A Summmer Internship Projuct Report: " On Effective Way To Do Recruitment Process"

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“ On Effective way to do Recruitment Process”

Submitted towards the partial fulfillment of the Award of

Master of Business Administration




Student's Declaration

I SAKSHI GUPTA, hereby declare that the Summer Internship

Project Report titled " Effective Way to Do Recruitment
Process” in ABHI RESOURCE AND Management
Consultancy is a result of my own work and my indebtedness to
other work publications, references, if any, have been duly
acknowledged. If I am found guilty of copying from any other
report or published information and showing as my original work,
or extending plagiarism limit, I understand that I shall be liable and
punishable by the university, which may include 'Fail' in
examination or any other punishment that university may decide.

Enrollment No. Name Signature


Place: Date:
iB hls web A nd c areer.
We wi her every success

agement Cons uita i1C/

For , SAi Man

It was a great pleasure working at ABHI RESORCE AND Management

Consultancy. We take this opportunity to extend my gratitude towards all
those persons who have directly or indirectly help me for their valuable
contribution and guidance.

We find obligatory in my part to express our heartfelt gratitude and

Management Consultancy. And we also greatly thankful to for getting
guidance material during project work from library.

We would like to thank ARVIN MAM who is our internal guide at DR.
Gandhinagar for guiding and helping us throughout the project. And all the
people who provided us with the facilities being required and conductive
conditions of our Summer Internship Project.
Table of Contents

Sr. No. Topic Page No.

















Introduction of ABHI RESOURCE AND Management Consultancy
ABHI RESOURCE AND Management as an integrative management consultancy
service provider to Small & Medium Enterprise and other business enterprises. Our focus
is on performance improvement through enhancing capabilities and competencies of
people in organizations.

Study your Man Power requirement and give suggestions regarding finalization of Man
Power requirement.

Locate suitable candidates, take preliminary interview, short list them and present you for
final selection.

We take care regarding candidates educational qualification, professional experience,

their past back ground and their suitability for the post to reduce your work in the process
of selection

ABHI RESOURCE AND Management is committed to deliver the results within

demanding times & deadlines.

ABHI RESOURCE AND Management believes to work on ethics & standards in HR

Industry by adherence to time line & confidentiality. We strongly follow our core values
like Quality, Team Work, and Time Values & Relationships as are backbones of our

ABHI RESOURCE AND Management has been highly regarded for our expertise and
innovation in the staffing industry. In the future, ABHI RESOURCE AND Management
is one of the most respected and technologically advanced companies.

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Functional Department
 HR Architect
 HR Consulting
 Placement & Staffing
 Legal Consultant
 Payroll Management
 Campus Recruitment

Recruitment Services

At ABHI RESOURCE AND Management , we not only provide recruitment consultancy

services to our clients but help them to get human assets with all aspect. We help our
clients to get the suitable candidates, cultivate them and retain them. Our comprehensive
recruitment and staffing solutions as HR consultants ensure the delivery of profitable

We have designed & implemented the procedures that help our clients to attract & hire
the best suitable talented aspirant from available pool of candidates in market.

We provide our client companies with not only bunch of suitable talent, but also discuss
with them on their best fit availability, comparative benchmarking and a comfort
knowing of candidates.

At ABHI RESOURCE AND Management, we carefully follow best designed recruitment

& selection process. Which starts right from Client Mapping (Understanding the client‟s
existing activities & future plans, Organisation Structure, Expansion plans, Perpendicular
Integrations & staff needs), Job Mapping (Job Title, Principal Accountabilities, KRA,
Page | 2
Working Terms), Candidate Search (Database, Executive / Talent Search, Head Hunting,
Online Talent Search), Profile Mapping (Evaluation, Offer Negotiation & Finalisation,
Joining Formalities)

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HR Services

ABHI RESOURCE AND Management tries to take care of all life cycle needs of the
company for manpower augmentation in various modes related to continuous or seasonal
nature by providing administrative, technical or project based professionals vide an
outsourced model. We offer strategic outsourcing solutions that give you intellectual
capital which may not be available in-house.

Ethos helps organizations focus on their core HR activities by also handling all the
backend processes in an efficient and time-bound manner. We help companies with
access to the same economies of scale, efficiency and expertise that otherwise would be
quite resource intensive.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

When a company entrusts the responsibility of the internal recruitment process of one or
more Departments or the entire company to an external agency, it is termed as
Recruitment Process Outsourcing. All the activities related to employee recruitment and
Page | 4
management like calling potential employees for interviews, conducting
interviews, screening the candidates for suitability and eventually hiring are handled by
the external parties.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing is a type of Business Process Outsourcing. It involves

„Total Outsourcing‟ i.e. all the processes related to recruitment are transferred for a long
and undefined period. The external agency assumes the ownership and responsibility of
the entire process of hiring employees. It is different from „Occasional Recruitment
Support‟ where only an external agency is only hired for a temporary or contingent
period. There is no element of responsibility transfer and it is more in the nature of
buying services from a third party.

HR Architect

HR architects specializes in bringing a business approach to your organization‟s human

resources practices and in linking these practices to your strategic plan and desired
results. Acting as a business integrator, we understand your human resources needs, at
both the planning and implementation level, and identify creative ways to get you there.
Applying a coaching style, we take a creative yet structured approach when completing
consulting projects in the areas of human resources planning and strategy, employee
development strategies and design work, customized training solutions, meeting and
planning facilitation, and human resources practices and processes. By looking at the full
picture in a holistic manner, identifying the linkage between the separate parts, and
applying the principles of process and realistic execution we are able to recommend and
implement practical and long-term solutions that can be maintained by the company‟s
internal resources.

