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Topic: Bloody Mary: A Queen whose name turned into a horror game.

In the past, many things existed. Some are ordinary without any suspicions,
but so many are mysterious. People have no idea what happened to it as
superstition always connected to life.
Today, We would like to draw your attention to England, as we will show you
about a game that was going on there in the past. Many implied it as mysterious,
suspicious, and it was related to many scandals.
Bloody Mary is a classic scary game which players try to summon the ghost
of Bloody Mary in the bathroom mirror. All you need to have Bloody Mary’s presense
is a lit of candle and a dark bathroom to go to. People believed that to get most
out of the game, we should invite our friends to come over and play together.
Then people would share about what they saw in the mirror to each other.
As some players had shared about their experiences, a ghost would appear
in the mirror and looking back at you would be a mad woman covered in blood. Some
of the players who have played the game said that Bloody Mary appeared and started
screaming at them, cursing them, try to choke them, or even try to scratch them.
Some also have said that the woman in the mirror appeared to be holding a baby,
who appeared to be dead, and their facial features melted in to the reflection
of the mirror. The reflection of the mirror could indicate of the two things to
players; the face of person that you are destined to marry, or a skull. If the
skull appears, it indicates that you are destined to die before you get a chance
to marry.
+ Who is Bloody Mary?
Many people have different theories on who The Bloody Marry is. Some thought
that she is Mary Worth; an American comic character. Some said that she was a
woman who had died from a car crash. But most of them believed that the real
Bloody Mary was Mary Tudors, Queen Mary, the Queen of England, reigning over The
Great Britain from 1553-1558. As a sovereign, why did she become a name of this
horror game?
Queen Mary was born in 1516, as a daughter to King Henry VIII and Her
mother, Catherine of Aragon. After Mary was born, the king decided to end his
17-marriage with her mother, Catherine, as she couldn’t give birth to boy, who
one day would take over the throne, and this was considered to be the act of
displeasure from god. Since then, Mary was not allowed to see her mother again.
The King was then seeing another woman because he thought that he could have a
baby boy. Married to Anne Boleyn, the King’s plan didn’t work out as he had hoped
to be because Anne gave birth to another daughter of his, Elizabeth. Being afraid
that Mary would interfere with Elizabeth taking over the throne, King Henry VIII
did pressure the parliament to declare Mary as an illegitimate and succeeded. In
1553, Catherine of Aragon, Mary’s mother, died. The Doctor at the time couldn’t
figure out what caused her death. So rumors were spreading around that the King
and his new wife were involved. As Mary couldn’t get to know why her mother died,
she went along with the rumors, and wanted nothing to do with the king.
In her teen years, Mary struggled with her menstruation. She had terrible
cramps, pain, mood swings, and sometimes, she would just miss her period. Those
had caused her a lot of psychological and physical stresses in her life. People
were spreading rumors about her problems, damage to Mary’s name had been done,
she stood last in line for seat on the throne, and chances of her becoming the
Queen was slim to none. But despite all the odds, she did eventually take the
throne in 1553, 6 years prior to the death of her father, King Henry VIII.
After wearing the crown, she thought that there is no time to waste to have
a baby boy to one day take over her duties. She was set up the meet King Phillips
II, who was the king of Spain, Portugal, Nepal, and Sicily, and eventually got
married. The King was not really into her because the marriage between royal
families is more of a negotiation for interests, But The Queen really wanted the
love from her husband. Two months later, The Queen began to see the sign of her
wish coming true to life. She began to experience all symptoms of a pregnant
woman, from stopping menstruation to morning sickness. As people hated on her,
the people of England and Spain kept tabs of her in a very judgmental way. Even
when her stomach grew bigger and bigger overtime, people made up stories that
she was not pregnant, she was acting, or she would likely take some lady’s child
and called them hers. The Queen claimed that she could feel the baby move, as
she experienced the symptoms.
At the time, England was divided between Catholics and Protestants, and The
Queen determined to reunite the country under true religion by any means
necessary. Shortly before Christmas in 1554, she signed an act which would begin
in February 1555, to incite a legendary series of execution all over England.
Over 300 people, ranging from popular preachers to farm laborers who could not
recite the lord’s prayer and did not know what the sacraments were, were condemned
as protestant, and ordered to be burned at the stake. To avoid displeasuring the
god, she ordered more people to be burned as she was convinced that these
executions would bring people to their old faith and would warn people the outcome
of not following the Queen suggestion.
The Queen went into a confinement for six weeks before her due date. People
were ready for her, both people who were against her, and the royal families.
The tension in the country was reaching an all-time-high as people were waiting
for the news. Simon Reynard, the Queen’s advisor, wrote a letter to The Emperor
Charles V on the update “Everything in the Kingdom depends on the Queen’s safe
deliverance. If Go is pleased to grant her a safe delivery, things will turn for
the better. If not, I foresee the disturbance and a change for the worse so great
on a scale that a pen can hardly set it down.”
Days passed, no sight of the baby. The Queen had now agreed with her ladies
that she wasn’t pregnant. Nasty rumors were spreading all over the country, some
said that there was no baby, some went on to say that the baby died, the Queen
died, and even some said that the Queen gave birth to a flesh. Even with nothing
to hope for, the Queen remained herself in the confinement.
Week were still passing, nothing happened. The Queen started to think that
God was pushing her for not shutting down rumors with aggression. She ordered
that the burnings of people be stepped up a notch.
Some people got some information that during the Queen’s time in the
confinement, the Queen would sit or sleep in the positions that are way impossible
for a pregnant woman to do. The Doctor kept extending the due date, as they knew
she wasn’t going to have the baby. The Queen did dismiss her nursing staffs
little by little later on.
In history, this incident remained the most well-documented and most
notorious cases of Pseudocyesis; the false pregnancy. It’s a complex condition
that a person could be so convinced in their desire for child that the mind
tricks the body into thinking that it’s pregnant, then the body follows, hormones
shift, periods stop, and belly grows. Unlike nowadays, false pregnancy can’t be
detected in past, which led to confusions and miseries.
Two years after the incident, the Queen was convinced again that she was
pregnant, but this time, no one care about it, even her beloved husband. And this
time, her period stopped because she entered menopause. She died in the following
year, due to ovarian cancer.
Connecting her false pregnancy to the act of god had caused hundreds of men
and women to die because of their faith. As the Queen ordered people to be burned,
some families lost their beloved members, friends, or even the whole family. This
is where Queen Mary I became the myth, the Witch in the mirror whose name can be
still heard today, Chanted by kids in the bathroom.
Through our presentation, the first thing to take away is that before we
believe in something or make an assumption, can be news article, conspiracy
theories, superstitions, or even someone, we need to make sure that we have done
well research about it, make sure that it is plausible, and worth believing. As
a human being, we also need to be responsible for our actions, bear with the
truths and reality in our life, so that we can put ourselves at ease, and people
who surround us can also live in a peaceful environment.

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