Introduction To Software and Trello Project Management Tool: Objective

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Lab # 10 Trello Project Management Tool SSUET/QR/114

LAB # 10

I) Familiarization with software and software development process
II) Working on trello project management tool.

I) Software:
Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific
tasks. Opposite of hardware, which describes the physical aspects of a computer, software is a
generic term used to refer to applications, scripts and programs that run on a device. Software is
generally created (written) in a high-level programming language, one that is (more or less)
readable by people.
Software is capable of performing many tasks, as opposed to hardware which can only perform
mechanical tasks that they are designed for. Software provides the means for accomplishing
many different tasks with the same basic hardware. Practical computer systems divide software
systems into two major classes:
• System software: Helps run the computer hardware and computer system itself. System
software includes operating systems, device drivers, diagnostic tools and more. System
software is almost always pre-installed on your computer.

➢ Operating systems , which are essential collections of software that manage resources
and provides common services for other software that runs "on top" of them. Supervisory
programs, boot loaders, shells and window systems are core parts of operating systems.
In practice, an operating system comes bundled with additional software (including
application software) so that a user can potentially do some work with a computer that
only has one operating system.
➢ Device drivers , which operate or control a particular type of device that is attached to a
computer. Each device needs at least one corresponding device driver; because a
computer typically has at minimum at least one input device and at least one output
device, a computer typically needs more than one device driver.
➢ Utilities , which are computer programs designed to assist users in the maintenance and
care of their computers.

Laraib Shahzad 2020f-bmcs-004 mobile communication & security

Lab # 10 Trello Project Management Tool SSUET/QR/114

• Application software: Allows users to accomplish one or more tasks. It includes word
processing, web browsing and almost any other task for which you might install software.
(Some application software is pre-installed on most computer systems.)

Software Development:
Software development is a process by which standalone or individual software is created using a
specific programming language. It involves writing a series of interrelated programming code,
which provides the functionality of the developed software.
Software development may also be called application development and software design.

Software Development Process:

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process used by the software industry to design,
develop and test high quality software’s. The SDLC aims to produce high-quality software that
meets or exceeds customer expectations, reaches completion within times and cost estimates.

II) Project Management:

Project management is the practice of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing
the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria at the specified
The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals within the
given constraints. This information is usually described in project documentation, created at the
beginning of the development process.

Laraib Shahzad 2020f-bmcs-004 mobile communication & security

Lab # 10 Trello Project Management Tool SSUET/QR/114

The primary constraints are scope, time, quality and budget. The secondary – and more
ambitious – challenge is to optimize the allocation of necessary inputs and apply them to meet
pre-defined objectives. The object of project management is to produce a complete project which
complies with the client's objectives.
There are a lot of project management tools out there like - Jira, Trello, Smartsheet etc. But
Trello stands out from the crowd with its simplicity. It provides a straightforward system for
organizing and monitoring projects at a glance.

Trello overview:
Trello is, at its core, an online pinboard. You use it to organize “cards” into lists—those cards
can be tasks, notes, projects, shared files, or anything else that helps your team work together.
It’s based on a simple idea: for effective project management, you need full visibility over all
relevant tasks and flexibility to rearrange them as your priorities change.
Trello provides:
• Accountability
• Sanity
• Visualization
• Organization
Trello solves the problem of:
• Long email threads
• Wasted meetings
• Accountability
• Clarifying projects
Trello is a great tool to replace your team’s use of email and chat for task-based communication.
You can learn all you need to get a job done from a task card, and all discussions about it can
take place right there. By keeping all of the information you need in a single location, it’s easy to
keep everything on track, quickly see what’s being done, and look back to previous

Laraib Shahzad 2020f-bmcs-004 mobile communication & security

Lab # 10 Trello Project Management Tool SSUET/QR/114

Steps of using Trello:

Click on a search bar and go to, and click signup-its free button

Create Trello account, fill name, email and password and click on create new account button

Laraib Shahzad 2020f-bmcs-004 mobile communication & security

Lab # 10 Trello Project Management Tool SSUET/QR/114

After creation of account, go to your email inbox to confirm your email address and click on
“verify address”, its brings you to your Trello dashbroad

Board is a collection of cards ordered in list of lists. It can be used to manage a project.
Create a board using “+”sign on Trello dashboard and click “create board” option and type in a
title called “My board” and click on create

Successfully create board

Laraib Shahzad 2020f-bmcs-004 mobile communication & security

Lab # 10 Trello Project Management Tool SSUET/QR/114

Add list on board:

Click on the empty space of the box and type anything you want to be in your list like “Things
which keep in mind”

Add card inside the list:

Cards are the basic unit of a board. They might represent new software features, story leads,
legal cases, things to buy at the store, freelance clients, potential employees, or customer support
issues. Drag cards from list to list to indicate progression, status, or what-have-you. You can add
people to cards, label them, vote, attach files, start conversations, create task checklists, and so
Add cards via the "Add a card..." input at the bottom of lists. Type in your task & click save and
add another card and so on

Laraib Shahzad 2020f-bmcs-004 mobile communication & security

Lab # 10 Trello Project Management Tool SSUET/QR/114

Now keep adding more list and add more card inside of a list on “My board”
Drag and Drop option also work on creating card and move that card on another list

Using labels in Trello:

Trello labels can be used for tracking which types activities your team is spending time on.

Laraib Shahzad 2020f-bmcs-004 mobile communication & security

Lab # 10 Trello Project Management Tool SSUET/QR/114

Add detail to the card:

Click on the card and you can now put details on this particular card.
You can add text, link or any attached file in this particular detail portion.

Adding people to a board:

To add members to a board, select "Invite" from the board menu. Search for a user by name or
enter an email address to invite them to the board. Click their name to add them to the board.
Depending on the board settings, you may need to be an admin to invite someone to the board.

Adding checklists to cards:

A checklist is a way of keeping track of subtasks within a card. You can add multiple checklists
to a single card.
Add Checklists via the "Add Checklist" button in the "Add" section of the card back. Enter a title
(or use the default "Checklist"), then click 'Add'.

Laraib Shahzad 2020f-bmcs-004 mobile communication & security

Lab # 10 Trello Project Management Tool SSUET/QR/114

If subtasks are done, check the box

Lab#1 Exercise:
Using Trello Project Management tool, create your own board for your software project name.
Initial step like what you think about your software project, what is the main idea of your project
and apply all these options in your board. Create lists, create inner cards.
After applying checklist, you may apply due date and how to attached file in trello using
“attachment” option.
After all initial work done, invite your teacher to your board using his/her username or email.

Laraib Shahzad 2020f-bmcs-004 mobile communication & security

Lab # 10 Trello Project Management Tool SSUET/QR/114


Laraib Shahzad 2020f-bmcs-004 mobile communication & security

Lab # 10 Trello Project Management Tool SSUET/QR/114

Laraib Shahzad 2020f-bmcs-004 mobile communication & security

Lab # 10 Trello Project Management Tool SSUET/QR/114

Laraib Shahzad 2020f-bmcs-004 mobile communication & security

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