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a ae ees In a well-known multi-product company, the following incident Poe Place in the personnel department. There was a supervisor who had risen to his position by way of his hard work and sincerity. In his good old days, when he worked as a clerk in this company for fifteen years, before becoming a supervisor, he had been a staunch active and dynamic unionist. After becoming a supervisor, in response to change in his responsibility, he was forced to drift away from union activities. However, it must be noted here, that his being promoted to a supervisory job was not a buy off. He was promoted because he really deserved that. But the union leaders, for reasons best known to them didn’t like the clerk’s promotion to the supervisory post. Although with excellent inter-personal skills that the supervisor had, he could somehow manage to do his work satisfactorily. On one fine morning, he assigned some work to the peon of the department, but the peon refused to do the same. There was exchange of heated arguments, a lot of people gathered around and at a certain point of time, the supervisor offensively gesticulated towards the peon. The basic issue remained aside and everyone around started accusing the supervisor for his offensive gesticulation, The whole of the department refused to work unless the supervisor apologised for this behaviour and the trade union was also brought into the picture. Questions 1. Analyse the situation in the above case. 2. Discuss the role, the Human Resource Manager is supposed to play in this situation. 3. If you were the Human Resource Manager, how would you resolve the problem ? a CASE STUDY 3 Sona Electricals India Ltd. is a medium-sized electrical equipment Many. facturing company situated in one of the Eastern States in India. The company employs about 800 workers and 100 supervisory and managerial staff at different levels. Mr. Pandey is heading the marketing department with 5 senior marketing executives and more than 30 sales executives. Yesterday, Mr. Kumar, one of the marketing executives, approached Mr. Pandey with a personal request to be relieved early from the office as he had some urgent domestic problem to attend. Mr. Pandey refused Mr. Kumar's request saying that he could not be bothered about his personal problems at the cost of official responsibility, and he should make alternate arrangements to take care of his domestic affairs. Questions 1. Critically examine Mr. Pandey’s style of managing subordinates. 2. Asa practitioner in human relations, what would be your advice to Mr. Pandey to deal with such a situation in future ? ! A heavy construction equipment company has its corporate headquarters in a large city in South India with several plants located in various parts of the country. Every year the company hires about 75 college graduates to the position of management trainees. The training period is nine months. While it involves some classroom training, the trainees spend most of the time on the job assisting first line supervisors. The company has been experiencing difficulties in retaining the management trainees. Many of them have been leaving the company well before completing the training and the performance of those who have completed the training has not been very satisfactory either. The management is of the view that the staffing process used to hire the trainees is not valid whereas a couple of trainees leaving the organisation have expressed displea sure with the training program of the company. Questions 1. How can the staffing process of the company be improved to check excessive employee turnover ? 2. What changes should be made in the training Program to retain the management trainees ? feet i

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