Honors Biology Digestive System Review Worksheet

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Honors Biology

Digestive System Review Worksheet

1. What is the function of the digestive tract?

2. List the order in which food passes through the body.

3. What is the function of peristalsis?

4. What is the purpose of the hydrochloric acid produced by the stomach cells?

5. Explain why protein-digesting enzymes (e.g. pepsin) are secreted in an inactive form and then
activated after release.

6. List three accessory digestive organs.

7. What structure produces bile? What is the purpose of bile?

8. What is the modification of the small intestinal wall that serves to increase surface area and absorb
nutrients from food?

9. What is the purpose of intestinal villi?

10. Suggest why the small intestine is so long.

11. Salivary and pancreatic secretions contain amylase. Why do two digestive organs produce the same

12. In what segment(s) of the digestive tract (mouth, stomach, small intestine) does chemical digestion
occur for each macromolecule type?

A. Carbohydrates

B. Lipids

C. Proteins


A. Liver
B. Colon
C. Gall bladder
D. Esophagus
E. Mouth
F. Pancreas
G. Teeth
H. Stomach
I. Large Intestine
J. Villi
K. Peristalsis
L. Epiglottis
M. Small Intestine
N. Goblet Cells

13. _____ Stores a substance called bile, which emulsifies fats

14. _____ A flap of connective tissue that covers the opening of the trachea when swallowing

15. _____ Mechanical and chemical digestion of carbohydrates begins in this organ

16. _____ Microscopic projections that absorb nutrients from food into the bloodstream, increase
surface area of small intestine

17. _____Used to cut, tear, and grind food

18. _____ Muscular movements that push food through the digestive system

19. _____ Absorbs excess water form undigested food prior to its release from the body as a solid waste

20. _____ Produces bile and detoxifies a variety of substances

21. _____ Produces three enzymes: lipase, amylase and trypsin, also produces sodium bicarbonate

22. _____ Another name for the large intestine

23. _____ Cells that produce mucus

24. _____ A tube that connects the mouth to the stomach

25. _____ Mechanical and chemical digestion of proteins begins in this organ

26. _____ Produces four enzymes: maltase, sucrase, lactase and peptidase, most chemical digestion of
food takes place in this organ

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