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What do you understand by stress?

Stress: Meaning,
Characteristics &
Types of stress

Dr. Lokesh Gupta

Amity Institute of Behavioural & Allied Sciences
Amity University Haryana

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Stress is a fact of life, wherever you are and whatever you are doing.
You cannot avoid stress, but you can learn to manage it so it doesn’t
manage you.
Stress is an individual's response to change in circumstance or to a
threatening situation.

It can be viewed as a personal reaction to an external event/demand

like writing an exam or to an internal state of mind like worrying
about an exam.

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Meaning of Stress Eustress

• Stress is the way human beings react both physically and mentally to • Eustress helps you rise to a challenge and can be an antidote to
changes, events, and situations in their lives. boredom because it engages focused energy. That energy can easily
turn to distress, however, if something causes you to view the
• People experience stress in different ways and for different reasons. situation as unmanageable or out of control.
The reaction is based on your perception of an event or situation.
• Many people regard public speaking or airplane flights as very
• If you view a situation negatively, you will likely feel distressed— stressful—causing physical reactions such as an increased heart rate
overwhelmed, oppressed, or out of control. Distress is the more and a loss of appetite—while others look forward to the event. It’s
familiar form of stress. often a question of perception: A positive stressor for one person can
• The other form, eustress, results from a “positive” view of an event or be a negative stressor for another
situation, which is why it is also called “good stress.”

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Definitions of stress Stressor

• Stress arises when individuals perceive that they cannot adequately cope with the demands being • The term “stressor” indicates a situation or event appraised as
made on them or with threats to their well-being. R.S. Lazarus (1966).
being aversive in that it elicits a stress response which taxes a
• Stress, it is argued, can only be sensibly defined as a perceptual phenomenon arising from a
comparison between the demand on the person and his or her ability to cope. An imbalance in this person’s physiological or psychological resources as well as possibly
mechanism, when coping is important, gives rise to the experience of stress, and to the stress provokes a subjective state of physical or mental tension.
response. T. Cox (1978).
• ​Stress results from an imbalance between demands and resources. R.S. Lazarus and S. Folkman
• Stressors are those changes in one's life or threatening situations
(1984). referred to above. As a student, you will likely encounter a number
• Stress is the psychological, physiological and behavioural response by an individual when they perceive of situations/events which will result in stress.
a lack of equilibrium between the demands placed upon them and their ability to meet those
demands, which, over a period of time, leads to ill-health. S. Palmer (1989).
• A simple definition that can be used is: Stress occurs when pressure exceeds your perceived ability to
cope. S. Palmer, 1999.

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A list of some common stressors specific to

Signs and Symptoms of Stress
student life
• Arguments • Rigourous academic standards
• Stressors in our life encourage us to either adjust to or change some aspect of our behaviour.
• Lower grades than expected • Death of a Family Member or Close Friend
• Change in Family Roles • Roommate & Peer Pressure When we do not successfully make these adjustments or changes we often times find
• Marriage or Divorce • Debt Load/Financing Education ourselves experiencing a number of unpleasant side effects or signs and symptoms. These
• Change in Financial Status • Selection of or Change of your Major
signs and symptoms are all indications of a level of stress that is not healthy.
• New girl or boyfriend • Different/new/developing support system
• Change in Friends • Sexual harassment 1. PHYSICAL
• Noise during study time • Failing an important test, exam, or course
• Change in Living Conditions & Social Activities • Suicide of a Friend
• Personal Conflicts • Fear of Failure 3. RELATIONAL
• Clutter/Disorganization • Worry about the future job market
• Pregnancy • Leaving Home
• Daily Hassles 5. SPIRITUAL

