. From the presented philosophies, identify one that you seemed comfortable with your
thinking. What appeals to you about that philosophical perspective?
2. The perspectives you have seen characterize individual teachers, particular schools, or even
entire districts. Thinking in broad terms, should a particular philosophy characterize all schools in
the Philippines? If so, which one and why? If not, what do you see as the benefit of differing
philosophical perspective?

3. Are these philosophical perspectives still relevant to the current educational set-up – the NEW
NORMAL EDUCATION? Expound its relevance if YES. If NO, why not?


II. From among all the philosophies taken up in class, choose one and draw a symbol to
represent this philosophy. Explain your symbol.
My symbol represents

Explain the following quotations. With which philosophy do you associate these

a. “Education is life, not a preparation for life” (Dewey)


b. “Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself”. (Sartre)


c. “Life is what you make it”. (Thackeray)


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