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Question Paper


Paper Code : BCBZ -205

Roll No :..................................
Examination : MARCH 2021
2nd Semester
Diversity of Protochordates and lower chordates
Time : 1 Hours ] [ Max. Marks : 60

Instructions :-
Attempt All Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Fill the 'Bubble' available in OMR Sheet to mark your Answer.
Only one option is correct out of all available option.
There is 1 mark for correct answer.
There is No Negative marking for incorrect answer.

1. Most significant character of chordates

(A) Notochord
(B) Pharyngeal gill slits
(C) Dorsal tubular nerve cord
(D) All
2. Representative of Hemichordate is
(A) Balanoglossus
(B) Myxine
(C) Petromyzon
(D) Scoliodon
3. Notochord develop from
(A) Ectoderm
(B) Mesoderm
(C) Chorda mesoderm
(D) None
4. Cephalochordates are
(A) Filter feeder
(B) Predators
(C) Carnivorous
(D) All
5. Amphioxus is
(A) Burrowing
(B) Nektonic
(C) Pelagic
(D) None
6. Coelom of Protochordates
(A) Pseudocoelom
(B) Enterocoelom
(C) Schizo coelom
(D) None
7. Larval forms of urochordates is known as
(A) Tornaria
(B) Bipinnaria

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(C) Tadpole
(D) Trochophore
8. Balanoglossus is member of
(A) Urochordata
(B) Cephalochordata
(C) chordata
(D) Hemichordata
9. Acorn worm is common name of
(A) Botryollus
(B) Amphioxus
(C) Balanoglossus
(D) Herdmnia
10. Protochordates are
(A) Fresh water animal
(B) Marine
(C) Both
(D) None
11. One of the following is not non-functioning in higher chordate
(A) Pharynx
(B) Kidney
(C) Pharyngeal gill slit
(D) All
12. The following is a Cephalochordate
(A) Rana
(B) Salpa
(C) Amphioxus
(D) None
13. Mode of feeding in Cephalochordate is
(A) Ciliary
(B) Tentacular
(C) Flagellar
(D) None
14. Larva of Balanoglossus is
(A) Bipinnaria
(B) Tornaria
(C) Auricularia
(D) Trochophore
15. Ascidian show
(A) Neoteny
(B) Reterograssive metamorphosis
(C) Paedogenesis
(D) All of the above
16. Tunicin is the basic material of

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(A) Skin of echinoderms

(B) Test of urochordata
(C) Shell of mollusca
(D) All of the above
17. In Amphioxus excretion takes place by
(A) Flame cells
(B) Protonephridium
(C) Myotomes
(D) Kidney
18. Fish like appearance is of
(A) Amphioxus
(B) Herdmania
(C) Balanoglossus
(D) All of the above
19. Balanoglossus form burrow like
(A) S-shaped
(B) U-shaped
(C) Z-shaped
(D) None
20. One of the following is fixed
(A) Herdmania
(B) Balanoglossus
(C) Both
(D) none
21. Wheel organ is found in
(A) Herdmania
(B) Amphioxus
(C) Balanoglossus
(D) All of the above
22. Tongue worm is common name of
(A) Myxine
(B) Balanoglossus
(C) Amphioxus
(D) None
23. Herdmania commonly known as
(A) sea potato
(B) Unda Pasi
(C) Mualaikana
(D) All
24. Oral hood is found in
(A) Saccoglossus
(B) Herdmania
(C) Amphioxus
(D) All

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25. Sea squirt is common name of

(A) Balanoglossus
(B) Herdmania
(C) Amphioxus
(D) None
26. Tubiculous is
(A) Balanoglossus
(B) Herdmania
(C) Myxine
(D) All of the above
27. So called jaw less fishes are included in
(A) Chondricthys
(B) Osteochthys
(C) Cyclostomata
(D) None
28. Circular mouth is present in
(A) Labeo
(B) Petromyzon
(C) Scoliodon
(D) All
29. Petromyzon is ectoparasite on
(A) Rat and squirrel
(B) Fishes and Turtles
(C) Cattles
(D) All of the above
30. Petromyzon attaches to the host body with the help of
(A) Suckers
(B) Hookes
(C) Both
(D) Several mouth
31. Petromyzon is
(A) ectoparasite
(B) endoparasite
(C) Both
(D) None
32. No of gill slits in Petromyzon are
(A) Seven pair
(B) ten pair
(C) Three pair
(D) None
33. Gill slits in myxine are
(A) 2-4 pair
(B) 5-7 pair
(C) 11-14 pair
(D) None