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• Appetite Change, Tightness in Neck • Diarrhea, Chest Pain • Frustration, • Imagining the Worst,
• Upset Stomach, Pounding Heart • Rashes, Twitching • Depression, • Feeling Overwhelmed,
• Accident Proneness, Cold Feet and • Word Loss, Breathing Difficulties
Hands • Mood Swings, • Forgetfulness,
• Headaches, Premature Aging
• Sweating, Unexplained Choking • Nausea, Overeating • Quick to Anger, • Nervousness,
Feeling • Nightmares, • Defensiveness,
• Fatigue, Teeth Grinding • Colds, Violent Behaviour
• Staring into space for extended • Irritability, • Fear,
• Constipation, Chills period of time,
• Restlessness, Back Pain • Easily Discouraged, • Grief Anger,
• Drinking alcohol or using drugs to
• Memory Loss, Muscle Tension change your mood • Little Joy, • Anxiety
• Difficulty Sleeping, Blurred Vision • Worrying,

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• Isolation, • Sexual Problems, • Difficulty solving problems, • Withdrawal: Avoid situations,
• Intolerance, • Distrust, • Difficulty making decisions, • Catastrophize,
• Resentment, • Fewer contacts with friends, • Difficulty concentrating, • Overly suspicious.
• Difficulty calculating,
• Loneliness, • Lack of intimacy
• Negative self-talk,
• Lashing out,
• Negative attitude,
• Hiding, • Denial: Believe nothing is wrong,
• Clamming up, • Regularly criticize and complain,

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5. SPIRITUAL Types of Stress and Health Hazards

• Emptiness, • Stress is a feeling that people have when they are struggling to cope
• Loss of Meaning, with challenges related to finances, work, relationships, environment,
and other situations.
• Doubt,
• Stress is the body’s natural defense against real or imagined danger. It
• Unforgiving, flushes the body with hormones to prepare systems to evade or
• Loss of Direction confront danger. This is known as the “fight-or-flight or freeze”
• According to American Psychological Association (APA), there are 3
different types stress — acute stress, episodic acute stress, and
chronic stress.

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1. Acute Stress Short-term Effects of Acute Stress

• Acute stress is usually brief. It is the most common and frequent • The most common signs + symptoms:

presentation. Acute stress is most often caused by reactive • Transient Emotional distress — some combination of anger or irritability,
anxiety and depression.
thinking. Negative thoughts predominate about situations or
• Transient Muscular distress—tension, headache, back pain, neck pain, jaw
events that have recently occurred, or upcoming situations,
pain, and other muscular tensions that lead to pulled muscles and tendons and
events, or demands in the near future. ligament problems.

• Transient stomach, gut and bowel problems, heartburn, acid stomach,

flatulence, diarrhea, constipation.

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Acute Stress 2. Episodic Acute Stress

• Acute stress can present in anyone’s life. • People who frequently experience acute stress, or whose lives
• It is highly treatable and manageable. present with frequent triggers of stress, have episodic acute
• However, repeated acute stress can become very harmful for your
physical and mental health. • The individuals who frequently suffer acute stress often live a
life of chaos and crisis. They are always in a rush or feel
pressured. They take on many responsibilities, and usually can
not stay organized with so many time demands. These
individuals are perpetually in the grips of acute stress overload.

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The most common signs + symptoms Episodic

Episodic Acute Stress & Personality
Acute Stress
• Emotional distress —anger or irritability, anxiety and depression, short-tempered, impatient,
There are 2 main personality types that frequently present with tense.
Episodic Acute Stress: 1) “Type A” personality 2) The “Worrier” • Cognitive distress: compromised attention/concentration, compromised processing speed,
1. “Type A” personality: Type A personality have an excessive competitive drive, compromised new learning and new learning memory consolidation and retrieval, and mental
aggressiveness, impatience, abrupt, and a sense of time urgency. In addition, Type A
personality presents as reactive with hostility, and almost always a deep-seated • Interpersonal relationships deteriorate, The workplace becomes a very stressful place for them.
insecurity about performance. These personality traits create frequent episodes of • Muscular distress—tension, headache, back pain, jaw pain, pulled muscles, tendons, and
acute stress for the Type A individual. The cardiologists, Friedman and Rosenman ligament problems.
found Type A’s to be significantly likely to develop coronary heart disease. • Stomach, gut, bowel problems, heartburn, acid stomach, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation,
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
2. The “Worrier”: The Worrier presents with almost incessant negative thoughts
causing episodic acute stress on physical and mental health. They have core beliefs • High blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, heart palpitations, dizziness, migraine
headaches, cold hands or feet, shortness of breath, insomnia, chest pain, and heart disease.
that the world is a dangerous, unrewarding, punitive place where something awful is
always about to happen. These negative binge thinkers also tend to be over aroused • Immune System Compromise: frequent colds/flu, allergies, asthma, and other immune system
compromise illnesses.
and tense, but are more anxious and depressed than angry and hostile.

