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4/19/22, 10:07 PM My 2015 Annual Review - James Clear

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James Clear writes about habits, decision

My 2015 making, and continuous improvement. He

is the author of the #1 New York Times

Annual bestseller, Atomic Habits . The book has sold

over 7 million copies worldwide and has

been translated into more than 50

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written by JAMES


E ach year, I conduct

my Annual Review
and share it publicly. I do
this because I find it
helpful to review the
successes and failures of
the previous 12 months, 1/21
4/19/22, 10:07 PM My 2015 Annual Review - James Clear

but also because I think it

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is important
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myself publicly

Similar to my previous
Annual Reviews, I will
answer 3 questions in my
2015 Annual Review:

1. What went well this


2. What didn’t go so well

this year?

3. What am I working

2015 was an incredible

year for me, but I also
failed on several fronts.
The good stuff is in Part I,
the bad stuff is in Part II,
and the future is Part III. I
hope you find it useful
and interesting.

1. What went well

this year? 2/21
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Here’s what went well:

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Marriage. In May, I got
married to my wonderful
wife, which was definitely
the highlight of the year.
We've only been through
eight months of marriage,
but I’m feeling good
about the next 80 years.

Book deal. In my 2014

Annual Review, I said
one of my primary goals
for 2015 was to turn pro
as a writer. I am proud
and excited to say that I
did just that. After
meeting with seven
publishing houses in New
York City, I signed a
major book deal with
Penguin Random House
to publish my first print
book. The book will be
released under their
Avery imprint, which has
recently published award-
winning psychology
books like The Willpower 3/21
4/19/22, 10:07 PM My 2015 Annual Review - James Clear

Instinct and
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much, much more to say

about all of this in 2016,
but for now I simply want
to say, “Thank You.” Not
only would I never had
landed a book deal
without the support of
our community, but
publishers never would
have met with me in the
first place. I’m not just
writing this book for you,
I’m writing it because of

Writing. I had plenty of

writing struggles this
year, which I'll cover
below, but overall I
enjoyed a very successful
year writing on Some of
my favorite articles were
about why we buy things
we don't need, the
chemistry of building
better habits, lessons
from a samurai archer, 4/21
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and the myth of

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Writing highlights for


74 new articles
published this year
(browse my best

158,347 new email

subscribers this year

229,043 total email

subscribers as of
December 31, 2015

5,811,703 unique
visitors this year

8,911,761 unique
visitors since
launched on
November 12, 2012

Strength Training. In
2014, I exercised 113
times. In 2015, I increased
that number to 122
workouts, which is an
average of 10.2 per 5/21
4/19/22, 10:07 PM My 2015 Annual Review - James Clear

month. Considering
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crammed into this year, I

feel good about that

Workouts per month in


January – 14

February – 12

March – 9

April – 12

May – 8

June – 13

July – 12

August – 12

September – 10

October – 7

November – 6

December – 7

My best lifts of the year


Back Squat – 350 lbs

(158 kg) for 4 sets of 4
reps 6/21
4/19/22, 10:07 PM My 2015 Annual Review - James Clear

Bench Press – 295 lbs

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to yourkg) for 2 reps
inbox. IN!

Deadlift – 495 lbs

(224 kg) for 1 rep

Travel. I visited 5
countries and 11 states in
2015. I squeezed in a few
visits to Washington D.C.
as well. I also wrote an
article about my
Ultralight Packing List,
which was a surprising

Travel highlights for 2015:

5 countries (2 new):
England, Hungary,
Iceland, Portugal,
United States.

11 states (3 new):
Arkansas, California,
Georgia (twice),
Hawaii, Idaho, New
York (twice), North
Carolina, Ohio,
Tennessee (twice),
Texas, Virginia. 7/21
4/19/22, 10:07 PM My 2015 Annual Review - James Clear

Photography. There is
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still atobig
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photographic vision and

my actual results, but for
the first time in awhile I
feel like my photography
skills are improving. The
main improvement I
made this year was
becoming better at
researching photo
locations and subjects
ahead of time. I think this
research helped me
publish better photos and
hit 10,000 Instagram
followers in 2015. World-
class photographers don't
take photos, they make
photos with diligent
research and practice. I'm
not a world-class
photographer, but I'm
trying to act like one.

Reading. I read 36 books

in 2015, which is more
than I have in any
previous year. Some of my
favorites were A Brief 8/21
4/19/22, 10:07 PM My 2015 Annual Review - James Clear

History of Time, Fooled

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by Randomness,
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Thin Air, Just Mercy,

Manual For Living, Red
Notice, and The Martian.
I also published my
reading list and began
keeping detailed book
summaries of many
nonfiction books.

Accepting help. Like

many entrepreneurs, I
repeatedly fall victim to
“superhero syndrome”
and attempt to do
everything myself. I
improved in this area in
2015 by surrounding
myself with a great team.
I hired an executive
coach, signed with a
fantastic book agent,
hired a world-class book
editor, and added a few
assistants to take
repetitive tasks off my
plate. The result? Revenue
tripled this year. I still
have a long way to go 9/21
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when it comes to
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leader, but this year

would not have been what
it was without Charlie,
Lisa, David, Peter, Susan,
Walter. Thank you all!

Visiting family and

friends. This year, I made
trips specifically to visit
family and friends in
Arkansas, North
Carolina, Ohio, and the
United Kingdom. I also
hosted two dinners for
friends, one in San
Francisco and one in New
York City. Finally, I
attended retreats with
fellow entrepreneurs in
Idaho and North
Carolina. It feels good to
make these relationships a
priority because I
mentioned it as a weak
point in my 2013 Annual
Review. I'm excited to
increase these in-person
connections in 2016 by 10/21
4/19/22, 10:07 PM My 2015 Annual Review - James Clear

launching a monthly
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one or two of my own


2. What didn't go
so well this year?

Here's what didn't go


The loss of a friend. In

September, Scott
Dinsmore passed away at
the age of 33 during a
tragic climbing accident
on Mount Kilimanjaro.
Scott was my first friend
to die young and his
passing was one of the
hardest parts of the year. I
did my best to honor him
with a short tribute that I
published here.

