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Questions for Reflection, Unit 2 Chapter 4, p 61

Name:_Michael John C. Payte _____________Score: ____________

Year & Section:_BSMT1-T3__ Date: ___4/5/22___

1. Technology reveals, it reveals all the goodness and the badness of everything. As technology
advances we discover a lot of things, a lot of product and hi-tech things. It reveals the capacity
of a human mind, the ability to make something out of a raw material. But in the long run, it
also shows a lot of bad sides. As humans we are never satisfied, we always want something new
and updated. We demand a lot of things which abuses the natural resources. This is the bad part
that technology shows. We are never contented and we tend to damage the earth .
2. Technology definitely supported the saying “Everything in moderation”. We abuse the power of
technology. Nowadays we can never live a day without using our smartphones, we are nothing
without them. We won’t be able to study and do our home-works without the technology. It can
get scary, we will never know if the advancement of our technology would be successful or
everything would collapse because we abused the natural resources that we can get from the
3. We can never deny that the technology is a big help in our daily lives. It keeps us entertained, it
helps us continue our education while we’re going through a pandemic and it makes everything
so easy nowadays. But this dependency that we are putting on our technologies can backfire.
We also have to question the technology because it is damaging the independency, the natural
resources and the basic skills of the people especially the children. Children nowadays spends
most of their time on playing on their devices and it makes them inactive. Before the technology
advanced rapidly, people would go out and socialize and be active. The technology is a big
impact on how the next generations are going to be.
4. 4. The Piety of thought for me is submitting to our thoughts and our thoughts will roam and
analyze, that's when our way of thinking expands. There are things that is basically true but we
don't just accept, we tend to think deeper and try to understand how we perceive or tackle our
thoughts. Ofcourse we always and should always think critically but the piety of thought is about
letting your mind decide on how you want to perceive things
5. Enframing implies a general upfront meaning of life. We humans are afraid of what we cannot
percieve and we love being be able to have control on everything that's why we tend to enframe
everything for us to have control. But thinking meditatively opens up alot of concepts it enables
us to have piety thinking. The world is something we can't control that's why we need to accept
things and think meditatively. Art is a way out of enframing because how I perceive art as a way
out of enframing we are putting a very big idea inside a frame which gives us a chance to think
meditatively at the same time enclosing a big idea in a small frame. In that way we can think
meditatively at the same time having control by putting a very big concept inside a frame.
5 POINTS - The answer is complete, correct and very clear.
4 POINTS - The answer is complete, clear but with minimal error in the concept.
3 POINTS - The answer is incomplete, correct and clear.
2 POINTS - The answer is incomplete and partially correct.
1 POINT - The answer is incomplete and incorrect.

Questions for Reflection, Unit 2 Chapter 5, p 68

Name:_Michael John C. Payte _____________Score: ____________

Year & Section:_BSMT1-T3__ Date: ___4/5/22___

1. At the moment, for us, growth is "adding more", we always add, buy and use things for us to "grow".
But this version of growth is having a negative impact in the society. The rich countries are only getting
richer and poor countries are not catching up because of the growth rate of the bigger countries. We
have to change the paradigm of growth and consumption because we already overused the resources
that we need to preserve for the next years. That's why Jason Hickel proposed the concept of De-
development, wherein rich countries should manage their consumption and let the smaller countries
catch up, but we don't have the right to tell them what to do and what is right. For now we need the
awareness about our lifestyle, be able to understand the needs and wants for us to help the economy.

2.The Idea of de-development, degrowth and zero development is a little of base on our sense of
growth. It also limits the capacity of the human mind to invent something new and make more
technology. It is a little too controlling if we obliged the bigger countries to stop what they are doing and
let the smaller country catch up.

3. We are enframed by the notion of growth, how? We only understand that growth is only taking place
when we are adding and buying a lot of things. We are enclosed to that idea, that's why we are
struggling on finding an alternative way on how to continue development without consuming too much.
Our concept of growth should be changed and by thinking meditatively we would be able to think of
alternative things that will keep us moving without constricting people of what they want and need.

4. The main reason why we struggle is because of the idealistic life that media gives us. Especially the
material things, people tend to think that buying updated things like bags, new phones and gadgets
makes their social level higher and they feel like they are growing. We have to rethink of what growth is,
for me, growth is being sustainable , not living based on luxury. We have to think of what we need and
minimize the consumption on our wants.
5. Heidegger and Hickel’s article both shows that technology reveals. Heidegger’s article shows that the
technology unravels the advantage and disadvantages of technology and is supported by the article of
Hickel. People sees the advantages the technology can give and we tend to abuse these because we
believe that growth only base on adding. Heidegger focuses on the things the technology can show us,
how deep things can be and Hickel focuses on the behavior of the people and the countries.

5 POINTS - The answer is complete, correct and very clear.
4 POINTS - The answer is complete, clear but with minimal error in the concept.
3 POINTS - The answer is incomplete, correct and clear.
2 POINTS - The answer is incomplete and partially correct.
1 POINT - The answer is incomplete and incorrect.