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Employee Information Management
Developing Employee Information Master- containing all details.

Indian Labour Law Management & Payroll Management

Complete PF Management

Complete ESIC Management

Bonus Report

Employee Master Management, Leave Rules, Other Retention policies, multiple pay
structure & pay heads, Different attendance type, Loans policy, Reimbursement

HR Documents Management

Design and Map all required communications letters such as Increment letter, Promotion
letter, Transfer letter, Warning letter, an appointment letter, trainee letter, resignation
letter etc.

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Mission and Vision
To provide in time, proper & professional support for both temporary & permanent
stuffing in all the verticals of industrial sector.

We aim to establish a high degree of reputation being a business partner for manpower
solution, HR Architect with clear-cut & transparent communication by & between our
clients & candidate sourced by us.

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Introduction about effective way to do recruitment & Selection
Recruitment and Selection is an important operation in HRM, designed to maximize
employee strength in order to meet the employer's strategic goals and objectives. In short,
Recruitment and Selection is the process of sourcing, screening, short listing and
selecting the right candidates for the filling the required vacant positions.

The scope of Recruitment and Selection is very wide and it consists of a variety of
operations. Resources are considered as most important asset to any organization. Hence,
hiring right resources is the most important aspect of Recruitment. Every company has its
own pattern of recruitment as per their recruitment policies and procedures.

The scope of Recruitment and Selection includes the following operations −

 Dealing with the excess or shortage of resources

 Preparing the Recruitment policy for different categories of employees
 Analyzing the recruitment policies, processes, and procedures of the organization
 Identifying the areas, where there could be a scope of improvement
 Streamlining the hiring process with suitable recommendations
 Choosing the best suitable process of recruitment for effective hiring of resources

Any organization wants it future to be in good and safe hands. Hence, hiring the right
resource is a very important task for any organization.

(Process of Recruitment & Selection)

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It is the whole process that begins with the identification of the needs of the company
with respect to the job & resources and ends with the employing a candidate in the
company. When we think of the recruitment process, what immediately comes to our
minds are the activities like analysis of the requirement for a particular job, to attract the
candidates for the particular job, screening of the applicants and selecting among them
the best candidate for the required job. Before the organization recruit candidates, they
must properly implement the virtual staffing plans and forecast them to determine how
many people they actually require.

 Recruitment Planning
Recruitment planning is the first step of the recruitment process, where the vacant
positions are analyzed and described. It includes job specifications and its nature,
experience, qualifications and skills required for the job, etc.

A structured recruitment plan is mandatory to attract potential candidates from a pool of

candidates. The potential candidates should be qualified, experienced with a capability to
take the responsibilities required to achieve the objectives of the organization.

 Identifying Vacancy
The first and foremost process of recruitment plan is identifying the vacancy. This
process begins with receiving the requisition for recruitments from different department
of the organization to the HR Department, which contains −

 Number of posts to be filled

 Number of positions
 Duties and responsibilities to be performed
 Qualification and experience required

When a vacancy is identified, it the responsibility of the sourcing manager to ascertain

whether the position is required or not, permanent or temporary, full-time or part-time,
etc. These parameters should be evaluated before commencing recruitment. Proper
identifying, planning and evaluating leads to hiring of the right resource for the team and
the organization.

 Job Analysis
Job analysis is a process of identifying, analyzing, and determining the duties,
responsibilities, skills, abilities, and work environment of a specific job. These factors
help in identifying what a job demands and what an employee must possess in
performing a job productively.

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Job analysis helps in understanding what tasks are important and how to perform them.
Its purpose is to establish and document the job relatedness of employment procedures
such as selection, training, compensation, and performance appraisal.

The following steps are important in analyzing a job −

 Recording and collecting job information

 Accuracy in checking the job information
 Generating job description based on the information
 Determining the skills, knowledge and skills, which are required for the job
 The immediate products of job analysis are job descriptions and job

 Job Description
Job description is an important document, which is descriptive in nature and contains
the final statement of the job analysis. This description is very important for a
successful recruitment process.

Job description provides information about the scope of job roles, responsibilities and
the positioning of the job in the organization. And this data gives the employer and
the organization a clear idea of what an employee must do to meet the requirement of
his job responsibilities.

Job description is generated for fulfilling the following processes −

 Classification and ranking of jobs

 Placing and orientation of new resources
 Promotions and transfers
 Describing the career path
 Future development of work standards

A job description provides information on the following elements −

 Job Title / Job Identification / Organization Position

 Job Location
 Summary of Job
 Job Duties
 Machines, Materials and Equipment
 Process of Supervision
 Working Conditions
 Health Hazards

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 Job Specification
Job specification focuses on the specifications of the candidate, whom the HR team is
going to hire. The first step in job specification is preparing the list of all jobs in the
organization and its locations. The second step is to generate the information of each job.

This information about each job in an organization is as follows −

 Physical specifications
 Mental specifications
 Physical features
 Emotional specifications
 Behavioral specifications

A job specification document provides information on the following elements −

 Qualification
 Experiences
 Training and development
 Skills requirements
 Work responsibilities
 Emotional characteristics
 Planning of career

 Job Evaluation
Job evaluation is a comparative process of analyzing, assessing, and determining the
relative value/worth of a job in relation to the other jobs in an organization.