Writing schedule. It is
not an exaggeration to say
writing has changed my
life. For nearly three 11/21
4/19/22, 10:07 PM My 2015 Annual Review - James Clear

years, I published a new

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Thursday. As a result, I
built a successful
business, met interesting
people, and inked a major
book deal. That's when I
did something stupid: I
changed the whole damn
way I wrote.

By September 2015, I was

emailing my bi-weekly
articles to over 200,000
subscribers. With so
many people reading, I
began to feel an immense
pressure to publish
something great every
week. I decided to change
my writing schedule to
one article per week
instead of two articles per
week. I figured that
publishing fewer articles
would allow me to
produce higher quality
writing. In theory, it made
sense. In practice, it was a
disaster. 12/21
4/19/22, 10:07 PM My 2015 Annual Review - James Clear

My once-per-week
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my perfectionism into
high gear. I found myself
thinking, “If you're only
going to publish once per
week, then every article
needs to be incredible.” I
was still writing and
working each week, but
articles never felt like they
were good enough. As a
result, I missed more
publishing days (4) in
three months, than I did
in three years with my
twice-per-week schedule.
In 2016, I'm looking
forward to sharing how I
overcome these writing
challenges and deliver
exceptional work on a
regular basis.

The Hamster Wheel.

During the second half of
the year, I found myself
repeatedly feeling like I
was never ahead of things
in my business. I was 13/21
4/19/22, 10:07 PM My 2015 Annual Review - James Clear

behind on customer
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email inbox was

overflowing. There were
speaking requests I hadn't
followed up on. Overall,
these are good problems
to have. (For example,
you only get customer
support requests if you
have customers.) But the
downside of things going
so well is that things start
going so fast. In fact, one
reason I missed some
article deadlines (in
addition to the
perfectionism mentioned
above) is that everything
had to stop for a week
while I was in New York
City getting a book deal.
You can do it all, but not
at the same time. I need
to take my own advice
and simplify in 2016.

Nutrition. I believe I eat a

reasonably healthy diet,
but—like most people—I 14/21
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probably think I eat better

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thantoI actually
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thing is for certain, I don't

cook nearly as many
meals as I should. I tried
to limit eating out at
restaurants to just the
weekend and eat at home
during the weekdays, but
I honestly can't say I stuck
to that for more than one
or two weeks throughout
2015. I also feel that
nutrition is the missing
link for me when it comes
to strength training. I'm
happy with the progress I
made in the gym (see Part
I above) and one of my
cardinal rules is that I
never cheat myself on
sleep (I average 8 to 9
hours per night), but I
have a lot of room for
improvement in the

Lack of team interaction.

Writing isn't really a team
sport. There is the author 15/21
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(me) and then a bunch of

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author (my agent, my

editor, my executive
coach, etc.), but there isn't
really a cohesive team
that solves problems
together each day. I
played varsity baseball in
college and I loved being
part of a group that
rallied around a common
mission. If I'm being
honest, I've been chasing
that sense of shared
mission ever since I
graduated. I'm grateful for
the opportunity I have to
reach an incredible
number of people as a
writer, but I do miss being
part of a great team.

3. What am I
working toward?

My attention will be
focused on three areas in
2016. 16/21
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Finish my first book.

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one. I want to write a

fantastic book. I have a
great team supporting
me, but it's my
responsibility to deliver
something incredible. I
can't wait to share it with

Ruthlessly eliminate the

inessential. My biggest
struggles in 2015 were
caused by trying to do too
much in too little time. As
our community and my
business has grown, my
time has become
stretched. I need to get
better about protecting
my schedule and
ruthlessly eliminating
everything except the
most important tasks.

Tell deeper stories. Next

year, I want to tell more
compelling stories
through my work. Maybe 17/21
4/19/22, 10:07 PM My 2015 Annual Review - James Clear

this means adding audio

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(a podcast,
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blending my photography
work with my writing to
make things more visually
interesting. In any case, I
want to tell stories that
make a difference while
continuing to offer
practical ideas for how to
live better.

2015 was a remarkable

year for me and I can't
wait to see what 2016 has
in store. There aren’t
many jobs where you can
work on what you want,
impact people in a
positive way, and live a
good lifestyle all at the
same time. I’m so lucky to
have one of those jobs.
What a time to be alive.

As always, it is a privilege
to write for you. I have
said many times that I am
not an expert. I don't have
all the answers. I'm just 18/21
4/19/22, 10:07 PM My 2015 Annual Review - James Clear

trying to become a better

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share the lessons I learn

along the way. Thanks for

The Annual
Review Archives

This is a complete list of

Annual Reviews I have

My 2019 Annual

My 2018 Annual

My 2017 Annual

My 2016 Annual

My 2015 Annual
My 2014 Annual
The 10 Best Articles Of 2015
My 2013 Annual
The Value Of Time: How 19/21
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Much Is Your Time Really

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How To Master The Invisible
Hand That Shapes Our Lives

One Research-Backed Way To

Effectively Manage Your
Stressful And Busy Schedule

The Diderot Effect: Why We

Want Things We Don’t Need
— And What To Do About It
Thanks for reading. You
can get more actionable ALL ARTICLES

ideas in my popular email

newsletter. Each week, I
share 3 short ideas from
me, 2 quotes from others,
and 1 question to think
about. Over 1,000,000
people subscribe. Enter
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