Viewing Tower COmpeition CHIMP

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Sustainable Forest Viewing Tower

Design Competition


Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI)
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Objectives of the design competition
1. To procure an innovative and sustainable design of a viewing tower at Cameron
Highlands Montane Park
2. To explore the application of indigenious building materials for the viewing tower
design and construction.
3. To integrate renewable energy systems such as solar and wind in the design.
4. To blend the design harmoniously into the site context.

Site Background
Montane Ecosystem are found in slope of mountain. At moderate elevation, dense montane
are formed in Cameron Highland due to moderate temperature and rainfall. The unique
climate conditions increases endemic species and there are more than 3500 species in the
intermontane area. Cameron Highlands Montane Park or also known as CHIMP has 20% of
the species in Peninsula Malaysia. This conservation park is unique and need a strong
public support to be sustainable and remain relevant to generations to come.

Cameron Highlands Montane Park
Competition schedule
Registration Opens : 29th March, 2022
Registration Closes : 15th April, 2022
Submission : 31st May, 2022
Judging : 1st to 10th June, 2022
Exhibition : 1st to 17th June, 2022
Annoucement of winners : 14th June, 2022
A date for a visit to the site will be announced after the registration closes.
Only short listed entries will be exhibited in the exhibition.

Submission Requirements
All entries must be presented in English.
All entries must be emailed directly to
Presentation panels shall be designed digitally to fix 3 nos of A1 size panels.
Presentatoin layout must be in landscape format.
Each digital file must be submitted in JPEG format at a minimum resolution of
300 dpi corresponding to the actual size.
The digital presentation panels must comprise of concept descriptions,
scaled plans, sections, elevations, construction details and perspectives.
A walk through or fly through video is also highly recommended.
Presentation panels must contain the name of team members or individual and
the university.

Copyright and right of ownership

All entries submitted shall remain the intellectual property of the participants.
The joint organizers reserve the rights to use the design and ideas submitted as
they deemed fit for the purposes of construction and promotion of the project.

Site waterfall Site stream

Technical Brief
The guiding parameters for the viewing tower design are as follows:

a. The viewing tower shall be within the Site as illustrated;

b. The viewing tower shall be designed to blend harmoniously into the context of the
c. The viewing tower shall be designed using indigenious building materials;
d. The viewing tower shall be sustainable, low carbon design and low maintenance;
e. The viewing tower shall be accessible for handicap people
f. The minimum height of the viewing tower is 25m and maximum height is 35m.
g. The foot print size the design and construction of the viewing tower is 20m x 20m.

Panel of Jury
The Panel of Jury shall consist of the following:
a. A PAM Award Winning Architect
b. Managing Director of Isza Holdings Sdn Bhd
c. Senior Research Fellow of Solar Energy Research Institute UKM
d. A Prominent Professor in Architecture
Awards shall be decided based upon the majority vote of the Panel of Jury.
The joint organizers shall reserve the rights to replace or reduce any members of the
Panel of Jury.
The decision made by the Panel of Jury is final and no further enquiries shall be
If, in the opinion of the Panel of Jury that none of the entries meet the expected
standard, the Panel of Jury may reserve the right not to award any prizes, and
the decision shall be at the sole discretion of the Panel of Jury.
Only the 2 best designs shall be awarded and the best design shall be used for the
construction of the forest viewing tower. The designers (students) shall be included in the
construction team for building the viewing tower.

Criteria for Assessment

The Jury shall evaluate the entries based on the following criteria:
a. Architecture Design excellence;
b. Innovation in the application of local & indigenous materials;
c. Innovation in the integration of renewable energy application;
d. Universal access design;
e. Construction detailing.
f. Economic viability of construction.

This design is open to all architecture students both in Malaysia and international.

Winner: RM 4,000.00 and certificate
Runner up: RM 2,000.00 and certificate

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