The main objective of job evaluation is to analyze and determine which job commands
how much pay. There are several methods such as job grading, job classifications, job
ranking, etc., which are involved in job evaluation. Job evaluation forms the basis for
salary and wage negotiations.

 Recruitment Strategy
Recruitment strategy is the second step of the recruitment process, where a strategy is
prepared for hiring the resources. After completing the preparation of job descriptions
and job specifications, the next step is to decide which strategy to adopt for recruiting
the potential candidates for the organization.

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While preparing a recruitment strategy, the HR team considers the following points –

 Make or buy employees

 Types of recruitment
 Geographical area
 Recruitment sources
The development of a recruitment strategy is a long process, but having a right strategy is
mandatory to attract the right candidates. The steps involved in developing a recruitment
strategy include −

 Setting up a board team

 Analyzing HR strategy
 Collection of available data
 Analyzing the collected data
 Setting the recruitment strategy

 Searching the Right Candidates

Searching is the process of recruitment where the resources are sourced depending upon
the requirement of the job. After the recruitment strategy is done, the searching of
candidates will be initialized. This process consists of two steps −

Source activation − Once the line manager verifies and permits the existence of the
vacancy, the search for candidates starts.

Selling − Here, the organization selects the media through which the communication of
vacancies reaches the prospective candidates.

Searching involves attracting the job seekers to the vacancies. The sources are broadly
divided into two categories: Internal Sources and External Sources.

Internal Sources

Internal sources of recruitment refer to hiring employees within the organization through

 Promotions
 Transfers
 Former Employees
 Internal Advertisements (Job Posting)
 Employee Referrals
 Previous Applicants

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External Sources

External sources of recruitment refer to hiring employees outside the organization

through −

 Direct Recruitment
 Employment Exchanges
 Employment Agencies
 Advertisements
 Professional Associations
 Campus Recruitment
 Word of Mouth

 Screening / Short listing

Screening starts after completion of the process of sourcing the candidates. Screening is
the process of filtering the applications of the candidates for further selection process.

Screening is an integral part of recruitment process that helps in removing unqualified or

irrelevant candidates, which were received through sourcing. The screening process of
recruitment consists of three steps –

 Reviewing of Resumes and Cover Letters

Reviewing is the first step of screening candidates. In this process, the resumes of the
candidates are reviewed and checked for the candidates‟ education, work experience, and
overall background matching the requirement of the job

While reviewing the resumes, an HR executive must keep the following points in mind,
to ensure better screening of the potential candidates −

 Reason for change of job

 Longevity with each organization
 Long gaps in employment
 Job-hopping
 Lack of career progression

 Conducting Telephonic or Video Interview

Conducting telephonic or video interviews is the second step of screening candidates. In
this process, after the resumes are screened, the candidates are contacted through phone
or video by the hiring manager. This screening process has two outcomes −

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It helps in verifying the candidates, whether they are active and available.

It also helps in giving a quick insight about the candidate‟s attitude, ability to answer
interview questions, and communication skills.

 Identifying the top candidates

Identifying the top candidates is the final step of screening the resumes/candidates. In this
process, the cream/top layers of resumes are shortlisted, which makes it easy for the
hiring manager to take a decision. This process has the following three outcomes −

 Short listing 5 to 10 resumes for review by the hiring managers

 Providing insights and recommendations to the hiring manager
 Helps the hiring managers to take a decision in hiring the right candidate.

 Evaluation and Control

Evaluation and control is the last stage in the process of recruitment. In this process, the
effectiveness and the validity of the process and methods are assessed. Recruitment is a
costly process; hence it is important that the performance of the recruitment process is
thoroughly evaluated.

The costs incurred in the recruitment process are to be evaluated and controlled
effectively. These include the following −

 Salaries to the Recruiters

 Advertisements cost and other costs incurred in recruitment methods, i.e., agency
 Administrative expenses and Recruitment overheads
 Overtime and Outstanding costs, while the vacancies remain unfilled
 Cost incurred in recruiting suitable candidates for the final selection process
 Time spent by the Management and the Professionals in preparing job description,
job specifications, and conducting interviews.

Finally, the question that is to be asked is, whether the recruitment methods used are
valid or not? And whether the recruitment process itself is effective or not? Statistical
information on the costs incurred for the process of recruitment should be effective.

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Literature Reviews

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Sr. No. 1
Year of research 2014
Author/s Sujeet Kumar & Ashish Kumar Gupta
Title of the paper A Study On Recruitment & Selection Process With Reference
Objective The main objective is
 to identify general practices that organizations use to recruit and
select employees

 To determine how the recruitment and selection practices affect

organizational outcomes at Electronics Industry, In Krishna Dt

 To determine how the recruitment and selection practices affect the

organizational outcomes and provide some suggestions that can help.
Variables Data analysis has been done with statistical tools like tables, graphs, pie
charts, bar diagrams.
Recruitment, Selection, Reference, Interview, qualification, reference.
Context (Research design, Electronics Industry Department of Information and technology
Samples Department of Information and technology
(respondent and their Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon-122001, India
Area of Statistical techniques, interpretations and drawing conclusions
30 Respondents.
Findings  The company considered portals as the most important medium of
hiring employees and then employee references are also act as the
important source of recruiting people.

