W03 Writing Practice: Introductory Paragraph: Instructions

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W03 Writing Practice: Introductory Paragraph

Name: Norma Elizabeth Arellano Reyes

Review the W03 Writing Lesson: Introductory Paragraph in your course. Then answer each
of the following questions.

1. What prompt question are you going to answer in your basic essay due in
Week 5? Check ONE.

☐ What is one way the Learning Model can help make your learning more
☐ What is one specific thing you can do to be a better steward of your learning?
☐ What is one Learning Strategy you can work on to better retain what you are
☒ What is one thing you can change in your life in order to allow the Holy Ghost to
be a more central part of your learning?
☐ What is one step you can take to develop a growth mindset?

2. What is your thesis statement? (should only be one sentence)

Example: One thing I can change in my life to make the Holy Ghost a more central part of
my learning would be to study the scriptures before logging into Canvas each morning.

I can change in my life to make the Holy Ghost a more central part of my learning would be to
pra very early in the morning also reading the scriptures before checking the cell phone or
having breakfast.

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