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Survey on Health & Urban Housing in Sungai Way

Respondent information
Name: _________________ Age: ________

Nationality: __________________ Gender: _________

Work information
Occupation: __________________ Location of Work: _________

Work Hours: __________________ Lunch Hours: _____________

Shift Work Nature: Fixed Shift Hours:

Daily Alternating Shift Hours:

Fortnight Alternating Shift Hours:

Household income/ Personal income range information

Select one: Household / Individual Marital Status: Single / Married

Income Range:
B40 - /B1 : <2,500 / B2 : 2,500 – 3,169 / B3 : 3,170- 3,969

M40 - M1 : 5, 336

M40 - M2 : 5,880 -7,099

M40 - M3 : 7,110 -8,699

M40 - M4 : 8,700 – 10,959

T20 - T1: 10, 960 -15,039 / T2: 15,039 and above

Accommodation information

Do you live in Sungai Way Industrial Zone? Where?

Yes : Westlite / Shopfront Accommodation / PKNS SS8 / _________

No : _________________________

Reason for Accommodation: Close to work

Agent Allocated



Better standard of living

Do you stay with any of your immediate family members? *


Yes (please state below your household size including yourself)



1. Are residential housing types here are acceptable for you?

Yes / No

2. What types of residential housing do you recommend to be added in this area?

Below is only for residents in Sungai Way.

a. How is the current living condition of your accommodation?

1 2 3 4 5

Least Satisfied Most Satisfied

b. Are the windows and opening in your accommodation sufficient? Is it eerie or dark?

Yes / No , Reason:

c. Is the maintenance your accommodation acceptable?

Yes / No , Reason:

d. Anything that is dissatisfactory in your accommodation?

e. Do you think the current conditions of your accommodation contributes to the

declination or advancement of your health? How?

3. How would you rate your current quality of life here *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Least Satisfied Most Satisfied

4. Do you think that the environment here is good for the health of the residents? *
Yes / No

5. What other amenities do you think can benefit the residents here?


Below is only for workers in Sungai Way.

1. Is your work environment acceptable for you?

Yes / No

2. Would you prefer accommodation closer to work compared to your current

Yes / No

3. Why are the current provided accommodations on site not suitable for you?

4. Are you aware on Shift Worker Sleep Disorder?

Yes / No

5. Have any of the below experiences you have had since working shifts?

Accidents and work-related errors.

Irritability or mood problems.

Poor coping skills and impaired social functioning.

Health related complaints — including gastrointestinal, cardiovascular & metabolic problems.

Drug and alcohol dependency.

Questions to aid in interview

1. Is your working environment safe at night?

2. How often do you work the night shift?
3. How has the night shift affected your health or life? (can be about sleeping hours)
4. Have you been diagnosed with a medical condition?
5. How do you offset the effects of working night shift?
6. Do you prefer night/day shift? Any particular reason?
7. What does your typical day after working night shift look like? (can be about the 2-days-off
system after a night shift)
8. What are the other problems you faced while working night shift?

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