 The employees consider the employee references are one of the most
reliable source of hiring the new employees and also to some extent
portals, but before hiring from portals the references provided there
are need to be confirmed as I did during my training period.
Conclusion As per my study, out of the various methods of sourcing candidates, the
best one is – getting references via references and networking. In the
process, I came across various experiences where the role of an HR and
the relevant traits he finds in the candidates were displayed. Company
should focus on long term consistent performance rather than short term.

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Sr. No. 2
Year of research 2014
Title of the paper “Recruitment & Selection”
A need of the hour for organizational success
Objective The organizations should keep an eye to preserve the image of the
company in the market as well as in the eyes of applicants, employees
and law.
Variables The random data for this particular research is collected in 3 parts using
questionnaire, telephone survey and in-depth interview techniques.
Recruitment, Selection, Competency Mapping,
Retention, Attrition, Morale, Compensation, Human Resources,

Context (Research design, Sources of recruitment & selection, Talent Acquisition,

Samples Procurement using SPSS software.
(respondent and their organizational success
research(Country/university) NEW DELHI, INDIA
70 Respondent by using questionnaire, telephone survey and in-depth
interview techniques
Findings Whenever a company use false means of recruiting and selecting
personnel whether internally or externally, it does leaves a negative
impact on the minds of the applicants and employees and as such the
existing employees feel neglected and hop companies which ultimately
are a big hit on the attrition and retention rate of the company.
Conclusion The process of recruitment and selection requires a rigorous and
thoughtful planning. “Decisions of vigilant eyes, sharp witted minds
and well thought procedures in place can ensure efficient personnel
working effectively towards the company‟s progress.”

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Sr. No. 3
Year of research 2018
Author/s Dr. V. Vijay Anand, Dr. M. Shanthanlakshmi, Dr. G. Uppili
Srinivasan, V. Arunkumar, G. Icewarya, S. Nandhu, S. Monisa
Objective  To study the effectiveness of Recruitment and selection process
 To study the organizational support for the recruiter at the time
of recruitment
 To find the recruiters opinion about the Recruitment Process of
the organization
Variables The researchers have applied some of the statistical tools like
Percentage Analysis, Regression, and Correlation.
Effectiveness, Recruitment, Support, Knowledge
Context (Research design, "International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics School of
Samples Management, SASTRA Deemed University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu
(respondent and their number, – 613 401
Area of Head, Dept. of Commerce, (BPS&CM), Sri Krishna Arts & Science
research(Country/university) College, Coimbatore Tamil Nadu – 613 401"
The data were primary in nature with a sample of 100 collected from
ITeS by Chennai some of the tools used for the analysis is Percentage
analysis, Regression, and Correlation.
Findings To motivate the employees; the organization has to plan to offer
incentives for both monetary and non-monetary. It is suggested that
the organization are advised to follow the existing recruitment and
selection policies in future also. It is suggested that the organization
should give equal importance to external sources like agencies,
references etc. in order to get the desired & required employees.
Conclusion In every organization, recruitment processes play a vital role. The
study reveals that the recruitment process offered in TCS is very
much effective. The HR manager of the selected organization has to
focus on selecting the right persons through other sources like
campus, Placements, sourcing, walk-in, consultancy etc. The selection
is done by evaluating the candidate‟s skills, knowledge, and abilities
which are highly required for the vacancies in the organization. Even
Organization Support the Recruiters well at the time of recruitment
Page | 18
Sr. No. 4
Year of research 2017
Author/s Roma Tripathi, Ankita Srivastava
Title of the paper Recruitment and Selection Process in Healthcare Industry in
Objective  To study the different sources of recruitment process in
selected private hospitals.
 To study the recruitment and selection procedure in
private hospitals.
 To determine the feasible area of development to make
recruitment and selection procedures more effective and efficient
Variables The primary data collection for the study was conducted by personal
conversation with the employees of the selected hospitals. In this
paper, the recruitment and selection (staffing) process in the
healthcare industry is described in India.

Recruitment; Selection; Job design; Manpower planning; Healthcare

Context (Research design, The sample size was 75 from various levels in three hospitals and
Samples to different departments from the city of Mumbai, India. The data
(respondent and their number, was collected and conclusions were drawn.
Area of
research(Country/university) Amity Journal of Healthcare Management IMS Unison
University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Findings Nearly 70 percent of the employees said that the job profile was
explained to them before they had come for the interview.
Here, it was observed that 30 percent induction process was to the
point which is followed by elaborate with same 30 percent.
Conclusion An industry to be successful, all it takes is suitable recruitment and
selection policies which also shape the complete manpower planning.
Human resource as a management tool is a very dynamic function.
Therefore, planning of human resource is the key to any healthcare
provision. A hospital needs to have HR standards that are high
enough, to act as a magnet to attract talent. The role of this
department is very vital for the initial screening which is based on the
description given by the head of the department.