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Treatment for Episodic Acute Stress 3. CHRONIC STRESS

• Episodic acute stress requires intervention on a many levels. The treatment • Chronic stress is the most harmful type of stress. If chronic stress is left untreated over a
requires professional help spanning many months. long period of time, it can significantly and often irreversibly damage your physical health
and deteriorate your mental health.
• Most often the lifestyle and personality characteristics are so ingrained and • For example, long term poverty, repeated abuse in any form, unemployment,
habitual that these individuals may see nothing wrong with the way they conduct dysfunctional family, poor work environment, substance abuse, or an unhappy marriage
their lives. It is common for these individuals to blame their problems on other can cause significant chronic stress.
people and external events. • Chronic stress can also set in when an individual feels hopeless, does not see an escape
from the cause of stress, and gives up on seeking solutions.
• Frequently, they see their lifestyle patterns, and their patterns of interacting with
others, and their ways of perceiving the world as an essential or integral • Chronic stress can be caused by a aversive experiences in childhood or traumatic
experiences later in life.
component of their personality and therefore are often resistant to seek
professional psychological help. • When an individual lives with chronic stress, his/her behavioral actions and emotional
reactions become ingrained. There is change in the hardwiring of the neurobiology of
• These individuals can be very resistant to change their behaviors and thinking the brain and body. There by making them constantly prone to the hazardous stress
patterns. It is common for these individuals to only seek psychological treatment effects on the body + mind+ cognitive regardless of the scenarios.
when physical pains and discomforts become too much.

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Treatment for Chronic Stress Treatment for Chronic Stress

• When a person never sees a way out of a miserable situation, feels anxiety of • The worst variable of chronic stress is that some people habituate to it.
unrelenting demands and pressures for seemingly interminable periods of time. • Chronic stress kills through suicide, violence, homicide, heart attack, stroke and,
With no hope, the individual gives up searching for solutions. perhaps, even cancer. People wear down to a final, fatal breakdown. Their
• Some chronic stressors or triggers stem from traumatic early childhood physical and mental resources are depleted through long-term attrition. The signs
experiences that become internalized and remain forever painful and present. and symptoms of chronic stress are difficult to treat, but not impossible to
Early childhood experiences profoundly affect personality; often resulting in core treat.
belief systems that are created by causes of unending stress for the individual
(e.g., the world is a threatening place, you must be perfect at all times). When People with Chronic Stress require extended medical
personality or deep-seated convictions and beliefs must be reformulated, and psychological treatment that includes behavioral
recovery requires active self-examination with professional psychological help.
Good news is psychological treatment is very effective. and stress management.

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Treatment for Chronic Stress Treatment for Chronic Stress

• The worst variable of chronic stress is that some people habituate to it. • A persistently negative response to challenges can have a detrimental effect on mind +
• Chronic stress kills through suicide, violence, homicide, heart attack, stroke and, body + emotions: However, being aware of how you react to stressors and seeking
perhaps, even cancer. People wear down to a final, fatal breakdown. Their professional help can help reduce the negative feelings and effects of stress, and to
physical and mental resources are depleted through long-term attrition. The signs manage it more effectively.
and symptoms of chronic stress are difficult to treat, but not impossible to
treat. • Get help. If you continue to feel stress, anxious, overwhelmed, panic, stressed-out, then
consult with professional who can help you learn how to manage stress effectively. He or
People with Chronic Stress require extended medical she can help you identify situations, thoughts, and behaviors that contribute to your stress
and psychological treatment that includes behavioral and anxiety.
and stress management. • Treatment will involve developing an action plan to get you healthy. Your health depends
on your environment, body, mind, thoughts, and emotions.

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