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34. Scales in cyclostomata are

(A) Cycloid
(B) Ctenoid
(C) Placoid
(D) Absent
35. Buccal funnel is absent in
(A) Petromyzon
(B) Myxine
(C) Both
(D) None
36. Petromyzon is also known as
(A) Lamper eel
(B) Lamperns
(C) Lampreys
(D) All
37. Buccal funnel of Petromyzon is surrounded by
(A) Marginal membrane
(B) Tentacles
(C) Oral fimbri
(D) None
38. In Cyclostomes this structure is seen
(A) Pineal eye
(B) Jaws
(C) Pectoral fin
(D) All of the above
39. Sense organs found in fishes as unique feature
(A) Olfactory sense organ
(B) Semi circular canals
(C) laterline organs
(D) Auditory sense organs
40. Scales of Elasmobranch are
(A) Placoid
(B) Cycloid
(C) Ctenoid
(D) Ganoid
41. Dog fish is an example of
(A) lung fish
(B) cartilagenous fish
(C) caelocanth
(D) Bony fish
42. Heart in fishes
(A) Two-chambered
(B) Three-chambered
(C) six-chambered
(D) Four-chambered

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43. Pharyngeal gill slits are found in

(A) Cray fish
(B) devil fish
(C) Flying fish
(D) Silver fish
44. A catadromous fish migrates from
(A) River to sea
(B) River to estuary
(C) Sea to river
(D) None
45. Which one of the following is a catadromous fish ?
(A) Eel
(B) Hilsa
(C) Salmon
(D) none
46. One of the following animal is a fish
(A) Sea arrow
(B) sea cucumber
(C) sea urchin
(D) sea hourse
47. If a fish, taken out of water it will soon die because
(A) It can not breath
(B) Rapid evaporation from its skintakes places
(C) Its body get more oxygen
(D) None
48. which of the following fishes have homocercal tail?
(A) Teloest
(B) Torpedo
(C) Charks
(D) None
49. In sharks, the scales are
(A) Placoid
(B) Cycloid
(C) Ctenoid
(D) Rhomboid
50. In fishes respiration takes place by
(A) Gills
(B) Book lungs
(C) Gills,book lungs & fins
(D) Gills & accessory respiratory organs
51. Study of sharks and rays is known as
(A) Saurology
(B) Traumatology
(C) Torpedology
(D) Ichthyology

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52. Parental care by males is found in

(A) hippocampus
(B) labeo
(C) anabes
(D) none of these
53. Placoid scales are found in
(A) cartilaginous fishes
(B) bony fishes
(C) lung fishes
(D) paleontological fishes
54. Atrial and branchial apertures of Herdmania are surrounded by
(A) Two lips
(B) Three lips
(C) Four lips
(D) Five lips
55. The larva of urochordates contain notochord
(A) Throughout
(B) Head region
(C) Tail region
(D) Trunk region
56. Hepatic portal system has evolved in protochordates
(A) Hemichordates
(B) Urochordates
(C) Cephalochordates
(D) All of the above
57. Chordates have
(A) Dorsal nerve cord
(B) Dorsal tubular nerve cord
(C) Brain
(D) Ventral nerve cord
58. Cephalochordate Branchiostoma possesses
(A) Laterally compressed spindle shaped body
(B) Caudal fin
(C) Dorsal and ventral fins
(D) All the above
59. A current of water is produced in Branchiostoma by
(A) Cilia
(B) Cirri
(C) Wheel organ
(D) Rostrum
60. Tunic is
(A) Sac-like covering of urochordates
(B) A string inside cephalochordates
(C) Collar of hemichordates
(D) None of the above

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