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Sr. No. 5
Year of research 2018
Author/s Isaac Christopher Otoo, Juliet Assuming, Paul Mensah Agyei
Title of the paper Effectiveness of Recruitment and Selection Practices in Public Sector
Higher Education Institutions: Evidence from Ghana
Objective  Examine the recruitment and selection practices of public
sector higher education institutions in Ghana
 Assess the challenges associated with the recruitment and selection
practices of public sector higher education institutions in Ghana.
Variables Data processing was done using SPSS version 22. Results of the analyses
showed, inter alia, the following;
(a) Public sector higher education institutions in Ghana
predominantly relies on recommendation as its main mode of
(b) Identification of available vacancies and delay in feedback after
interviews were the two main challenges with the public sector
education institutions in Ghana recruitment and selection practices.
Context (Research design, The research employed quantitative research approach with a descriptive
Samples survey design. Questionnaire was used to collect data from 128
(respondent and their respondents.
number, Area of Higher Education Institutions College of Distance Education,
research(Country/university) University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana
Findings The Universities mostly rely on academic qualification criteria for
selecting potential employees. Using academic qualification as criteria
for selecting could also minimize the chances of favoritism, partiality or
bias in selecting candidates for the vacant position. These findings are
supported by the findings of previous studies. For instance, using one
hundred (100) respondents from staff of HFC Bank in the Greater Accra
region, Djabatey (2012) found that academic qualifications are the prime
selection tools for new employees.
Conclusion That public sector higher education institution in Ghana recruitment
practices is not effective. This is because relying on recommendation to
publicize vacant positions or making use of recommendation as the
predominant mode of selection could lead to issues of favoritism,
partiality or bias in recruitment.

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Sr. No. 6
Year of research 2018
Author/s Mr A.Susairaj,
Ms A.Laura Jenifer
Objective  To understand the different types of selection procedure followed
by Mri seed Syngenta.
 Analyze the performance of recruitment and selection
procedure adopted by Mri seed Syngenta.
 To measure challenges faced by Mri seed Syngenta related to
recruitment and selection.
Variables Selecting the wrong candidate or rejecting the right candidate could turn
out to be costly mistakes for the organization.
Recruitment, employees, selection.
Context (Research design, Simple Random sampling method will be used to collect the samples and
Samples collected data is going to be analyzed through descriptive research
(respondent and their design using charts, graphs, tables, manual calculation of percentage
number, Area of method.
research(Country/university) 50 Respondents.
DMI St Eugene University, Zambia.
Research Scholar, Periyar University,
Findings It was shown that 48% of the respondents said that there are more stages
in recruitment. 56% of the respondents had undergone the personal
interview and the 44% of the respondents had done the psychometric
tests. It is shown that the recruitment and process used at the company is
as follows: 36% of the respondents were recruited using recruitment
agencies 20% of the respondents recruited from the internet, 20% of the
respondents from the newspaper advert 24% were recruited internally.
Conclusion Better recruitment and selection strategies result in improved
organizational outcomes. The more effectively organizations recruit and
select candidates, the more likely they are to hire and retain satisfied
employees. In addition, the effectiveness of the organization‟s selection
system can influence bottom-line business outcomes, such as productivity
and financial performance. Hence, investing in the development of a
comprehensive and valid selection system is money well spent.

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Sr. No. 7
Year of research 2013
Author/s Ghazala Ishrat
Title of the paper A comparative study of Recruitment & Selection, Training and
Development policies in Indian MNCs and Foreign MNCs
Objective To find out the satisfaction of the employees with the Recruitment &
Selection and Training & Development programme.
To identify areas of improvement in design of Recruitment & Selection
and Training & Development programme
Variables Good human resource strategies and practices are the backbone of all the
companies may be operating nationally or multinationally and good
human resource management is the life blood of those companies.
Recruitment, Selection, Training, Development, Indian MNCs and
Foreign MNCs
Context (Research design, My research basically depends upon primary and secondary data
Samples collected from company employees, internet and online journals,
(respondent and their research papers.
number, 150 Respondents.
Area of Indian MNCs and Foreign MNCs Research Analyst, Department of
research(Country/university) Engineering and Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia,New Delhi-110025
Findings In Indian MNC‟s most of the employees feel that the HR department is
good. About 75% of the managers say that they prefer both internal as
well as external source for recruitment and selection whereas in Foreign
MNC‟s, only 17% managers prefer both internal as well as external
source of recruitment and selection. In Indian MNC‟s about 65% of the
mangers go for direct recruitment and selection and less number for
mangers prefer indirect or third party. Whereas in Foreign MNC‟s 50%of
the managers go for direct recruitment and selection. Mostly the
manpower planning is done Quarterly and 30 % do not follow any
pattern they don‟t have any fixed time. Whereas in Foreign companies,
mostly the manpower planning is done annually and 27% do not follow
specific pattern
Conclusion The recruitment process to some extent is not done objectively and
therefore lot of bias hampers the future of the employees. That is why the
search or headhunt of people should be of those whose skill fits into the
company‟s values.