Questions for Reflection, Unit 2 Chapter 6, p 75

Name:_Michael John C. Payte _____________Score: ____________

Year & Section:_BSMT1-T3__ Date: ___4/12/22___

1.According to Aristotle, a good life is by achieving eudaimonia. Which means achieving a good but
also a virtuous life. But for me a good life is by achieving your goals in life. Which basically is
similar to eudaimonia. My happiness is achieving my goals in life whether it is big or small. It
depends on the goal of a person, if a person aims for a simple life then they would achieve
eudaimonia by having a simple life.

2. Aristotle says that having a good life is achieving happiness. But also by pairing happiness with
virtue. His term for this is Eudaimonia. It is very evident these days that happiness are what
people achieve. Everything we do is based on happiness, whether it be for the happiness of
others or for ourselves. The best example for this situation is our studies. Other people take a
course because it is what their parents want, they do it for the happiness of their parents. And
other people choose a course that doesn't have a high pay grade but they pursue it because it's
their happiness.

3. We are at the stage that we are dependent on technologies and advancement of the things we
have. That's why science and technology is a major factor that leads us to our happiness.
Because new discoveries and inventions is ongoing, science and technology can provide new
things that will satisfy the people and give them happiness. But the advancements that we are
having can have a downfall because it can fall into wrong hands. And also artificial intelligence
can replace humans and can cause problems such as unemployment.
5 POINTS - The answer is complete, correct and very clear.
4 POINTS - The answer is complete, clear but with minimal error in the concept.
3 POINTS - The answer is incomplete, correct and clear.
2 POINTS - The answer is incomplete and partially correct.
1 POINT - The answer is incomplete and incorrect.

Questions for Reflection, Unit 2 Chapter 7, p 84

Name:_Michael John C. Payte _____________Score: ____________

Year & Section:_BSMT1-T3__ Date: ___4/12/22___

1. Today’s science and technology is coming to the part where we can already make Artificial
Intelligence, where they can replace the easy task of people. This has a threat wherein people
could lose their jobs because small tasks can already be done by robots. This is the reason why
science and technology affects and will affect the contemporary life. It can cause unemployment
and it sparks a lot of concerns that people have to have a condition on because we’ll never know
how robots would work in the long run. There is a chance that there will be laws both for
humans and robots to ensure that robots and humans won’t be abused.

The flow of science and technology is also affected by the contemporary world. Our
advancements base on how our everyday lives work. We aim for easy work and we’ll try to
program AI’s according to what makes things faster and easier. We should think twice on our
decisions in the future because Artificial Intelligence is a smart thing but it will definitely affect
the behavior, lifestyle and wellness of the people if we depend our lives on robots.

2. Generating Artificial Intelligence will definitely cause a problem on employment because we can
already perform simple labor with the use of robots. As a student that would soon be working,
we don’t have an experience for workplaces to accept us and it’s easier to use artificial
intelligence because we can control it on how it will it act. That’s why it can be hard for people
to work if we will replace everything with artificial intelligence. That’s why we should have
human rights to prioritize the people. There can be discriminations that could happen and
rejection of employment because of the advancement. We should prioritize people first before
the robots because people also have to make a living and they need money to eat and sustain
their everyday lives. Also people also have the ability to make ethical decisions rather than
robots. Because the knowledge of robots will only come from humans, that’s why we’ll need
people because we can decide ethically.
3. I don’t think that Google makes people stupid, the accessibility does. We often look for answers
in google because by just typing your question, google would provide an answer. And I think this
makes learning for people easier. Most of the information on google are cited, that’s why it only
has a low chance for google to provide wrong information. And the last point is that we can
choose on a lot of sites to get our information from, that’s why we can recheck if the source that
we are using is trusted. But the problem is, people is getting dependent on Google. There is a
chance where people wouldn’t fact check the information that they’re receiving because it’s
from Google. Being dependent on Google can make us ignorant.
4. “Why the future does not need us” a controversial essay published by Bill Joy. This focuses on
the idea that the advancement of science and technology can make nanotechs, artificial
intelligence, and genetic controls can make humans endangered, robots can easily replace us.
The advancement of science and technology showed that it can bring out the evil in a person
and can abuse the power technology holds. The best example is the nuclear bombing that
happened in Hiroshima. Science and technology was the main weapon that they used and it’s
not impossible that it can happen in the future again, if technology is put on the wrong hands.
This can cause extinction of humankind. Just like what Albert Einstein said, If there would be a
4th world war, people would only be using sticks and stones. Because when the 3 rd world war
happens, people would use the advancements of technologies and it would be destructive t the
point where we would go back to zero. All advancements would disappear just because of the
abuse of technologies.

5 POINTS - The answer is complete, correct and very clear.
4 POINTS - The answer is complete, clear but with minimal error in the concept.
3 POINTS - The answer is incomplete, correct and clear.
2 POINTS - The answer is incomplete and partially correct.
1 POINT - The answer is incomplete and incorrect.

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