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The Hate U Give Reflection

On Friday we will finally finish reading The Hate U Give - just one more chapter to go! The
purpose of this writing assignment is to encourage you to reflect on some of the themes of the
novel. On this document, you are to write a three paragraph written response, carefully following
the instructions for each paragraph. It is due at the end of the hour. Do your best with spelling
and grammar, but focus more on the quality and critical thinking going into your response.

Paragraph 1: Describe specific examples of racism that occurred in the novel, remembering
that racism can take many forms and is not always white versus black. This paragraph should
be at least 5-7 sentences.

Paragraph 2: Write about your own personal experiences with discrimination, racial or
otherwise. Have you been a victim of it? Have you witnessed it or heard about it at our school or
on the news? Be specific. This paragraph should be at least 5-7 sentences.

Paragraph 3: In what ways do you think that we as a society have changed for the better in
terms of discrimination? What do we still need to work on? And finally, how do you think we heal
and grow as a society and make positive changes in regard to racism and other forms of
discrimination? There is no right or wrong answer here, but please take the questions seriously
and attempt to answer the best that you can. I will NOT accept “I don’t know” as an answer. This
paragraph should be 5-7 sentences.

A Lot of racism happened throughout the whole book. One example is the
shooting of khalil. Many say what happened with the shooting was a racist move yet
some say it wasn't. Khalil was told not to move yet did. He reached into the car to get his
hair brush.. cop says he thought it was a gun. With the officer being scared thinking he
was in harm he started shooting at khalil. Many people in the book were angry at the
officer saying what he did was only because he was a person of color and if he were to
be white that wouldn't have happened. Police brutality is the best example of racism
throughout the book and they state ̈its either life or death ̈ with the cops if your of color.
Lastly when hailey kept saying racist remarks starr did not like. One of them is ̈HUSTLE!
Pretend the ball is some fried chicken. Bet you´ll stay on it then.¨

We still deal with a lot of racism even to this day. I ́ve seen many things happen at
school and came across many racist posts on the internet. There's too many things
about racism on the internet I couldn't say them all, so im just going to say the ones i've
seen coming from my school. During the summer their was this girl and a video went all
around on the internet. It was a video of one of the girls that goes here and she was with
friends and said a very rude comment and laughed after. She said F*** you and then the n
word. Everyone was upset and reposting it. Another and last one was another video of
the same thing with another picture and she said the n word and said some other stuff
like ̈want me to steal your stuff ̈, ̈want me to rob a store ̈, ̈want me to rap some girl ̈ and
was staying that stuff about colored people. Both those girls were white and there was
some racism even with white people during this time. People were saying that they ¨hate
white people¨. ̈ ̈ i'm sick of these white a** crackers saying this s***¨ It really hurts
because not all white people are racist and they were saying don't be racist yet us white
people were getting called hurtful stuff too. Both the situations is not ok and we all need
to be kind to each other.

Lastly we definitely have gotten better with racism through the years...even
though we still experience some it's still not as bad as it used to be. I think now we just
need to work on what we say and if we all do then everything will be ok. I think after a
while it will get better. Like in the past colored people couldn't do the same as us now
they can, and now all it is the things we say. If we change that I truly think the whole
racism thing will die down.

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