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Sr. No. 8
Year of research 2014
Author/s Mavis Adu-Darkoh
Title of the paper Employee Recruitment And Selection Practices In The Construction
Industry In Ashanti Region
Objective  To identify existing recruitment practices adopted by
construction companies in engaging workers in the Ashanti
 To identify existing selection practices adopted by
construction companies in engaging workers in the Ashanti
 To determine which of the recruitment and selection practices
influence the performance of workers.
Variables The success of a business or an organization is directly linked to the
performance of those who work for that organization. Underachievement
can be a result of workplace failures. Every organization has its own
requirements in acquiring employees. The only means of achieving this
success is through proper recruitment and selection practices.
Context (Research design, The data obtained from the survey were then analyzed with the use of
Samples SPSS.
(respondent and their 62 respondents.
number, Includes newspaper advert, in-house (internal recruitment), labor office,
Area of employee referrals, radio advert and lastly internet recruitment.
research(Country/university) Construction Industry In Ashanti Region School of Business, KNUST
Findings From the study sixteen methods were identified as recruitment and
selection media adopted by contractors in recruiting workers. Out of
these sixteen mediums identified, the following six methods were ranked
as the most frequently used method of recruiting and selecting of
construction workers. Newspaper advert, in-house, labor office,
employee referrals, radio advert and lastly internet recruitment.
Conclusion Before any recruitment and selection method will be adopted, employers
should conduct job analysis to determine job description, job
specification, and job evaluation. Through proper job analysis, firms will
be able to fix up the specific duties and responsibilities of every
employee. Job analysis will help in determining skills and knowledge to
be possessed by the employees to hold various positions. It will also
facilitate in providing effective compensation packages to the employees.
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Sr. No. 9
Year of research 2009
Author/s Christopher J. Collins,
Rebecca R. Kehoe
Title of the paper Recruitment and Selection
Objective Communication and collaboration are effective tools for achieving these
objectives of increasing creative efforts by allowing for the incorporation
of ideas from diverse perspectives and can enhance information
processing capacities by employing multiple skill sets in problem-solving
Variables Drawing on existing empirical work on strategic human resource
management, we argue that unique systems of recruitment and selection
practices are necessary to provide the level of employee knowledge,
skills, and abilities to match the level of information equivocality faced
by the employees in these roles.
recruitment, selection, staffing, performance, human resource
Context (Research design, We look to address the second issue by developing a theoretical model of
Samples the link between different staffing systems and firm-level performance.
(respondent and their We first look to existing theory on organizational design and structure to
number, better understand the role of recruitment and selection.
Area of 75 Respondents.
research(Country/university) Cornell University ILR School DigitalCommons@ILR
Findings Recruitment and selection systems that match the prescriptions of the
mechanistic model will be the best fit to organizations and subunits that
face relatively stable environments or that are looking to exploit an
existing technology or process.
Conclusion We were looking to identify multiple systems of recruitment and
selection systems that would be the right fit for attracting and selecting
employees with the right KSAs that fit the strategy or business context
faced by particular organizations. To meet this challenge, we felt that it
was first necessary to identify groups of employees where there are
potentially meaningful differences necessitating different recruitment and
selection systems. We drew on research in the area of organizational
theory (e.g., Thompson, 1967; Weick, 1969) to make the argument that
companies should create distinct subunits of employees based on the
extent of information equivocality in their jobs.

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Sr. No. 10
Year of research 2014
Author/s Sudhamsetti Naveen, Dr. D.N.M Raju
Title of the paper A Study On Recruitment & Selection Process With Reference To Three
Industries, Cement Industry, Electronics Industry, Sugar Industry In
Krishna Dt Ap,India.
Objective  To identify general practices that organizations use to recruit and
select employees.
 To determine how the recruitment and selection practices affect the
organizational outcomes and provide some suggestions that can
to different companies located in Krishna.
Variables Data analysis has been done with statistical tools like tables, graphs, pie
charts, bar diagrams etc
Experience, qualification, external recruitment, internal recruitment,
written test, group discussion, interview, reference, identification,
growth, relocation, ,formal interview, structured interview, job security,
decent salary etc..
Context (Research design, The data was collected through well structured questionnaire. The source
Samples (respondent and of data was both primary and secondary and the Sample size was 150.
their number, Area of Cornell University ILR School staffing systems and firm-level
research(Country/university) performance
Findings It is observed that, the selected industries have satisfied all the procedures
of recruitment.
To motivate the employees; the selected industries have planned to offer
incentives of both monetary and non monetary.
It is suggested that the selected industries are advised to follow the
existing recruitment and selection policies in future.
It is suggested that the selected industries should give equal importance
to external sources like agencies, references and data banks in order to
get the desired & required employees.
Conclusion The study reveals that the recruitment and selection process offered in
three selected industries is effective. The HR managers of the selected
industries have to focus on selecting the right persons through other
sources like campus placements, job.com, data banks etc. The selection is
done by evaluating the candidate‟s skills, knowledge and abilities which
are highly required to the vacancies in selected industries

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Objectives of the Research
 To study and analyze the Recruitment and Selection process followed at
SAi Management Consultancy.
 To analyze the satisfactory level of the employees about Recruitment and
Selection procedure of an organization.
 To study recruitment and selection methods at SAi Management Consultancy.

Scope of the Research

The present research is confined to study the recruitment and selection process followed
at SAi Management Consultancy. The study reveals the recruitment and selection
process followed in the organization. Whether candidate is satisfied with the recruitment
process? Is the organization is providing ethical process for recruiting candidates? The
organizational study of SAi Management Consultancy was done with the study of
recruitment and selection.

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Data Collection

Sources of data collection

1. Primary Data: Primary data is collected for the first time. Data is collected
originally by researcher. It is collected for find out research problem.

Questionnaires are a primary data. A Google form questionnaire is used for

survey which is conducted in SAi Management Consultancy.

RESEARCH DESIGN: Descriptive Research

A research design is the specification of methods and procedures for acquiring the
information needed to structure or solve the problem. It is the overall operational pattern
or framework of the project that stimulates what information is to be collected from
which source and by what procedures. On the basis of major purpose of our investigation
the Descriptive Research was found to be most suitable. This kind of research has the
primary objective of development of insights into the problem. It studies the main area
where the problem lies and also tries to evaluate some appropriate courses of action.

Data collection instrument: Questionnaires is a data collection instrument.

Data Sampling:

1. Define target population

2. Determine sample size

3. Execute sampling process

Sample size: It‟s refers to the number of sample included in the study. It
determines before the data collection.

In these research 35 respondents is taken as sample size.

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1. Age

Sr. No. Age Percentage

1 18-25 36.7%

2 26-35 43.3%

3 36-45 6.7%

4 Above 45 13.3%

Interpretation: There are four options in age group. 18-25 age respondents belong to
36.7%, 26-35 are belonging to 43.3%, and 36-45 are belonging to 6.7% and above 45
are belonging to 13.3%.

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2. Designation

Interpretation: It is observed that respondents have different-different designation

and respondent as per their experience and knowledge.

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3. Educational Qualification

Sr. No. Percentage

1 B.E /Btech 23.3%

2 BCA 16.7%

3 B.Com 10%

4 MBA 33.3%

5 BA 13.3%

6 Other 3.3%

Interpretation: There are six options in education qualification. i.e. 1 .B.E/B.tech

respondent belongs to 23.3%, 2.BCA respondent belongs to 16.7%, 3. B.Com
respondent belongs to 10%, 4.MBA respondent belongs to 33.3%, 5.BA respondent
belongs to 13.3% and 6.Others respondent belongs to 3.3%.

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4. Years of Experience:

Sr. No. Experience Percentage

1 0 - 1 Years 30%

2 1 - 3 Years 10%

3 3 - 5 Years 26.7%

4 Above 5 Years 33.3%

Interpretation: The year of experience have four options i.e. 0-1 year‟s respondent
belongs to 30%, 1-3 years respondent belongs to 10%, 3-5 years respondent belongs
to 26.7% and above 5 years belongs to 33.3%. Its result into there is maximum
respondents are having above 5 years of experience.

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5. Gender

Sr. No. Gender Percentage

1 Male 36.7%

2 Female 63.3%

Interpretation: There are two options in gender. i.e. 1 .Male respondent belongs to
36.7% and 2.Female respondent belongs to 63.3%. Its result into there is maximum
respondents female than compared to male.

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6. Written Test is good for identification of candidate?

Sr. No. Perception Percentage

1 Strongly Disagree 26.67%

2 Disagree 10%

3 Neutral 30%

4 Agree 20%

5 Strongly Agree 13.33%

Interpretation Written Test for identification of candidates have five option i.e. Strongly
Disagree respondent belongs to 26.67%, Disagree respondent belongs to 10%,
Neutral respondent belongs to 30%, Agree respondent belongs to 20% and
Strongly Agree have 13.3% respondent. This shows that most respondents are
Neutral with Written test and Strongly Disagree is more than Strongly Agree.

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7. Telephonic interview is good for identification of candidate?

Sr. No. Perception Percentage

1 Strongly Disagree 16.66%

2 Disagree 16.66%

3 Neutral 43.34%

4 Agree 6.67%

5 Strongly Agree 16.67%

Interpretation: Telephonic Interview for identification of candidates have five options.

I.e. Strongly Disagree respondent belongs to 16.66%, Disagree respondent
belongs to 16.66%, Neutral respondent belongs to 43.34%, Agree respondent
belongs to 6.67% and Strongly Agree have 16.67% respondent. This shows that
most respondents are Neutral with Telephonic Interview and Strongly Disagree is
Comparatively Similar with Strongly Agree.

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8. Preliminary Test is good for identification of candidate?

Sr. No. Perception Percentage

1 Strongly Disagree 23.33%

2 Disagree 16.66%

3 Neutral 23.34%

4 Agree 20%

5 Strongly Agree 16.67%

Interpretation: Preliminary Test for identification of candidates have five options. i.e.
Strongly Disagree respondent belongs to 23.33%, Disagree respondent belongs to
16.66%, Neutral respondent belongs to 23.34%, Agree respondent belongs to 20%
and Strongly Agree have 16.67% respondent. This shows that most respondents
are similar thoughts in between Neutral and Strongly Disagree for Preliminary
Test. 20% Agree for this test.

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9. Informal Interview is good for identification of candidate?

Sr. No. Perception Percentage

1 Strongly Disagree 20%

2 Disagree 16.66%
3 Neutral 33.34%
4 Agree 13.33%
5 Strongly Agree 16.67%

Interpretation: Informal Interview for identification of candidates have five options. I.e.
Strongly Disagree respondent belongs to 20%, Disagree respondent belongs to
16.66%, Neutral respondent belongs to 33.34%, Agree respondent belongs to
13.33% and Strongly Agree have 16.67% respondent. This shows that most
respondents are Neutral with Informal Interview and Strongly Disagree is
comparatively high with 3.33% than Strongly Agree.

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10. Formal Interview is good for identification of candidate?

Sr. No. Perception Percentage

1 Strongly Disagree 20%

2 Disagree 23.34%

3 Neutral 13.33%

4 Agree 30%

5 Strongly Agree 13.33%

Interpretation: Formal Interview for identification of candidates have five options. I.e.
Strongly Disagree respondent belongs to 20%, Disagree respondent belongs to
23.34%, Neutral respondent belongs to 13.33%, Agree respondent belongs to 30%
and Strongly Agree have 13.33% respondent. This shows that most respondents
are Agree with Formal Interview.

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11. Non-Directive Interview is good for identification of candidate?

Sr. No. Perception Percentage

1 Strongly Disagree 16.66%

2 Disagree 33.34%
3 Neutral 26.66%
4 Agree 13.34%
5 Strongly Agree 10%

Interpretation: Non-Directive Interview for identification of candidates have five options.

I.e. Strongly Disagree respondent belongs to 16.66%, Disagree respondent
belongs to 33.34%, Neutral respondent belongs to 26.66%, Agree respondent
belongs to 13.34% and Strongly Agree have 10% respondent. This shows that
most respondents are Disagree with Non-Directive Interview.

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12. Group Interview is good for identification of candidate?

Sr. No. Perception Percentage

1 Strongly Disagree 16.67%

2 Disagree 16.67%
3 Neutral 30%
4 Agree 10%
5 Strongly Agree 26.66%

Interpretation: Group Interview for identification of candidates have five options. I.e.
Strongly Disagree respondent belongs to 16.67%, Disagree respondent belongs to
16.67%, Neutral respondent belongs to 30%, Agree respondent belongs to 10%
and Strongly Agree have 26.66% respondent. This shows that most respondents
are Neutral and Strongly Agree with Group Interview.

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13. Ability Test is good for identification of candidate?

Sr. No. Perception Percentage

1 Strongly Disagree 20%

2 Disagree 13.34%
3 Neutral 26.66%
4 Agree 20%
5 Strongly Agree 20%

Interpretation: Ability Test for identification of candidates have five options. I.e.
Strongly Disagree respondent belongs to 20%, Disagree respondent belongs to
13.34%, Neutral respondent belongs to 26.66%, Agree respondent belongs to 20%
and Strongly Agree have 20% respondent. This shows that most respondents are
Neutral with Ability Test and Strongly Disagree, Agree and Strongly Agree have
similar thoughts for this type of test.

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14. General Knowledge Test is good for identification of candidate?

Sr. No. Perception Percentage

1 Strongly Disagree 13.34%

2 Disagree 20%
3 Neutral 23.33%
4 Agree 23.33%
5 Strongly Agree 20%

Interpretation: General Knowledge Test for identification of candidates have five

options. I.e. Strongly Disagree respondent belongs to 13.34%, Disagree
respondent belongs to 20%, Neutral respondent belongs to 23.33%, Agree
respondent belongs to 23.33% and Strongly Agree have 20% respondent. This
shows that most respondents are Neutral and Agree with General knowledge test.

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15. Face to Face Interview is good for identification of candidate?

Sr. No. Perception Percentage

1 Strongly Disagree 23.34%

2 Disagree 6.66%
3 Neutral 30%
4 Agree 13.34%
5 Strongly Agree 26.66%

Interpretation: Face to Face Interview for identification of candidates have five options.
I.e. Strongly Disagree respondent belongs to 23.34%, Disagree respondent
belongs to 6.66%, Neutral respondent belongs to 30%, Agree respondent belongs
to 13.34% and Strongly Agree have 26.66% respondent. This shows that most
respondents are Neutral and Strongly Agree with Face to Face Interview.

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20. If you have any other suggestions then please tell us.

Interpretation: 36.4% respondents are happy with the existing process for indentify
candidates. Some have suggestion for the different type of identification process
to find the best candidates for right work as per their ability and knowledge. Some
also suggests to use new technologies to find out best candidate.

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The findings from the analysis including charts, bars, and graphs are listed as follows:-

 The existing process to find best candidate is good and from respondents we are
getting some recommendations and suggestions also.
 After analysis of the data found from respondents reviews, mostly respondent are
strongly agree with the face-to-face interviews and group interviews to find the good
 The ratio of formal interview to identify candidates is quite effective than informal
interview that will analyzed properly and effectively.
 The mostly respondents are Neutral to identifying the candidates in Written test,
Ability Test, General knowledge test and these test is good for recruiting.

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In every organization, recruitment and selection process play a vital role. The study
reveals that recruitment and selection process in SAi Management Consultancy is
effective and satisfactory. The HR manager of the organization has to focus on selecting
the right candidate through sources like campus placement, sourcing, walk-in, and
consultancy. Selection is based by analyzing the skills, knowledge and abilities which is
required for organization. Organizations are very supportive to the candidate and
candidates are satisfied with overall recruitment and selection practice.

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Learning from Summer Internship

 Learned Practical knowledge of Recruitment, Selection and Interview.

 How HR manager maintain relation with their employees.
 Learned how to connect with different candidates for recruit and selection process.
 Maintain the Employees Personal File Management.
 The ability to speak with people in a professional setting.
 Taking constructive criticism well.
 Learned to use different types of software to find best candidate.
 Being able to work independently with little guidance.

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Search Engine






Course of MBA Book (2nd Semester)

Business India

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Candidate satisfaction of the Recruitment and Selection Process in SAi

Management Consultancy.

This is a survey is conducted by MBA student under Independent Study. These

questionnaires survey is voluntary. The information collected is used for independent
study purpose only and will not be used against any organization in any way.

1. Age

Above 45

2. Designation

3. Educational Qualification

B.E /Btech

4. Years of Experience

0 – 1 Year
1 – 3 Years
3 – 5 Years
Above 5 Years

Page | 48
5. Gender


 Perception
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree
 Written Test is good for identification of candidate?

 Telephonic interview is good for identification of

 Preliminary Test is good for identification of
 Informal Interview is good for identification of
 Formal Interview is good for identification of
 Non-Directive Interview is good for identification of
 Group Interview is good for identification of
 Ability Test is good for identification of candidate?

 General Knowledge Test is good for identification

of candidate?
 Face to Face Interview is good for identification of

6. If you have any other suggestions then please tell us.

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